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Taxi driver fined for pretending car broke down to kick out passengers


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Exactly once I've had a taxi driver from Suv. ask me to hand over the ticket like that. He persisted for a minute or so telling me he needed it, but I simply refused and kept telling him in a matter-of-fact voice no. He gave up, and no problems after that.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pity I was not thinking fast enough last week, it seems harder than ever to get them to use their meters, on checking out of the hotel I was staying at on Sukhumvit Sio4, bell boy asks if I want Taxi to airport, said yes, promptly whisks me out to waiting taxi.

Did not think to check he was using the meter, it was only when we got to the tollbooth and he was asking for money for the toll-way I saw the meter was not on, ended up paying 600 + 75 for the toll.

Now I seem to think that I should have offered him 300 at the airport (swampy), I am sure the policeman blowing his whistle would have soon intervened.


You are the problem those of us who live here would love to solve. "Not thinking fast enough" ... how about "Not thinking at all."

More and more often I see turn around tourists handing taxi and tuk tuk drivers insane sums of money, and on the few occasions I have asked them why .. they shrug it off with a "I really do not care, i am on holiday."

So, not only did this guy jack you for a double + fare ... you rolled over like a puppy and paid it.

Thanks mate. Next time a taxi from Sukhumvit Soi "X" asks for a ridiculous fare, i will know who trained him that will work.

Another TVF member who doesn't believe in tipping.

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Easiest way to get a joyful ride is to learn a couple of Isarn phrases.

Pathetic the complaints from those rich enough to be flying internationally.

These guys earn less than £20 for a 12 hour shift. Can you really begrudge them try to make £2 more of a jet setter?

Yes, you can begrudge them. Price is price, scamming is scamming.

They can always change the stickers on their cars in: 'Taxi Fixed Price', but they won't cause that would be illegal.

Your argument about the difference in income is ridiculous, illegal practices are illegal practices.

And the need to learn Isarn phrases to avoid getting scammed, well that's pathetic. The world upside down.

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If you have a smartphone, when you move off in the taxi, just take pictures of the meter, and his ID and taxi details.

It will show him you are not a sucker.

If only the 2 week millionaires grew some balls, and not pay double what it should be, maybe things would change.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pity I was not thinking fast enough last week, it seems harder than ever to get them to use their meters, on checking out of the hotel I was staying at on Sukhumvit Sio4, bell boy asks if I want Taxi to airport, said yes, promptly whisks me out to waiting taxi.

Did not think to check he was using the meter, it was only when we got to the tollbooth and he was asking for money for the toll-way I saw the meter was not on, ended up paying 600 + 75 for the toll.

Now I seem to think that I should have offered him 300 at the airport (swampy), I am sure the policeman blowing his whistle would have soon intervened.


You are the problem those of us who live here would love to solve. "Not thinking fast enough" ... how about "Not thinking at all."

More and more often I see turn around tourists handing taxi and tuk tuk drivers insane sums of money, and on the few occasions I have asked them why .. they shrug it off with a "I really do not care, i am on holiday."

So, not only did this guy jack you for a double + fare ... you rolled over like a puppy and paid it.

Thanks mate. Next time a taxi from Sukhumvit Soi "X" asks for a ridiculous fare, i will know who trained him that will work.

I think you are being a little bit harsh on Basil. Many times I have left a situation saying to myself "Not thinking fast enough" .... lol. You know the usual "I could have", "should have", etc. Most probably Basil was preoccupied with getting to the airport on time, remembering the things he had to bring on the trip (ie. money, ticket, passport), etc. The problem here is the corrupt taxi driver and the completely inadequate system of preventing this kind of behavior. 500 baht fine reported in this article is a joke! In my opinion this ridiculously low fine does exactly the opposite of what it was intended to do. Instead of deterring this type of behavior it encourages it. The end result, as pointed out on this message board, is people using the public transit system where ever possible for fear of getting into a taxi. Last month I was at the BTS National Stadium subway station and saw at least 30 taxis, tuks tuks lining up for passengers. Although it was in the middle of the afternoon (35 degrees celsius) I decided to walk the 30 minutes to destination. I had no trust what so ever that I would be treated fairly by taxi driver/tuk tuks.

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I have just stopped using Taxis at Suvarnabhumi now, I just get the airport link train instead.

They never want to use the meter and they only seem to know the longest possible route, if they know a route at all.

The taxi situation at Suvarnabhumi is a national disgrace... Don Muang is slightly better but still bad,

I have more problems with Don Muang, as, at least when I am there always a long endless looking queue in front of the Taxi booth.

