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I have been extending my visa by reason of retirement and reporting my address in Thailand for over 10 years at different locations in Thailand.

I have never been asked to produce a TM-30 form nor have I ever met anyone in similar circumstances that was asked to produce one.

I have never met a Thai person who has been asked by a Thai government official to fill out a TM-30 form.

There are people on Thai visa who for reasons unknown to me are suggesting that a TM-30 form is a requirement for a homeowner to fill out if an alien is staying at his home.

This may be a requirement but if it is,to my knowledge, no Thai official is asking Thai people to fill out that form.

The whole thing strikes me as unnecessary rumor mongering as the address report is now fillable on line and a TM-30 is not requested on line.

Just to repeat I am not asking about an extension for marriage as that has different requirents than a retirement extension. I am not asking about a change of address.

Simple question really. Is the TM-30 form necessary to do a 90 day address report for people on a retirement extension?


It's confusing as to whether you are discussing the TM30 (foreign national residence notification form) or TM47 (notification of staying more than 90 days). As for the TM30 and businesses (such as hotels/guest houses):

According to section 38 of the 1979 immigration act, "House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration authorities within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the foreign national." If there is no immigration office in the province or locality of the respective house or hotel, the notification is made to the local police station. In Bangkok the notification is made to the Immigration Bureau. The notification of residence of foreign nationals is made by the manager of licensed hotels according to the hotel act, owners of guesthouses, mansions, apartments and rented houses using the form TM. 30.

The notification of residence of foreign nationals within 24 hours can be made in a number of ways to make the notification as convenient as possible:

  • In person at the respective office, or
  • Through an authorised person at the respective office, or
  • By registered mail, or
  • Via internet.

As for the Internet option requirements: The CD is for immigration to supply the software for online registration to the business.

  1. Business license or signed copy of business registration confirmation
  2. Letter of authorisation to conduct the registration via internet
  3. Copy of ID card of person giving authorisation and authorised person
  4. Fill in the form provided by the officer (download)
  5. 1 empty compact disk (CD)

From Immigration website:

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Important notice!

For the purpose of replying in this topic, please assume that with "90 day address report" the OP means the "Form for Alien to Notify of Staying Longer Than 90 Days (TM.47)"

Based on the other threads the OP has been involved in today, and the number of times he mentions the TM30 in his post, I think it's safe to say that his question is about the TM30 and not the TM47.


I've been living at our lasses house since August 2009 and she has never submitted a TM30 to immigration....

You're probably fine until you get caught, if that ever happens.

I don't know why one would even tempt the Thai government to make an issue of what I'm doing. I just report as I'm asked to report on what form they want me to use. Actually the Missus does all the paperwork as a 90 day report can be done by proxy.

I just show up for the annual permission of my retirement visa extension. Then I just sit back and come forward when I'm called to sign whatever I need to sign and I pay the THB 1,900.


I've been living at our lasses house since August 2009 and she has never submitted a TM30 to immigration....

You're probably fine until you get caught, if that ever happens.

I don't know why one would even tempt the Thai government to make an issue of what I'm doing. I just report as I'm asked to report on what form they want me to use. Actually the Missus does all the paperwork as a 90 day report can be done by proxy.

I just show up for the annual permission of my retirement visa extension. Then I just sit back and come forward when I'm called to sign whatever I need to sign and I pay the THB 1,900.

Get caught for doing what?????

I report my address every 90 days to immigration and have never had a problem....

When I renew my extension of stay annually, I use our lasses house book and her ID card as proof of where I live....

Our lass always comes with me to immigration and we have never been asked for the TM30....

Another example of an "expert" who doesn't know what he is talking about....


Important notice!

For the purpose of replying in this topic, please assume that with "90 day address report" the OP means the "Form for Alien to Notify of Staying Longer Than 90 Days (TM.47)"

Based on the other threads the OP has been involved in today, and the number of times he mentions the TM30 in his post, I think it's safe to say that his question is about the TM30 and not the TM47.

Forget about the OP's posts in other threads and look at the question he is asking here (as modified by me):

Is the TM-30 form necessary to do a notification of staying longer than 90 days (form TM.47) for people on a retirement extension?

In other words, when a foreigner on a retirement extension goes to his local immigration office to submit the TM.30, does the immigration officer ask this foreigner also for the TM.30? This is the specific question asked by the OP.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I've already chimed in on the other thread, saying that when I did an in-person 90-day Report and Change of Address 2 years ago (when changing reporting districts), the Thai friend I live with was asked by Immigration to fill in a TM30.

All subsequent 90-day reports have been by mail, we me residing at the same address. A one-time thing. Probably just related to the change of districts.

