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Thailand's CDC defends inclusion of some groups


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CDC defends inclusion of some groups
Nitipol Kiravanich
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The CONSTITUTION Drafting Committee yesterday attempted to allay fears that by recognising political-interest groups, the new constitution would bring about a fresh round of political crisis.

Chai Chidchob, a member of the National Reform Council (NRC), warned that the country could be destroyed by these groups, as the new constitution would allow them to participate in the parliamentary system.

It was the fourth day for the NRC to comment on the draft charter. The focus was on the parliamentary system. Many NRC members voiced concerns that certain clauses in the charter would weaken future governments.

Chai, a former Parliament president, said the election of representatives was critical to the country.

Since the political system was changed to a constitutional monarchy, there has never been a stipulation that such political groups could participate in the parliamentary system. Past coups were due to political conflicts caused by interest groups.

"We have seen that for more than 10 years political conflicts have emerged from political groups, so there is no need to give political groups opportunities to participate. Political parties are enough," he said.

Even though political parties are difficult to control and scrutinise, there will still be corruption and vote-buying issues if political groups happen to be in the parliamentary system, Chai warned. "How can they be scrutinised?"

Two big political groups - the People's Democratic Reform Committee and the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship - will cause more conflicts and crises for the country in the future, he said.

"I guarantee that if this constitution comes into force this way, these two groups will destroy the country completely," he said.

Lertrat Ratanavanich, spokesman for the CDC, said political-interest groups would have to abide by the regulations governing political parties.

Such groups have various interests, and not just in the political area.

The political movements on the street might not cover all the political groups that Chai referred to.

If political-interest groups want to participate in Parliament, they must abide by the law and register their group according to the law before participating further in politics.

The "political group" in the charter referred to "political-interest group", which are groups that are interested in many areas, he added.

Another charter drafter, Kamnoon Sidhisamarn, said many reformers voiced concerns, particularly over the perceived intent of the charter to reduce the authority of the political sector and weaken it as well.

The CDC is trying to strike a better balance that differs from past charters, such as stating that those who are corrupt are not eligible to run for the House of Representatives or Senate and that ministers and prime ministers can be scrutinised by the Constitution Court.

All this was meant to give back a balance to Thai society.

"We do not believe it will be a risk," he said. "We do not want to create a system that makes the government weak. Rather, what we don't want is for the government to be too strong."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/CDC-defends-inclusion-of-some-groups-30258646.html

-- The Nation 2015-04-24

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Look, It will all be much simpler if the foot soldiers of the movement to overthrow the next elected government are given a free pass to a place in parliament. Much better to cause the crisis inside. Couple that with the provisions for an unelected Prime Minister (at times of crisis) and Robert is your fathers brother!

What's not to like

Edited by JAG
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To have politically motivated groups like the UDD, PDRC participating in the process is like inviting Dracula into the blood bank, the only players should be the political parties any semi quasi aligned groups of any political arm have no right to be included , they are generally made of redneck true believers and history has shown how bad they can act, the appointment of outsiders will certainly increase the corruption and nepotism as they don't answer to anyone, a political party Elected member answers to the people, the term Parliament house is in reality the house of the people , so if in theory you don't have elected representatives from the people the name change could be the Dog House. coffee1.gif

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"we don't want is for the government to be too strong."

Because the majority of the Thai electorate will once again threaten the power of the minority elite class. While the CDC will allow participatory democracy, it wants to limit it to basically wallpaper to cover the underlying elite power over Thai people's sovereignty. The general direction of the whole draft 2015 charter is to prevent Thailand from evolving into a full democratic institution.

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