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Farang Man From Usa Commit Suicide In Sukhumvit Soi 11 Apt.


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He may have left a note, but I'm certain that there are many more questions than answears for the family.

I am not trying to be judgemental but, suicide, is a selfish act which does not take into account the effect that it will have on famalies and friends.

I can see how the act of death can be truly liberating for the person who feels that they have nowhere left to turn. Depression, is a horrible illness that condems people to a living hel_l. Often, there appears to be no options available, and the only option available appers to be suicide.

There are some excellent therapies available for people who suffer - ranging from Anti-depressents in conjunction with CBT, but in Thailand there is little understanding of the need for appropriate support services for people. At present I beleive that the Samaritans is the only service available for Farangs that is easily accessable - and this a service that is more of a listening than problem solving one.

But in the end, if a person intends to end their life they will evntually succeed - if not at the first attempt they will finally suceed. We are all responsible for our lives and we make our choices - but sometimes we need help to find the right ones.

I do not now the circumstances of either of these people, but they are certainly sad stories of anguished people who felt they had no further place to go. The regular stories of Farang suicides probably suggest a high suicide rate in the expat population - and this is often related to lifestyle, environmental and emotional situations -however, it may be that these suicides become "news" here whereas in the west often these events do not really make the news.

Maybe, some support service other than Samaritans available to Farangs would be good.

My sympathies to family and friends.

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Whilst on the subject of suicide the fact that the expat person's demise is well publicised might tend to have us think that there is an epidemic.

I don't claim to know the current figures however in the period following the crash in 1997 there were something like 20-25 Thais commiting suicide in Bangkok alone, each and every day.

Small headlines, small problem.

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I am not trying to be judgemental but, suicide, is a selfish act which does not take into account the effect that it will have on famalies and friends.

oh, well as long as you're not trying to be judgmental...

what effect, on families and friends, would long term.... say 15 years... enforced life support have? ask the husband, family, and friends of terri schiavo. all of whom, for their own reasons, went through hel_l. and what of terri? well she was already dead!

what effect, on families and friends, would long term health care for an incurable and dibilitating decease have?

perhaps, given communication with family and friends, and a little less judgmental attitude on the part of others, the 'selfish' aspect of suicide would be/could be eliminated. instead of stigmatizing a person at the end of their life, support them in their own private and personal choice.

instead of only offering them support if they choose to live, offer them support.

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I am not trying to be judgemental but, suicide, is a selfish act which does not take into account the effect that it will have on famalies and friends.

oh, well as long as you're not trying to be judgmental...

what effect, on families and friends, would long term.... say 15 years... enforced life support have? ask the husband, family, and friends of terri schiavo. all of whom, for their own reasons, went through hel_l. and what of terri? well she was already dead!

what effect, on families and friends, would long term health care for an incurable and dibilitating decease have?

perhaps, given communication with family and friends, and a little less judgmental attitude on the part of others, the 'selfish' aspect of suicide would be/could be eliminated. instead of stigmatizing a person at the end of their life, support them in their own private and personal choice.

instead of only offering them support if they choose to live, offer them support.

Altman, though I may not neccesarily agree with absolutely everything you say, I commend you for stating a very unpopular view that shows a lot of insight.

As far as the damaging of family and friends goes, my experience is that by far the majority of seriously suicidal people (as opposed to those still just trying to 'cry for help'), are VERY concerned about the damage it would cause to their friends and family. Problem is, they have usually already gone through a process of seeking help from those close to them, and because of a variety of factors such as the pace of modern lifestyle, the fact that people generally will assess a problem from their own perspective rather than first trying to understand the perspective of the person needing the help (losing something simple like a car or face has a very different impact on different people depending on their background, values etc) they have found nothing.

Eventually they hit the wall. They are alone, there will be no help. Society doesn't have the time to understand before trying to help. They just try and dish out pre-packaged survival rations which do not address the individual's problem. Now I ask, should I feel sorry for the family who cry afterwards that 'if they only knew'? Mostly they would surely have known, had they taken the time to listen. (I say mostly). Or for the poor sod that went through hel_l trying to duck the bullet. Taking your own life is not easy, it's the hardest thing anyone can do. Yet some reach the point where it becomes peace. They are the 'lucky' ones, who can die in peace.

Selfish act? I think hardly. Maybe more selfish for those staying behind not to acknowledge the fact that the persons suffering has ended......

