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Eclipse Of The Moon


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Did you have any experiences with this last night or in the early hours about 0151 hrs. Due to local superstitions in the Thai/ Khmer.

At the above time this morning I was awakened by the dog barking and a friend was shouting the wife, basically we had to get up and start the truck and motor bike and sound the horns then wake the house up and the wife went around the garden banging the trees to wake them up.Everyone in our village did the same.

did you have an experience of this



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Yes, my wife also told me to sound the horns of the motorbike, there's even some special ritual for pregnant women so to make sure the baby will be healthy. It's "old style" beliefs, I am not sure if it is Isaan/Khmer related.

Fortunately, she was too busy sleeping (as was the whole village).

There's a lot of "Khmer voodoo" (as I call it) kind of rituals in the smaller villages in the region Buriram-Surin-Sisaket, I don't think this one belongs in that category though.

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Woke up last night about 2 o'clock.

First I heard our dogs outside, then the dogs inside, then a lot of shooting and yelling :o , so I went outside with my wife, who suddenly remembered what was going on, and explained to me.

I don't remember hearing any horns though.

Interesting experince, clear sky around the moon, and nice weather, so we spent 15 min outside before going back to sleep.


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Yes, my wife also told me to sound the horns of the motorbike, there's even some special ritual for pregnant women so to make sure the baby will be healthy. It's "old style" beliefs, I am not sure if it is Isaan/Khmer related.

Fortunately, she was too busy sleeping (as was the whole village).

There's a lot of "Khmer voodoo" (as I call it) kind of rituals in the smaller villages in the region Buriram-Surin-Sisaket, I don't think this one belongs in that category though.

Speaking of ....... believe it or not, after my previous post I had to go out, I just came back from a trip to town, to find the local voodoo-doctor preparing all sorts of things, my wife's mother is now sitting upstairs with a piece of string in her mouth that is also wrapped around her feet, incense burning, chanting and some real weird stuff happening! My daughter is asleep, I hope she will stay asleep, it could be a pretty traumatic sight for a 3 yo.

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how about this one

I always thought an eclipse occurred when the planet was obscured from Earths vision. Pictures look like a full moon to me, whats so special about this one?


Just to on the safe side I have lit the incense, put my feet in a bucket of water stuffed a pencil up each nostril (painful) and started chanting! better safe than sorry. :o

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how about this one

I always thought an eclipse occurred when the planet was obscured from Earths vision. Pictures look like a full moon to me, whats so special about this one?


Just to on the safe side I have lit the incense, put my feet in a bucket of water stuffed a pencil up each nostril (painful) and started chanting! better safe than sorry. :o

just a hint, don't sharpen the pencils :D

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how about this one

I always thought an eclipse occurred when the planet was obscured from Earths vision. Pictures look like a full moon to me, whats so special about this one?


Just to on the safe side I have lit the incense, put my feet in a bucket of water stuffed a pencil up each nostril (painful) and started chanting! better safe than sorry. :o

No an eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the Sun (a star) and obscures the sun from the earth (a planet)

And I liked the photo of the moon

are you allowed sharp pencils wher you are? :D

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how about this one

I always thought an eclipse occurred when the planet was obscured from Earths vision. Pictures look like a full moon to me, whats so special about this one?


Just to on the safe side I have lit the incense, put my feet in a bucket of water stuffed a pencil up each nostril (painful) and started chanting! better safe than sorry. :o

No an eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the Sun (a star) and obscures the sun from the earth (a planet)

And I liked the photo of the moon

are you allowed sharp pencils wher you are? :D

I am allowed to have auto pencils where I am and by the way look up the meaning of eclipse, be it solar, lunar or any other describing word

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:o I dont care Because

I pictured a rainbow

You held in your hands

I had flashes

But you saw then plan

I wondered out in the world for years

While you just stayed in your room

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon!

The whole of the moon!

You were there at the turnstiles

With the wind at your heels

You stretched for the stars

And you know how it feels

To reach too high

Too far

Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon!

I was grounded

While you filled the skies

I was dumbfounded by truths

You cut through lies

I saw the rain-dirty valley

You saw brigadoon

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon!

I spoke about wings

You just flew

I wondered, I guessed, and I tried

You just knew

I sighed

But you swooned

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon!

The whole of the moon!

With a torch in your pocket

And the wind at your heels

You climbed on the ladder

And you know how it feels

To reach too high

Too far

Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon!

The whole of the moon!

Unicorns and cannonballs,

Palaces and piers,

Trumpets, towers, and tenemets,

Wide oceans full of tears,

Flag, rags, ferry boats,

Scimitars and scarves,

Every precious dream and vision

Underneath the stars

You climbed on the ladder

With the wind in your sails

You came like a comet

Blazing your trail

Too high

Too far

Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon!

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how about this one

I always thought an eclipse occurred when the planet was obscured from Earths vision. Pictures look like a full moon to me, whats so special about this one?


Just to on the safe side I have lit the incense, put my feet in a bucket of water stuffed a pencil up each nostril (painful) and started chanting! better safe than sorry. :o

No an eclipse is when the moon passes in front of the Sun (a star) and obscures the sun from the earth (a planet)

And I liked the photo of the moon

are you allowed sharp pencils wher you are? :D

Yup... But only as long as I continue to take the medication. :D


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:o I dont care Because

I pictured a rainbow

You held in your hands

I had flashes

But you saw then plan

I wondered out in the world for years

While you just stayed in your room

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon!

The whole of the moon!

You were there at the turnstiles

With the wind at your heels

You stretched for the stars

And you know how it feels

To reach too high

Too far

Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon!

I was grounded

While you filled the skies

I was dumbfounded by truths

You cut through lies

I saw the rain-dirty valley

You saw brigadoon

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon!

I spoke about wings

You just flew

I wondered, I guessed, and I tried

You just knew

I sighed

But you swooned

I saw the crescent

You saw the whole of the moon!

The whole of the moon!

With a torch in your pocket

And the wind at your heels

You climbed on the ladder

And you know how it feels

To reach too high

Too far

Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon!

The whole of the moon!

Unicorns and cannonballs,

Palaces and piers,

Trumpets, towers, and tenemets,

Wide oceans full of tears,

Flag, rags, ferry boats,

Scimitars and scarves,

Every precious dream and vision

Underneath the stars

You climbed on the ladder

With the wind in your sails

You came like a comet

Blazing your trail

Too high

Too far

Too soon

You saw the whole of the moon!

Waterboys ... ? right?

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