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"Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages..."

I got news for you, Princess.

I can not only imagine it, I know several people who live on less than 100B a day.

In America. Yes, you read that correctly.

The United States of America.

If it's possible in America, you're telling me it's impossible or a hardship in Thailand?

It all depends on how you want to live, your expectations and social infrastructure. To a small minded foreigner incapable of thinking outside of a extremely small and limited box, I can see why it must be unimaginable...

Iam curious as to how one "lives" on $3.00 per day ($91.00 per month) in the USA, can you elaborate a bit more on this for me please.

That's my point exactly. You put quotes around the word "lives" because it is so far outside your pampered world that you believe it to be sheer deprivation.

Let's just say it's impossible for the people in the bottom 99% who are posh-wannabees and leave it there...

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If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

As usual Konying is in the farang fog,with factual errors galore


"Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages..."

I got news for you, Princess.

I can not only imagine it, I know several people who live on less than 100B a day.

In America. Yes, you read that correctly.

The United States of America.

If it's possible in America, you're telling me it's impossible or a hardship in Thailand?

It all depends on how you want to live, your expectations and social infrastructure. To a small minded foreigner incapable of thinking outside of a extremely small and limited box, I can see why it must be unimaginable...

Iam curious as to how one "lives" on $3.00 per day ($91.00 per month) in the USA, can you elaborate a bit more on this for me please.

That's my point exactly. You put quotes around the word "lives" because it is so far outside your pampered world that you believe it to be sheer deprivation.

Let's just say it's impossible for the people in the bottom 99% who are posh-wannabees and leave it there...

Exactly. I cannot get my head around living on that figure hence I ask for you to elaborate for me.... or is that impossible for you to do ?


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

I shall tell my wife and her friends to get their fingers out, and graft more then!!

Yes my wife works getting her hands dirty 5 days a week so she doesn't feel like she's relying on me.

She wants to work in Korat but after she pays for a room, as she would have to live there rather than travelling 2 hours each way in a bus she has to pay for plus petrol costs to get to the bus stop!!

I will presume you don't live in a rural area of the country?

The local chicken factories are full of migrant workers too, and please tell me this, would you like to work in a job you don't want to do, but have to, just to make ends meet?

You're a snob, and a Thai bashing one at that. You've been bashing them on the other thread too, do you even live in Thailand and if you do, why? As you seem to have a hatred for the poor

Well if you know your wife, that makes you an expert on Thai labor nationwide.whistling.gif


"Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages..."

I got news for you, Princess.

I can not only imagine it, I know several people who live on less than 100B a day.

In America. Yes, you read that correctly.

The United States of America.

If it's possible in America, you're telling me it's impossible or a hardship in Thailand?

It all depends on how you want to live, your expectations and social infrastructure. To a small minded foreigner incapable of thinking outside of a extremely small and limited box, I can see why it must be unimaginable...

Iam curious as to how one "lives" on $3.00 per day ($91.00 per month) in the USA, can you elaborate a bit more on this for me please.

That's my point exactly. You put quotes around the word "lives" because it is so far outside your pampered world that you believe it to be sheer deprivation.

Let's just say it's impossible for the people in the bottom 99% who are posh-wannabees and leave it there...

I know the answer ....1) go to prison for a long period Or 2) become a homeless street person and get everything for free from charities/govt.

Any other ideas?


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

As usual Konying is in the farang fog,with factual errors galore

Oh mighty one, do share your wealth of knowledge gained from extensive experience working in Thai with Thai.

Let me guess you fluent in Thai also and have lots of Thai friends? Married to a wonderful business lady, half your age from good wealthy familygiggle.gif


"Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages..."

I got news for you, Princess.

I can not only imagine it, I know several people who live on less than 100B a day.

In America. Yes, you read that correctly.

The United States of America.

If it's possible in America, you're telling me it's impossible or a hardship in Thailand?

It all depends on how you want to live, your expectations and social infrastructure. To a small minded foreigner incapable of thinking outside of a extremely small and limited box, I can see why it must be unimaginable...

You know several people who live in the United States on $3 per day?

You say it "all depends on how you want to live..."

So please . continue ... please tell us how in the USA you can live indoors and eat ... without some form of charity involved. For $3.00.

I think your enthusiasm to make a dramatic point has over ridden your concern for the truth.

(A gentle way of saying you are full of it.)

I think the rest of us are talking about a life worth having, not what ever ring of hell you are describing.


bangkokequity you are right i also want to know where you can live in usa for $3 a day cos i will move there from london now.


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

Do you posses any common sense at all?

