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If you dropped dead right now, who would care....


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I have a fairly good sized Thai family, and I know for a fact that I am loved by them, and I would be missed.

Financially, I've made arrangements for my wife and son, so that's not a problem.

As for me, according to my mother, I'm destined for an eternity in Purgatory. According to her, God won't let me in Heaven because He's afraid I'll corrupt it. Satan won't let me in Hell because he's afraid I'd take over. My mother always liked my brothers better.


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My English friends here would care.

My g/f would care.

My friends in the UK would care.

My son - I don't give a sh!t if he cares - he is not getting my house.

Most of all, I would care.

If I dropped dead tonight, no more sex, no more rock n roll and no more beer, fun and the rest.

oh dear . A Thai gf has driven a codger against his own flesh and blood.

Says who?

How do you reach that conclusion? What the hell do you THINK you know to slander someone you do not know and who is not even THAI??

Sad, really.

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Let us be honest with ourselves nobody would really care and if they did then not for very long, so what ? you wont be in any position to care about anything, enjoy the peanuts while you can, the discarded shells will take care of themselves.

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My finances are a mess "right now." My wife died without a will and the final court hearing is May 27 when most things will get resolved. The house in Pattaya I'm living in goes to one of my wife's sisters. The house in Bangkok goes jointly to another sister and my niece. I am in the process of building a house next door that will go to another sister who promises to look after their aging parents. I am left with a few million all liquid which will be included in a legal wiil signed, sealed and recorded. Hopefully I will have some advance notice so that I can make the actual distributions beforehand. I also wear an asbetos suit when lounging around the house as I strongly expect to spend the hereafter in a very warm place. Wil I be missed? Moreso by my Thai family than by the US family. There will be joy, not because I'm gone, but because life becomes a lot easier for them with some money. The Thai family members who have not behaved properly will find out how much I don't like what they have done. Not revenge, just no reward.

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Well, before that moment happens and you have had friends here or a Thai family be prepared. I have provided my friends here a copy of my passport, important documents if you have a pension etc.. and contact numbers back home.

If you have every had to attend the burning of a western friend at the Temple, you'll see the most barbaric act of sending you to your maker. Some are buried with respect to get to the other side, well you have to see it to believe it and don't eat before you attend.

If you die as a tourist, don't worry you'll be in an overstay situation for 500 baht a day until someone ships you home in a carry-on plastic bag.

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The last thing I want to think about is dying! blink.png

Last week I blacked out and ended up in Pattaya Memorial getting six blood transfusions.

Made me think....

The property is in my brothers name....check!

Enough money in the bank for a funeral and for the girlfriend for a while.....check!

Living will to not to keep me alive in a vegetative state.....check!

No other encumbrances......check!

Just keep your affairs in order, as you can go in the blink of an eye! thumbsup.gif

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Interesting.. this question came up just as I was preparing a similar list.. I'm going in for open-heart surgery tomorrow and am compiling a list of who's to be emailed re/the outcome (I'm expecting that to be positive!). But building the list makes you think.

I've partitioned into who simply needs to be notified, who cares a lot, but will then quickly move-on and who really, really cares. (Spouse, kids, sister, a couple of close friends for 35 years)

All my legal paperwork is in order, BTW and I encourage everyone to do that.

I can't wait to be back in Thailand in a few months. I STILL have to meet my tirak's mom as we met in the States. (My 2nd Thai wife.. maybe I should write a book.)

Good luck for the surgery.

I know how you feel I went through some dangerous surgery some years ago.

The odds are stacked in your favour but it is best to be prepared.

Just make sure the nurse who is the last eyes you look into before you go to sleep has pretty eyes.

Edited by harrry
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If you dropped dead right now, who would care....

Answer: The guys pulling out your gold teeth and the voodoo monks carving talismans from your bones for the lottery numbers.

But that may not be the worst part. You may end up with Costas and his virgins simmering in a hot tub in hell for eternity.

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If you dropped dead right now, who would care....

my landlord ..... he would miss out on the months rent ...

where to after that

I've got no friends ... so probably just thrown on the trash heap ...

Edited by steven100
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"So, where to from here.... "

In a better world, without bitterness, negativity, scams, murders etc etc.

And on top of that I would have 40 virgins attending to me......although I'm not a Muslim...............

I thought the virgin count was much higher than 40 although I would not complain about 40. I would be happy as it would happen fast no lingering which rather scares me. Yes Costas I agree it would be a better world no doubt. My only worry is my very young gentle g/f who would have to move on without me. She will have some financial help but I am not rich (I do buy lottery tickets in Canada and the draw is up to 50 million this Friday got my fingers crossed oops cannot type with them this way) She is a great gal together over 3 years now. She is not perfect but who is certainly not me. Her whole life would have to change and I am trying to help her with her options. We are trying to get a plan in place cremation etc. will in place trying to cover all the bases before my celebration of life day. I have told her to burn me cheap as possible have a monk say a few words and adios. I have told her watch family and friends as once its gone its gone. She gets the message. I have told her if she hears the wind gently rustling the tree branches it will be me looking after her.

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Costas, if you have a couple of virgins left over when you are finished point them in my direction. At least it will make the trip worth it.

I think the Wife might miss me, well at least until everything is settled.

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Interesting.. this question came up just as I was preparing a similar list.. I'm going in for open-heart surgery tomorrow and am compiling a list of who's to be emailed re/the outcome (I'm expecting that to be positive!). But building the list makes you think.

I've partitioned into who simply needs to be notified, who cares a lot, but will then quickly move-on and who really, really cares. (Spouse, kids, sister, a couple of close friends for 35 years)

All my legal paperwork is in order, BTW and I encourage everyone to do that.

I can't wait to be back in Thailand in a few months. I STILL have to meet my tirak's mom as we met in the States. (My 2nd Thai wife.. maybe I should write a book.)

best of luck ,I had a triple by pass in 1986,so don't worry to much,actually it was not that bad, I was told I would more than likely need it done again in 8 years or so,that was 29 years ago ,still going strong,anyway hope it all goes well Edited by i claudius
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The very thought in and of itself is extremely narcissistic. Particularly when the usual first thought of those remaining alive as ... damn glad it wasn't me.

Putting these thoughts aside, if you have led a good life and really added something of value to all those who's lives have touched your passing will at least be regretted if not missed. If you reside in Thailand certainly all those on the gravy train you have funded will miss maybe not you but at least your money.

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