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Crazy jealous Thai girl

Jonny T

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I've never seen this girl touch tabs it's hard to even get her to have a few drinks with friends she started bad things because her mother gambled bad was about to have a child and loose the house. All bar girls are 'going to uni' with a child i know but my wife's mother is a bad person from every angle she asked for the house dead once while I was there some people just don't learn. So just say there is this child... My daughter or at least since she was 1 and thinks I'm dad and she is the best kid in the world I have no doubt if I walk away in 6 months the mother will be in jail or dead and I know there are a lot of orphans and homeless people in the world but this is my daughter now..,

Bottom line is how far you want to go with This situation , I have been there probably like many on here, Meet a girl , From the Bar or where ever, You think you can change them , I took care of a girl for three years she used yabba , I did not think at the time but i could have been roped into things had she been caught, any way kept her for three years < paid her lodgings and sent money I lived in the Jungles of south Thailand for months to get her off yabba, got her cleaned up, got her an ID Card, which she had never had, I had to return to England, quess what, straight back on yabba, i just said Bye Bye, It hurt but it was self preservation , some times you have to make a decision you don't like, all i can say is good luck, hope every thing works out for you , but honestly I dont think it will, Thai culture does not mix easy with western Values and standards.

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I've seen most of the world and met more people than I have mosquitoes I have a good set of runners useless when your married to a Thai person as they get tired after 100 meters just walking. I can't start again for a reason I accepted a long time ago. Is it possible that someone has fallen head over heals with a Thai girl when you were broke or poor at the time to realise it wasn't just about security???

Jonny, invest in a pair of Nike Air Max and use them .

You haven't given us the details but you've given us enough.

She has every thing to win and you have everything to lose. And guess what? It won't get any better the longer you dance with this situation.

Run, man, Run.

Forget morals. Forget commitment. Forget bad family and all that crap.

Get yourself away from this situation.

Before it gets you.

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I think your in denile mate, i was for two years, looking back now the advice i was given was under my nose. No body is saying she did take drugs all people are saying with good intentions because they have sen many men in your predicament, as i have said Up to you, how long you want to put up with this.beatdeadhorse.gif

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Yeah I know. Even holding hands or kissing in public is wrong crazy when you think what goes on. There is a really good book called Thai fever is one page in English and the other in Thai explaining both cultures and are very different. I know the are plenty of fish in the water using I say to friends the ocean is full of salmon ironic when you think about it. Thai people are good people I went to language school to learn enough Thai to be respectful as well as my wife reloes not speaking English doesn't help Chiang mai has a sub language but such is life

I love Thai people and the culture is probably why there are so many Aussies in Thailand we just click together

Aussies love Thai culture? Only ever met one that knew anything about it, it's not about beer and sex by the way.

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The drug thing is impossible as since we have met over spend over a million baht on visa related things and she had been in Australia with our daughter and would be impossible to get it this girl barely likes to drink she frowns a little on people who so drugs but at the same time can accept things much worse and justify it

I think your in denile mate, i was for two years, looking back now the advice i was given was under my nose. No body is saying she did take drugs all people are saying with good intentions because they have sen many men in your predicament, as i have said Up to you, how long you want to put up with this.beatdeadhorse.gif

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Your right tho.. I am in denial

I think your in denile mate, i was for two years, looking back now the advice i was given was under my nose. No body is saying she did take drugs all people are saying with good intentions because they have sen many men in your predicament, as i have said Up to you, how long you want to put up with this.beatdeadhorse.gif

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1. This isn't about your wife. It's about you. The real question is "what is about you that would be attracted to this woman and stay attracted?

2. You may be what counselors call a "rescuer" which is someone who doesn't feel needed unless he's rescuing someone. Rescuers are attracted to people with big problems. Those feelings may feel like love but they are instead an inner need.

3. You can't change anyone but yourself. You are the only one you have control of. You won't change this gal so you need to change your own thinking and move on. Give up on rescuing her because she doesn't want to be rescued from her real problems. She just wants someone to take care of her as she is.

4. You are being controlled not by her but by your own inner needs. This is only about you.

5. Stop looking at her for answers and look at yourself because that's where the answer is. Until you take control of yourself you are lost.


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Your right tho.. I am in denial

Jonny, If you think you can fix this gal you are in denial. People don't change unless they change themselves and this gal has so many inner problems she couldn't begin to change herself. She already is what she's going to be.

You can fix yourself if you get out of denial and place the blame for being in this relationship on yourself and then do something about it.

Being in this relationship in the first place shows that there is an issue with you, and you are the only person in the whole world you will ever be able to control. This is all about you and the only question is "what are you going to do about you?"

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Johny. You would be far better off putting this on a dedicated family forum with professionals rather than here. Your problem isn't specifically cultural. Google "family forum" or "relationship advice" and go from there.

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Your right tho.. I am in denial

Jonny, If you think you can fix this gal you are in denial. People don't change unless they change themselves and this gal has so many inner problems she couldn't begin to change herself. She already is what she's going to be.

You can fix yourself if you get out of denial and place the blame for being in this relationship on yourself and then do something about it.

Being in this relationship in the first place shows that there is an issue with you, and you are the only person in the whole world you will ever be able to control. This is all about you and the only question is "what are you going to do about you?"

Very good post. Am somewhat, pleasantly though, surprised that this advice comes from you.

Ofcourse he must have issues himself but it doesnt change the way how his wife acts and that it upsets him alot. Many people think that only men abuse women but recently I have come across about the opposite on social media. This because I am, for personal reasons, interested to know about manipulation. Mental abuse in a relationship is being done by alot of women. They like to be in control. Jealousy might seem to be as a

sign of...love, but it is all about being in control. Experienced it all myself, by looking back, and the situation of the present proves it. I still blame myself alot by not acting on my instincts, when during time the control became more and more secretive (soft manipulation). But it was control nevertheless.

At this stage of the relationship I advise OP to try to emotionally distance himself, as much as possible, from his wife and to read about narcissism, mental abuse and manipulation on the net. This will give him better info about his wife her problem and how to deal with it. Whatever he decides, based upon his intake of the info on the net, only then he can try to start to work on his personal issues. Like Neversure indicated.

Good luck and lots of wisdom, you certainly need it.

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In my life i would never believe what I have been through and felt with I feel a girl is dead because of me and a bunch of other tragities could have been avoided if I put humanity before human emotion. Prostitution will always be there whatever you do the big question is who made those life decisions and who was forced into it....

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In my life i would never believe what I have been through and felt with I feel a girl is dead because of me and a bunch of other tragities could have been avoided if I put humanity before human emotion. Prostitution will always be there whatever you do the big question is who made those life decisions and who was forced into it....

Sorry you cannot save every body , believe me i have tried, Save yourself,

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Fortunately, my missus is completely non jealous in type. But, I have seen this jealous type in friends girlfriends and spouses. The girls think it is appropriate and endearing while the males (Thais particularly) eventually learn that it makes the women appear completely weak. Instead of getting jealous, the women should just leave, but they never do.... Tell your missus that it had to stop because it is a useless act of defiance.

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My wife is 30 and I'm more than sure she doesn't do yaba she smoked weed 1 time and drinks rarely her mother is a horrible person and drinks everyday and dad died a couple of years ago a alcoholic at the same time as being the responsible one there is a dark past

please...punctuation? so your post is readable.
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