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A bright and brash Australian,

The Hunter was his name.

With all those slimy reptiles,

they bought him wealth and fame.

Some say he was a looker ,

to girls he was a dish.

He knew it all about crocodiles,

but <deleted> all about fish. :o

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For god sake calm down, obviously one man's humour is an others insult, but it does not mean that one is wrong and the other is right.

Its not about who is right or wrong. This is the Internet, not your circle of friends at a table having a few beers who you know well. You don't know us from a bar of soap so when it comes to subjects of this matter it is better for all that we keep them to yourself or your own circle of friends.

If you want to tell jokes about someones misfortune not even 1 week after it has happened than go ahead and do so in your own circles, not on an international website where anyone can read postings. Go and tell your friends and laugh but I would imagine most people dont find this funny.

In The Rai!

As probably one of the few members who actually knew steve and his family, I have spoke my mind about him when he was alive, I thought he was a pillock , but leave out the sick jokes now that he is no longer with us. :o Nignoy
Q: How many croc hunters does it take to capture a sting-ray?

A: Apparently more than one. Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo is now serving Sting Ray...

In many ways not the world's wittiest joke, nor the cleverest-constructed punch-line, but it was on an Eastern Europe website so, bless, they're trying their best.

Hey I'm not a Fan of the Man. However he did a lot for consevation in OZ..

He really deserves a little bit more respect than this, but a joke is a joke..

THIS WAS A VERY POOR JOKE !!! even worse than Libbys.. :o


In real life people cover up cheap shots (or painful truths) with 'jokes'. A bad taste joke is excused/overlooked if it is a funny joke, otherwise it is all to easily read for what it really is.


For god sake calm down, obviously one man's humour is an others insult, but it does not mean that one is wrong and the other is right.

Its not about who is right or wrong. This is the Internet, not your circle of friends at a table having a few beers who you know well. You don't know us from a bar of soap so when it comes to subjects of this matter it is better for all that we keep them to yourself or your own circle of friends.

If you want to tell jokes about someones misfortune not even 1 week after it has happened than go ahead and do so in your own circles, not on an international website where anyone can read postings. Go and tell your friends and laugh but I would imagine most people dont find this funny.

In The Rai!

Chill out! Go out and get yourself one of them Saddam T Shirts, they're a bit tight around the neck, but they hang well :o while your out get yourself a sense of humour, you can't develop one reading the Jokes thread :D

Just wondering, all those that think this is a tasteless joke and shouldnt be published, whats your views on the Cartoons of Mohammed, should they have been published?

Definitely not, jokes are suppose to be funny not offensive..

Just wondering, all those that think this is a tasteless joke and shouldnt be published, whats your views on the Cartoons of Mohammed, should they have been published?

Definitely not, jokes are suppose to be funny not offensive..

I agree. if a 'joke' is not funny and is offensive, why do we call it a joke? It would be common sense to call it a bad taste comment or something... no ? :o


Interesting, I ask because I believe that most jokes will indeed upset someone and they wont find it funny, however others will. I believe the Cartoons are a great example of this, the link below will show them should you so desire, I believe number 5 is very funny, but we now know a number of people found this both offensive and not funny.


In terms of bad taste, after someone famous dies the jokes get flashed around the planet, remember when one of the Bee Gees died, there was a joke being sent around within minutes, very bad taste, but quite funny, surely this is a great example of what the Internet can be, free speech for all, surely if we dictate what can be published and what is not to be published because people find it offensive and not funny we are harking back to days of burning books and surpressing information. (imho)

Just wondering, all those that think this is a tasteless joke and shouldnt be published, whats your views on the Cartoons of Mohammed, should they have been published?

I have no probllem with tasteless jokes.

I do have a problem with jokes that are NOT funny.


As probably one of the few members who actually knew steve and his family, I have spoke my mind about him when he was alive, I thought he was a pillock , but leave out the sick jokes now that he is no longer with us. :o Nignoy

I am not related to Steve nor would I count myself as a friend but I did see him fairly regularly when he took a break away from the outside world and would go surfing.

