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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'


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It's amusing to me that some people actually think he has a chance.

It's amusing to me and probably others why you so vehemently oppose him!

Do you not think that America needs change?

Excuse me, dude, but when did I ever say that I oppose him?

Vehemently or otherwise.

I just don't think he has any chance.

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It's amusing to me that some people actually think he has a chance.

It's amusing to me and probably others why you so vehemently oppose him!

Do you not think that America needs change?

Excuse me, dude, but when did I ever say that I oppose him?

Vehemently or otherwise.

I just don't think he has any chance.

. Well he won't if people have YOUR attitude. Every chance you get you have been saying he has no chance, that's the same as opposing him.




disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.

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It's amusing to me that some people actually think he has a chance.

It's amusing to me and probably others why you so vehemently oppose him!

Do you not think that America needs change?

Excuse me, dude, but when did I ever say that I oppose him?

Vehemently or otherwise.

I just don't think he has any chance.

. Well he won't if people have YOUR attitude. Every chance you get you have been saying he has no chance, that's the same as opposing him.




disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.

Actually some of us believe that he is not the answer to all our problems and do oppose him. His ideas seem to be based on the plan to give away as much as possible and blame everyone's problems on the rich or corporations. I guess that is easier than preaching self reliance and personal responsibility. And of course there is the pesky issue of figuring how to pay for all that free stuff.

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It's amusing to me that some people actually think he has a chance.
It's amusing to me and probably others why you so vehemently oppose him!

Do you not think that America needs change?
Excuse me, dude, but when did I ever say that I oppose him?
Vehemently or otherwise.
I just don't think he has any chance.
. Well he won't if people have YOUR attitude. Every chance you get you have been saying he has no chance, that's the same as opposing him.




disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.

Actually some of us believe that he is not the answer to all our problems and do oppose him. His ideas seem to be based on the plan to give away as much as possible and blame everyone's problems on the rich or corporations. I guess that is easier than preaching self reliance and personal responsibility. And of course there is the pesky issue of figuring how to pay for all that free stuff.

You should analyze what's being said more carefully. A lot of the problems in America are big business's fault but that isn't the only thing.

What are your idea's of self reliance and personal responsibility?

It's also NOT free it's paid for by people actually paying taxes something corporate bodies detest doing the world over. I personally believe there should be one tax rate percentage for everyone NO exceptions. Because you earn more you pay more a simple deduction. We don't really need all these different rules and rates!
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It's amusing to me that some people actually think he has a chance.
It's amusing to me and probably others why you so vehemently oppose him!

Do you not think that America needs change?
Excuse me, dude, but when did I ever say that I oppose him?
Vehemently or otherwise.
I just don't think he has any chance.
. Well he won't if people have YOUR attitude. Every chance you get you have been saying he has no chance, that's the same as opposing him.




disapprove of and attempt to prevent, especially by argument.

Actually some of us believe that he is not the answer to all our problems and do oppose him. His ideas seem to be based on the plan to give away as much as possible and blame everyone's problems on the rich or corporations. I guess that is easier than preaching self reliance and personal responsibility. And of course there is the pesky issue of figuring how to pay for all that free stuff.

You should analyze what's being said more carefully. A lot of the problems in America are big business's fault but that isn't the only thing.

What are your idea's of self reliance and personal responsibility?

It's also NOT free it's paid for by people actually paying taxes something corporate bodies detest doing the world over. I personally believe there should be one tax rate percentage for everyone NO exceptions. Because you earn more you pay more a simple deduction. We don't really need all these different rules and rates!

Corporations, if they are profitable, do not pay taxes. Those taxes are passed on in the form of increased costs of their goods and services. The rich actually pay the majority of taxes by an overwhelming percentage, and yes there are close to half the population that pays no taxes and are ripe for the propaganda that Sanders spouts.

I do agree with you on a flat tax. I was a tax preparer for several years and would be happy to see that industry, as well as that of lawyers and other experts who device complex trusts to avoid taxes disappear.