So I have to go up to the arrival area and take my Taxi.

Sometimes not the first, as they also ask to drive without Meter - no big problem with that, but problem with extrem prices offered! blink.png

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We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

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... was fined THB500 for not taking his passengers to their destination. He was also disciplined by the officials.

You were a bad, bad boy....I'm going to deduct Bt500 from your allowance and do it with a stern voice. And next time I might take you out to the woodshed for a good whipping (or out to lunch so we can have some 100 Pipers...but you are buying).

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Just had a week in Bangkok and used Grab Taxi everywhere everytime. Sometimes have to try several times to make a booking but always successful. Every Time was great service with no hassles and can thoroughly recommend this service.

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I had a taxi driver do this same scheme to me and a GF in BKK some years ago when I was a tourist.

Don't remember the exact trip, but it wasn't like we were stuck in a big traffic jam or anything like that, or having any problem with the driver. In fact, as I recall, weren't talking with him at all, just sitting in the back seat.

Then at one point mid trip, he pulls over to the side of the road and the engine is off. He tries restarting it ostensibly, and it won't start. Goes on like that for a while while we wait in the taxi. Then the driver gets out and goes to the front of the taxi to put the hood up.

So at that point, we've had enough. We get out and walk back behind the taxi and start looking backward to catch another taxi. A few minutes later, out on the busy/noisy boulevard, we turn back around and see the B****rd driver getting back into his taxi and driving off down the road.

Who knows why they do it, in any particular case. But they certain do it from time to time. No reporting app or hotline back then, AFAIK.

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We had this before with a taxi driver in Egypt. He tol dus the price was a litlle more up because we have the taxi just for the two of is, so we accept. After about one kilometer, he stop fot two other people to let them also in the taxi. When he was just driven away i cold the touristpolice and tell them wat the taxi driver was doing. About 5 minuten later the touristpolice stop the car, take the driverslicence from the cab driver, locked all the Doors and tell him that he have to go to the policy station, the waiting for him over there. First they bring us to our distanation for free.

So immidetly call the policy in the same situation in Thailand and make pictures as much If you can from the car, the driver etc.

But 500 Bath to pais much to much to LOW

if you are living in Thailand I advice you to be very careful to start taking pictures, many drivers have a short fuse and modt of them have some kind of weapon in their taxi. If you want to go into discussion, do it the Thai way, smile and make your point. If nothing helps walj away.
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I hailed a Taxi on Pattaya 2nd road the other night. I asked to go to Chayapreuk Road 2, and on the way the driver started to complain about how far it was. I asked what's the problem I'll pay you for your time but kept proceeding to say its too far. I asked how far can they go and said Thepprasit is as far as the driver can go. I got out at Thepprasit and got another taxi home.

So the driver took a chance of gaining extra cash by going back in to town rather than guaranteed cash getting me home.

Their mentality I will never understand as I offered to pay for me to go all the way home to Chayapreuk Road.

Where do I complain too? I have the drivers name and number.

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One guy left me in a rice field around Lad Krabang once after a long day in a factory. He was summoned by the factory there for me, apparently he did not like my destination and told me his taxi was broken in the middle of nowhere. Then another taxi dropped me on the nearest big street and left me there also as he did not want to reach Sukhumvit 31 either...

This is a real PAIN in the ass sometimes with those guys. I am glad to hear/read the government is trying to take action.

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On the other hand....I have met some pretty good taxi drivers over the last couple decades. One even became a very good friend with a friendship lasting over ten years. That said I have also had some rides from hell. Its a good with the bad situation.

I also keep in mind how cheap they are. Just a thirty min drive to the airport in the USA where I came from is about 100$.

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I hailed a Taxi on Pattaya 2nd road the other night. I asked to go to Chayapreuk Road 2, and on the way the driver started to complain about how far it was. I asked what's the problem I'll pay you for your time but kept proceeding to say its too far. I asked how far can they go and said Thepprasit is as far as the driver can go. I got out at Thepprasit and got another taxi home.

So the driver took a chance of gaining extra cash by going back in to town rather than guaranteed cash getting me home.

Their mentality I will never understand as I offered to pay for me to go all the way home to Chayapreuk Road.

Where do I complain too? I have the drivers name and number.

Why can't the driver choose where he wants to go?

I could bore you with all the taxi adventures I've had over the last 22 years but won't. Ranging from being attacked by one driver with a crowbar to getting a discount off one for making him laugh. On the whole, they are honest, hard-working men supporting their families.

