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Thai citizens hotfoot to beat ivory registration deadline


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Citizens hotfoot to beat ivory registration deadline
The Nation


BANGKOK: -- At least 300 people in Nakhon Ratchasima and 200 in Phitsanulok yesterday rushed to register their ownership of ivory tusks or other ivory items as the deadline to declare such items ended.

The Seventh Protected Areas Regional Office in Nakhon Ratchasima reported that between January 22 and April 20, a total of 1,617 people in three lower northeastern provinces (Nakhon Ratchasima, Chaiyaphum and Buri Ram) registered ivory products in their possession. They comprised of 1,210 full tusks weighing 4,329.08 kilograms, 393 partial tusks weighing 209.31 kilograms and 28,761 pieces of ivory products weighing 541.31 kilograms, the office's forestry official Monton Tantisukchaichan said.

He warned that officials would conduct random checks on people's ivory possessions and those who failed to register would face fines of up to Bt3 million, while those found guilty of engaging in the ivory trade would face up to three years in prison and/or a fine of Bt6 million.

The Eleventh Protected Areas Regional Office yesterday reported that 200 people from Phitsanulok, Phetchabun and Uttaradit registered ivory products, making a total of 1,286 people. The registered items comprised 1,721.02 kilograms of full-length elephant tusks, 201.883 kilograms of partial tusks and 13,738 pieces of ivory products weighing 362.643 kilograms in total.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Citizens-hotfoot-to-beat-ivory-registration-deadli-30258465.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-22

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Thais "hotfooting" has to be a headline in and of itself. Thais rarely if ever are in a rush to do anything.

In case you missed it! The deadline as passed already.

It makes me wonder what kind of person keeps an elephant trunk in their closet. I mean, do they have it as a souvenir or investment or what? I can understand jewelry already cut and set. But jeez!

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Stop The Slaughter...

Five and a half tonnes of ivory being registered!

I shudder to think how much remains unregistered.

Little wonder that elephant populations in Asia and Africa are declining.

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Stop The Slaughter...

Five and a half tonnes of ivory being registered!

I shudder to think how much remains unregistered.

Little wonder that elephant populations in Asia and Africa are declining.

My wife rushed out to register her ivory at 9.00 PM last night after having just seen this on the news at 8.30 PM.

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