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PM Prayut says not his duty to advise politicians what they should do


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"please enlighten me as to what knowledge of the Charter you have that that allows you to describe it as undemocratic? " - I think people who have to ask this question really don't know enough about the subject to take part.

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General Prayut doesn't need to tell or advise politicians to stop their movements or activities.

When they "disturb" him or HIS government, he just "invites" them in for an attitude adjustment meeting and a prolonged billeting at an army facility if they are slow in getting his message - this is not a democracy.

Yeah, it's just a slap on the wrist in disguise, "And next time don't get caught..."

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PM says not his duty to advise politicians what they should do

which is why the military rounded up a packet full of opposition politicians across the north and north east on May 22 2014... whistling.gif

And let them all go home freely over the following days.

You make it sound as if they are still all locked up.

and you make it sound like you're OK with arbitrarily rounding up people and detaining them in undisclosed locations... not only without justification, but obviously without any legal representation or contact to family, friends, or the outside world in general.

Is that something that you approve of?

Please do not try to put words into what I said.

I don't particularly approve or disapprove. It is not my country nor yours either, so despite what you or I think or say about the situation, we don't make any difference, but as I said your statement didn't follow through on what happen to them.

You only said that they had been detained with no follow up.

How long were they kept detained? Are they all free now?

You still haven't bothered to say either way.

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PM says not his duty to advise politicians what they should do

which is why the military rounded up a packet full of opposition politicians across the north and north east on May 22 2014... whistling.gif

And let them all go home freely over the following days.

You make it sound as if they are still all locked up.

and you make it sound like you're OK with arbitrarily rounding up people and detaining them in undisclosed locations... not only without justification, but obviously without any legal representation or contact to family, friends, or the outside world in general.

Is that something that you approve of?

Please do not try to put words into what I said.

I don't particularly approve or disapprove. It is not my country nor yours either, so despite what you or I think or say about the situation, we don't make any difference, but as I said your statement didn't follow through on what happen to them.

You only said that they had been detained with no follow up.

How long were they kept detained? Are they all free now?

You still haven't bothered to say either way.

so I should not put words into your mouth, but it's OK for you to do that to me? smile.png

See I asked if that was something that you approved of, giving you this occasion to make your position clear. thumbsup.gif

Now, my position : I absolutely disapprove.

It is also my country because my entire family is here and that does make a difference and I can also make a difference.

Now, as for what happened to them, you said ' let them all go home freely over the following days.'

But ignore that (1) the first detention was a violation of their human rights, (2) they were forced to sign a document restricting what they said and did under the threat of having their assets frozen (3 more violations of their human rights), and (3) some - who we know of - were detained much longer even though the military denied having them at all, (4) there were allegations of torture, which, due to the non-transparency, is perfectly possible, and (5) due to that same lack of transparency, no one even knows how many people were detained, ... so we don't know if they are all 'free' now - 'free' being a relative term, of course...

In the end, the 'NCPO' and the General are definitely advising politicians on what they should do - wouldn't you agree?

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A reminder that the NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTING IN THAILAND NEWS is still in effect:

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

A post in violation of fair use poilcy has been removed as well as the replies.

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Here is the imagine quote read again its there- page one


""This guy will be lucky to make Christmas ....imagine if the west arm the north and call them freedom fighters?

He is actually aiding their cause shutting down the press up there .

The Americans once the gloves come off will call it censorship and anti freedom of speech.

If they round up reds it's just a matter of time.

He needs to watch out for drones in the future it seems the preferred way to deal with guys like him""

Next here is the part where you accuse me of being a Thaksin supporter.


So given we now know who you barrack for, then one feels that if we returned to the bad old days, the political instability, acts of terrorism, threats, maiming's, the killings of innocent men, women and children, the cover ups and failures to take action against the thugs, the systematic corruption, with every man and his dog having their heads in the trough, then you would say we have returned to democracy. The west said nothing then, why, because they knew they could manipulate certain people, but are unable to do so with the current PM, who has rightly so told some to butt out.

My blood pressure is fine but I don't like elites and their insidious lies.

You represent a typical Slant on truths.

You also see to it most replies get deleted no doubt.

As I previously said the days are numbered for this Government.

It's charter is worthless in appeasing the west.

As for the last paragraph

You attribute the stuff someone else said to me ....either your confused or scattered .

It was the other guy who you had that conversation with.


"i took a quote from the internet to highlight your lack of knowledge about Godwin's law, which by the way you brought into the debate, correct? I did so in order that you could see that you lacked knowledge of what you were quoting but had I not, then if I highlighted this aspect, without proof, then I'd hate to think what you would have called me. So as the law states that if someone reference the Nazis and is guilty of invoking the law, which you are, then you have effectively forfeited the argument. "

Sorry not me.

In summary you are just not following discourse and had the audacity to ask another forum member what was undemocratic about the charter which again is a slant remark of sorts.

Knowing yourself it isn't a truthful representation in any shape ,way, or form.

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