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Bomb Outside Bar In Thailand Injures 30


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The ideal is to drop the imperialistic approach from any side, to live unity and celebrate diversity, including diversity of cultures. The unity is that one life, that one being-ness, the one Self that lives thru each of us.

Governments (and newspapers) are a reflection of the consciousness of the people, including their shadow sides.

Half the people in the USA are consciously supportive of, not the neo-conservative view, but of their country's original ideals. The problem is that at this point in time the shadow (see Jung) side prevails.

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What really puzzles me is the lack of any kind of serious action by the genuine Islamic membership. If you have cancer you cut it out and at least try to leave things cleaner than they were of that disease. It is the same with any group. It is inconcievable that those whose reputations are lumped in with these radical groups don't do something about it themselves.

I can not imagine any other group allowing such behavior amongst its membership. So why isn't there more action within the Islamic movement to rid itself of this cancer? The rest of the world has to do the dirty work for them and I find that beyond logic.

What is this nonsense? Just as there are many who disagree with the conduct of Tony BLIAR and the Bush administration, there are many who disagree with the conduct of these radicals.

Are Christians/Catholic/Jews rising up to cut out the 'cancer' of the murdering Americans, who revelled in the killing of Iraqis, in their own land, who did not even threaten them.

Oh, yes, it is because they kill, torture and hold illegally for good, while anyone else that behaves in this way is an 'evil regime', 'dictatorship'...

They say, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck. The US administration has emulated all of the actions for that it has condemned these 'evil regimes'.

Maybe this is the real terrorist state? It is possible, isn't it?

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Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trials: "Why, of course the people don't want war. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament,or a communist dictatorship.....Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.  That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for exposing the country to danger and lack of patriotism.  It works the same in any country."

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The 23rd February 1998 Fatwa declared by Osama bin Laden and his associates


is not just a piece of paper. It's an unequivocal declaration of war against "Jews and Crusaders" in other words Israel and the friends of Israel i.e. the west i.e you and me.

George Bush put it very precisely in his speech on the anniversary of the US and allied invasion of Iraq when he acurately remarked that the 200 people who died in the Madrid bombing outrage died on the battlefield.

We are all at war. We are all legitimate targets in the eyes of The Islamic Front. September 11th wasn't just the single greatest terrorist attack in history it was a signal. A signal that the Jihad was to commence.

Approximately 40,000 Al-Quader hard-core operatives were trained in the Taliban camps of Afghanistan - 7 of them bought down The World Trade Centre. They have promised their next major attack will make us all forget about 9/11.

You can forget right and wrong, history, blame, American and British imperialism, oil, arms to Irag and all the other finger pointing - its all irrelevant. In 1939 we didn't refuse to fight Germany because of Great Britains murky past - but in 1939 you could see your enemy.

We are powerless to defeat terrorism - we can only try to minimize it. For every terrorist hung at dawn another 100 join the cause. As long as a tiny minority speak for the majority this is our future.

I support George Bush and Tony Blairs stand on terror. At least it is a stand - whats the alternative? Blind submission? as advocated by idiots like Tony Benn.

I semi-retired at 49 to come to live in Thailand because of all this. Make the most of your life today and don't worry about tomorrow is my philosophy. If the next bomb's got your name on it then the next bomb's got your name on it, wether you're Thailand or Trafford (that's Manchester for you non Brits).

Anyone fancy a beer?

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check the Christians and the crusades 1000 years ago untill the end of the Middle Age and you'll get the answer.

Islamist terrosits weren't the first one to kill in the name of God.



.......it was islam that inspired the arab conquests, the ideas of islam that made the arabs a military people and the example of its founder ,muhammed, that taught them to become warriors.

he was not only a warrior himself,who had been wounded in a battle at medina against the men of mecca in 625, he preached as well as practised war.

in his last visit to mecca in 632 he laid down that though all muslims were brethren and should not fight each other, they should fight all other men until they said "there is no god but god"

the koran,which muslims believe to have been taken down from his words by disciples, elaborates this command extensively.

muhammed insisted that those who accepted the word of god formed a community(umma) whose members owed each othes responsibilities. outside that community the responsibilities were reversed, "o,you who believe,fight the non-believers near to you."