You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

I shall tell my wife and her friends to get their fingers out, and graft more then!!

Yes my wife works getting her hands dirty 5 days a week so she doesn't feel like she's relying on me.

She wants to work in Korat but after she pays for a room, as she would have to live there rather than travelling 2 hours each way in a bus she has to pay for plus petrol costs to get to the bus stop!!

I will presume you don't live in a rural area of the country?

The local chicken factories are full of migrant workers too, and please tell me this, would you like to work in a job you don't want to do, but have to, just to make ends meet?

You're a snob, and a Thai bashing one at that. You've been bashing them on the other thread too, do you even live in Thailand and if you do, why? As you seem to have a hatred for the poor

Well if you know your wife, that makes you an expert on Thai labor nationwide.whistling.gif

Nope, it makes you to a guy who writes about things you know nothing about.


I posted once that I doubt most Farang would last a single shift on a Thai construction site and was told that the majority of the hard work on those sites is done by Cambodians and Burmese, so I'll leave this one alone. Its for the Thais to sort in any case - foreigners living here have no say in how much people get paid or what that will mean for the cost of living.

Some foreigners like ME actually ended up doing all that construction work themselves as sad n old as I am at 51 the "kids" couldnt do it, I mixed the cement , got the sand got the cement, laid the blocks, tiled the floors, installed doors n windows painted it all, cleaned up the lot


If it was not possible to live on the minimum wage, then why are there not millions of people starving and homeless in Thailand? If you were born in Thailand chances are you can easily make do on 300 baht per day, what you cannot do though is buy your kids ipads and iphones & pay the HP on your new pickup. This is what this is really about. it is not about surviving on 300 baht per day it is about aspiring to be something else on 300 baht per day.

How do you compare what 300 baht per day gets you when compared to living somewhere like London, where many workers see 60-75% of all their earnings go in rent, the same would not be anywhere near true in Thailand where the cost of renting for a thai in a property of similar size to one in London would be less than 30% of his monthly wages and maybe only 15%.

As many have pointed out the west relies on workers in other countries being paid what seems like very poor wages to them, if production costs rise in these countries then corresponding wage rises should also happen in the west to cover rising costs. Only it hasn't been that way for nearly twenty years now, wage rises in the west have stagnated at zero percent for as long as I can remember.

In the end it is the purchasing power of western economies that will determine what workers in other economies will be paid unless they disentangle themselves from the grasp of globalization.

Asean is a huge step forward in this, I only hope the Thais see it for what it really is.

What the " you cant live on that a day" brigade really mean is you cant live on that and buy the latest phone /bike /car etc etc


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

Any idea where the real world is


Hold on, he makes B15k/mo and the minimumm wage is B300/day and they can't make it? Get him in touch with that farang on TV who said he lives "WELL" on B5500/mo--that is only B183.33/day


I posted once that I doubt most Farang would last a single shift on a Thai construction site and was told that the majority of the hard work on those sites is done by Cambodians and Burmese, so I'll leave this one alone. Its for the Thais to sort in any case - foreigners living here have no say in how much people get paid or what that will mean for the cost of living.

Some foreigners like ME actually ended up doing all that construction work themselves as sad n old as I am at 51 the "kids" couldnt do it, I mixed the cement , got the sand got the cement, laid the blocks, tiled the floors, installed doors n windows painted it all, cleaned up the lot

And these days houses just grow out the ground


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

Agree with your sentiments, but sometimes the lower paid workers have never had a chance to dig themselves out of the "poverty trap".

Their own parents couldn't afford to go to school, and struggle themselves to afford to get their own children an education.

Sometimes the reason why they have children is because it's an extra pair of hands to work on the rice farm, or a sort of investment for old age when the children are obliged to take care of their parents, as the "old age pension" (if you can call it that) is 500 baht a month!

In the UK/West, children are given a chance of a half decent education, but unfortunately because of the flood of immigrants from less well off countries, and the "nanny state" being what it is, it is becoming normal practice for young girls leaving school with next to no qualifications getting pregnant as soon as they can, knowing fine well that their total benefits will be more than they could expect from any menial job. There are even cases where these girls are looked upon as the "breadwinners" of the family. The "scam" works like this:- The girl has 3 or 4 children by "unknown" fathers in as many years of leaving school. She collects her Family Benefit and other perks for a while, and then tells the authorities that she can not cope with all of them. Her parents (the children's grandparents) then offer to become "legal carers" for half of them, and their income jumps dramatically, much more than the reduction of the girls Family Benefit and perks. This is possible because the alternative is to have the children taken into care, which is much more expensive than having the grandparents look after them. And the grandparents are in a position to look after the children because they are both unemployed, and by them becoming "legal carers", that is 2 more people off the Unemployed Register!

