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Troops, police raid Peace TV to disrupt Chavalit's interview


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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

I'm guessing you haven't seen any news from the states for a while? tongue.png

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Yes I agree with you. it would seem that lots of TV posters who are either paid by the current government, to support any actions or practices the government does or we have a bunch of commies amongst our mist. Either way bah.gif .

I've just been watching Sky News taking the mickey out of Prince Charles. Says it all to me.

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Exactly , similar to The French Resistance and the Russian Partisans. They were so arrogant they wouldn't let the Germans do what they wanted without "Interfering". But the Germans followed the law and shot them all

You need to take the "ex" out from the beginning of your name.

Comparing Thailand now to wartime Europe 70 years ago is pitiful at best.

PeaceTV (or as it's know locally, "The Thaksin Channel") is constantly encouraging armed, violent unrest against the "Bangkok Elite", cos they care about "the people" so much and want everyone to be "equal" (just so long as their red leaders are more equal than everyone else).

"... and you need to take the sujin out of your name - Tat tastless rubbish well describes your pathetic attempt to compare things you know nothing about and to try to smear Peace TV with your downright lies."

What downright lies?

Are you saying that Peace TV never tells lies, never twist the truth, never broadcasts hate speeches, never encourages violence?

What I am saying is: quote "PeaceTV is constantly encouraging armed, violent unrest against the "Bangkok Elite", cos they care about "the people" so much and want everyone to be "equal" (just so long as their red leaders are more equal than everyone else)" is a downright lie. Which it is; and even more of a lie because there are no "Elite" in Bangkok, only people who delude themselves they are "Elite"; and it is those delusions that cause the continued coups, removal of democracy and the misery of political violence in Thailand.

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

Don't compare the 'freedoms' in the United States to what's happening here.

When was the last time you had bombs exploding and armed rebels(oh sorry, peaceful protestors. Hah!) trying to overthrow the government? This with the aid of 'neutral' 'Peace' TV stations egging on the crowd? Or idiots going on stage calling for the burning of Bangkok and cheering when bombs blow up kids?

Things have been pretty peaceful since the Army took over. That's good enough for most people.

Looked a bit like that in Baltimore this week. Actually, it reminded me of Bangkok in 2010, but the "peaceful protestors" didn't burn nearly as much and they didn't appear to have automatic weapons and bombs.

Well never having been in Baltimore I can't compare and most certainly the TV stations make things appear much worse than they actually are, But I seem to remember CNN mentioning automatic gun fire and petrol bombs aplenty in Baltimore the last couple of days. Things being so bad the entire city was shut down and under curfew..........But I don't think the either the National Guard or the police are going to shoot 70 protestors.

Well, at least not until those "protesters" start shooting the police/Guard with automatic weapons (as occurred in Thailand).

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Seriously you cannot compare Thailand to the US - Infact yes the JUNTA from any Western prospective is wrong. But for those of us that have been here 10 years or so, and actually witnessed first hand the red shirt movement in bangkok (My office was just 25 meters from Camp) Seen building burning, grenades going off above your head, and watching how the reds got used like Sheep and herded and brainwashed into an angry frenzied mob. Then you realize, Thailand will never get the word democracy, never has been and probably never will be.

Both sides are bad, but choosing the lesser of evils seems to be the choice Thailand is taking right now. Preventing any more uprisings, divides between the North East, Military coups, Drops in Tourism, Burning buildings, and probably fake floods too. The country needs to stabilize now if its ever to move forwards. Unfortunately the forcful tactics of the Junta whilst unheard of in the West, are necessary in a country where the education is so underdeveloped and corruption is the religion. its sad but you cant compares apples and durian!

Seems like some EX pats , don't mind a Military Junta as long as it gives them a quiet life. No need to worry about the tens of millions who want to vote and have a democracy ,

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

are you back?