this was not a call to forcible conversion,non-believers who were prepared to live under koranic authority were entitled to protection. conflicts between those in the umma and those outside it became known as jihad.

islam had dissolved the two principles on which war had so often been fought before, territory and kinship. there could be no territoriality in islam, because its destiny was to bring the whole world to submission to the will of god. islam means submission and muslim means someone who is under it. only when all those outside the umma have been brought into it would islams destiny be complete, then all men would be muslims and brothewrs and there will ne no more wars.

eventually, it was to prove one of the glories of islam that it dissolved barriers of race and language to an extent that no empire or religion, and islam comprehended both concepts, has succeeded in doing before..........................................................................



eventually the great islamic empire fell, they were pushed back before,during and after the crusades. islam has not forgotten that and i believe they(the radicalists) are trying to fulfil the precepts of their religion again now through terror.

i think it is the literal interpretations of koranic texts by radical clerics (mullahs), (either working from their own agendas or following agendas of terrorist groups who provide them with financial support ) that inflame the passions of so many muslims to such an extent that they are happy and willing to bomb. these people are still thinking as if it were the middle ages.

the goings on in the south may appear to some as "a little local problem", but in my view it is part of a dangerous much wider undercurrent of thought that if not stopped, will in the future,become a great threat to all those outside the umma.

the history part of my post was quoted directly from "a history of warfare" by john keegan.

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Thailand Tightens Security in South After Bombing

BANGKOK: -- Thailand clamped tight security on its restive Muslim south on Sunday after a bomb exploded outside a bar, wounding 29 people in the first major attack on a civilian target since a wave of violence began in January.

Security forces set up roadblocks in and around the Thai-Malaysian border town of Sunghai Kolok where seven Malaysian tourists were among those injured when the bomb hidden in a motorcycle exploded outside a karaoke bar.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack in Narathiwat province, one of three provinces under martial law since gunmen attacked a southern army camp in January, killed four soldiers and made off with many weapons.

"We have strengthened our security in the province. It's still not clear who did this," said police spokesman Chanpol Chaiyadej.

He denied reports that one of the Malaysian tourists had died. Thirteen people were still in hospital.

Most of the injured were bar girls and waitresses working at the Top Ten club, an open-air bar next to the Marina Hotel in the border town popular with Malaysian tourists.

Police suspected the bomb had been detonated remotely.

More than 60 people have been killed in the region, where many of Thailand's six million Muslims live, since the January army raid. Many of the attacks have been carried out by people on motorcycles.

Some officials believe the violence may be part of a resurgence of a low-key separatist war in the 1970s and 1980s. The government blames a mixture of separatists and gangsters in a region also notorious for smuggling arms and drugs.

Chief government spokesman Jakrapob Penkair condemned the attack, which he said was the first to target civilians in the southern violence. Previous attacks have been aimed at police or government officials and buildings.

"They are now taking aim at the lives of innocent people rather than the symbols of government," he said late on Saturday.

"This will justify the government's use of force. The only way to suppress them is by deploying violent means against them."

Muslim leaders have asked the government to lift martial law, which they say is disrupting economic life in a region heavily dependent on rubber tapping and fishing, which involves moving around at night.

The government says it is imposing martial law with as light a hand as it can and issues frequent appeals for people to come forward with information on who is behind the killings.

--Reuters 2004-03-28

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What is the reason behind all of these murders and bombings?

I was told it was because the want to make a Islamic state out of southern Thailand. If this is correct , how come they just don't cross the border to Malaysia. Isn't Malaysia mostly muslims.

If they get southern Thailand, whats next?   Central Thailand!

Padkapow u r right, I would support a switch as well, lets get 20% of the Malaysian population, the Buddhists, switch with Thailand's muslims.

Perhaps you guys should do some reading on the history of Thailand and learn how this situation came to be the way it is.

As for muslim terrorism; The christians did much the same or worse during the crusades. Someone said, I can't remember who, that without religion there would be as many good or bad people as with religion. But it needs religion to let good people do terrible things. As in terrorism or the Inquisition for that matter.

