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You certainly make many assumptions in your OP. Is it selfish for a 46 year old first time father and 32 year old first time mother, with adequate income to start a family ?

Is it selfish? What do you think bangkokhatter?

Here are my thoughts:

Under 40: Ideal age to have children

Age 40-45: It is okay, but plan it and be sure

Age 45-50: Borderline. I think it is too old, but it can be done. Just

Age 50+: No.Too old. It is a selfish act beyond this age

I am 65 this year and my Thai wife is 40 we have 2 girls one of 5 the other 8. Both bright happy and doing well in there school here in the UK. Although I am 64 I am fit healthy and have no plans on dropping dead any day soon. I have seen guys 10years younger who look like they are on borrowed time. A man could marry at 30 father 6 kids and get killed by a truck, or get cancer by the time the oldest child is 6 would that be selfish?

No selfish would have been to tell the wife I didn't want kids even if that was what she wanted. I love my girls and could not imagine being with out them and if we are lucky we will all be together for many happy years to come. Anyway I have to go and finish helping the girls make cup cakes.

In my opinion, a husband being 20 up to 25 years older than his wife is no big deal. For example, a 20 year old marrying a 40 or 45 year old, or a 35 year old woman marrying a 60 year old is all still in the realms where they wouldn`t stand out much.

But age gaps over and above those figures is cradle snatching, or woman involved in those relationships are only going to be in it for the money and the old guys in it for wanting desirable sex, there are hardly any exceptions to that rule. But I still rule out men over the age of 55 having kids.

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I don't care; it's what you seemed to

be implying.

Never mind. It's your choice to have a

wife nearly 40 years your junior and if

you can cope with knowing that she

and her family could potentially just be

waiting for you to pop off and leave the

money, good for you.

The guy sounds truely happy with being a father, Why do some posters feel it necessary to bring him down. he simply said that his finances are in order. It would seem that many are jealous of the fact that some have the money to start a new life in Thailand. As much as you will deny this, its usually the case that jealousy is the reason for nastiness.

Jealous? Of what? My comments were

sincere. If he's made his choices with

his eyes open, good for him. Could I

put it any straighter?


If on US Social Security after 62+ years old, 2 children can receive 50% of your benefit ( each child ). Nearly doubles benefit.

Better than a sharp stick in the eye and you can still work.

Are you advocating social security as a means of supporting your children in older age? There is no limit to the time you can be on social security in the US?

If social security is to be the game plan for supporting your children it is better not to have any

You seem to have little knowldge of many things one being social security in USA. It is not welfare , we pay into the fund from when we start working till we start to collect. . Children of person who dies will receive partial benefits till they reach 18-19 if still in school and the spouse will receive a partial benefit untill she dies or remarries. I think most Thai could live fairly well on that IF the recipient was a high wage earner.

I also receive a federal retirement which my wife will recieve about 70 % of untill she dies or remarries.

You say the dad may not be around long enough to fully raise them, really? How many guys die early from industrial accidents,cancer, military service ect --they should'nt have had kids because they are not around to raise them? My father was 51 when I was born died when he was 95, mom lived to be 92, gran mom 102, still have aunts uncles in thier 90's who still drive and minds are fine. Don't put everyone in same situation as too old to have a child plus even if I died soon financially the child (and mom) would be well taken care of by pension , insurance and property owned.


Its threads like this where numerous people are pushing their views onto others that one really wishes there was a separate 'dislike' button on this site.


I remember an interview with George Burns. The ancient cigar smoking comedian. He was asked how it was fathering a baby at the age of 95(?) with his 26 (?) y.o wife. He said something along the lines of "it being great but he has trouble picking the baby up"


Never mind picking it (the baby) up, how about a 95 year old smoker getting it up at allgiggle.gif - in the Pre Erectile Dysfunction Medicine days ?

That should have been the 9'th Wonder of the frickin' World


Rupert Murdoch (evil billionaire) fathered a child at 72, I don't hear anyone complaining about that. Perhaps the OP should enlighten all of us on which races should be allowed to have children as well.

We're all so lucky to have frollywolly telling us what we are doing wrong

So what do we do now if we don't fit the OP's specific, properly scientifically with double blind tested, researched categories? - throw out the bloody baby with the bathwater?


I had a son when I was 64 I am with him all the time he is not at school I he is 6 now and I am looking after him now alone I think in the 6 years since he was born he as seen more of me than I see my father till I was 50 years of age because my father was always at work to support my mother and I

How many men have children when they are young and leave them in the first few years of there lives because they where not mature enough to have children

How many men have children when they are young and leave them in the first few years of their lives, because they weren't mature enough to have children?

Okay, I'll bitesad.png

Answer: They were all mature enough to have children, as their sperm was obviously viable enough to fertilize the egg.

I took the dubious liberty of attaching a question mark to the end of your well-thought out post - assuming it was a question of viable bodily fluids over normal male behavior patterns to sow additional wild oats in other sultry young naa racks..


