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codeine (Dr who will prescribe it)


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Does anyone know of a Doctor who is actually prepared to help and prescribe Codeine for severe migraines.

My mate never even knew about codeine and was suffering taking all sorts of painkillers tramadol, Tylenol ext which simply do not work.

Getting hold of Codeine isn't an issue in Pattaya. Getting a prescription to have on hand in case of a random drug test showing opiates is.

They have told the Dr they have had everything and it's the same cycle of Dr refusing and giving same useless meds most recently an injection and charging a fee.

Beyond a joke now that medical professionals are refusing to treat a patient appropriately when many will know and have only experienced success taking codeine.

So rant over can anybody recommend a Dr who is willing to help and acknowledge that my mate genuinely needs help and should be protected for taking something that's necessary every now and then.

At present they are risking getting locked up every time a migraine comes on and that's not fair nor affordable for most.

Please don't advise on alternative medication simply looking to know of a Dr who WILL issue a prescription.


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Tramadol makes migraines worse in my experience, I discovered "Cafegot" which should be taken as first symptoms appear, it's specific for migraines, does the job for me.

I too use cafegot for migraine and it works really well . However i have been told it is no longer available anywhere in Thailand and most other countries or so i was told last time i bought some in Boots. I am lucky enough to have a stash to last me a few years . There is an alternative called Avamigran which seems to work for me.

Sorry OP - doesn't answer your question about codeine which , for me, is too addictive ..

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As the OP says it is not a problem getting a prescription for codeine but getting a doctor to write down anything other that an RX (that can only be filled at a hospital pharmacy) is going to be a real challenge

I would suggest that when the OP's friend does see a doctor and gets an RX that he request that the Medical Certificate specifically list the medication that he was prescribed, he can cover himself by telling the doctor that it (the medical certificate) is required so that he can be reimbursed by his insurance company for both the visit and the drugs prescribed

Unfortunately they will understand the money angle, but not the random drug test reason

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I got a prescription from Bumrungrad for some pretty heavy stuff for my mom. The doc wrote out a prescription for it and the meds had the same info on the box, doc name, patient name, reason for the meds, etc.

Wouldn't that work in case you were stopped?

Do the random drug tests test for this type of drug? I thought it was only yaba????

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Tramadol makes migraines worse in my experience, I discovered "Cafegot" which should be taken as first symptoms appear, it's specific for migraines, does the job for me.

I too use cafegot for migraine and it works really well . However i have been told it is no longer available anywhere in Thailand and most other countries or so i was told last time i bought some in Boots. I am lucky enough to have a stash to last me a few years . There is an alternative called Avamigran which seems to work for me.

Sorry OP - doesn't answer your question about codeine which , for me, is too addictive ..

Maybe Boots were trying to sell you a more expensive alternative, i have no problem finding Cafegot or the other cheaper generic versions, try a regular pharmacy rather than Boots.
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Tramadol makes migraines worse in my experience, I discovered "Cafegot" which should be taken as first symptoms appear, it's specific for migraines, does the job for me.

I too use cafegot for migraine and it works really well . However i have been told it is no longer available anywhere in Thailand and most other countries or so i was told last time i bought some in Boots. I am lucky enough to have a stash to last me a few years . There is an alternative called Avamigran which seems to work for me.

Sorry OP - doesn't answer your question about codeine which , for me, is too addictive ..

Maybe Boots were trying to sell you a more expensive alternative, i have no problem finding Cafegot or the other cheaper generic versions, try a regular pharmacy rather than Boots.

Like i said i have bought up a few years worth but that was over two years ago , but like all chemicals. the one i have will have a limited shelf life ,.From what i understand from a search on the web it has been discontinued, to be replaced by Avamigrin which is a similar price and works for me. There was a outcry from people like us for whom caffegot does work very well so i am wondering if it is still available in Thailand. The ones i was buying here were not made by Novartis and is much cheaper than what i buy in Australia.

Interesting post from last year may help


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys an update for you. The Dr in Bangkok hospital Pattaya agreed to prescribe but then advised she visits a government hospital for a license to possess the drug due to its classification. They were quite helpful and did not charge a fee giving their phone number so they could be contacted to confirm the drug was medically required.

I've seen earlier somebody mentioned they don't test for opiates. Thats not my understanding but if somebody could give confirmation it would be useful. One thing which concerned me is that it was mentioned they test for marijuana? This im sure for every smoker is worrying. If caught in possession in Thailand they have their laws you face the punishment fair enough. However it can stay in heavy smokers systems for many weeks. To not break a law in a country but be punished for what you do outside of it in another to me seems extremely unjust. For that reason alone i would be surprised they tested for marijuana as surely in the eyes of the law proving it was illegally consumed in Thailand is paramount when it comes to prosecution???....

Anyway I for one like to keep on the right side of the law in Thailand so if you need it do it right. Codeine is not to be messed with in the eyes of the law.

If anyone thinks they know where its available over the counter your probably better keeping it to yourself and definitely not saying it on here. Too many snitches in this town. Next minute gafs will be getting raided. Now that would be a real headache.

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The treatment/prevention of Migraine is not based on the use of Codeine or any other narcotic substance !

If "migraine" is a problem then seek a consultation with a Neurologist who will prescribe effective , non narcotic medication.


(Perhaps the problem is not migraine but a desire to obtain narcotics ?)

Edited by nzexpat
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I am fully aware that codeine is not commonly recommended for treating migraines but it is acknowledged that in some cases Codeine can be used effectively to prevent pain when other means of treatment have failed if not on a regular basis as this is the case.

Given the fact you have not had the opportunity to examine her personly or be present when specialists have over the years i find your comments implying that this is nothing more than an effort to get hold of a narcotic poor to say the least.

There may well be a solution for her other than codeine but after years of visiting Dr's and yes she has seen a Neurologist! Her migraines have not improved from any of the various treatment methods they have presented.

This may well be a case of incompetence from the previous medical professionals she has seen with them collectively failing to find a medical treatment that can help her that isnt on the naughty list in your eyes but in my eyes wether its textbook medicine or not is irrelevant if its the only thing that works. Surely she should not be denied pain relief and thankfully the last Dr who seen her agreed and didnt do as the others did charging and giving the same treatment which they know didnt work before probably in line with the protocol that you are suggesting as the bible itself.

If you or anyone for the matter hasnt seen it. Dallas Buyers Club, Great film. An eye opener into the world of pharmaceutical Corps, regulatory bodies, medical treatments and how patients are treated at times. Whats right isnt always right just like what's wrong isn't always wrong. You might pick up some compassion from it FDA man.

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I fail to see the problem with codeine

When I was in the UK I suffered badly with arthritis

I was eventually prescribed co-codamol 30/500

Even the highest doses could not control the pain.

When I moved to Thailand all the pain went so I came off the codeine

No withdrawal symptoms at all.

So why all the fuss.

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