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If you read a little more between the lines, I am trying to point out that there is a lack of support for people who endure a deppressive illness. Believe me, there is not much dignity in being foud dead in a building on your own with a plastic bag around your neck.

For those with a terminal illness or such like, I fully advocate euthanasia if that is what the person wants. I also understand that people, do commit suicide becasue there is no one to turn to....there is selfishness on both sides, that's what society has become sadly.

I agree the Schiavo case was prime example of enduring suffering whereupon there were reasoned arguments to die - but there is a difference in a lot of cases.

Every case has a different aspect to it. I just think that it is a shame that someone should die alone with probably lots of questions remaining for those left behind, just as much as the suffering that he has endured and led him to this act. I don't think that is being judgemental it is stating a fact. (Sorry)

Ulyses / thots - if you understood more I would probably bother.Read between the lines.

Altman -I agree with most of your points - and the advocacy of support and understanding is the right way.

OlRedeyes - yes, good points...maybe I was little to blunt on my initial statement - but it's good to know that some people have an understanding.

Anyway what do I know.......... :o

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poor dude, why does it seem like alot of farangs commit suicide??

He was a loser but the last thing he did ,he did right! :o:D:D


edward lawrence sperry was not a loser. he was an accomplished writer, poet, musician and sound engineer who had difficulties i won't explain to a stranger. please don't call someone you've never met a loser.

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I also knew Ed. I was surprised and very sad to hear about this news. Don't concern yourself with these COMPLETE fucckking MEATHEADS on this board talking out of the the <deleted> they call mouths. Ed was my neighbor and I knew him to have thoughts too deep and honest for this world. Take care and ignore the buffalo stanz. It was these kinds of dipshits that Ed found most pathetic. I don't know if I feel sad or happy for Ed that he decided not to have to associate with these Fucckks.

Rob :o

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Some of these guys could be dying of a disease, cancer etc/ something really painful.

Why stick around if its terminal??

True enough,

And though life spans have increased, it doesn't necessarily correspond to an increase in quality of life.

The why, where and how of our demise is a tough call.

We'd all like to think we're going out pleasantly numb, doting loved ones around, sunshine streaming thru an open garden window, ...

The reality is usually far less appealing,

Kevorkian had a brisk business taking out the agonizing infirm, who had little chance of any semblance of a death with dignity.

Being handed a terminal prognosis, I don't find it unreasonable that someone may elect to forego the pain and suffering and choose a more controlled and dignified way out. :o

... I'm not afraid of dying, and don't really care, if dying time is close, then let the end be near ....

( "And When I Die" / Clayton Thomas, Blood, Sweat and Tears, circa 69),

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similar to this other case 4 weeks back in Udon,,


American man found dead at the Charoen Hotel, Udon Thani.

By Pimporn K (udonmap.com)

Published: August 6, 2006, 5:28 pm

At 1.30 PM, a Middle age American was found dead in room 521 of the Charoen Hotel in Udon Thani City. The police examined the room and found 5 open packets of sleeping pills and a letter to ask Thai officers help bury or cremate his dead body. But police want to testify his friends to find the reason why he wanted to end his life.

Mr. Mark Barluk, a 53 years old of New York, USA was found lying flat on his stomach without any clothes. A big plastic bags was next to his head, 3 bottles of water were opened on the table, 5 empty packets of sleeping pills and a further 2 large black plastic bags. There were no marks on the body or sign of any blood or foul play. The doctor said he died 8 hours before finding him.

Moreover his luggage, clothes, passport and a letter which was writen in English, were on the table, the letter read "Dear Thai Officers...I have killed myself by taking sleeping pills, don't contact my relations because I have nobody and please bury my body. Thank you" Police kept this letter to for further examination.

Miss Sonpean Pimpathee, a 32 years old housekeeper of the Charoen Hotel said that she called to this room at 1 PM but nobody answered then she used hotels key to get in to this room for cleaning but she found Mark dead.

Mark checked into Room 302 at 3.39 PM on August 2, 2006 when he arrived at the hotel with another American guy, but they checked into separate rooms. After that On August 3th, he changed to Room 521 at 11 AM.

First, police sumised that Mark might plan to use the plastic bags to clover his head but after he changed his mind and took sleeping pills. The police are still waiting for his friend give them a testimony.

