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What has become better here for us farangs?

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I now lead an almost western life. Foreign foods more readily available, more choice of beers,western friends, international schools,western standard hospitals, western sports on cable now live..Thailand has gotten better in these aspects. As for everything else..just adapt.

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For expats probably not much improvement on the plate of the PM.

For tourist probably will be a lot of improvements and the PM is trying hard to implement it.


Because just one "quality" tourist may spend here in 2 weeks, what an expat may spend in one year.

never the less All together all these foreigners are bringing big money to the country that why i am wondering what has been done for us farangs here...because if thing not get better farangs will leave..

Just like i did long time ago...and i was spending 100,000 plus monthly..for many years in a row..

So the Thai government should prioritise US over their own people because we spend more in a month than the average local?

Believe it or not, it's NOT all about the money. If it was, then they'd be doing as you suggest which brings me back to my point - we spend whether they kiss our asses or not.

They know that the average sex-starved clown will put up with all sorts of perceived wrongdoings against his person or his wallet in order to get his leg over with a younger woman.

Farangs aren't going anywhere, pal.

Nope i said what has been done recently for us to make Thailand a better place for us farangs to live in ...

You again was unable also to come up with even one thing....

You saying that Thailand treat us like dirt cause most farangs here are for hookers fun only and will accept anything.(THAT EXPLAINS it ALL THEN)

Please speak for your self as i not interested in hookers and i left Thailand already..AND IN LAST RECENT YEARS I HAVE SEEN MORE FARANGS LEAVING THAILAND THEN COMING TO THAILAND..

I think Thailand should do more for its foreign visitors..i even made a list..maybe you can look at my list and tell me what issue u not agree with that needs to get improved here..

If you don,t mind people treat u as a first class sex tourist then u probably are one..

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Maybe its time for an evaluation.

Its obvious that Thailand needs more tourists and so Thailand needs more foreigners that come to live in Thailand for longer periods of time farangs who spend all of their income here in thailand..I assume this will be a good thing cause it will bring loads of money and create more jobs for thais right..

So the question is what positive things by this new government have been done especially for us foreigners,tourists to make our stay in Thailand more comfortable ,and our lives here more easy and or more safe and or more equal and fair...:

I am very curious about all the accomplishments and positive changes that have been implemented recently for us the farangs..Kindly upload here under you list :

I've seen nothing practical that's been implemented for our benefit but, then again, most of us have it pretty sweet here already.

We spend our money here whether they fawn over us or not so why should they make an effort.

We don't feature high on their list of priorities and, frankly, I don't think we should.

Those who feel they're under-appreciated or there's not enough red carpet being rolled out for them are invited to leave.

Fascinated by the arrogance of the question ! Most countries welcome Tourists because they come and spend money then go away...and hopefully come again and repeat the spending. Those farang who come nd stay in Thailand are a minority by comparison and the funds they spend decrease with time. Therefore any Govt. policy will naturally be aimed at enciuraging tourism. Long stay farang in a country with burgeoning population growth are not needed! Land is already being fractionalised within familes in agricultural districts so the idea that farang should be free to buy up is ridiculous!

Thailand has long had a tight door policy on immigration. That the Govt. should have new liberal policy especially for long stay farang is a joke.

And the objection to the legitimate ending of illegitimate manipulations and corrupt methods to stay in Thailand demonstrates exactly the good reason to NOT to pander to those who do so. And never think Thai are not aware that too many farang are social rejects from their home country who stay because of only that reason despite having an attitude of superiority.

If long stay farang want respect then display respect for the country and the people that "permits" you to stay! Many western regimes would have you gone long ago!

Hahaah and you too completely failed to come up with any anwser...

May i assume your answer is : Nothing sofar has improved for us ?

Can i ask you about your reply with the social reject from own country is that part referring to your self?

objection to the legitimate ending of illegitimate manipulations and corrupt methods to stay in Thailand ?? sorry did u overstay or what problem u got?

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I noticed some negative aspect from this site in some cases a innocent post is leading into loads of negative posts/comments for Thailand and or thai government and or thai citizens. then all of sudden these senior and advanced TFV members are popping up and start instead of replying the OP post they choose to attack the OP personally saying the OP is likely only a sex tourist or make other false accusations that r making no sense.Jerk,sex tourist big ego etc etc...

seems none of these so called advanced senior members were able to say what became better here in Thailand recently for us farangs...???

