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'Stolen Car' used in deadly crash with cyclists


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'Stolen Car' Used in Deadly Crash with Cyclists
By Khaosod English

Buddhist monks pray over the spot where 3 cyclists were killed in Chiang Mai on 3 May 2015.

BANGKOK — Police say the car that crashed into a group of cyclists and killed one woman in Bangkok on Monday night was reported stolen by its previous owner, and that the driver behind the hit-and-run provided a fake name to medical staff before fleeing.

The crash took place on Ratchada-Ramintra Road in Kannayao district at around 8.30 pm on 4 May, killing one 31-year-old woman and injuring several others. The driver, described by witnesses as “young man,” was taken to the hospital by rescue workers and left before speaking with police.

The motorist reportedly identified himself to medical staff as Saran Intanond, 23, but police say the name does not exist in the national database.

The car involved in the crash was also reported stolen on 17 March, said Pol.Col. Kittichet Sakkayaphabwichanond, commander of Kokkram Police Station. The sister of the car's previous owner met with police yesterday and said she and her brother did not have any connection to the incident.

Five bicyclists were killed on Thai roads in the past week alone. On 3 May, three cyclists were run over and killed by a 23-year-old university student in Chiang Mai province whose blood alcohol content exceeded the legal limit. On 5 May a bicyclist died in Ayutthaya province after a truck crashed into a roadside billboard, causing the structure to fall and crush the 63-year-old man.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1430901040

-- Khaosod English 2015-05-06

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And does the hospital have CCTV cameras ?

Which hospital? The man driving the stolen car falsely reported his name to medical staff attending the accident before fleeing like a scalded dog.

Unless someone was smart enough to try and film the scene, I doubt they will catch the rat. But I remain hopeful.

My sympathies with the dead and injured.

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What a scumbag bastard. I hope this tragedy haunts him for the rest of a miserable and hellish existence until he finally has to deal with it..

Yes I read in the BP that he has surrendered and has a conscience and a backbone. Still, I hope he gets life.

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was reported stolen by its previous owner

Strange. Why didn't the current owner report it?

Unless "possession is 9/10s of the law" is really true and the car now belongs to the thief.


Edited by Fullstop
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The 'other' paper says the guy and his lawyer turned himself in and were ready to pay Bt. 250,000 bail but it has not been approved. He claims he didn't know anyone was hurt and he lost control while passing another car. This is typical of a drunk driver; over-steering while speeding when overtaking another car. It certainly took him a long time to sober up and get his lawyer. I hope the prosecutor and judge realize he fled because he was drunk and that they throw him UNDER the jail as an example to others. Let his punishment be so harsh it makes headlines on all Thai newspapers, magazine covers, and TV programs so that every Thai will know that it is useless to flee the scene of an accident you caused, drunk or not, as you will automatically be assumed to have been drunk. Vehicular manslaughter through negligent driving should carry a mandatory five years in prison and ten years if drunk at the time. The whole of Thai society must be CONVINCED that things have changed and there will be no leniency regardless of wealth or connections. Wake up people! An automobile is big enough to snuff out a life in a second and is a dangerous thing when not operated in a safe and responsible manner.

p.s. he also claimed the car belonged to the boyfriend of his female friend who was riding with him. I'll bet her boyfriend is angry she was with an old boyfriend and that she let him drive his car and then wrecked it. She is in trouble of a different kind now. Alcohol: a hellofadrug.

Edited by rametindallas
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The 'other' paper says the guy and his lawyer turned himself in and were ready to pay Bt. 250,000 bail but it has not been approved. He claims he didn't know anyone was hurt and he lost control while passing another car. This is typical of a drunk driver; over-steering while speeding when overtaking another car. It certainly took him a long time to sober up and get his lawyer. I hope the prosecutor and judge realize he fled because he was drunk and that they throw him UNDER the jail as an example to others. Let his punishment be so harsh it makes headlines on all Thai newspapers, magazine covers, and TV programs so that every Thai will know that it is useless to flee the scene of an accident you caused, drunk or not, as you will automatically be assumed to have been drunk. Vehicular manslaughter through negligent driving should carry a mandatory five years in prison and ten years if drunk at the time. The whole of Thai society must be CONVINCED that things have changed and there will be no leniency regardless of wealth or connections. Wake up people! An automobile is big enough to snuff out a life in a second and is a dangerous thing when not operated in a safe and responsible manner.

p.s. he also claimed the car belonged to the boyfriend of his female friend who was riding with him. I'll bet her boyfriend is angry she was with an old boyfriend and that she let him drive his car and then wrecked it. She is in trouble of a different kind now. Alcohol: a hellofadrug.