As far as self reliance and personal responsibility - spend less than you earn, work hard, learn new skills, take on additional responsibilities instead of watching the clock, save and invest through out your working life, develop a frugal lifestyle, drop the entitlement attitude.

I am no expert but it worked for my wife and I. We are not rich but are retired and living a life we enjoy. Edited by Scott
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Actually some of us believe that he is not the answer to all our problems and do oppose him. His ideas seem to be based on the plan to give away as much as possible and blame everyone's problems on the rich or corporations. I guess that is easier than preaching self reliance and personal responsibility. And of course there is the pesky issue of figuring how to pay for all that free stuff.

Where do you get the idea of 'free stuff' from? No such thing. The most profitable investment a Society can make is Education, Health, Pharmaceuticals, a fair distribution of wealth, a liveable minimum wage. It certainly is not free.

It is way past time USA started to claw back these essential services from Corporate greed and time for Corporations to pay their way and showed some Corporate responsibility.

Corporations profiting from peoples misery is a disgrace and of all the developed Nations America is the only country that continues to allow this to happen.

Bernie is actually polling very strongly and is not taking Corporate bribes and is funding his campaign from the American people. More power to Bernie I reckon.

Are the American people still swallowing the 'self reliance and personal responsibility' diatribe from Corporate America? What about 'trickle down economics'? the American people still believe that BS?

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It's amusing to me that some people actually think he has a chance.

Be amused then. Eight years ago, there were people who were sure a black man couldn't become prez. They were probably amused also, that Obama had the temerity to run for that highest office - and have his portrait hanging alongside Adams, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and both Roosevelts.

Actually some of us believe that he is not the answer to all our problems and do oppose him. His ideas seem to be based on the plan to give away as much as possible and blame everyone's problems on the rich or corporations. I guess that is easier than preaching self reliance and personal responsibility. And of course there is the pesky issue of figuring how to pay for all that free stuff.

We don't agree, but I appreciate you looking squarely at the issues. Some others can't get past the 'socialist' label. That's all they see, and don't want to look at what's actually being discussed.
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Well, I never thought Obama had no chance because his political talents are so amazing but I don't see that in Bernie. I will humbly admit that I didn't think Obama would be nominated against Hillary until it became clear that he was going to. But really I never thought ... NO chance.

Edited by Jingthing
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Corporations, if they are profitable, do not pay taxes. Those taxes are passed on in the form of increased costs of their goods and services. The rich actually pay the majority of taxes by an overwhelming percentage, and yes there are close to half the population that pays no taxes and are ripe for the propaganda that Sanders spouts.

I do agree with you on a flat tax. I was a tax preparer for several years and would be happy to see that industry, as well as that of lawyers and other experts who device complex trusts to avoid taxes disappear.

As far as self reliance and personal responsibility - spend less than you earn, work hard, learn new skills, take on additional responsibilities instead of watching the clock, save and invest through out your working life, develop a frugal lifestyle, drop the entitlement attitude.

I am no expert but it worked for my wife and I. We are not rich but are retired and living a life we enjoy.

"As far as self reliance and personal responsibility - spend less than you earn, work hard, learn new skills, take on additional responsibilities instead of watching the clock, save and invest through out your working life, develop a frugal lifestyle, drop the entitlement attitude."

An excellent view from the 1930's. The 'nucleus eccumbens' of the unquenchable greed of modern day Corporate America would quiver with excitement. You would be reduced to a miserable existence of an indentured slave. It is 2015.

Hopefully old Bernie has a better plan than this.

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Here's an example of how corporate America thinks, under the theme "Rich Get Richer while the Poor Get Poorer":

Ohio became about the 20th US State to legalize the growing and purchasing of medical marijuana. The Ohio governor is opposed to pot, but has to go along with the legislation. He's decided along with his rich friends, to assign 20 licenses for growers. In other words, only 20 entities would be entitled to grow pot. Anyone else caught growing it, would be busted. It's a similar law re; the control of tobacco growing. That's why it's not possible for non-certified regular citizens to get tobacco seeds or to grow tobacco in their back yards. Oh, the 20 pot licenses would be auctioned off. Guess what's going to happen: only the richest wannabe-growers will be able to buy in. Already, corporations, rich people, sports stars and a few entertainment richies are showing interest in bidding. Who loses out? The average folks who just want to grow it to either make some money or enjoy some smoke.