I was the other American that went down with him. We went down to Vientiane to get our visas updated and stayed over one night before going back. He seemed to like it in Udon Thani but I see now this was a lie. He was planning his escape and didn’t want to involve me. His name was not Mark Burlak it was Mark Baraz. He didn’t have any family and was suffering from manic depression. Too young for Medicare and though he was on social security in the USA they dumped him (almost literally) in the street when he didn’t send back a form on time. (Go figure someone with this disorder would ever send in a form late) :o He came here because of me as I told him I loved it here and had found my piece of paradise. He was a millionaire many times over but lost it all in the tech bubble burst of 2001. He was used to a lifestyle he saw he could never attain again he hated everything about everything. There was no talking to him about making something out of his life. I took him to Suang Prung hospital and Ram plus a few others trying to get him on the path to something better. He had allot of gifts he could have given the world as he was very well educated with a doctorate from a very good school. Though the truth be told he had no desire to help anyone not even himself.

I miss Mark, even though he was very negative, he had amazing insights on just about everything. We arranged a funeral for him and cremated him at a temple in Udon Thani.

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Suicides always leave questions in their wake. My best wishes for the spirit of the fellow....

I leave questions in my wake every time I post anything at all... :o

Nonetheless, suicide seems a pissant option no matter how low one gets... and I think many here have been pretty down at some points of our lives. Nonetheless, we keep on keeping on do we not?

Oh well. Hope he rests peacefully nevertheless.


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poor dude, why does it seem like alot of farangs commit suicide??

He was a loser but the last thing he did ,he did right! :o:D:D

Thats really helpful. Remind me not to respond to your hour of need! :D

Mark was negitive like this as well.. he would have said something like this as well.. he was very sarcastic and negitive about people and their situations. so... who knows what the mind set of someone that would say something like that. I was in the same bubble as Mark .. was in the green and lost it all when the bubble burst but I still found the gold in my life, even though it wasnt in my bank account.

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Commiting suicide is a cowards way out. Its unfortunate and a said thing to happen, but nothing can be so bad that you have to end your own life.

Donz ... how would you know that NOTHING could be so bad to have to end your life ....?

There are plenty of reasons a person could warrant taking his or her own life and its not for 3rd unrelated parties to be the judge of this .....

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I guess that I'm a coward. I would have no qualms about taking the easy way out. I was devastated watching a fried of mine die a long lingering painful death. I vowed that would NEVER happen to me. I would however, tidy up my affairs and not shock anyone with a sudden suicide. If you think suicide is painful to friends and family, just watch a loved one die slowly and painfully. The saddest part is that the doctors would NOT relieve the pain because the drugs were addictive. :o

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I wouldnt consider you a coward Gary ... Death is a very subjective and personal experience .. ask a Japanese kamikaze pilot or a fundamental Islamic suicide bomber .. they wouldnt consider it cowardly.

There are many different cultural and religious upbringings that perceive death in a different light .....

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I guess that I'm a coward. I would have no qualms about taking the easy way out. I was devastated watching a fried of mine die a long lingering painful death. I vowed that would NEVER happen to me. I would however, tidy up my affairs and not shock anyone with a sudden suicide. If you think suicide is painful to friends and family, just watch a loved one die slowly and painfully. The saddest part is that the doctors would NOT relieve the pain because the drugs were addictive. :D

You didnt read my posy did you :o

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I wouldnt consider you a coward Gary ... Death is a very subjective and personal experience .. ask a Japanese kamikaze pilot or a fundamental Islamic suicide bomber .. they wouldnt consider it cowardly.

There are many different cultural and religious upbringings that perceive death in a different light .....

Thats abit of an extreme view isnt it.

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I wouldnt consider you a coward Gary ... Death is a very subjective and personal experience .. ask a Japanese kamikaze pilot or a fundamental Islamic suicide bomber .. they wouldnt consider it cowardly.

There are many different cultural and religious upbringings that perceive death in a different light .....

Thats abit of an extreme view isnt it.

Not my point of view Donz ... but it is another point of view ....

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I wouldnt consider you a coward Gary ... Death is a very subjective and personal experience .. ask a Japanese kamikaze pilot or a fundamental Islamic suicide bomber .. they wouldnt consider it cowardly.

There are many different cultural and religious upbringings that perceive death in a different light .....

Thats abit of an extreme view isnt it.

Not my point of view Donz ... but it is another point of view ....

Not extreme in your view?

We are talking about civillians suicides of people who are down and out, not ones for protecting countries and religous beliefs.

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similar to this other case 4 weeks back in Udon,,


American man found dead at the Charoen Hotel, Udon Thani.