So "should society be responsible for their foolish acts" is more applicable to some countries than others, and at least in Thailand, the family tries to take care of its own, rather than letting the responsibility fall on the taxpayers of the country.


As for Toyota, how come in production lines in other countries they can afford to pay 700 Baht an hour, yet in Thailand they won't even pay 70 Baht an hour? It's not like - even before tax - the cars are any cheaper in here? The answer: Because they can.

Productivity. Work ethic. Teamwork. Lack of need to ship parts and materials in while paying high import duties for them just to use them in the manufacturing. Here are the productivity numbers for the US. At your 700 baht per hour estimate which I think is accurate, let's crunch some numbers. It looks like it takes about 31 to 35 hours labor to build a car in the US and that's the engine, tranny and everything. That's flying.

I wish I could find numbers for the Thai labor force.

"When (Ron) Harbour adds up all the man-hours it takes to build a car or truck, including stamping, assembly, engine and transmission manufacture, Hyundai was seventh of seven majors, at 35.1 hours per vehicle in North America. Ford Motor Company was sixth, at 33.88 hours, a 3.7-percent improvement over last year, Nissan was fifth, at an estimated 32.96 hours, or 8.8 percent more time than the previous year, and GM was fourth, at 32.29 hours, a 0.2-percent improvement. Honda was third, at 31.33 hours, a 2.3-percent improvement." LINK

Auto manufacturing has been opening in the US in droves and there are now 13 difference makes manufactured there including BMW and Mercedes, Volkswagen, Korean and Japanese brands, the traditional American brands...

The Thai government gets a lot of what could be workers' money in the form of customs and regulations and excise taxes that make it very hard to do business. There are no such costs in the US and the labor force is entirely different.


Obviously jobs have stopped leaking out to Mexico in your eyes.


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

Do you posses any common sense at all?

You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"

Were they or are they forced to be farmers?


Nope, it makes you to a guy who writes about things you know nothing about.

You so right , I am not married to a farmer.

By the way , last time I checked farmers would be self employed no? !


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

Are you upside down, because the words seem to be coming from the wrong end. Nowhere near all people start on minimum wage. And they're certainly not kept on it. Why do people like you think the world is here to keep yanks in massive backsides.


I'd love to see the minimum wage /Thai bashers get by on 300!baht a day, whilst still paying for accommodation out of that too!!

You think it's cheap to rent accommodation in the cities where the "better" jobs are? After food and accommodation is deducted most of the Thai girls I know who are not bar girls on the minimum wage, are left with sometimes just 100 baht.

Sit in your ivory towers lads, unless you've ever tried living on such a low income, you're not really in a position to pass judgement, it makes you sound like snobs.

Utter nonsense . Most if not all people start on minimum wage. Ones with brain either get better skills and better jobs or stay in the same job getting yearly pay rise and bonuses . The lazy and useless ones change jobs every month and demand hand outs

Are you upside down, because the words seem to be coming from the wrong end. Nowhere near all people start on minimum wage. And they're certainly not kept on it. Why do people like you think the world is here to keep yanks in massive backsides.

Really ? So people after school or uni start on middle level management salary ?

Do try to think with head above shoulders , not the other one


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

Any idea where the real world is

The hardworking and thrifty progresses. The lazy and spendthrift would linger between minimum wage and unemployment.


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Yes + the frequent drink of the homebrew whiskey shows in the mental capacity after some years.........

We are at the moment constructing a house. Foreman is from Myanmar, he told Thai labor from Esaan cause him a major headache. Pointed out that all the rubbish left there is from one Esaan group, etc etc....


If i recall correctly last minimum wage was not enough, so it was hiked to 300, now its also not enough.

So once its hiked again, again it will not be enough.

Said it before and will say it again, stay in the same job for longer than 3 months, do little more than play on the phone and laze around, and you will not be getting minimum wage.

As for usual willyumii drivel, if those work conditions are not suitable, can always either go to labor department or change jobs.

Not to mention minimum wage workers also get free meal and out of 12 hours at work, will be lucky to actually work for half that.

Farmers get to steal take home lots of products and work for few month a year if that.

PS. May be if they stopped drinking 100 baht worth of thai whisky on nightly basis, they might have an extra 100 to spend on food

Just what are you accusing the farmers of stealing?

A bag of rice every few months when it is ready for harvest?

