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Thai fishery exports: EU's motive behind yellow card queried

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"Thailand should seek alternative markets," he concluded, adding the Middle East seemed a logical alternative market and Thailand's fishery exports to the region were still low.

Translation "And they are more relaxed about slavery and maltreatment of workers - see Qatar"

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How come Farangs pretend to be rich if they are not?

How come people pretend to be intelligent when they're not?

Define being rich?

Being able to spend more than a month's income within a month.

Easy, Dispokredit.

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I was rich when i was away working as a fisherman,,, trouble was I was poor again after a couple of days back home from the fishing,,,,,

as my mum used to say, I pissed my fortune up against a wall

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Is this milchmichel something for real? Bought a pair of pink sunglasses lately, aye?

I think he is Thai, would explain a lot.

He was forced to be German without any consent. Left his heart in Asia, picked it up in Thailand.

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Is this milchmichel something for real? Bought a pair of pink sunglasses lately, aye?

I think he is Thai, would explain a lot.

He was forced to be German without any consent. Left his heart in Asia, picked it up in Thailand.

I think, it is not the heart, but some other vital organ, which whereabouts worry most on this thread!

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What does not seem to be mentioned is the tie in between the fishermen and the land based shrimp farms.
Shrimp need other fish to feed on - they are carnivorous.

The sea fishermen even use mosquito nets to fish!

They trawl illegally, close to shore, catching everything - they call it - Trash Fish - these fish are destined to be turned into dried fish food for the land based shrimp farms.

It also looks like the stuff we buy at the Wat to give to the fish there to make merit!

The fishermen say that the trash fish cover the costs of fishing and the few big fish give them the profit!

If you have time, have a watch at this - shocking!

Edit, Oops wrong video

Edited by laislica
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Good post Laislica with interesting link,, I wouldn't go as far as say the fishermen are using nets as small as mosquito nets, but certainly they are using undersized mesh size, the mesh size must be controlled along with additional measures such as square mesh panels to allow smaller fish to escape, however the thai fishermen should be allowed to sell on a set percentage of the by-catch defined from the total catch landed, these smaller fish trawled for hours along the seabed and then brought to the surface are mostly already dead fish or will die anyway whether returned to the sea or not

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"smaller fish ... will die anyway" ?

Yes, but might want to grow up a bit before.

who said life has to be fair


and then there's taking things a little more seriously?

How many lives do you have? Got one in the bank?

How many earth's

are there - another one just round the corner???


So late though it is - shouldn't we start cleaning our back yard?

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"smaller fish ... will die anyway" ?

Yes, but might want to grow up a bit before.

A pretty clueless post,, there will nearly always be a percentage of smaller fish in the trawl catch, the purpose of enforcing the laws is to minimise this

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"smaller fish ... will die anyway" ?

Yes, but might want to grow up a bit before.

A pretty clueless post,, there will nearly always be a percentage of smaller fish in the trawl catch, the purpose of enforcing the laws is to minimise this

We may be being a little hard on micmichd. I could be wrong but....

Since English is not his first language, I read his post as supporting the fact that they are taking too many small fish, that should be allowed to grow.

In any event, when the small fish are gone, what will the big fish eat?

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Scathing and heart rending report on CNN, as the lead on its website and on the news. A very bleak story and one authorities are not going to be able to easily refute. This story is not going away any time soon

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Yes, they are pperfect in shedding crocodile tears when in fact money is all they're after. They would not hesitate a second to sacrifice their whole population for some profit. As long as the sheeple comply, which they usually do.

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