Lots of not surprising confusion and one version is that he claimed to have stopped to apologise but then thought it best to go home and consult his parents.

There's also something about a lady with him but also having talked to his gf on the phone as they had an argument. Are the two ladies one and the same and he and she were driving together and texting each other Thai style ? Ridiculous, maybe but TIT.

He went home, arranged a lawyer and Bt. 250,000 in readies before surrendering ! Is this to become another little rich boy story ?

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The 'other' paper says the guy and his lawyer turned himself in and were ready to pay Bt. 250,000 bail but it has not been approved. He claims he didn't know anyone was hurt and he lost control while passing another car. This is typical of a drunk driver; over-steering while speeding when overtaking another car. It certainly took him a long time to sober up and get his lawyer. I hope the prosecutor and judge realize he fled because he was drunk and that they throw him UNDER the jail as an example to others. Let his punishment be so harsh it makes headlines on all Thai newspapers, magazine covers, and TV programs so that every Thai will know that it is useless to flee the scene of an accident you caused, drunk or not, as you will automatically be assumed to have been drunk. Vehicular manslaughter through negligent driving should carry a mandatory five years in prison and ten years if drunk at the time. The whole of Thai society must be CONVINCED that things have changed and there will be no leniency regardless of wealth or connections. Wake up people! An automobile is big enough to snuff out a life in a second and is a dangerous thing when not operated in a safe and responsible manner.

p.s. he also claimed the car belonged to the boyfriend of his female friend who was riding with him. I'll bet her boyfriend is angry she was with an old boyfriend and that she let him drive his car and then wrecked it. She is in trouble of a different kind now. Alcohol: a hellofadrug.

The Bangkok Post reported that also.

"he also claimed the car belonged to the boyfriend of his female friend who was riding with him. I'll bet her boyfriend is angry she was with an old boyfriend and that she let him drive his car and then wrecked it. She is in trouble of a different kind now."

You lost the bet.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I got my 5 year licenses last week. I had to to the eye tests and reaction test.

A group of about 15 people crowded into the room and we all watched each other do the tests.

Three guys failed the reaction test, repeatedly, 2 guys failed the peripheral vision colour test. All 5 of them were told to go and get a drink of water and come back to try again. Of course, all of us that passed were no longer in the room to witness the retesting....all 5 were later in the queue to get their photos done.

Glad to know that water works to correct poor colour vision and reactions.

The huge flaw in the system as exemplified above aside....the OP reports a good change in official attitude towards road safety. I've often dreamed that if I ever win the lottery, part of my charity would be an ongoing road safety campaign.

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He turned himself in and the name and age he provided the hospital was correct. The car wasn't stolen, it belonged to a doctor who let his girlfriend drive it and she didn't return it after they broke up. Seems to be an embarrassing case for the police since they obviously jumped to the wrong conclusions.

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It sounds as if he overtook a vehicle by using the bike lane as normal with these rats,and the story about the car,my gut feeling they are all 3 people into some scam there,anything but the truth will do here,and a little BK.

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The guy has turned him self in to the police.


I could not make heads or tails of the article as it was in Thai and Google translate was in effective

translating the article. However, from the comments I have read the Doctors ex-GF not returning

the car would make it a stolen vehicle. Not sure if she will be charged with anything. As usual

I am sure the victims family will be paid off and life will go on. If you can afford the crime, you

do no time in the LOS. blink.png

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If indeed he's another little 'rich kid' we'll not hear any more about it...everyone paid off, no prosecution, same old, same old.

Not so sure. With the drunk girl plowing into the bicyclists in Chiang Mai, it

is a bit of bad timing for him to do the exact same thing . This has caught

the attention of Prayut, so the little spoiled rich kid killing people and walking

away scot free standard Thai routine may not work this time. Will be

interesting to see if Prayut makes an example of this clown....

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I think we have to accept that probably none of the reports are accurate and actually we know less than nothing for sure.

It's POSSIBLE this was a tragic accident... I'm not saying it was, I'm just saying it's possible.

The lad is entitled to a fair trial.

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I'd hope there were a fingerprint on the car. Sooner or later it will show up in a national database.

Oh, this is serious enough that maybe some DNA is about that can be saved, he'll be doing something like this again.

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