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Perhaps you guys should do some reading on the history of Thailand and learn how this situation came to be the way it is.

perhaps you would like to enlighten us.

this doesnt have a lot to do with thailand anymore, it has got more to do with infiltration by radical elements of islam who, as usual, are looking to make trouble. anywhere will do. a problem in southern thailand that could be handled quite easily if it wasnt being hijacked by radical elements.

israelis and palestinians would living in peace today if the problems hadnt been hijacked by radicalists.

what happenned 800 years ago during the crusades should not be a reason for what is happening in the world today.

apologists will always take the blinkered view.

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I am a firm believer in karma....

There is an old saying in India that goes like this, "Who ever God wants to kill no one can save." "Who ever God wants to save no one can kill."


why it sounds so very familiar this proverb and the whole concept ?! :o

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but let me ask this question, however rhetorical it is...What religion is, and has been associated with, and in most instances CLAIMS responsibility for murdering innocent people

Moving check the Christians and the crusades 1000 years ago untill the end of the Middle Age and you'll get the answer.

Islamist terrosits weren't the first one to kill in the name of God.

Don't missunderstand me, I totaly condemn islamist integrism which is a real threat and obviously the biggest one actually, terrorism from anywhere is insane and has to be fought out.

Killing any innocent people in the name of God (?) is insane; those people are brainwashed assassins and all nations have to fight them and get rid of them.

Fortunately Mister Bush is protecting us and we've no reason to be scared ... :o

wonderfull! :D

yeah, "by fire and sword" so many slaughter was done under name of religion.

no need to talk crusades , which supposed to be sort of attampt to convert ppl from their religion to christianity. just read about history of inquisition in europe and then history of UK - all those prostestants-catholics mass slaughter. even Stalin and Pol Pot would shy away!

the point is correct, no any religion can justify the killing, coz in every religion the life is sacred. then why whole history is full of exmples of killing under the name of religion? simple enough: it was only under the name of reliogion. religion was is and perhps always will be misused for poiltical and other selfish reasons and abused by different groups of peopl pursuing their selfish interests - struggle for power, riches etc. it has nothing to do with religion.....

so I think it is wrong to put it in such way: under name of which religion most of terro acts made?

and especially in this age of sofisticated technology when intelligence services can cover up anything.... who can say for certain what is what and why? who can even say who is realy responsible for most terrible terrorist acts when even certain internationally hunted big terrorists even suspected to be just a made up fiction ?

there are many honest and nice ppl among the followers of EACH religion. and those who try to make it appear that followers of particualr religion are most pssible participants of terror acts most probably are only trying to antogonise further certain groups of ppl to other groups of ppl. why? oh, reasons might be inlimited....

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Put Bin Laden and Al Quida on trial before a court of their peers - let the UN supervise so it's fair.

Permit the southern provinces of Thailand to enact Sharia Law... :o

does he exist realy?

why then he mysteriously escape justice for so long if even Saddam was caught as they claim (while some say that person is fake no matter how many so called evidences media may claim to provide...)

I mean: US and UK, top terro fighter - possess more than sufficient means to get anyone..... one then some fugitive who doesn't have anymore permanent base in Afgan, no Al qaida bank accounts which they stoped in US and elsewhere, and with huge sum of money in style of wild wild west put on his head couldn't be found and caught? nobody wants the money or what? or almighty only super power in the world is hopeless against single individual?


sharia law? common pls ! how it can be in the country where islam is not main religion?

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there are many honest and nice ppl among the followers of EACH religion. and those who try to make it appear that followers of particualr religion are most pssible participants of terror acts most probably are only trying to antogonise further certain groups of ppl to other groups of ppl. why? oh, reasons might be inlimited....

couldn't agree more, and extremists, whatever philosophy they are promoting, are dangerous people. in the 12 century and until the 17 century, christian extremists were responsible for the crusades and the inquisition,with all the killing that went along with it. the religion was hijacked by the politics and the results of it all are still with us today. fascism justified the holocaust on grounds of racial superiority. these days the religion of islam, in itself a worthy course to follow for those who feel inclined to do so, is being hijacked by fringe radical elements seeking to spread terror in the name of jihad. it is sad when all followers of that religion get tarred with the same brush by bigots who fail to see the wider picture.

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We hear so often "why do people do these things?", well why?  Let us, as a people,  spend spend more time and energy on seeking out effective ways to halt the cancer, then attempting to remove more and more of the diseased parts.