That's a microcosm of commerce in the US. The already-rich have many advantages over the regular Joes and Janes. Plus, like Trump, they can leverage things and get loans. If they can't pay back the loans, no problem, the federal government may bail them out, like they did with AIS, Big Three auto-makers, Goldman Sachs, and others. Or the deadbeat borrowers can claim bankruptcy. Electing a Republican will only exacerbate the uneven playing field. At least Sanders indicates a willingness to try to bring things closer to sanity. Hillary, for her part is also talking sense, though not as radical a housecleaner as Sanders. I think he's pulling her a bit farther to the left, as she's seeing how popular his economic ideas are.

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And in the end...the growing, sales and personal use of marijuana are still against federal law.

Another one of those federal laws the Democratic President doesn't seem to want to enforce.

Maybe Bernie will.

Naw, forget that idea.

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Well, I never thought Obama had no chance because his political talents are so amazing but I don't see that in Bernie. I will humbly admit that I didn't think Obama would be nominated against Hillary until it became clear that he was going to. But really I never thought ... NO chance.

Say what?!!? As an independent Bernie's political and legislative skills have been praised by his contemporaries in both parties for years. Obama was a jr. senator with no obvious political chops and, although he has had a couple of victories, his eight years in the WH hasn't shown him to be politically adept.

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Obama is exceptionally good at campaigning. That's a fact.

And yet Bernie is doing better than him in fundraising and turn-outs at the same point in their respective campaigns...

Grasping at straws now. I feel your pain. He won't get nominated. Trust me.

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Do I have to reference Trevor Noah again to remind you of your distinct lack of predictory skills?

Not really. I don't recall definitely saying he wouldn't be picked. Just thought he wouldn't and also thought has was a bad choice. I was wrong, he was picked, but I think I was right about him being a bad choice. He is NOT FUNNY in that role. Anyway, this isn't about me, this isn't a t.v. show, it's president, and I would bet my last dollar that Bernie Sanders will NEVER be president. Is that definitive enough for you?

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And, just as Obama, Bernie may not turn out to be the leader we hoped for, but he DOES stand a chance. You may want to keep that, "I was wrong" quote around for later use.

No problem. I'm not really worried. Nobody would take me bet, I'm sure, not even Bernie himself, on a 1 to 1 basis, and I understand why.

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Stumbled across an interview with Bernie Sanders by Katie Couric.

How any US Citizen, excluding the 'one percenters' and Corporations that pay no Tax of course, isn't casting their vote for Sanders is absolutely beyond me. He strikes at the very core of everything that needs repairing in the US. A true visionary whose only intent is to represent the American people rather than the elite minority. A fairer deal for all Americans.

Bernie really highlights how unprofessional journalists are these days. Katie continually tries to drag Bernie into an ideological 'slanging match' between his position and Hillary's position and Bernie just refuses to be drawn.

Not many people can stand up to Murdoch's / Republican media propagandist Bill O'Reilly.

More power to you Bernie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bernie has released his first TV advert.

Great stuff Bernie. If Bernie is given a chance to do half what he hopes to achieve America could be twice the country it is today.

"A Future To Believe In"

Give em hell Bernie!

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Bernie has released his first TV advert.

Great stuff Bernie. If Bernie is given a chance to do half what he hopes to achieve America could be twice the country it is today.

"A Future To Believe In"

Give em hell Bernie!

A trillion dollars of new spending and free stuff for everyone. Take all the money from the so-called one percent and his budget will still be short and of course what will you do next year when there is no one to confiscate from.

Also, corporations, if they are profitable, do not pay taxes. Those taxes are a part of the cost of doing business and factored into their cost of producing their goods and services, which, of course helps determine the price of those goods/services and the consumer will then pay that price.

No matter how much old Bernie wants us to believe, there is no free lunch.

His battle cry seems to be that if we can only take from others, our lives will be so much better. He is going nowhere in this election cycle, thankfully.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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