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The Indonesian Immigration Dept. has deported 11 Americans & 4 Canadians

for doing a photoshoot on Bali using visa on arrival tourist visas.

Sound severe? Yes it is but a quick poke around Google concerning

Paradise Challenge, the people doing the event, yeilded this....




Which reveals, especially on their website & FB page...they do a lil bit more than

just bikini pix of good looking ladies....not considered porn in the West but Bali

ain't the West and Indonesia has it's own ideas as to what constitutes porn &

what doesn't.


Same as LOS has their rules, which are somewhat more liberal than Indonesia's

but not by much.

And if you insert this in your browser...www.TheParadiseChallenge.com/Bali...

you will notice it comes up with this....

"The page you are looking for is no longer here, or never existed in the first place (bummer). You can try searching for what you are looking for using the form below. If that still doesn't provide the results you are looking for, you can always start over from the home page."

Try it and see for yourselves!

So...what does this mean? Be careful anywhere in Indonesia if yer gonna shoot

some noodies or what may be misconstrued as noodies by the Indo authorities.

And do the same here in LOS as it's illegal here too.

Any thoughts?

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My take was when I first read the story was that they were working while on tourist visas so therefore booted. Now I'm not so sure that's the case and will have to read up on what happened.

The photography is predictable and boring but it may be a good if you live in the middle of the US or Canada and never get to a beach.

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^^^ Eman....That was my first impression too. Indo will easily hand out a permit, akin to work visa but different,

if one is going to be shooting in Indo for a distinct period of time. And it's easy to get. However...if one

arrives on a TV and what they're doing can be misconstrued as "work" then the game changes.

If you look at their other venues of past "shoots" you'll see what their photography is all about and yes,

other than boring, they may have upset some nice laid back folks with their shenanigans. One really

has to mess up pretty badly to get kicked outta Indo though....really badly.

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