Some unprocessed tapioca that can not be eaten?

Or maybe a few stalks of unprocessed sugar cane?

These are the crops grown here and you can see they are not something anyone would want to "steal".

Do you know anything about farming in Thailand?

It must be nice to know so much and still not care about anyone but yourself.

P.S. a bottle of whiskey Thai is only 50 baht!cheesy.gif

and bag of rice is not stealing?blink.png

Do you posses any common sense at all?

You should ask yourself if you do you posses a sort of common sense at all? My parents in law are rice farmers and they're not thieves.

Once the rice harvest is over, the majority pick chilies for others, if they don't have land to grow them. They earn 2- 3 baht for one kg.

Do you have an idea how long that takes to do that in the boiling sun?

Their life's really miserable. So the guy's really asking you a sincere question: "How much do you now about farming in Thailand?"

Than I would ask them why they don't work in the aircon as home-maid for 12.000 in Bangkok....


Hold on, he makes B15k/mo and the minimumm wage is B300/day and they can't make it? Get him in touch with that farang on TV who said he lives "WELL" on B5500/mo--that is only B183.33/day

I believe you are referring to @canarysun, and I'm sorry but I simply dont believe him. That thread - Pattaya minimalists - was full of people quoting the most thrifty week of their lives as their normal expenditure : total bunkum. canarysun means well but I suspect he may have spent a little too much time in the Pattaya sun - the numbers just make no sense unless you are prepared to live on the beach, eat one meal a day and be extremely disciplined with things like bottles of water. Washing your own clothes is one thing, but replacing clothes on that kind of budget just wouldnt happen.


I posted once that I doubt most Farang would last a single shift on a Thai construction site and was told that the majority of the hard work on those sites is done by Cambodians and Burmese, so I'll leave this one alone. Its for the Thais to sort in any case - foreigners living here have no say in how much people get paid or what that will mean for the cost of living.

Some foreigners like ME actually ended up doing all that construction work themselves as sad n old as I am at 51 the "kids" couldnt do it, I mixed the cement , got the sand got the cement, laid the blocks, tiled the floors, installed doors n windows painted it all, cleaned up the lot

And you still had time to post your obligatory 3 Thai-bashing epics on every one of those days, no doubt ;)

The 'kids' I'm talking about arent farmers who dabble in construction - they're the poor sods who have to rock up to a highrise construction site every morning knowing there's a good chance they wont be getting the pickup to go home that night. The heat alone would do me in.


There is some seriously disengenous comments towards Thais here from people who are doing their best to flame bait.

Not a clue about their culture or their heritage, that's not the up their own asses farangs here, it's the people they're taking the piss out of!!


I do not pretend to know about the situation in Bangkok and some of the larger cities in the south.

There are a few things about minimum wage I know to be true here in the north I have never seen mentioned on a TV post before that I think should be known.

1) Most people who work for Min wage are required to work 12 hours per day to get that 300 baht


2) Most min wage jobs require the worker to work 6 days per week.

That breaks down to 25 baht per hour.

A 72 our week pays 1800 baht

or 7,200 baht per month

3( Another important fact I never hear mentioned is that farm labor (working in the hot sun 12 hours per day ) does not pay 300 baht per day.

Farm labor is only paid 200 baht per day....legal or not, that is the fact in northern Thailand.

Can you imagine trying to support yourself on these wages with only one day per week off to take care of business at home?

Now, try to imagine supporting a family on these wages...even with two adults working 6 days per week!

Yeah, the guy on 15,000 baht a month at Toyota is in the "sheer luxury" league as Monty Python's 4 Yorkshiremen would have it. I think many farmers in places all over the country, pay less than 300B a day and many times it is a 28-30 day month, not just 6 day weeks. Hard to believe these good Buddhist Thais can do this to their own people.........and worse to the Cambodians & Burmese................................!!


Same old story. I earn minimum wages. I have wife and children to feed. Cost of living is too high to support my wife and kids on minimum wages.

Yes we all know. But why are you still earning minimum wages? Why do you not aquire more knowledge or skill to be productive and climb the wage ladder?

And why do you get married and have children when you can barely support just yourself?

Should society be responsible for you and your foolish acts?

I totally agree with you if you agree with me that ALL acedemics without a job MUST accept the minimumwage when offered a job instead of govt support.....alright?


The rice you eat is the hard labor of people, not machines.........and certainly NOT acedemics by whom loads are working at 7 eleven.......paying of their study debts as their parents arn't allowed to plant a second crop or plant more rubber, etc etc.....


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