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Thailand Global Tourism Drops According to UN World Tourism Organization

Jacob Maslow

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Maybe, just maybe the Thai that call the shots really don't give a s*it. It would be easy to attract more european , and even american tourists if they would just devaluate the baht. The reason that they don't is - amongst others- that oil (major import in Thailand) is quoted in dollars. Keeping the baht linked to it, means low cost for import. Somewhere there are extremely rich Thai people being happy with the dwindling number of Farang(after all, they are barbarians), and, while making big money, not giving a ... about the poor thai people that have to make a living off the tourists.

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Thailand is not even on the radar anymore for most American tourists. This from our family members who own a chain of travel agencies.

Noticed since the Coup adds for Thai in the daily travel section in OZ papers dropped like a brick , last Sat only 2 adds, lots of big promo 's now for cruise ship stuff.

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Regarding the part that states that tourist spending shrank.........The hordes of Chinese that are now holidaying DON'T spend money, IMO they are the ultimate cheap charlies. In CM they walk around areas like Nimanhaemin with their 7 bought bottles of water & taking selfies outside the cool cafes but heaven forbid actually going inside to eat. They have bloody money they just don't spend it. At the 4 star hotel that my GF works at Chinese customers brought their own cooking appliances with them from China so they didn't have to eat out.....they drove into Thai in 2 High end BMW's. WOW TAT let's promote to get more of them........Quality tourists that will help the economy NOT alt=blink.png>

The same in HK all cheap and no class.

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Regarding the part that states that tourist spending shrank.........The hordes of Chinese that are now holidaying DON'T spend money, IMO they are the ultimate cheap charlies. In CM they walk around areas like Nimanhaemin with their 7 bought bottles of water & taking selfies outside the cool cafes but heaven forbid actually going inside to eat. They have bloody money they just don't spend it. At the 4 star hotel that my GF works at Chinese customers brought their own cooking appliances with them from China so they didn't have to eat out.....they drove into Thai in 2 High end BMW's. WOW TAT let's promote to get more of them........Quality tourists that will help the economy NOT blink.png

ah I love the Chinese! Not spending on the fake junk from their own country imported to Thailand. call them what you like, they're not easily conned.Maybe prefer to have the "pissheads" falangs who spend lots on beer and whores? Are those the "quality tourists"?
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Thailand has been catering to "downmarket" countries for about 10 years now. A decision was made not to improve offerings but to concentrate on countries with lower standards than Thailand so that "their" experience" would be upmarket.

They did India first, but found out that they were too cheap. Then we got the Frozen Russians which was a good spell until the cold war started again.

So now its China with its travel companies striking really cheap deals to fill up places in Thailand.

I shutter to think whats next, Central Africa, Chad or even Canada......

That old saying "how low can you go"..

I hope the government improves infrastructure and public offerings but.....

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Thailand has been catering to "downmarket" countries for about 10 years now. A decision was made not to improve offerings but to concentrate on countries with lower standards than Thailand so that "their" experience" would be upmarket.

They did India first, but found out that they were too cheap. Then we got the Frozen Russians which was a good spell until the cold war started again.

So now its China with its travel companies striking really cheap deals to fill up places in Thailand.

I shutter to think whats next, Central Africa, Chad or even Canada......

That old saying "how low can you go"..

I hope the government improves infrastructure and public offerings but.....

Canada?that country is the cream of North America,with the lower class place underneath! Edited by kingalfred
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Regarding the part that states that tourist spending shrank.........The hordes of Chinese that are now holidaying DON'T spend money, IMO they are the ultimate cheap charlies. In CM they walk around areas like Nimanhaemin with their 7 bought bottles of water & taking selfies outside the cool cafes but heaven forbid actually going inside to eat. They have bloody money they just don't spend it. At the 4 STAR HOTELarrow-10x10.png that my GF works at Chinese customers brought their own cooking appliances with them from China so they didn't have to eat out.....they drove into Thai in 2 High end BMW's. WOW TAT let's promote to get more of them........Quality tourists that will help the economy NOT blink.png.pagespeed.ce.AQgCnSOpp_axVntua

ah I love the Chinese! Not spending on the fake junk from their own country imported to Thailand. call them what you like, they're not easily conned.Maybe prefer to have the "pissheads" falangs who spend lots on beer and whores? Are those the "quality tourists"?

To those that you are referring to well maybe they are not the quality tourist in your mind but talking economics.........they spend pretty much every baht every month in the local Thai economy, doesn't matter what the sector is. That spending ripples out across the whole. Re. The Chinese are not easily conned. How is buying food at a restaurant being conned whistling.gif

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Based of international arrivals? Somehow i can not accept that Malaysia boasts more international arrivals than Suvarnabhumi Airport considering this is the main SE Asian hub for onward travel. Unless many of the large carriers have given up their slots in favour of cheaper landing & take of fees in neighboring countries. Then you need to know if these airports have sufficient infrastructure to accommodate them.

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There was an article I was reading that said Thai and Mas were cutting some of their flights to Europe. The article mention going down to 1 flight a day to London , No more flights to Madrid apparently and no KL Frankfurt

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Based of international arrivals? Somehow i can not accept that Malaysia boasts more international arrivals than Suvarnabhumi Airport considering this is the main SE Asian hub for onward travel. Unless many of the large carriers have given up their slots in favour of cheaper landing & take of fees in neighboring countries. Then you need to know if these airports have sufficient infrastructure to accommodate them.

Its possible , Id say the hourly flights to Singapore might have something to do with it

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