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Canadian Protests Against Thailand Kfc

sriracha john

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A picture speaks a thousand words in any language, and those are pictures that will be used in the Thai media regardless of the message. The point is publicity and she's got lots of than judging by the number of photographers there.

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Wonder just how much she is making (dollar-wise) from these stunts ? Must be raking in pretty good money from all those charity donations, to be able to fly around to warm, sunny places in the world and strip for the cameras.

I also noticed that in each of the pics shown, she was always turned so her rump was facing the cameras. Nothing suggestive about that though. :o

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I was in Philadelphia a few years back when some grungy looking college students were protesting outside of a KFC in a very popular area of town called South Street. I went inside and ordered a bucket of extra crispy and stood outside next to them Eating my fried chicken and offering pieces free to passers by. After a few moments there was a crowd of people eating chicken and jeering this foolish kids with too much time on their hands. Man I still remember the glare this angry lil blond gave me. Man if looks could kill!. But it was soooooooooo worth it, everyone laughing at the losers, jokeing and having a good time were as they would have otherwise just ignored and moved on.

I mean really there are people on the streets that have to rummage through garbage just to get some left over KFC and these morons wanna save a F ing chicken... lame

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I was in Philadelphia a few years back when some grungy looking college students were protesting outside of a KFC in a very popular area of town called South Street. I went inside and ordered a bucket of extra crispy and stood outside next to them Eating my fried chicken and offering pieces free to passers by. After a few moments there was a crowd of people eating chicken and jeering this foolish kids with too much time on their hands. Man I still remember the glare this angry lil blond gave me. Man if looks could kill!. But it was soooooooooo worth it, everyone laughing at the losers, jokeing and having a good time were as they would have otherwise just ignored and moved on.

I mean really there are people on the streets that have to rummage through garbage just to get some left over KFC and these morons wanna save a F ing chicken... lame

And one of them has got a fat @ss too, and that doesn't come from a veg diet, I can tell you! :o

Edited by KhunMarco
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Our daring Canadian lass is back on Bangkok's streets...

And you thought you could keep this picture to yourself, did you? :D




good one :o

Which media outlet claimed that one?

This photo does highlight her pasty, anemic, white skin.... which would seem to indicate veal...

and her ample rump is highly indicative of celluite formation in 5 years.

still... it's rather disappointing she's too inhibited to strip completely down like her PETA sisters do:



PETA demonstrators Valerie Gleaton and Liz Sanger wave at passing cars as they protest against seal-hunting in front of the Canada embassy in Washington March 15, 2007.


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Met an anti-fur activist with leather shoes once. He didn't seem to get the connection. :o

There isn't one. If he were a vegetarian wearing leather, I'd see your point. However, I eat meat & wear leather shoes, but am anti-fur. Leather is a by-product of meat. Fur is not usually a by-product of meat consumption. Animals are farmed & or killed solely for their fur, which is not necessary in this day & age of advanced textiles. They are usually killed in extremely inhumane ways also, so the pelt is not damaged...

Leather is fur with a shave.

I used to trap. Body traps kill nearly instantly and are pretty much standard.

Hey, Dear NR, you are snow-shoeing largely in Canadian territory on this one. I'm with CV on this issue. The anti-fur crusaders almost drove a neighbour to the poorhouse. He was a simple man, a trapper, and that's all he knew how to do. Checked his lines every morning. Killed clean. The meat went into the pot, and he tanned the hides himself. Forrtunately, most of Canada is pretty cold in the winter and people like fur so he survived.

Sure, many artificial fabrics available now tout to be as warm as fur, but I don't think they have made an anti-frost parka hood rim that even comes close to Arctic Fox fur (correct me if I'm wrong CV). And, until you have lived in minus 40 degree weather, when the wind chill drives it to minus 60, please don't tell me I cannnot wear mukluks, gloves, leggings and parka made from the fur of the animals who live in that climate.

The only reason I gave away my fashionable fur coat and leather goods was because fur moults and leather moulds in the tropics.

And, we talked about these rights activists before. It's all becoming a matter of economics; gotta check out PETA's accounts. Big biz, these non-profit organisations.

And what a laughing stock this chick makes of Canada, IMO. Should have sent her up to the Arctic with Heather McCartney and hoped that the baby seals bit both of them.

And I really like the down-to-earth opinion of our member, Nebukanezar:

Quote: I mean really there are people on the streets that have to rummage through garbage just to get some left over KFC and these morons wanna save a F ing chicken... lame

You said it true, Sir.

