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Peace TV may petition King over station shutdown


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“I have said already, if you don’t cooperate, you will be in trouble,” he continued. “So, blame your own boss. The editors, the publishing house owners. Don’t blame me.” - the PM

Such is the standard by which the Junta makes decisions.

One member suggested Peace TV should appeal to the Administrative Court. Considering that the decision to shut down the station was (maybe) based on criteria in a Memorandum of Understanding [sic] imposed by the Junta, it is most likely the Court would simply run away from this matter. We're not talking about rule of law or due process. We're talking about silencing people who are not cooperating. The PM himself has made this abundantly clear.

Also, as I've note in other threads on this subject, there has not yet been any specific example cited on TVF of how Peace TV has recently violated any terms of the MOU. Just broad brush statements and hyperbole.

Like you I'm anxiously awaiting more info on specifics on violation. Unfortunately even smutcakes hasn't been able to deliver. Mind you, do you normally receive detailed information on anything that happens in your own country? Since you frequently suggest that America will do something, may I assume you're American and are involved in NSA related work? In so, maybe you should inform us.

So, anyone who has info on the taped interview with the Thaksin appointed People's Army Commander Gen. Chavalit ?

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His majesty's name should not even be mentioned. Just acknowledging the criminal element of Thai society is below his majesty.

It was not long ago the UDD openly and publicly pushed for sedition whereby Northern Thailand would be a separate state ergo they would have no king albeit a criminal fugitive as its leader.

Put these criminals in jail and never allow them to even mention his majesty again.

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This seems to be a calculated move to try to drive a wedge further in, like the Monty Python bit on the Holy Grail, with the obnoxious peasant getting on King Arthur's skin and then shouting "Help, help! I'm being repressed! See the violence inherent in the system!" when told to shut up; except not funny, of course.

After reading the posts on this subject I am wondering what the problem is with some TVF members. Why is that some rubbish others and attack them mercilessly despite their posts being legible, articulate and presenting a reasonable discussion. Why do some appear to condone past atrocities, never offer a legitimate argument, decry other's opinions and appear to want to revert to the good old days? Or, as a last resort, attack the poster, not their opinion. Why is it that some give the impression that if they can't beat you one way, they'll try another, is it because they are unable to articulate an opinion of substance and, in turn, try to shut down the argument they know they cannot win through factual accuracy.

They never acknowledge past crimes, negligence, corruption or blatant lies used to conceal nefarious activities. It's as if these acts never happened; they praise those who don't deserve these accolades and just rubbish everything regardless of whether is it bringing criminals to justice, reducing corruption, stopping political murders, the killings of innocents on all sides and, for almost 12 months, bringing some peace and stability to those in all walks of life. It certainly gives the impression that one is dammed if they do, or dammed if they don't.

Many seem to forget that "Rome wasn't built in a day" yet despite everything that is being put into place, albeit slowly, they continue on in a most hateful and denigrating way, never offering a solution, just posting negatively, changing or twisting words and criticising all and sundry. I have spoken to Thais, some who present negatively, others positively however, on here, it's many foreigners, not all, who are always negative, no matter what, so may I ask, what do they expect to accomplish by ridiculing and complaining and posting in such an inane manner?

My guess would be that it is overcompensation for unresolved self esteem issues.

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