They were not shut down for advocating violence, but if you wish to claim that, that is your right. It's called a lie, and yes, your lies are protected by your right to free speech.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Seriously you cannot compare Thailand to the US - Infact yes the JUNTA from any Western prospective is wrong. But for those of us that have been here 10 years or so, and actually witnessed first hand the red shirt movement in bangkok (My office was just 25 meters from Camp) Seen building burning, grenades going off above your head, and watching how the reds got used like Sheep and herded and brainwashed into an angry frenzied mob. Then you realize, Thailand will never get the word democracy, never has been and probably never will be.

Both sides are bad, but choosing the lesser of evils seems to be the choice Thailand is taking right now. Preventing any more uprisings, divides between the North East, Military coups, Drops in Tourism, Burning buildings, and probably fake floods too. The country needs to stabilize now if its ever to move forwards. Unfortunately the forcful tactics of the Junta whilst unheard of in the West, are necessary in a country where the education is so underdeveloped and corruption is the religion. its sad but you cant compares apples and durian!

Seems like some EX pats , don't mind a Military Junta as long as it gives them a quiet life. No need to worry about the tens of millions who want to vote and have a democracy ,

this 10 millions need the democratic elections only to receive their bonus from Dubai in cash !!

thats all what they want from democracy;

They dont like a gvt with less corruption and no vote buying !

Thats what you also prefer ??

Not at all any democratic election system like in Germany and europe on which they currently

working for the new constitution;

Yes, Dubai also dont have it !

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

They all should be shut down down regardless the colour

Good to see you agree with the premise of this thread in that Peace TV should be shut down for advocating and instigating violence.

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Its easy to criticize the junta from a Western prospective, because everything they are doing is often by force and to silent the opposition. However for those of us who lived through the last 2 protests, infact i had a grenade go off over my head, had a business station just 25 meters from the red shirt camp, and have witnessed first hand both the miltia whom guarded my shop against the looters and many other first hand experiences during those bloody days. Whilst what the Junta do is no doubt one sided and wrong to most Western thinkers. This is just not the same. Keeping the peace is paramount now, and the Reds are far from a peaceful group. Democracy in Thailand is just a word, there has never been one here and probably never will be, its a farce. So comparing it to the West is a waste of time.

The only thing that matters is that protests, burning of buildings, black shirts, brown shirts, and fake floods are prevented so that the economy can recover and the divide between the north can heal. So far its much better now than it was before, and i am certainly not a yellow, nor a red, they both make me cringe. But its the lesser of evils that counts.

That's an interesting post.

It is for that reason that I sometimes wish the Thai 'government' would simply accept that a parliamentary democracy, together with long winded charters and all sorts of committees and assemblies just does not work here. Of course, they can't say that, or they lose international kudos and all sorts of benefits. So they pretend.

A benign ...........ship may be what is best, but please come clean for everyone's sake.

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

They were not shut down for advocating violence

Regulator revokes Peace TV's licence


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Seriously you cannot compare Thailand to the US - Infact yes the JUNTA from any Western prospective is wrong. But for those of us that have been here 10 years or so, and actually witnessed first hand the red shirt movement in bangkok (My office was just 25 meters from Camp) Seen building burning, grenades going off above your head, and watching how the reds got used like Sheep and herded and brainwashed into an angry frenzied mob. Then you realize, Thailand will never get the word democracy, never has been and probably never will be.

Both sides are bad, but choosing the lesser of evils seems to be the choice Thailand is taking right now. Preventing any more uprisings, divides between the North East, Military coups, Drops in Tourism, Burning buildings, and probably fake floods too. The country needs to stabilize now if its ever to move forwards. Unfortunately the forcful tactics of the Junta whilst unheard of in the West, are necessary in a country where the education is so underdeveloped and corruption is the religion. its sad but you cant compares apples and durian!

agree 100% with you !!

12 years experiance as half-expat with thai society !!

Junta is 100 times better than Dubais Democracy for this country !!

And lets pray for good health and long life of the King !