It probable would have been better to ask that only those who have ever been asked, or know a person who was asked, respond to the topic as you'll find a only a small number have ever experienced having Immigration request one be filled out.

I just assumed because I'm not renting/leasing and not "married" that immigration wanted "something" to go along with the change of district status.


Whether a TM30 is needed or not depends entirely upon the immigration office you go to. Some will want one when apply for an extension or change your address while others don't.

I have never been asked for one.

In a more direct reply to the OP. Immigration does not go out looking for home owners that have homes and etc that have foreigners living at their property. They only enforce the act for businesses renting out rooms and etc.


In another thread a poster mentioned that hotels and guesthouses could report TM-30's on line. I looked but I can't find a link for that. I find it hard to believe that hotels and apartments and guest houses give paper TM-30's to immigration. Hotels and guesthouses have always made a copy of my passport but not my arrival date so they would not know how long I was in the country. Does anyone work for a hotel and know if they actually report anything and how?


See here for businesses doing the reports online. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=alienstay

I would guess most hotels do it online.

I have checked into hotels where they didn't make any copies but they did enter all my info on their computer for the report. The hotels that are still making copies probably enter the info in the back room using the copies for the info.

  • Like 1

See here for businesses doing the reports online. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=alienstay

I would guess most hotels do it online.

I have checked into hotels where they didn't make any copies but they did enter all my info on their computer for the report. The hotels that are still making copies probably enter the info in the back room using the copies for the info.

I read that. It says they can do it online. But no link. Have you ever seen one? How would a hotel go about finding the link?


A previous topic on this where a member's wife was fined for not filing (TM30) - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/816054-tm30-house-rent-who-has-to-fill-sign-deliver/?p=9287386#entry9287386

Though it seems to be rarely enforced, there is still a possibility for your wife being fined. The fact that it hasn't happened doesn't preclude that will always be the case even though small.

Yes, I've seen previous posts regarding this. The point i was trying to make is that my immigration office (Kap Choeng) is not strictly enforcing this policy....


See here for businesses doing the reports online. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=alienstay

I would guess most hotels do it online.

I have checked into hotels where they didn't make any copies but they did enter all my info on their computer for the report. The hotels that are still making copies probably enter the info in the back room using the copies for the info.

I read that. It says they can do it online. But no link. Have you ever seen one? How would a hotel go about finding the link?

From the above link I think the implication is that the hotel representative has to first go in person to the immigration office. The representative is asked to provide a blank CD, so presumably an application program is copied to the CD, and when installed on a computer at the hotel it is able to subsequently contact immigration through the internet to download the necessary data.


See here for businesses doing the reports online. http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=alienstay

I would guess most hotels do it online.

I have checked into hotels where they didn't make any copies but they did enter all my info on their computer for the report. The hotels that are still making copies probably enter the info in the back room using the copies for the info.

I read that. It says they can do it online. But no link. Have you ever seen one? How would a hotel go about finding the link?

From the above link I think the implication is that the hotel representative has to first go in person to the immigration office. The representative is asked to provide a blank CD, so presumably an application program is copied to the CD, and when installed on a computer at the hotel it is able to subsequently contact immigration through the internet to download the necessary data.

Sounds good. Do you know any of this to be fact or are you just guessing?

"5yrs ago immigration started a section on their website allowing GHs to register their occupants online, it still isn't finished 5yrs later, at least in Udon Thani/Nong khai it isn't"


I believe there are 690,000 hotels in Thailand.


I read that. It says they can do it online. But no link. Have you ever seen one? How would a hotel go about finding the link?

From the above link I think the implication is that the hotel representative has to first go in person to the immigration office. The representative is asked to provide a blank CD, so presumably an application program is copied to the CD, and when installed on a computer at the hotel it is able to subsequently contact immigration through the internet to download the necessary data.

Sounds good. Do you know any of this to be fact or are you just guessing?

"5yrs ago immigration started a section on their website allowing GHs to register their occupants online, it still isn't finished 5yrs later, at least in Udon Thani/Nong khai it isn't"


I believe there are 690,000 hotels in Thailand.

Based only on reading the requirements given at the referenced link (http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/en/base.php?page=alienstay):

Registration by businesses via Internet. Prepare the documents
  1. Business license or signed copy of business registration confirmation
  2. Letter of authorisation to conduct the registration via internet
  3. Copy of ID card of person giving authorisation and authorised person
  4. Fill in the form provided by the officer (download)
  5. 1 empty compact disk (CD)

Of course, that information could be incorrect. Assuming that information is correct, then there has to be a purpose for needing to provide an empty compact disk. But, yes I'm guessing at what that purpose might be. It would make sense to me that the registration by businesses via Internet would have to be set up initially.