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Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

Supply and demand. The old farangs want it .. the young Thais supply it. Both get what they want.

If this disgusts you ... take a few trips outside your farang ghetto and check out the hidden "no tell" equivalent in Thai society. It FAR outweighs anything those decrepit old farangs are up to.

Be that as it may, the difference is that

the Thai counterpart does his business

on the hush-hush. He doesn't drag his bit

of fluff around shopping malls when she's

wearing full afterhours nightclub boob-

tube, hotpants and stilettos regalia hoping

to evoke envy from other men. Who'd be

envious of such an embarrassing sight?

Other farang lowlifes would be a tad jealous - I've seen it. I've also seen farang tourists giving their farang husbands shiiiite for looking at these women when on holiday in the LOS.

Now that's hilarious. But not to the farang husbands, who sport looks as if they now fully understand why 70% of men come to Thailand by themselves..

Both are miserable - it's great sport too badwhistling.gif


I'm 62, have a 3 year old. Very happy with lots of money. Been married 5 years and my wife is now 26. Much support in our family. My child will be taken care of very well. You don't need to be concerned.

You can never know about the feeling, reasons, or love of life until you can walk in the shoes that carry this joy. Hopefully you can learn something by reading these comments and better understand how important it is to open your mind a little bit more.

very sensible. Only YOU know what's best. These armchair judges have no right to judge you. Furthermore it is a young woman's desire/instinct to have a child. It would be selfish of a husband to deny her that right for any reason.

Do these guys really want kids, or is it just the girl saying no baby, no boom boom?

It's the latter in most cases, at least most recent scientific studies seem to concur with that generalitythumbsup.gif

Conclusions from Study:

no baby, no boom boom - no boom boom, no baby

It works both waysfacepalm.gif


"Mental disability" is something I inherited from my kids! coffee1.gif

Jokes aside, I do think that sometimes it is the wife (or girlfriend) who wants the baby and the male (of what ever age) will quite often oblige.


Do these guys really want kids, or is it just the girl saying no baby, no boom boom?

No, I really want the kids.

I've managed to produce 3 between age 50 and age 60, not the same mother though.

I heard that one about the paper bag too - (from my father when I was about age 18, trying to teach me God knows what) - shameful that


Do these guys really want kids, or is it just the girl saying no baby, no boom boom?

It's the latter in most cases, at least most recent scientific studies seem to concur with that generalitythumbsup.gif

Conclusions from Study:

no baby, no boom boom - no boom boom, no baby

It works both waysfacepalm.gif

so scientific yet so simple. Brilliantly put my friend. Case adjourned. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

The common theme is they each have much younger wives.

The wife will have pressured for a child and the consequences of not giving one might have likely meant she went elsewhere.


The common theme is they each have much younger wives.

The wife will have pressured for a child and the consequences of not giving one might have likely meant she went elsewhere.

I like to joke around - a lot - but I'll be a little more serious for a nice little change of pace.. giggle.gif

My wife is 14.5 years younger than me, so in my distorted world, that's about the maximum age gap between farang and Thai. I'll tell you why - the three letter word - SEX

I'm mid fifties - she's early forties, and still very horny active. I had a very adventurous sex life before I met her, and have had to adapt so I can still meet her sexual needs, if truth be told Bro:

1. I stopped drinking

2. I stopped watching tasteful porn, only Asian women mind you unless it's with her, which happens occasionally - as she likes it too

3. I go to the gym 6 days a week, and lost 25 pounds, so I weigh what I did at age 21

Conclusion: You have to up your game with a younger Thai women, and more so the larger the age gap. At some point there is a sliding scale, a place where returns are diminished - and I can't explain it any more than that. Thai women are happier in a marriage when the sex is to their liking, and at some point - it would be harder and harder, pardon the pun SVP. When the sex is still good for her, all else seems to fall into place..not that it's a bad duty at all my friends..

happy wife, happy lifesad.png


How old is Too old to Father Children in Thailand?

I've read every post, and I'm not sure that this question has actually been answered yet. So I'll bite. There are two possible answers:

1. Answer from a Thai, with their inherent culture: When they can't father a child.

2. Answer from a farang : There are a million variations and strong opinions, and that's why we have such derision a veritable plethora of varying ideas, such is the proud, egotistical farang mind.

On the other hand, Thais are very pragmatic, and employ what I call "straight ahead thinking"

You see it all the time on the roadwaysclap2.gif


Must be the ego involved.....the old farts need to get a grip and have some common sense....not likely here in LOS....the streets are full of selfish, non thinking fellas who use their balls as brains......lol...?



I have no dog in this fight, but my opinion is the members here that express outrage or disapproval should mind their own business. I have enough on my plate

to concern myself. Sound like a bunch of cackling hens.