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No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist

Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

so you believe TV channels in the west can broadcast anything they like unhindered, are you serious

there is nothing remotely close to the red terrorist propaganda channel so called "peace tv" in west - such channels would never get a licence in the first place, it would be like the IRA UVF ISIS trying to have their own TV in the UK - a completely ridiculous thought

Thank God for Fox.

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"but the greater cause, trying to remove Yingluck and the Shin power base, was a greater cause, and the deaths were acceptable for the greater good... Why do I say that because any leader who started seeing his supporters killed and maimed if he truly felt anything for them would have stepped away from the confrontation and opted for different ways to bring the opposition down".

So how do you relate that to the fat little Mussolini clone who conspired with the army for 2 years to bring political violence to Thailand and set up a coup?

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If you are going to take away a fundamental human right- which speech is- you need to have a compelling interest. That's why dishonestly yelling fire in a theatre can be barred.

What was Chavalit saying that justified muzzling him? What was he saying in that interview that was so outrageous, that rose to the level of shouting fire in a theatre?

Because, according to the original report on page 1, Peace TV was raided to stop the interview with him. Not because Peace TV was broadcasting without a license. Not because Peace TV had "incited violence" in the past. Chavalit's speech, at the time he was making it.

So far, nothing about the speech's content. Just more "trust us, we know what's best for you." That's comforting. I'm sure they know what's best.

You're confusing extremely poor journalism and pathetic reporting for inconsistencies with the government's actions.

Peace TV was ordered to be closed for provoking and inciting violence before Chavalit.

Typical of Thai police historical inaction, they had not been closed.

Today, they have been closed.

Actually, according to The Nation, they were not closed for inciting violence, but for "providing programmes that caused confusion, misleading people and creating conflicts in society."

Pretty serious stuff, but not actually "inciting violence."

Of couse, Natee probably didn't really say that, it's just bad reporting, right? :)


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

No danger of the army or police raiding a TV station in the US - we have our freedom of speech. There are media who hate Obama, and others who praise him, yet both can co-exist
Hence I'm confused why some TVF posters applaud this action here. Perhaps they have gone native (Bangkok style) and forgotten their civics training.

less you be reminded that we are not in the US and that most media stations in the US whether they hate or love the powers to be do not incite violence...Hope that helps the confusion you are currently experiencing....

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

Hello Haggis

the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



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The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

billd, can you give a brief transcript of what they have been saying which justifies their shutting down?

Of course not.

How dare you have the impertinence to ask a clear and sensible question of an outraged hater of the majority of the ex-electorate.

It may be more useful to consider what their audience thinks and how they will eventually react...

1992 and all that.

Edited by philw
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"but the greater cause, trying to remove Yingluck and the Shin power base, was a greater cause, and the deaths were acceptable for the greater good... Why do I say that because any leader who started seeing his supporters killed and maimed if he truly felt anything for them would have stepped away from the confrontation and opted for different ways to bring the opposition down".

So how do you relate that to the fat little Mussolini clone who conspired with the army for 2 years to bring political violence to Thailand and set up a coup?

He was the leader who could have stopped the protests if he felt so strongly about their plight, but the greater cuss drove him forwards instead !!

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Lucky, Thai history didn't start in 2010 and that's not ten past eight at night either.

Try going all the way back to the 1930's and that's not half past Severn either, you might think you're too old to do homework but if you claim to know what's going on, then you needed to have gone back to before World War 2.

Why do you think there has been 19 coups since then?

I fail to see where history comes into it. I am talking about nothing other than how much better it is under THIS government than it was under Yingluck's and we don't want agitators that lost out in this coup from disrupting their (the government's) valuable work. I couldn't care less about things that happened nearly a century ago - it has absolutely no relevance to today!! This coup is different - probably the best and most needed coup to have happened in world history.

actually if you study Thia history you will see that this coup and whats ahppened since is remarkably similar to earlier ones, its quite interesting to see how it turned out for them, no reason at all to think this one is going to be any different

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

Hello Haggis

the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



She is one fine looking woman and has a brilliant accent, and perhaps is misquoted too many times, but she is too hi so to win over the Red shirts, do you know who it was that twisted her words?