If businesses are complying with the requirements, then it makes sense that there would be a daily online (batch) process to report their guests. However, it is also possible to imagine that businesses, while legally required to notify immigration, are not in practice doing it. Lack of enforcement being the next best thing to behaving legally. Someone working in a hotel may be able to confirm if that is indeed the process.

Registration by businesses via Internet. Prepare the documents
  1. Business license or signed copy of business registration confirmation
  2. Letter of authorisation to conduct the registration via internet
  3. Copy of ID card of person giving authorisation and authorised person
  4. Fill in the form provided by the officer (download)
  5. 1 empty compact disk (CD)

Of course, that information could be incorrect. Assuming that information is correct, then there has to be a purpose for needing to provide an empty compact disk. But, yes I'm guessing at what that purpose might be. It would make sense to me that the registration by businesses via Internet would have to be set up initially.

That is exactly what the CD is for and that it is to populate it with the online registration software and info for the hotel and why you don't find an online link via search. I work for the Thai government and that is a standard mechanism for government reporting for a variety of things. In our case, to report government required accounting data. For years they supplied it on floppy but only the last few years they upped their technology. smile.png

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From Phuket.

Note that for online reports, the owner or manager, must first register by going to the Immigration Office. Only then will a user name and password be issued for making online reports. Details of this process may be seen by visiting the Immigration website and clicking on “Notification of residence for foreigners - See more at: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-immigration-warns-of-drive-on-foreign-stay-reports-38280.php#sthash.japLZHPn.dpuf

I went to the site but found no way to access the details of the process. So I don't know if the online reporting for businesses is working.


You are quoting from an online news article which gives you a wrong link. This would have been the correct link, it seems, for details about the process: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/622146-thai-immigration-cracks-down-on-hotels/

To see the process working, you must have a business such as a hotel or guest house and register with immigration for online reporting or go to the local immigration office and have them demonstrate it to you, but what does all this have to with with the question in the OP? You did not ask whether and how the hotels report the arrival of foreigners. Therefore, it is your own doing now if this thread is going off topic; I will not interfere any more. Let confusion reign supreme. Just don't start bickering or otherwise abuse members.

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


  • 6 months later...

I renewed my Marriage Visa last week at Chaeng Wattana This is my 5th time. Previously I had provided proof of residence by a Statutory Declaration from Australian Embassy. Prior to attending Immigration checked their website as for requirements. The list did not include the proof of residence (took copy of the site as evidence). On attending Immigration I was not asked for proof however for the first time my wife was required to complete a declaration that I was in fact still living with her at our residential address. Had a longer wait than usual as I arrived at 9.30am (usually around 8.00am) so there were more applicants in front of me However was finished within 2 hours


Whether a TM30 is needed or not depends entirely upon the immigration office you go to. Some will want one when apply for an extension or change your address while others don't.

I have never been asked for one.

In a more direct reply to the OP. Immigration does not go out looking for home owners that have homes and etc that have foreigners living at their property. They only enforce the act for businesses renting out rooms and etc.

I submitted a TM28 to the immigration office a week after I moved house

no problem. I've never been asked for a TM30.


"House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration....."

If you're here on a retirement or marriage extension -- and thus do 90 day reporting -- one could logically conclude you're not here on a "temporary basis." Of course, Immigration often redefines "logically conclude." Anyway, here in Chiang Mai, the wife and I aren't too worried about not complying. Chance of being caught out seems remote -- so why bother, especially for the remote chance of a max fine of 2000 baht.


"House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration....."

If you're here on a retirement or marriage extension -- and thus do 90 day reporting -- one could logically conclude you're not here on a "temporary basis." Of course, Immigration often redefines "logically conclude." Anyway, here in Chiang Mai, the wife and I aren't too worried about not complying. Chance of being caught out seems remote -- so why bother, especially for the remote chance of a max fine of 2000 baht.


This could be considered as pedantic I suppose, but: every year when you apply for another year to stay, the title of the Form TM 7 clearly states, in both English and Thai, "........ Temporary ......". I think you will find the same "definition" in the Immigration Act.


Any recent report on TM30 required for 30 days extension for visa exempt entry at BKK Immigration at Chaeng Wattana? If so what are the documents needed for staying at a friend's condo?


Went to Samut Prakan Immigration office trying to extend 30 days for visa exempt entry. I prepared TM-30 to see if they would ask for one. And they asked for it.

I put down my house address on TM-7 that my ex no longer live there, and brought along a copy of her ID and the house registration book with different address from the house address. They said the house registration book address is different and I got turned away and insist her presence for extension.

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