Could it be possible that some of these advanced members and senior members are connected to the website owners and there for are obliged to keep the comments not to negative for Thailand its citizends and government?

So when there comes negative posts they only can attack the Op instead of replying the question only...

But i know answer already nothing has become better for us farangs in thailand !!!!

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this new government is a dictatorship, and a military such as that. Whatever government comes after that, if it be a Thaksin proxy govt, a Thaksin whatever govt, a democrat govt....hahahhahah....or a govt. of the complete and utterly stupid, at least it will be a govt that was elected.

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I've got a great girl, 2 kids, a condo, a house, a motorbike and a truck, lots of cash in the bank and good paying work available if I want it, so whatever is better or worse, in general, doesn't matter because my life revolves around them and I make the best of whatever life throws at me and that would be the same where ever I lived.

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I think every country do the same thing for 'government hospitals', a price for everyone but citizens got discount.

My wife go to hospital or clinic in Singapore,when she was on long term visa, she had to pay full amount fees.But now she got her PR, she only pay the subsidised fee.

I also heard from my friend in Kampheang phet that if anything happen he always go to pitsannulok private hospital that is more expensive but same price for both Thai or farang.

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That is an interesting thesis.

"Its obvious that Thailand needs more tourists and so Thailand needs more foreigners that come to live in Thailand for longer periods of time"

You do know the difference between a tourist and a long term resident? Yes?

The consumption patterns are completly different and the impact on the economy .. not even close.

Do you live in a Hotel? Does a person clean and turn doen your room every morning? Do you eat exclusively in restaurants? Do you only take taxis? Do you buy bags of souvenirs and handicraft? Do you When was the last time you did something tourists do?

Sure, you pump a little cash into the economy, but not at the "We have 14 days to experience as much as we can" clip the tourists do.

When I do "go tourist" and go on holiday, it costs more per day, than i spend here at home .. per week or more.

Thailand is a great place to visit, and a great place to live.

It is, relative to the USA, really safe, friendly and peaceful.

And yes, that is a positive they do ... every day.

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.i even made a list..maybe you can look at my list and tell me what issue u not agree with that needs to get improved here..

I read your pathetic little list.

I don't think farangs should be able to buy land here. The Thais made the mistake of allowing the Chinese to walk in and steal the country out from under their noses generations ago - why should they let farangs do it?

Dual pricing in hospitals doesn't occur at the private level - I had a full medical check up at Samitivej last Friday - they charged me 14,000 same as they charge Thais. Government hospitals are funded by the taxpayer, not tourists or expats.

Close down karaoke joints that extort farangs??? Here's a thought; why don't farangs keep their wits about them and take responsibility for their own actions.

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

Staying with the thread

What has become better here for us farangs?

"Improving service at Immigration" is about the only Farang concern. (90 day on-line reporting. They are working on it).

also nice, if the millions of FARANG Rice Farmers in Thailand would get paid.

Otherwise................................? Cheers.

Certainly reducing corruption, especially as it applies to farangs, is a sevice to farangs, so are improving overall traffic safety and a welcoming spirit for foreign tourists. So might a shake-up in education. It may give some of the farnag teachers who meet qualifications a better salary and more respect.

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.i even made a list..maybe you can look at my list and tell me what issue u not agree with that needs to get improved here..

I read your pathetic little list.

I don't think farangs should be able to buy land here. The Thais made the mistake of allowing the Chinese to walk in and steal the country out from under their noses generations ago - why should they let farangs do it?

Dual pricing in hospitals doesn't occur at the private level - I had a full medical check up at Samitivej last Friday - they charged me 14,000 same as they charge Thais. Government hospitals are funded by the taxpayer, not tourists or expats.

Close down karaoke joints that extort farangs??? Here's a thought; why don't farangs keep their wits about them and take responsibility for their own actions.

Hmm i wonder where u come from but in my country Thais can buy same as what i can buy there..example including land and houses.

about karaoke joints weird again ur reply..so if u go with 3 friends to a karaoke and have 6 beers and they charge you 20,000 bht then its no problem...These kind of crimes should police not taken serious...(if it happens to u its your own fault is that what u say?)

Also if u rent a jet ski and u get charged 150,000 baht for a damage that not makes u think perhaps its better to end all the jet skies rental...

