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Riot erupts in Baltimore after funeral for man hurt in police custody


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The nation and the world have run out of tolerance of the too many low socio-economic background and status police who continue the history of the police patrol in the United States as a posse of whites rounding up blacks as if they were cattle to the slaughter.

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These situations have been about police brutality and the militarization of the police. They have also been about racism. One does not exclude the other. Do you really think that only racist police are brutal or that brutality only happens to blacks?

I find myself in quite an odd position in that I find some examples of police excess valid, others not, all inflated and used for Balkanizing America and continued the dependency of the Great Society, and effectively providing any self reliance tools for education, business development, dreams, personal ladder climbing. So, for many blacks they are afraid of police and for many police they are afraid to leave the briefing rooms, hit the streets, and fear every young black many they encounter. I training US LEAs or years and while these opinions trouble me less it was DELTA at the Waco that began my long interest in suspension of posse comitatus and the workaround of Navy personal to directly account to the NCA

and totally bypasses congress.

Whats worst is that the America black population will not be passively misused going forward. There cries today are a canary in a cool mine with regard to nationalized police force, suspension of habeus corpus, and other dark and unwholesome Orwellian things. American blacks today are being intentionally employed to fester angst and rage. The valid is mixed with the professional agitation and the media mouthpieces reinforce this division. This fractured America can only move forward in a handful of manners and known of the plans look good or anyone. It makes a great back story to minimize the fallout from failed policies and economics that will shortly come "home to roost."

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The nation and the world have run out of tolerance of the too many low socio-economic background and status police who continue the history of the police patrol in the United States as a posse of whites rounding up blacks as if they were cattle to the slaughter.

"Rounding up blacks as if they were cattle to the slaughter." Where did that come from, lol?

The reality is, trillions have been spent on housing, welfare, food stamps, student loans, and other programs to help blacks. Unfortunately, giving money to these people for the last 50 years, lowering hiring standards for state and federal jobs, and basically holding their hands hasn't worked. Many blacks now believe welfare is a career choice.

I think it is time to put an end to this nonsense, so black people can wake up and smell the coffee. Liberals have created a welfare state supported by hard working Americans, and now want more money for blacks and blame law enforcement for the high crime rate in black neighborhoods.

Liberals have created this myth, blacks are being stalked by racist white police, and they must stop further police atrocities. Somehow this delusional thought process sustains their notion they are morally superior. OMG!

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Before I clicked on this topic, I knew it was going to be the usual racist teapublicans somehow blaming Obama.

Along with all the rest of the despicable racist comments usually working Obama into it, ya all.

Haters gonna hate, huh?

Obama flamed the fires of the Baltimore riots by suggesting police departments across the country need to do some "soul searching" on how they handle African-American criminal suspects. Really Obama? Maybe the black community should do a little soul searching on why so many young black men gravitate to a life of crime, and why blacks are the only race in America, that loots and burns down their own communities when the opportunity arises. I think you may be confused about who the haters are.

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I am beginning to think whites arenot racist but just people who wish to survive and live without terror in their neighbourhoods, perhaps their country. How many people here would chose to live in Baltimore? If black family moved into your neughbourhood and said they were from Baltimore,would you feel safe,would you worry about terrorism or unprovoked violence?Maybe durgs sold on the street or house breakins etc. I amnot talking stereotype or racial profiling I am talking relating what happens there and how you would feel having them move into your neighbourhood. Would you feel a new invironment would change their attitude or do you feel they would bring their way of life to your doorstep? Think about it and then ask yourself are you racist or just value quality of life and wish to preserve it.

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I am beginning to think whites arenot racist but just people who wish to survive and live without terror in their neighbourhoods, perhaps their country. How many people here would chose to live in Baltimore? If black family moved into your neughbourhood and said they were from Baltimore,would you feel safe,would you worry about terrorism or unprovoked violence?Maybe durgs sold on the street or house breakins etc. I amnot talking stereotype or racial profiling I am talking relating what happens there and how you would feel having them move into your neighbourhood. Would you feel a new invironment would change their attitude or do you feel they would bring their way of life to your doorstep? Think about it and then ask yourself are you racist or just value quality of life and wish to preserve it.

The blacks have shot themselves in the foot. Who in their right mind will set up a business in their neighbourhoods or give them a job? Just look at Detroit for a view of what is to come for Baltimore.

The Asians have had just as bad a deal as the blacks when they came to the US, but they got educated and moved upwards. Seems that some blacks wish to do nothing except look for handouts.

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Before I clicked on this topic, I knew it was going to be the usual racist teapublicans somehow blaming Obama.

Along with all the rest of the despicable racist comments usually working Obama into it, ya all.

Haters gonna hate, huh?

Obama flamed the fires of the Baltimore riots by suggesting police departments across the country need to do some "soul searching" on how they handle African-American criminal suspects. Really Obama? Maybe the black community should do a little soul searching on why so many young black men gravitate to a life of crime, and why blacks are the only race in America, that loots and burns down their own communities when the opportunity arises. I think you may be confused about who the haters are.

If I were a white cop in the US I'd be reluctant to stop any black man for any reason now. Perhaps the blacks in poor neighbourhoods will find that life isn't so good when only black policemen will enter black neigbourhoods.

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If I were a white cop in the US I'd be reluctant to stop any black man for any reason now. Perhaps the blacks in poor neighbourhoods will find that life isn't so good when only black policemen will enter black neigbourhoods.

I believe there are a lot of places in the USA where the police or fire departments don't go because of fear of blacks. Cabrini Green in Chicago was one and many places in Detroit but others will have to speak about the other large concentrations of black folks like East St Louis (Ferguson) and so on.

To tie this to Thailand I have never been to anyplace in Thailand that scared me as much as places I walked by every day in the USA. I had to go because of business but since retirement I came here and feel a lot safer.

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Since this thread has been opened I have been searching a lot to learn. I found out the Star Bangled Banner is part of Baltimores history. Rather ironic i feel.

an attempt to take Baltimore, the British attacked Fort McHenry, which protected the harbor. Bombs were soon bursting in air, rockets were glaring, and all in all it was a moment of great historical interest. During the bombardment, a young lawyer named Francis Off Key [sic] wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner", and when, by the dawn's early light, the British heard it sung, they fled in terror.

—Richard Armourd .

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I apologize for having to do this in 2 posts but something of further interest to the subject at hand. A verse that was added than could be applied to the current crises. Makes me wonder what was really going on in America in the past.

Additional Civil War period lyrics[edit]

In indignation over the start of the American Civil War, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.[13] added a fifth stanza to the song in 1861 which appeared in songbooks of the era.[14]

When our land is illumined with Liberty's smile,

If a foe from within strike a blow at her glory,

Down, down with the traitor that dares to defile

The flag of her stars and the page of her glory!

By the millions unchained who our birthright have gained,

We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained!

And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave

While the land of the free is the home of the brave.
Its like words from a soothsayer. The north fought to free blacks now they have to find and answer to get them under control before they destroy the nation.

Edited by lovelomsak
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