Some want a 3rd world country with 1st world benefits, or is that the other way around?

You want to complain about an illegal activity? What exactly were you doing in 2nd road? Last time I was there there were hundreds of farang taking part in illegal prostitution, gogo bars etc, but maybe when illegal things are to your benefit it is ok?

I' certainly have a resentment against sexpats if i were a poor taxi driver working in a brothel area where many of my fellow countrywomen were forced into giving old Norwegian sailors a BJ or sitting with fat old Gunther all eveningtelling him ho cute his "poong" is.

But go ahead mrphil and try to get revenge on this taxi driver - maybe you could get him fire or put in jail.

Edited by Neeranam
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One guy left me in a rice field around Lad Krabang once after a long day in a factory. He was summoned by the factory there for me, apparently he did not like my destination and told me his taxi was broken in the middle of nowhere. Then another taxi dropped me on the nearest big street and left me there also as he did not want to reach Sukhumvit 31 either...

This is a real PAIN in the ass sometimes with those guys. I am glad to hear/read the government is trying to take action.

Maybe try a different deodorant - never happened to me.

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I hailed a Taxi on Pattaya 2nd road the other night. I asked to go to Chayapreuk Road 2, and on the way the driver started to complain about how far it was. I asked what's the problem I'll pay you for your time but kept proceeding to say its too far. I asked how far can they go and said Thepprasit is as far as the driver can go. I got out at Thepprasit and got another taxi home.

So the driver took a chance of gaining extra cash by going back in to town rather than guaranteed cash getting me home.

Their mentality I will never understand as I offered to pay for me to go all the way home to Chayapreuk Road.

Where do I complain too? I have the drivers name and number.

Why can't the driver choose where he wants to go?

I could bore you with all the taxi adventures I've had over the last 22 years but won't. Ranging from being attacked by one driver with a crowbar to getting a discount off one for making him laugh. On the whole, they are honest, hard-working men supporting their families.

Some want a 3rd world country with 1st world benefits, or is that the other way around?

You want to complain about an illegal activity? What exactly were you doing in 2nd road? Last time I was there there were hundreds of farang taking part in illegal prostitution, gogo bars etc, but maybe when illegal things are to your benefit it is ok?

I' certainly have a resentment against sexpats if i were a poor taxi driver working in a brothel area where many of my fellow countrywomen were forced into giving old Norwegian sailors a BJ or sitting with fat old Gunther all eveningtelling him ho cute his "poong" is.

But go ahead mrphil and try to get revenge on this taxi driver - maybe you could get him fire or put in jail.

Neeranam; that is the most unintelligent comment (post) l have ever read. So everyone who is in 2nd road is committing a crime. All those people in the restaurants, at the shopping centers, working in supermarkets and offices. Even if in a Go Go bar; where is that illegal. Suggesting 2nd road is brothel area!! Your comment is one of total ignorance and no knowledge of the laws these taxi drivers work under when picking someone up and taking a fare. Obviously you have experienced what you have stated (BJ in bar). I can tell you l have not and have a very reputable business on that road

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I hailed a Taxi on Pattaya 2nd road the other night. I asked to go to Chayapreuk Road 2, and on the way the driver started to complain about how far it was. I asked what's the problem I'll pay you for your time but kept proceeding to say its too far. I asked how far can they go and said Thepprasit is as far as the driver can go. I got out at Thepprasit and got another taxi home.

So the driver took a chance of gaining extra cash by going back in to town rather than guaranteed cash getting me home.

Their mentality I will never understand as I offered to pay for me to go all the way home to Chayapreuk Road.

Where do I complain too? I have the drivers name and number.

Why can't the driver choose where he wants to go?

I could bore you with all the taxi adventures I've had over the last 22 years but won't. Ranging from being attacked by one driver with a crowbar to getting a discount off one for making him laugh. On the whole, they are honest, hard-working men supporting their families.

Some want a 3rd world country with 1st world benefits, or is that the other way around?

You want to complain about an illegal activity? What exactly were you doing in 2nd road? Last time I was there there were hundreds of farang taking part in illegal prostitution, gogo bars etc, but maybe when illegal things are to your benefit it is ok?

I' certainly have a resentment against sexpats if i were a poor taxi driver working in a brothel area where many of my fellow countrywomen were forced into giving old Norwegian sailors a BJ or sitting with fat old Gunther all eveningtelling him ho cute his "poong" is.

But go ahead mrphil and try to get revenge on this taxi driver - maybe you could get him fire or put in jail.

