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How well does your wife feed you?

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So many dicks on here. I posted a similar post a few weeks ago. (Tongue in cheek) got hate mail from the plebs here for a week. We need 2 Thai visa sites. 1 for the daily star readers and 1 for normal people

Edited by leither69
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Eating while driving? How stupid can one be? I really hope I won't meet you on the road.

Nah. This post much be a joke.

Then you obviously do not have a Thai wife or normal Thai girlfriend or you don't have a car.

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after 10 years are you the same?

if one would ask her "Is he the same as when you met him", how and what would she answer about you?

Finally, if you are as concerned about other things in your relationship to the same extent as you are about being fed on a road trip; then she has a hard life living with you

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after 10 years are you the same?

if one would ask her "Is he the same as when you met him", how and what would she answer about you?

Finally, if you are as concerned about other things in your relationship to the same extent as you are about being fed on a road trip; then she has a hard life living with you

Seriously. Do you read the comments? Don't you understand? ITS NOT SERIOUS

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I had to stop mine feeding me while at the wheel, driving along the road and discovering a deep fried cockroach in my mouth proved a bit too dangerous.

The leg spurs on the deep-fried crickets and grasshoppers were the worst for me!

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Eating while driving? How stupid can one be? I really hope I won't meet you on the road.

Nah. This post much be a joke.

Then you obviously do not have a Thai wife or normal Thai girlfriend or you don't have a car.

Or a sense of humour. You definitely need that to live with either.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I learned to feed myself years ago.

When you learn to laugh at yourself, give us a call. We'll throw you a party.


And when you learn to recognise sarcasm ... we'll throw a big one for you to!


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My Mrs being the youngest of 5 sisters and her mother dying very young, she was never given and "culinary" training growing up, ergo she cant cook for a sh*t, so typically when I am at home, I take the role of the chief cook and she is the bottle washer

That is too bad, can't she learn? When we met, my missus could not cook either, well she could burn rice. She was a tomboy who preferred going to school, playing sports, or even working on the farm to doing household chores. However, we went out to eat frequently, still do, and I showed her what I knew about cooking, introduced her to foreign foods all over the world, and encouraged her to try cooking. She developed a unique ability to recreate any meal she tasted. Now, she is a great cook and baker. An invitation to eat at our house is never refused. Even the local farang restaurant owners who have eaten her cooking ask her to teach them and to sell them her baked goods for their restaurants. She politely refuses to bake for sale, but often gives them a cake or a pie--they take it home to eat with their families.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Ahhhhhh OP, you are complaining about the feeding......ask about sex and how it has changed through the years.........

It used to be hot......now she is more interested in her FaceBook, even when in bedsad.png

What has gone wrong with our wives?

don't get married ,don't live together and it keeps the sex fresher and more interesting for a lot longer

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