He wasn't a pillock, he was a genuinely nice guy with a passion for conservation. A couple of times between waves we would tell him to shut up but most of the time we used to listen to him. As someone who knows him you will know he had a great sense of humour and took great delight in taking the piss out of himself.

That said I think the joke was not funny but I defend the poster's right to express a view of his own in the same way as I defend the right of others to express their views.

I would hate to see the day that all jokes had to be submitted to the National Control Tribunal for Cultural Humour for endorsement to ensure they don't offend anyone, before being told.

If that were the case about 90% of the jokes on this site would fail just on the grounds of not being funny let alone in poor taste

just my tuppence worth


The problem, as I see it, with the likes of Samui Coconut is that he likes to tell the world what he feels is right and wrong at the same time as he displays a semi-naked girl as his avatar. Maybe my daughter might not like to see it. Just as long as he feels it's ok.

As for In The Rai, whose name seems to have come from a book that details sex and violence, once again it's ok for him, he has failed to learn how to use the mouse to his left. Instead of going to the politically correct joke section he clicked on something he found offensive and then became offended. Idiot.

If there was a section on TV called 'cliff diving bloopers' I would not look because I don't want to see that kind of thing. If you want to look it's your choice.

I have a relative who is disabled and has told me many jokes about 'cripples' some funny some not so. Maybe I should tell him that it is offensive!

The post regarding the Danish cartoons of the number one terrorist is also valid. As muslims jumped up and down and killed and looted to support their religion of peace (now that is a funny joke) I am reminded of the likes of some posters. If you don't like it don't read it. If there was a post on here tomorrow called why are the English so stupid?, I may not read it. If I did and found something I didn't like, who would be to blame? the person who typed it or me?

The internet is full to bursting with things that are offensive to someone. So, I suggest that In The Rai spearhead a campaign to clean up the internet.

GRRRR! People telling me what I can and can't like really winds me up.

For the record I thought the Thunderbirds and Stingray joke was pretty funny.

Finally, to endear myself to the likes of those that will not like this.


At the time of the Challenger disaster I heard this gem

Q. What does NASA stand for?

A. Need Another Seven Astronauts.

:D how is this suppose to be funny. pain and suffering can be funny in the right context, but we are talking death. Now john bulishi yeah funny, not in death. :D your suppose joke in nothing, not funny , not intriguing, not of intrest, get a life and find some real humor :o
The problem, as I see it, with the likes of Samui Coconut is that he likes to tell the world what he feels is right and wrong at the same time as he displays a semi-naked girl as his avatar. Maybe my daughter might not like to see it. Just as long as he feels it's ok.

As for In The Rai, whose name seems to have come from a book that details sex and violence, once again it's ok for him, he has failed to learn how to use the mouse to his left. Instead of going to the politically correct joke section he clicked on something he found offensive and then became offended. Idiot.

If there was a section on TV called 'cliff diving bloopers' I would not look because I don't want to see that kind of thing. If you want to look it's your choice.

I have a relative who is disabled and has told me many jokes about 'cripples' some funny some not so. Maybe I should tell him that it is offensive!

The post regarding the Danish cartoons of the number one terrorist is also valid. As muslims jumped up and down and killed and looted to support their religion of peace (now that is a funny joke) I am reminded of the likes of some posters. If you don't like it don't read it. If there was a post on here tomorrow called why are the English so stupid?, I may not read it. If I did and found something I didn't like, who would be to blame? the person who typed it or me?

The internet is full to bursting with things that are offensive to someone. So, I suggest that In The Rai spearhead a campaign to clean up the internet.

GRRRR! People telling me what I can and can't like really winds me up.

For the record I thought the Thunderbirds and Stingray joke was pretty funny.

Finally, to endear myself to the likes of those that will not like this.


At the time of the Challenger disaster I heard this gem

Q. What does NASA stand for?

A. Need Another Seven Astronauts.

you remind me of the joke "what color were the teacher's eyes?" they were blue. one blew this way one blew that way." Wans't funny then either.

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