It's not just the Reds who don't understand democracy the current mob don't either ?

Thanks for correcting what she said though

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Its easy to criticize the junta from a Western prospective, because everything they are doing is often by force and to silent the opposition. However for those of us who lived through the last 2 protests, infact i had a grenade go off over my head, had a business station just 25 meters from the red shirt camp, and have witnessed first hand both the miltia whom guarded my shop against the looters and many other first hand experiences during those bloody days. Whilst what the Junta do is no doubt one sided and wrong to most Western thinkers. This is just not the same. Keeping the peace is paramount now, and the Reds are far from a peaceful group. Democracy in Thailand is just a word, there has never been one here and probably never will be, its a farce. So comparing it to the West is a waste of time.

The only thing that matters is that protests, burning of buildings, black shirts, brown shirts, and fake floods are prevented so that the economy can recover and the divide between the north can heal. So far its much better now than it was before, and i am certainly not a yellow, nor a red, they both make me cringe. But its the lesser of evils that counts.

That's an interesting post.

It is for that reason that I sometimes wish the Thai 'government' would simply accept that a parliamentary democracy, together with long winded charters and all sorts of committees and assemblies just does not work here. Of course, they can't say that, or they lose international kudos and all sorts of benefits. So they pretend.

A benign ...........ship may be what is best, but please come clean for everyone's sake.

except that dictatorships in Thailand are arent necessarily any more stable then a democracy, theres been more coups in Thailand against dictators then legal governments, this regime may not even last long enough to see elections if history is anything to go by

Edited by phycokiller
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The army really is terrified and losing the plot it seems.

Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

I can only hope that you are being ironic.

I agree with bild.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Lucky, Thai history didn't start in 2010 and that's not ten past eight at night either.

Try going all the way back to the 1930's and that's not half past Severn either, you might think you're too old to do homework but if you claim to know what's going on, then you needed to have gone back to before World War 2.

Why do you think there has been 19 coups since then?

I fail to see where history comes into it. I am talking about nothing other than how much better it is under THIS government than it was under Yingluck's and we don't want agitators that lost out in this coup from disrupting their (the government's) valuable work. I couldn't care less about things that happened nearly a century ago - it has absolutely no relevance to today!! This coup is different - probably the best and most needed coup to have happened in world history.

actually if you study Thia history you will see that this coup and whats ahppened since is remarkably similar to earlier ones, its quite interesting to see how it turned out for them, no reason at all to think this one is going to be any different

And there is no reason to think it will be the same as others.

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Lucky, Thai history didn't start in 2010 and that's not ten past eight at night either.

Try going all the way back to the 1930's and that's not half past Severn either, you might think you're too old to do homework but if you claim to know what's going on, then you needed to have gone back to before World War 2.

Why do you think there has been 19 coups since then?

I fail to see where history comes into it. I am talking about nothing other than how much better it is under THIS government than it was under Yingluck's and we don't want agitators that lost out in this coup from disrupting their (the government's) valuable work. I couldn't care less about things that happened nearly a century ago - it has absolutely no relevance to today!! This coup is different - probably the best and most needed coup to have happened in world history.

"I fail to see where history comes into it"

and that, dear poster, defines you

OK then, tell me why something that happened 80 years ago is relevant to today.

This (not really a coup as such as it turfed out an impotent interim government that wasn't functioning) succeeded in parting 2 squabbling infantile groups of children from tearing each other apart. He gave them not one, but two chances to reconcile as the situation was totally out of control and they spurned both opportunities. He simply stepped in and relieved them of their duties as he knew that he could do a far better job than them.

No other coup has any resemblance to this one so you cannot compare them at all which is why history is irrelevant.

Bearing this in mind, please tell me why history holds any relevance, as it doesn't.

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Not really. It just shows the stupidity and ignorance of "Peace TV" who have already been shut down at least once.