Also the fact that laws in Thailand in general \are not equal does not bother u ..example a thai can stab a foreigner with a knife and gets a 500 bht fine and if i stab a thai then i get life in prison.This is normal then..(again no need to have things laws changed or improved)

Its clear we have different opinion i want fair and equal laws and treatment from thai government and you like keep all as it is.cause you are totally satisfied with current situation!!

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Hey Cypress hill

You did not wrote this line here under totally sober right?

Here your text :Close down karaoke joints that extort farangs??? Here's a thought; why don't farangs keep their wits about them and take responsibility for their own actions.

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

wow you made a long list ....

Are you sure all these things on your list have been accomplished?

I not convinced all from your list weather accoplished or not was bringing us farangs any benefit.

Hey,it's his list and his opinion,which i happen to agree with.

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Life is pretty easy here for farangs, so I'm not sure what improvements could be made specifically for us. One thing I'd like is to be able to buy one house to live in. But doesn't really bother me that I can't.

What changes would the OP like?

What's stopping you buying a house,lack of money?

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

In my experience hospitals do print their price lists and they are the same for Thai and non-Thai. What hospitals have you seen double pricing at? Have you asked for a Thai price list or got a Thai person to ask for you.

No i can not remember that i ever got a price list from any thai hospital.

my friend 40 years got an heart attack and he had to negotiate with the doctor of the Phuket Bangkok hospital in the operation room about the price..

would like to see one and also one from the police cause now fines will depend on how rich u look..u red light can be 500 bht or can be a 1000 bht just depends on your car model...

again i did not see anything improve for us cause the people in power do not care.they busy with the lottery..

Time for you to go bud,before you join your mate.

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

In my experience hospitals do print their price lists and they are the same for Thai and non-Thai. What hospitals have you seen double pricing at? Have you asked for a Thai price list or got a Thai person to ask for you.

Yes many hospitals print fee lists, however, some private establishments do not and only give estimations. One private establishment that I used for a nasal operation, performed by an ENT specialist, and hospitalisation of 4 days cost B156,000.00. Checked with other patients, Thais and Laotians, and although they had different procedures, their costs were very similar to mine.

The second, at a government university hospital, with private accommodation, also 4 days hospitalisation but under the care of professor in Ophthalmology. Cost B26,000.00, 6 times less than the private establishment. As for charges differing between Thais and Foreigners, had to go to the ENT department at the University establishment for a for a follow up examination, Thais pay nothing, me, B50.00. Can't complain about that. thumbsup.gif but maybe others would,

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tourists and specially expats are soooooooooooooooooooooo lowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww on the priority list

they are doing just fine, with out without us

for the one's that married bargirls ... yes they are depending on your ATM status

for the on'es that married hi-so... you are not even a drop in their water lake of wealth

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In answer to the OP’s question (“what has become better here for us farangs?”): in short, nothing much.

Should things be greatly improved for all Thais, as the General says he wants to do, then maybe the Thais will be less stressed, happier, friendly again, less money-driven, less xenophobic etc etc….and that would make things better for me here, as a farang; it would improve my experience of living here.

I’m still waiting (whilst living on of course).

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The OP's question makes the assumptions that:

1) The government is interested in encouraging long-stay foreign tourists.

2) Farangs are the only foreign tourists the government is interested in encouraging.

No. 2 is obviously incorrect. Most of the growth in foreign tourist arrivals in the recent years has come from Asia, China in particular. That is the market that the TAT has been most actively promoting.

Re no. 1 there has never been any evidence over the last couple of decades that the government has any interest in promoting long-stay tourists of any ethnic origin. In fact the evidence all points to the other way, e.g. crack downs on back to back transit visas, fraudulent ED visas etc. There has never been any type of visa that specifically allowed more than 3 months for tourism purposes, allow 12 month retirement extensions have been granted to over 50s since the 80s. 90 day reporting was reintroduced to keep tabs on long stay foreigners who don't leave the country at least once every 90s days, after being allowed to fall into abeyance for many years.

