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Conspiracy over Mayweather - Manny fight

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Rigged or not .. ???


Conspiracy theorists question Mayweather vs Pacquiao result after boxers are marked in the wrong corners on the judges' scorecard

Floyd Mayweather beat Manny Pacquiao on points in Las Vegas
All three judges awarded Mayweather victory on the night in Las Vegas
But all three judges had Mayweather marked in the wrong corner


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I would not go as far to say the fight was rigged,but for an interest and trying to stay neutral i scored the fight a draw 114-114.

Now i can understand the 2 judges who scored the fight 116-112 as quite a few of the rounds were very close and hard to score.

But if you take the 10 th round when 2 of the judges and myself gave the round to Manny but the other judge D Moreti seen the round completely different and gave the round to Mayweather plus the fact that the other 2 judges scored every round exactly the same even though there was quite a few very close rounds.

I would say the the judges have left themselves wide open to being accused of leaning towards Mayweather in the very close rounds,and no way should there have been 3 American judges,judging the home grown fighter in their own back yard on an occasion such as this

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There are 2 ways to interpret those scorecards.

1) the colours on the columns are right, nothing else is and pacman won.

2) The colours were an accidental mistake. The names above each column are correct. The weights above the left columns are correct. All 3 judges scoring 4th round where pacman dominated under pacmans name but floyds colour actually went to pacman.

Sure I would have prefered pacman to win... if scoring was done on entertainment, effort, movement or style then he would have. But unfortunately based on punches landed mayweather was ahead.

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"To accept this theory, all you have to do is allow that all three judges mistakenly listed their scores below the corner colors, ignoring the actual fighters’ names on the scorecard; gave the clearly Mayweather-won rounds to Pacquiao and vice-versa (Manny’s fourth, for example, which was the most commanding single round for either side); and that neither they nor anyone else realized the problem or spoke up once the decision was announced. Conversely, you could accept that someone accidentally wrote the “R” and the “B” in the wrong boxes when copying from the individual cards to the NSAC’s composite scorecard."

Common sense, anyone?
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"To accept this theory, all you have to do is allow that all three judges mistakenly listed their scores below the corner colors, ignoring the actual fighters names on the scorecard; gave the clearly Mayweather-won rounds to Pacquiao and vice-versa (Mannys fourth, for example, which was the most commanding single round for either side); and that neither they nor anyone else realized the problem or spoke up once the decision was announced. Conversely, you could accept that someone accidentally wrote the R and the B in the wrong boxes when copying from the individual cards to the NSACs composite scorecard."

Common sense, anyone?


I dont think the judges made a mistake with their scorecards as Pacquiao CLEARLY won the 4 th round and all 3 judges and myself gave the round 10-9 to the name Pacquiao.

But after watching the rerun of the fight again in the cold light of the day i still do not think that Pacquiao lost this fight,and what hit me like a left hook was the way Mayweather thew his fist in the air with 10 seconds of the last round to go,then as soon as the final bell went he jumped on the corner ropes as if he knew that if the fight went the distance it would be a done deal he would win on points,leaving it open once again that " money talks" and a million apiece to the judges is a drop in the ocean from 200 million if he goes in the history books as a undefeated champion.

It would be interesting to see if anyones opinion of who won the fight changes if you watch the rerun of the fight without all the fanfare and score it round by round on a 10-9 score.

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