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Thai Commerce Ministry announces result of work over past 6 months


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Ministry of Commerce announces result of work over past six months

BANGKOK, 21 April 2015 (NNT) – The Ministry of Commerce has announced the results of its work over the past six months to the press, trade associations and the ambassadors of various countries.

According to Minister of Commerce Chatchai Sarikulya, progress was made in the solving of problems left behind by previous governments, and in laying down long-term performance guidelines. The ministry's work had enabled Thailand to reclaim the top spot among rice exporters and pushed annual exports beyond 10 million tons. The cost of rice production had dropped by 432 baht per rai, on average, due to requests of price reduction made to sellers of farm essentials. Other measures implemented for paddy farming included loans provided to farmers to delay their selling of rice and the arrangement of local agriculture commodity markets.

According to General Chatchai, the ministry's Blue Flag events had been able to shave off 550 million baht in people's living costs. The ministry-requested sale of discounted products at various stores reached 50 billion baht. The ministry-sponsored project to provide 30-35 baht ready-made dishes at various food shops had also been helping the public save some 2 million baht in daily expense.

The minister indicated that although the value of exports has dropped because of the global economic slowdown, there are strategies to maintain market share in major importing countries and to expand into new markets. Border trade has also increased.

-- NNT 2015-04-21 footer_n.gif

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Was progress being made in the solving of problems left behind by previous governments, and in laying down long-term performance guidelines?

Despite the shutdown of the Yingluck government during 2013 by anti-gpvernment protesters and abandonment of the democratic institutions by the Democrats, the annual GDP growth rate for 2013 was 2.9.

The Centre of Economic and Business Forecast now believes that 2015 growth could be achieved at 2.5 to 3%.According to Deputy Transport Minister Arkhom, during the first quarter 2015, gross domestic product was up 3% year-on-year.

It seems the only progress the Junta-led government is making is increasing its own delusions of economic success.

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