Because it is their religion telling people that killing innocenr non-muslims is a holy war! :D

this is just common misinterpretation

once former PM of Malaysia mentioned it in his addressing the islamic fundamentalists in his country - that according to Qoran jihad actually means kill the demons and evil inside yourself, get rid of sin etc.

but who does care nowdays about the real meaning of things and especially even tries even read, what to speak study and understand properly the religious sciptures as Qoran?

for example: doesn't Bible say "thow shall not kill"? NOT KILL ! and what interpretation ahs developed ever since many centuries?

not to talk about adultary etc. "even if u look at other man's woman with lust - u already commit adultery in ur heart!" well - what to speak then about all who attend Nana and PotPong? :D:D

there is no simple solution to such problems as terrorism. no need to simplify it by puting labels or blaming particular group of ppl by generalising.

after all politions mostly hardly give a sh*** about the fears of ordinary ppl as those who expressed it here. they r busy anjoying their short time of ruling - only slightly trying to make it appear like they try to do something to appease ppl's need. in all countries more or less - no exeption ! :o

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it is sad when all followers of that religion get tarred with the same brush by bigots who fail to see the wider picture.

wow! so very nicely said!

yeah exactly.

the problem is: ppl always prefer to seek easier or easiest ways - be it personal life challenges or more global like terrorism.... why? of course it is much easier to start some propaganda of blaming some group of people , basing such blmae on basic logical fallacy: husty generalisation (nowdays it might be even deliberate under guise of husty)....

we always try to escape adressing the real issues. we become very good at it, being able to act instinctively and spontaneously automatically in our attempts to find easy way...

I'm not pretending here as being wiser or better. I can't claim I know the solution. just expressing my agreement with ur point : we fail to see wider picture. and it seems important to be able to see it if one is eager to find such solution. otherwise the generalising and blaming and acting accordingly will simply create new vawes of terror - in retaliation... not only Hitler is gulty ofr genocide of jews. what about those "skinheads" in UK few years back who were making a lot of vilolence against all the "color-skin" asians - ironically the descendants of ppl who were "civilised" by almighty British impire and therefor are trying to embrase its culture and life style and living standards and draming of being citisens of that country after few centuries of methodical colonisation? what about "blacks gettos" in US - forget about "red indians", they are history and a fashion matter on Jatujak shops nowdays !

the thing is: someone need what u call it "to tarr" them with same brush. coz somehow muslims are quite united all over the world by basic fellowship of ther belonging to that religion. and their popolation is huge in reagrd to rest of the world. not easy simply convert or subvert them, or genocide. well, u can bomb one country, and then "liberate" another form dictatorship..... but not all - coz they r so many!

as Bob Marley was singing: u can fool some ppl for some time but never all ppl all the time....

that's what is probably the main reason why there are those biggots who try to tarr them all with same brush : coz otherwise it is hard to keep them at bay ! :o

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Why is it that the provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala happen to be some of the poorest, if not the poorest in the country. Could it be that the current troubles have their roots in dissatisfaction with an economic situation which sees the wealth of the area being pillaged by the Sino Thai cabal running the country from Bangkok?

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...here in Malaysia it's the Bangladesh workers who have put everything in it's proper perspective......

as I remember - Malaysian government started to send them back even 2 or 3 years ago. and by now oficcially no any bangladeshis there - instead it is Nepalis and may be burmese who replaced them.... I speak bengali and whenever I try to make convesration with some workers there - they can't undesrtand a word.... but happily respond to "ramru ccho?"

or may be those bangladeshis sint

workers but those who visit Malaysia?

anyway - year - malay gals somehow considered by some experts the hottest there - not indians and not chinese and not even thais ! :D

but what it has to do with islam - I can hardly imagine :o

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Why is it that the provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala happen to be some of the poorest, if not the poorest in the country. Could it be that the current troubles have their roots in dissatisfaction with an economic situation which sees the wealth of the area being pillaged by the Sino Thai cabal running the country from Bangkok?

the current troubles have little to do with your schoolboys theory of poor peasants versus rich moguls.

the troubles in the south are due to separatist muslims making trouble,wanting to break away from thailand and set up a muslim state aligned with malasia, these troubles make investors wary of investing down there, thereby preventing the area from proper development,and keeping the people poorer than they would otherwise be. which is just what the troublemakers want because then they can blame it all on the wealthy north and gain more support for their cause. its a classic tactic. it sure fooled you. as it fools a lot of supporters of the cause.