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It is always nice to see Canadians making a splash in Thailand. Who says Canadians are a dull and boring lot? Fortunately, it is not a Canadian custom to send money on a monthly basis to a visiting phu ying from the Great White North. This means I can concentrate on continuing my subsidy to my sweetheart, the race car diver, from Udon. I am only joking! For Sawasdee Phii Mai, I have stopped sending money to my fiancee, and I am not using the savings for toony Tuesdays at KFC. That stuff is too salty! But, Church's chicken in Vancouver is good. For those in the know, a Harvey's double bacon and cheese burger tops any other fast food this planet has produced!

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JG & cdnvic, I'm not going to get into an anti- fur debate with you. You both obviously know a lot more about trapping than I do (although neither of you has mentioned leg traps...trying to chew your own leg off to escape isn't top on my list of ways to go). However, neither of you can be naive enough to think that Canadian fur trappers provide the world with the majority of its fur products. Fur farms do that. And they are not kind enough to let the animal have a natural wild life, before it "instantly" & humanely (?) dies in a trap. Ocelots, as one example, are killed by having electrified probes stuck up their anuses, so as not to waste an inch of that valuable pelt. For what? How many of the fur wearing public actually do live in -40 degree temps? Very few. Ever been to HK in the winter? 10 degrees & all the tai-tais walking around in mink. It's a fashion statement to most people that wear it.

I would never argue that the Inuits (or similar) have no right to kill or wear fur, its their culture & its what works best for them, has done for a generation upon generation. But a socialite in NY, or a tai-tai in HK? Yes, I'll argue about their right to wear fur until I'm blue in the face.

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This post would be off topic here, were it not for the fact that when reading it I immediately thought of Ashley Fruno’s bum, the bum she bared in Bangkok the other day in an apparent effort to educate the Thai people about the English names of the parts of the pig where the meat they eat comes from, and I thought about the money from donations that was spent on this stunt. Read the article and you will see why I made the connection.


TAXPAYERS were left with a £10,000 bill after a council took a farmer to court — claiming his pigs scratched their BUMS on protected trees.

Continued here..., or read the attached JPG file.

Source: The Sun, 23 March 2007





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Not quite true in the UK. There they are hung by their feet, upside down on a moving conveyor. The head enters a large vat of water which is electrically charged so that they are stunned, not necessarily killed at this stage. They then move onto a machine which slits the throat and the blood drains out of the body.

Sounds like the interrogation process at Gitmo! :D

I thought it has a remarkable similarity to the Divorce Process in Australia :o

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JG & cdnvic, I'm not going to get into an anti- fur debate with you. You both obviously know a lot more about trapping than I do (although neither of you has mentioned leg traps...trying to chew your own leg off to escape isn't top on my list of ways to go).

It makes good propaganda, and gets PETA alot of donations, but I haven't met anyone who has used them since the 70s at least. That's why people who know don't mention them. :o

I'm glad this girl did this though. That four piece all white meat dinner with a side of poutine and a Dr Pepper didn't do my heart much good, but it sure was tasty. :D

Edited by cdnvic
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JG & cdnvic, I'm not going to get into an anti- fur debate with you. You both obviously know a lot more about trapping than I do (although neither of you has mentioned leg traps...trying to chew your own leg off to escape isn't top on my list of ways to go).

It makes good propaganda, and gets PETA alot of donations, but I haven't met anyone who has used them since the 70s at least. That's why people who know don't mention them. :o

I'm glad this girl did this though. That four piece all white meat dinner with a side of poutine and a Dr Pepper didn't do my heart much good, but it sure was tasty. :D

There you go then, cdnvic. I told you I knew next to nothing about trapping. And glad you enjoyed your lunch at cholesterol city!! :D:D:D

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So explain to me please for I do not really understand. It's ok to kill animals for food but it's not ok to torture them?

Not according to PETA. They shouldn't be killed for any reason, according to them. If you're referring to my views, then, as someone said before, each person has to go with their conscience. I was vegetarian for 10 years (so then my answer would have been "no") but gave up, as I buy meat for 140 dogs every day, I realised that my views were hypocritical. So, now I feel that if an animal is killed quickly, humanely & as painlessly as possible, for food, it's permissible, but torture is not. If you still find that hypocritical, fine. I'm not asking anyone to agree with me. It's just the way that I've squared it with my conscience.

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Given the severity of world problems like the war in Iraq and the military overthrow in Thailand, I find the levity of a Canadian chick shaking her scantily-clad booty at the aged Colonel Sanders quite refreshing and it seems to have quite a Thai twist to it at that. More baby, more!

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UPDATE.... she's baaaaaaaack


Ahhh....... It's been a while, I could do with a good rump steak tonite ...... all I needed was a reminder.... I'll hit Duke's tonite......... Thanks Ashley

Journalism at it's best! What a great photo of the photographers and their catch! She's feeding off them, they're feeding off her. No History of Journalism textbook should be without this photo. Tells a lot of what it's all about.

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