There are kids in this world that have "age appropriate" parents and the kids are a mess.


what I cant understand is I have met several men here over 50, retired here for a good life and enjoy all that Thailand has to offer then their lady gets pregnant and 3/4 years later there all going back to his home land cos its too expensive here for them to educate there children.

WHAT A WAY TO F- - - UP THE REST OF YOUR LIFE cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


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How old is Too old to Father Children in Thailand?

I've read every post, and I'm not sure that this question has actually been answered yet. So I'll bite. There are two possible answers:

1. Answer from a Thai, with their inherent culture: When they can't father a child.

2. Answer from a farang : There are a million variations and strong opinions, and that's why we have such derision a veritable plethora of varying ideas, such is the proud, egotistical farang mind.

On the other hand, Thais are very pragmatic, and employ what I call "straight ahead thinking"

You see it all the time on the roadwaysclap2.gif alt=clap2.gif>

I see most of these posts are yours giggle.gif


what I cant understand is I have met several men here over 50, retired here for a good life and enjoy all that Thailand has to offer then their lady gets pregnant and 3/4 years later there all going back to his home land cos its too expensive here for them to educate there children.

WHAT A WAY TO F- - - UP THE REST OF YOUR LIFE cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

No, you go back to give your children the best education possible, which isn't in Thailand.

Not sure how that can be considered messing up your life.


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Personally, I think every 2 people on Earth should only be allowed to replace themselves with 1 child.

We are now around 7 billion people...and counting. It is an absolute disaster.

Thanks Chairman Mao.


what I cant understand is I have met several men here over 50, retired here for a good life and enjoy all that Thailand has to offer then their lady gets pregnant and 3/4 years later there all going back to his home land cos its too expensive here for them to educate there children.

WHAT A WAY TO F- - - UP THE REST OF YOUR LIFE cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

No, you go back to give your children the best education possible, which isn't in Thailand.

Not sure how that can be considered messing up your life.

possible it was like that before and still is but it is not long before the whole Europe is destroyed because of human trafficking and massive immigration from Muslim countries and other sick country. just watch uk, france, sweden etc etc wait 20 years and the conditions there are going to be the way it is in the Middle East today .... Eurabia !!! we can thank the EU its communist politics for it, the lack of democracy there, but I hope you know that already.
well we are confident in Thailand then.

Do these guys really want kids, or is it just the girl saying no baby, no boom boom?

Wouldn't that work better the other way around?



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Personally, I think every 2 people on Earth should only be allowed to replace themselves with 1 child.

We are now around 7 billion people...and counting. It is an absolute disaster.

Thanks Chairman Mao.

Seriously, people who reproduce too much are irresponsible. It is a global problem which has a negative affect on all areas of our society.

Thailand's Mr. Condom had it right. Watch his TED talk. For example, Thailand and the Philippines once had roughly the same population. Now Thailand has 31 million people less. This can't been seen as anything other than a good thing. And Thailand was able to flourish easier during this time.

High population is almost always an economic disaster. Look at the small (geographically) country of Bangladesh. It's smaller than Isaan, yet it has over 156 million in it!


what kind of economics do you follow. do you know that the largest and best growing economy in the world is china. Do you know that china is the most populated country in the world. the second fastest growing is India and the second most populated. Both Canada and Australia are aware that serious impediments to their growth is lack of large populations.

Back to the real issue. No one has any right to comment on other peoples desire or decision to have kids at any age. If you ask what is the right age, well the answer is simple. The biological clock determines that. keep your values to yourself.


And on the note of age-gap which some other members have mentioned.

I think anything up to 10 years is fine, though if the woman is 10 years older there may be some sex drive problems, since men tend to have a higher sex drive by nature.

If the age gap goes over 10 years, then I think 15 years is the absolute maximum, in any case. After that, it starts to seem seriously abnormal and probably dysfunctional, in most cases. There may be a few rare exceptions.

If I were with a woman 20 years younger or more, i would feel a little ashamed in front of my family "back home".

Since this topic is about fathering children, one important thing to consider: how will your child feel in a family where Dad is so much older than Mum? Could it result in bullying at school or in the neighbourhood? Emotional damage? Feeling like he or she belongs to a weird family?


what kind of economics do you follow. do you know that the largest and best growing economy in the world is china. Do you know that china is the most populated country in the world. the second fastest growing is India and the second most populated. Both Canada and Australia are aware that serious impediments to their growth is lack of large populations.

Back to the real issue. No one has any right to comment on other peoples desire or decision to have kids at any age. If you ask what is the right age, well the answer is simple. The biological clock determines that. keep your values to yourself.

On paper maybe, but in reality, no.

Have you ever visited India or China? Try telling the people there that.

I wonder when they will achieve what Luxembourg has.


By my own experience, I believe that children most need a father when its are on its teenager years...and a modern father. If you are over 50 now, thinking in have children, look around and see if you can understand teens behavior without concerns. If you are getting upset with what you see, and cannot react with understanding, better will be to change your thinking.

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