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Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...

No countries....... no currency, no passports, no forum.

I will only kill and die for my family ......... no nation, no flag, no ideas

My religion is in my heart and will stay there where it belongs

Yes, imagine all the people of the world having lived in peace for the last 2,000 years. No wars, conflict. Imagine all that died in war and conflict and their children and their children and their children and their children ............... The Earth would already have been depleted of all that we take for granted today ...... water. food and other resources.

Impossible dreams by dreamers that entertain us for a living.

It seems like a very well thought out order of things, doesn't it? Talk to your God, your Muhammed or Buddgha and you will likely understand much more than now.

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Besides religion being an obvious cause of the mental illness of terrorism, how about nationalism? The idea of a nation being some kind of holy entity, set in stone, is causing a lot of the problems. USA might be less of a world threat today had the South succeeded in the Civil War. The huge obscenity of a nation that was the USSR spawned a number of new nations which must be relieved to be out from under that regime. Czechoslovakia successfully split into two. East Timor was justifiably split from Indonesia. It can be done, and IMHO it should be done in more unstable countries. If the Muslims always to separate, let them. Give back the three southern Thai provinces to Malaysia, where they belong and want to be. Give the Philippine island of Mindanao to the Muslims, and see if they can become a viable nation, or not. Divide Kashmir between Indian and Pakistani zones. After all, much of the current troubles were caused by the colonial powers arbitrarily creating artificial national boundaries, which ignored the wishes and ethnicities of the people living there.

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The 23rd February 1998 Fatwa declared by Osama bin Laden and his associates


is not just a piece of paper. It's an unequivocal declaration of war against "Jews and Crusaders" in other words Israel and the friends of Israel i.e. the west i.e you and me.

George Bush put it very precisely in his speech on the anniversary of the US and allied invasion of Iraq when he acurately remarked that the 200 people who died in the Madrid bombing outrage died on the battlefield.

We are all at war. We are all legitimate targets in the eyes of The Islamic Front. September 11th wasn't just the single greatest terrorist attack in history it was a signal. A signal that the Jihad was to commence.

Approximately 40,000 Al-Quader hard-core operatives were trained in the Taliban camps of Afghanistan - 7 of them bought down The World Trade Centre. They have promised their next major attack will make us all forget about 9/11.

You can forget right and wrong, history, blame, American and British imperialism, oil, arms to Irag and all the other finger pointing - its all irrelevant. In 1939 we didn't refuse to fight Germany because of Great Britains murky past - but in 1939 you could see your enemy.

We are powerless to defeat terrorism - we can only try to minimize it. For every terrorist hung at dawn another 100 join the cause. As long as a tiny minority speak for the majority this is our future.

I support George Bush and Tony Blairs stand on terror. At least it is a stand - whats the alternative? Blind submission? as advocated by idiots like Tony Benn.

I semi-retired at 49 to come to live in Thailand because of all this. Make the most of your life today and don't worry about tomorrow is my philosophy. If the next bomb's got your name on it then the next bomb's got your name on it, wether you're Thailand or Trafford (that's Manchester for you non Brits).

Anyone fancy a beer?

Hey Slim, I'll have a beer with you, as you are absolutely right!

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How to Fight Back! Go to Thailand and Sanook. The point of terror is to stop us from having fun. Do let them win.

Remember that the Bali Bomber wants death for:

"the filth of the crucifix and greeedy zionists"

We can keep them from winning by going to Thailand and DO NOT BUY MUSLIM PRODUCTS!