Thay are so arrogant that they STILL don't believe that the law applies to them also.

yeah, arrogant...

free speech is not for everyone.

Advocating violence and insurrection is not free speech.

It's arrogant to think it somehow is.

Neither is starting you will seize Governemt house by force and try to detain members of the caretaker government and have people like Michael Yon ask his sheeple to "hunt" down government officials including Yingluck.

But that's okay as the shirt colour is the right one ?

Both sides are just as bad as each other with their hate speeches, Chitpas saying Reds were too dumb to vote isn't showing hate? calling Reds Buffaloes isn't classed as hate ?

They all should be shut down down regardless the colour and ladies beach volleyball shown instead!!

Hello Haggis

the exact words from Chitipas were "they don't understand democracy" I know I saw her speak several times at RDNK in Nov 2013 and on that occasion these were her exact words ever since she has been misquoted countless times by every tom dick and harry here at TVF, Thai media and western media ( thank You Mr.Head ) even Suthep's foaming at the mouth tedious monologues could not match what was said at around the same time and during April/May by the UDD. Quote " I hate Sondhi and those n***ers from the south" this one sometime in Nov 2013 at the sports stadium in Ramkhamhaeng, Natawood screaming for the country to be carved up for his/their Isaan lanna state in Feb 2014. The UDDN TV channel ( Now Peace TV Yeah right!!!) having an icon fixed in the bottom left of the screen which read "civil war next month" and please don't forget the fist punching crowd pleasing cop in Korat who cheered the murder of a 9 year old little girl the previous day.

Western media basically lied their asses of about what was said and not said by the PDRC during that period and to be honest I kinda agree with what Chitipas REALLY DID say during that speech



She is one fine looking woman and has a brilliant accent, and perhaps is misquoted too many times, but she is too hi so to win over the Red shirts, do you know who it was that twisted her words?

It's not just the Reds who don't understand democracy the current mob don't either ?

Thanks for correcting what she said though


I honestly couldn't say who the initial source was I do remember twitter going expletive bonkers with tweets/comments about what she did/didn't say within a day or 2 of the speech and Yes she is a babe (do you think I rode my push iron all the way down to RDNK 3 times a week to see Sutheps 60 tooth grin?) Anyway I've just finished downloading William Friedkin's Sorcerer ( A movie I've been dying to watch for years ) , tomorrow's a holiday and my fridge is full of Leo.

Have a good one yerself


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typical red shirt thinking, we can do as we please and no one can stop us. How long before they start killing and blowing things up again because they dont get their way, ptp just gave them a carte blanche to do as they please and they still think it applies. They should dismantle the broadcasting equipment and hit them with massive fines and jail time, the law is there to be followed not toyed with

Especially if the law is arbitrarily imposed by a self appointed military junta, and is being used to silence criticism and stifle the opposition, you old champion of freedom of speech and democracy you!

Seajae is a thinking truthful responder-- very appropriate!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Lucky, Thai history didn't start in 2010 and that's not ten past eight at night either.

Try going all the way back to the 1930's and that's not half past Severn either, you might think you're too old to do homework but if you claim to know what's going on, then you needed to have gone back to before World War 2.

Why do you think there has been 19 coups since then?

I fail to see where history comes into it. I am talking about nothing other than how much better it is under THIS government than it was under Yingluck's and we don't want agitators that lost out in this coup from disrupting their (the government's) valuable work. I couldn't care less about things that happened nearly a century ago - it has absolutely no relevance to today!! This coup is different - probably the best and most needed coup to have happened in world history.

actually if you study Thia history you will see that this coup and whats ahppened since is remarkably similar to earlier ones, its quite interesting to see how it turned out for them, no reason at all to think this one is going to be any different

And there is no reason to think it will be the same as others.

be interesting to see, but as I said so far its going exactly the same as has happened several times before and Im sure the generals want it that way, Im not sure what you are hoping will be different but whatever it is its not happening yet

Edited by phycokiller
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