Neeranam; that is the most unintelligent comment (post) l have ever read. So everyone who is in 2nd road is committing a crime. All those people in the restaurants, at the shopping centers, working in supermarkets and offices. Even if in a Go Go bar; where is that illegal. Suggesting 2nd road is brothel area!! Your comment is one of total ignorance and no knowledge of the laws these taxi drivers work under when picking someone up and taking a fare. Obviously you have experienced what you have stated (BJ in bar). I can tell you l have not and have a very reputable business on that road

My apologies but I wasn't really talking about you. You must admit you are probably a minority of farang there.

Or maybe you really think some go there just for the beach?

Are you seriously trying to say that downtown Pattaya is a lawful area?

Your assumptions about my bar experiences are wrong, unless the crown and anchor 25 years ago counts.

Edited by Neeranam
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one of the rip-off taxi rank places is out-side soi cowboy. allways want 300 baht to take me home (fare to my condo is 50 baht) i just walk up to sukhumvit road get a taxi no problem, i always give 100, before i go out i put a 100 bill in my back pocket,

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Please call 1584 if taxis refuse to take you. Get the taxis license number to give to the operator.

Except from various accounts here, those answering that hotline number, if they do, don't speak English.

I'd say that if you haven't bothered to learn the language basics of a country you live in then you don't deserve to have the basic civic rights.

If you are a tourist, shouldn't you complain to the tourist police?

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one of the rip-off taxi rank places is out-side soi cowboy. allways want 300 baht to take me home (fare to my condo is 50 baht) i just walk up to sukhumvit road get a taxi no problem, i always give 100, before i go out i put a 100 bill in my back pocket,

Why do you give 100 baht if the fare is 50 baht ?

Don't you think this will give a message to the taxi drivers?

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I reckon this taxi business is more serious than many people realise.

Their taxi ride from the airport, is one of the first and most lasting impressions visitors have.

I'm sure the economic damage done by allowing this vital service to deteriorate is not being accounted for.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pity I was not thinking fast enough last week, it seems harder than ever to get them to use their meters, on checking out of the hotel I was staying at on Sukhumvit Sio4, bell boy asks if I want Taxi to airport, said yes, promptly whisks me out to waiting taxi.

Did not think to check he was using the meter, it was only when we got to the tollbooth and he was asking for money for the toll-way I saw the meter was not on, ended up paying 600 + 75 for the toll.

Now I seem to think that I should have offered him 300 at the airport (swampy), I am sure the policeman blowing his whistle would have soon intervened.


You are the problem those of us who live here would love to solve. "Not thinking fast enough" ... how about "Not thinking at all."

More and more often I see turn around tourists handing taxi and tuk tuk drivers insane sums of money, and on the few occasions I have asked them why .. they shrug it off with a "I really do not care, i am on holiday."

So, not only did this guy jack you for a double + fare ... you rolled over like a puppy and paid it.

Thanks mate. Next time a taxi from Sukhumvit Soi "X" asks for a ridiculous fare, i will know who trained him that will work.

I think you are being a little bit harsh on Basil. Many times I have left a situation saying to myself "Not thinking fast enough" .... lol. You know the usual "I could have", "should have", etc. Most probably Basil was preoccupied with getting to the airport on time, remembering the things he had to bring on the trip (ie. money, ticket, passport), etc. The problem here is the corrupt taxi driver and the completely inadequate system of preventing this kind of behavior. 500 baht fine reported in this article is a joke! In my opinion this ridiculously low fine does exactly the opposite of what it was intended to do. Instead of deterring this type of behavior it encourages it. The end result, as pointed out on this message board, is people using the public transit system where ever possible for fear of getting into a taxi. Last month I was at the BTS National Stadium subway station and saw at least 30 taxis, tuks tuks lining up for passengers. Although it was in the middle of the afternoon (35 degrees celsius) I decided to walk the 30 minutes to destination. I had no trust what so ever that I would be treated fairly by taxi driver/tuk tuks.

As pointed out I was on the way to the Airport I was running half an hour later than planed and pre occupied with other things, I could not find my reading glasses, must have left them in my room...

And it is not only Taxi drivers who rip off tourists, A well known pharmacy at the Airport charged me 1,400B+, over 3 times what I would expect to pay in UK, or more than 14 times from a street vendor in Bangkok.

They know when they have you over a barrel...

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Easiest way to get a joyful ride is to learn a couple of Isarn phrases.

Pathetic the complaints from those rich enough to be flying internationally.

These guys earn less than £20 for a 12 hour shift. Can you really begrudge them try to make £2 more of a jet setter?

one will do "Kwai"

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