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If the Muslims always to separate, let them. Give back the three southern Thai provinces to Malaysia, where they belong and want to be. Give the Philippine island of Mindanao to the Muslims, and see if they can become a viable nation, or not. Divide Kashmir

before doing that perhaps you had better ask the buddhists who live in the three southern provinces what they would think about that,ask the christians in mindanoa

and last but not least ask the hindus and many buddhists in kashmir how they would feel. turning back history is not an easy thing to do. i dont think it is the answer.

compromise and peaceful co-existence is the answer, raise the standards of education, provide opportunities for disaffected young males, the sort who hang around on street corners with nothing to do and even less to look forward to in life but join up and become cannon fodder for terrorist groups. that is how you can fight the terrorist groups who depend on the uneducated and jobless to swell their ranks.they are the ones that the extremist muslim preachers are targetting.

muslims and buddhists, muslims and christians and even muslims and jews have co-existed happily in the same countries before. but once the sh1t stirring fundamentalist preachers come along you have sedition and trouble.

tolerate these truly evil people(the fire breathing mullahs) at your peril.

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It is time the world stop labelling terrorist as Christians or Muslims or that the state is a Buddhist state. Such labelling tend to promote more tension.

It is written in Islam by the Prophet Muhammad that the muslim shall only draw swords to defend his faith.

The era of the Crusades has long been over. It is the era of the opportunist politicians who use God's name in vain and the press that take advantage of such sensational news like this to sell their newspapers. How often do we see news headlline saying Muslim group gives handouts in the headlines or Christian workers help rebuild Iraq could such headlines bring top sales for the day's publication?

Today's terror war may have been Started by Osama and Fueled by Bush and maybe Instigated by irresponsible reporting after all it is about money. What would the US economy be without the arms industry, who would say the US were good without the USSR after the cold? The US has to go on in continued search for an enemy for if there is no bad guy there cannot be a good guy. Who trained Osama, who trained Sadam for their own idealism? Who is getting screwed now? Without such terror stories wouldn't the papers be boring? Are the press providing free propaganda for the terrorrists, if they are please stop because it is not going to contribute to peace in this world.

Yes the press responsibility is to inform the people of the free world but can they be responsible about it.

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Terrorism involves killing innocent ordinary people. Regardless of the ethnicity of the terrorists, they are murderers. If you are attacked by a murderer, do you negotiate? Does the murderer want to negotiate? Of course not. Like it or not, you have to defend yourself and those whom you hold dear. Like it or not, the only truly effective way of dealing with terrorists is to eliminate them. This may not stop terrorism, but it will certainly stop the ones you eliminate.

The endless cycles of violence seem to be permanent human conditions. There are many "justifications" put forth by the apologists and defenders of terrorists. Nevertheless, we are left with the necessity of self defense and self preservation. Sitting in a circle singing "kumbaya" never stopped any war, act of terrorism nor crime.

What is so sad is the ongoing necessity to kill the terrorists, whose followers will then kill again. What other option remains? Did the adoption of fundamentalist islam in various countries remove them and their denizens from the terrorist stage? No.

Hopefully, the Thai Government will take all steps necessary to deal with this horrific situation.


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Impossible dreams by dreamers that entertain us for a living.

Ur posting strikes a chord with me - I had an influence on the lyrics you quote.

But what happens when it is painfully obvious that you can not make your dreams come true?

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<<If the Muslims always to separate, let them. Give back the three southern Thai provinces to Malaysia, where they belong and want to be. Give the Philippine island of Mindanao to the Muslims, and see if they can become a viable nation, or not>>

What a fantasticlly naive proposition. Why not give 'em 1/2 of Spain too while your at it? After all, the Arabs had a good portion of that country at one time.

Let's see, why not give a chunk of Poland back to Germany? After all, a few centuries back a large part of Poland belonged to the Fatherland.

Tell 'ya what, while we're at it, let's give America back to the UK. After all, it used to belong to them!

Thailand keeps the southern provinces as a buffer to the radicals who want to swarm across the border and create a Pan Muslim state. What lunacy... :o

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Terrorism is not religious fanatic, terrorist use religious to cover their acts for their own gain, terrorists are nothing but reckless barbalic street gangs, either you let them took over the streets and lock you self in the house or fights back and get rid of those barbalic.

You can not rely on law enforcements to take care of the street gangs problem, everybody in the community got to get involve to get your street back.

You can not rely on US or UK, every countries got to get involve, and that also mean every GOOD HUMAN in this planet got to get involve and fights back.

Or you can draw a line around you and never step out of the line and let those fanatic took over the planet.


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