By Pimporn K (udonmap.com)

Published: August 6, 2006, 5:28 pm

At 1.30 PM, a Middle age American was found dead in room 521 of the Charoen Hotel in Udon Thani City. The police examined the room and found 5 open packets of sleeping pills and a letter to ask Thai officers help bury or cremate his dead body. But police want to testify his friends to find the reason why he wanted to end his life.

Mr. Mark Barluk, a 53 years old of New York, USA was found lying flat on his stomach without any clothes. A big plastic bags was next to his head, 3 bottles of water were opened on the table, 5 empty packets of sleeping pills and a further 2 large black plastic bags. There were no marks on the body or sign of any blood or foul play. The doctor said he died 8 hours before finding him.

Moreover his luggage, clothes, passport and a letter which was writen in English, were on the table, the letter read "Dear Thai Officers...I have killed myself by taking sleeping pills, don't contact my relations because I have nobody and please bury my body. Thank you" Police kept this letter to for further examination.

Miss Sonpean Pimpathee, a 32 years old housekeeper of the Charoen Hotel said that she called to this room at 1 PM but nobody answered then she used hotels key to get in to this room for cleaning but she found Mark dead.

Mark checked into Room 302 at 3.39 PM on August 2, 2006 when he arrived at the hotel with another American guy, but they checked into separate rooms. After that On August 3th, he changed to Room 521 at 11 AM.

First, police sumised that Mark might plan to use the plastic bags to clover his head but after he changed his mind and took sleeping pills. The police are still waiting for his friend give them a testimony.

Why do they have to be naked when they do it? I mean come on..if you're gonna do it, do it with some dignity! He could have left some baht to help the police bury him as well. Don't place a burden on someone else for this decision.

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similar to this other case 4 weeks back in Udon,,


American man found dead at the Charoen Hotel, Udon Thani.

By Pimporn K (udonmap.com)

Published: August 6, 2006, 5:28 pm

At 1.30 PM, a Middle age American was found dead in room 521 of the Charoen Hotel in Udon Thani City. The police examined the room and found 5 open packets of sleeping pills and a letter to ask Thai officers help bury or cremate his dead body. But police want to testify his friends to find the reason why he wanted to end his life.

Mr. Mark Barluk, a 53 years old of New York, USA was found lying flat on his stomach without any clothes. A big plastic bags was next to his head, 3 bottles of water were opened on the table, 5 empty packets of sleeping pills and a further 2 large black plastic bags. There were no marks on the body or sign of any blood or foul play. The doctor said he died 8 hours before finding him.

Moreover his luggage, clothes, passport and a letter which was writen in English, were on the table, the letter read "Dear Thai Officers...I have killed myself by taking sleeping pills, don't contact my relations because I have nobody and please bury my body. Thank you" Police kept this letter to for further examination.

Miss Sonpean Pimpathee, a 32 years old housekeeper of the Charoen Hotel said that she called to this room at 1 PM but nobody answered then she used hotels key to get in to this room for cleaning but she found Mark dead.

Mark checked into Room 302 at 3.39 PM on August 2, 2006 when he arrived at the hotel with another American guy, but they checked into separate rooms. After that On August 3th, he changed to Room 521 at 11 AM.

First, police sumised that Mark might plan to use the plastic bags to clover his head but after he changed his mind and took sleeping pills. The police are still waiting for his friend give them a testimony.

Why do they have to be naked when they do it? I mean come on..if you're gonna do it, do it with some dignity! He could have left some baht to help the police bury him as well. Don't place a burden on someone else for this decision.

Hello... He did leave money for his cremation and had money in his account that was willed away.

From my understanding he was naked only from the waste up. He tried to do this far from anyone he knew and asked that no one be contacted so that he would not put an emotional burden on anyone. I think Mark tried his best to leave this world with out leaving much of an emotional impact.

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Though I don't know Mark, but I really felt very sorry for him deep down in my heart. I believe he must have gone through a tremendous bad moment which he can't continue to live on but rather choose this short cut... in hope to find peace. May he rest in peace now... :o

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I guess that I'm a coward. I would have no qualms about taking the easy way out. I was devastated watching a fried of mine die a long lingering painful death. I vowed that would NEVER happen to me. I would however, tidy up my affairs and not shock anyone with a sudden suicide. If you think suicide is painful to friends and family, just watch a loved one die slowly and painfully. The saddest part is that the doctors would NOT relieve the pain because the drugs were addictive. :o

Is this Gary A Carpen the "Phuket bandit"? Hahahaha!

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