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Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls

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Let's face it, most Thai females look like Mexicans

There are some similarities, yes. Latinas do look ok as well.

I flew halfway around the world to tag a girl that I could of gotten just across the Rio Grande

Ay caramba !!!

anyways...all those tacos and beans weigh a bit more.

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Like my wife, 20 years ago...... Luckily I met her when she was more "rounded".... and even more sexy.


Yes...Miss World 2014....now appearing in many TV commercials. Very beautiful woman.

Was elected the most beautiful in the world and interesting enough, she really represent Thai beauty in every way, skin color and tone, perfect long legs, long silky hair, black long eyes, small nose, defined face, skinny but shaped body, small boobies,....Its is easy to find many like her walking around Thailand streets.

She is my type if woman, but you do need to appreciate Asian women to like it or not. Even a Miss World may be ugly if you do not like the type, but this kind of body just get better with age, a lot better



I left this beauty back home... I searched the world over, and have yet to meet beauty of equal proportion.


Thank you so much. Now I have to bleach my eyes.

I think it will take a lot more than bleach Mike.

Slippery, what the heck did you enter into Google search to come up with something that scary ? On second thoughts, don't tell me................

It would frighten a bulldog out of a butcher shop...................w00t.gif


I flew halfway around the world to tag a girl that I could of gotten just across the Rio Grande

Not to mention there are hordes of Thais or half Thais living in California. They might have the looks, but they also have the western ways of thought. The flight was worth it biggrin.png


Colombia is not on the list, either? You guys need to come to Hanoi....many,many beauties... And normal.

Never been to Columbia but spent 2 months in Hanoi city. You see drop dead gorgeous women there all day, every day. They make you want to just walk up and lick them, although that is probably against the law. clap2.gif


I left this beauty back home... I searched the world over, and have yet to meet beauty of equal proportion.


Thank you so much. Now I have to bleach my eyes.

I think it will take a lot more than bleach Mike.

Slippery, what the heck did you enter into Google search to come up with something that scary ? On second thoughts, don't tell me................

It would frighten a bulldog out of a butcher shop...................w00t.gif

proud are you? this unfortunate has feelings too


To all of you guys who do not think Thai women are beautiful and refer to them as dark skinned midgets with flat noses who are stupid....

I strongly disagree with you, but respect your opinion.

Do not give up hope,

The kind of woman you crave are in Thailand!

I just spent time in the southern tourist areas of Thailand and was amazed at all of the very tall, large floppy boobed, fat assed, white, American, Euro and Aussie women with big noses that I saw there!

Being foreigners with the means to visit here, I am sure they were all very intelligent as well!

Just look at this one with her large nose ( and everything else ).

Does she make you drool?

attachicon.gifimages (5).jpg

Women like this scare me!

Make mine a Thai please!

Nothing like the sweet smell of honest sweat,, mixed with the whiff of bacardi & coke to get the sexual appetite going:)


the gik . behave yourselves boys.

Wearing a mans watch???

And oversized hands for a girl.

would you say "no" rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

Yes dont like suspected trannys, I would as Alberto said to do a Sex test on her first :)


I left this beauty back home... I searched the world over, and have yet to meet beauty of equal proportion.


Thank you so much. Now I have to bleach my eyes.

I think it will take a lot more than bleach Mike.

Slippery, what the heck did you enter into Google search to come up with something that scary ? On second thoughts, don't tell me................

It would frighten a bulldog out of a butcher shop...................w00t.gif

I love that,, a bulldog out of a butchers shop,,,,Great cheesy.gif

"Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls"

Too right they are. Though Kazakhstan and Ethiopia are very very close.


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:



Colombia is not on the list, either? You guys need to come to Hanoi....many,many beauties... And normal.

Never been to Columbia but spent 2 months in Hanoi city. You see drop dead gorgeous women there all day, every day. They make you want to just walk up and lick them, although that is probably against the law. clap2.gif

Unless you are spectacularly hansum, and of course you may well be, they might just object as well?

I know what you mean though...


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


Yes I must admit,she looks a lot like Amanda Lear, how deep is her voice?


Colombia is not on the list, either? You guys need to come to Hanoi....many,many beauties... And normal.

Never been to Columbia but spent 2 months in Hanoi city. You see drop dead gorgeous women there all day, every day. They make you want to just walk up and lick them, although that is probably against the law. clap2.gif

Unless you are spectacularly hansum, and of course you may well be, they might just object as well?

I know what you mean though...

Oh, yes, they would have objected, and I would have been arrested but it would have been worth it. biggrin.png


I thought Scotland would of been up there too...

Google ''Mary Doll''

I thought England is on top of the list.......w00t.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?

Another Bloke


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


Yes I must admit,she looks a lot like Amanda Lear, how deep is her voice?

Not deep.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?

Hey Emptyhead Black Box , what do you think?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?

Another Bloke

  • Name: Pataratida Patcharawirapong
  • Nickname: TangMo or just Mo
  • Profession: Actress, Model / Singer
  • Date of birth: September 13, 2527 B. E.(1984)

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?

Another Bloke

I am not so sure. My wife has exactly the same legs (or lack of), unfortunately.


It should be illegal to have the girls of Thailand with all their beauty and sexy legs to have such small brains to accompany such a fine specimen.

Actually many men see that as a great combination.

I am a leg man, and I have seen some very nice legs on Thai girls. Yet, I have also seen the fat knee syndrome--you know, when the knee is wider than the calf, especially visible from the rear view. This calf-deficiency is apparent on a great percentage of otherwise beautiful Thai women.


Hey lost today. I have never heard of him

Female actress.


Sorry still not heard of him.

The part Dum Kum ( on your list ) sounds a bit odd

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