It is better to accept the reality that Thailand is not interested in promoting long-stay tourism. The only slight exception to this is the Thai Elite Card, although holders still need to renew visas every 3 months. There has occasionally been talk of promoting foreign retirement communities in Thailand but nothing has ever come of this and Thailand has avoided any type of long-term retirement visa scheme like Malaysia's 'My Second Home' scheme which even allows ownership of residential land. The only foreigners who are considered permanent are the small number of expats working in Thailand who have been granted permanent residence, which now takes several years to process, although until the late 2000s they could process applications within 12 months. (Even PRs have fewer rights than permanent residents in nearly ever country in the world, e.g. they still need work permits.) All others are temporary residents with no rights.

Unless you are likely to qualify for PR or citizenship, it is better to accept that Thailand has no interest in you staying long-term in the country. Having Thai wives and children makes no difference to this attitude. You will always be tourists on temporary visas, as far as they are concerned.

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

Max 1 rai for foreigners who are married to Thais was tried to in the 1999 Land Bill that was savagely shot down in Parliament. it was watered down to 1 rai for foreigners who invest B40m in approved investments, most of which are no longer available, and subject to other conditions that effectively made it impossible. No one has ever done it, as far as I know. Attitudes have, if anything, hardened since 1999 and, for sure, this will not happen in our lifetimes. Better to push for something realistic like 70 year leases which would benefit Thai and foreign direct investors too.

The FBA should certainly be amended to benefit FDI but the only signs of potential change is the lobby of Thai Chinese businessmen who make regular pushes to toughen the law. The only change of respite is via FTA's like the Australian one that allows 70% Australian ownership in the service sector and the AEC which is supposed to allow the same thing. Unfortunately FTAs are designed to benefit large investors and will usually make it too burdensome for individual foreigners to benefit. The American treaty is an exception but was drafted in the 60s when there was not yet any restriction on foreign ownership and work permits had still not happened. So it was all theoretical at the time.

The other things you suggest could quite easily be done, if there was a real will to do so. Hospital scams also target Thais and medical tourism is something the government actively tries to promote.

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Pathetic trolling thread. OP sets up for a major whine under the guise of a faux innocent question and when at first he doesn't get what he wants he disagrees with the responders.

You know what's coming mate ... if yer don't like it you can always etc

Santisak I agree with you 100%. This is a blatant and obvious attempt by the Op to encourage Thai bashing. What on earth makes him think that the Thai Government owes him a better life. He must have an enormous ego.

The Thai government is here for the benefit of the Thai people. Does he not understand that anything that is done to improve the lives of the Thai people indirectly also benefits him. If he has a Thai friend, gf or wife who gets paid for their rice crop then he also benefits. Oh but the Op just moans that it didn't benefit him directly and why should it. If the Government works on stamping out corruption does this not benefit him also. The Op seems to be blind to that fact.

Why does Thailand owe him anything? Please don't say because of his contribution to the economy. Op your contribution to the economy is peanuts compared to the millions that can be obtained from increasing tourism from China even if you don't like these tourists. If your enormous ego thinks that you are entitled to the Thai Government making improvements just for you, you are sadly mistaken.

You really need to pack up your enormous ego into 50 suitcases (if it will fit) and take it to another country where the Government will bow down to His Majesty Farang and do everything just for your benefit. I wish you and your ego good luck.

What a jerk.

Another sap who fell through the cracks.

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Hey Cypress hill

You did not wrote this line here under totally sober right?

Here your text :Close down karaoke joints that extort farangs??? Here's a thought; why don't farangs keep their wits about them and take responsibility for their own actions.

100% sober. This is the first time I've heard that, apparently, karaoke bars are specifically targeting foreigners with the goal of extorting them. If there's any truth in it, I'm sure the Thai government has far more pressing priorities than nannying dopey foreigners who can't hold their watered down drinks.

I think enough time has been wasted on your silly little troll topic.

Go draw up some placards and protest outside Government House.

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In the past 12 months I have seen government efforts to:

reduce corruption

improve service at immigration

improve the professionalism and root out corruption in the police force

step up traffic safety enforcement

shake up the educational bureaucracy

repay monies owed to rice farmers

encourage Thais to be welcoming towards tourists

Prayut Chan-o-cha may have some rough edges, but he still has my support.

wow you made a long list ....

Are you sure all these things on your list have been accomplished?

I not convinced all from your list weather accoplished or not was bringing us farangs any benefit.

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

Disagree 100% about letting overseas rich people buy Thai land. It's caused nothing but trouble for local people in every country that allows foreign ownership of land.

If people want to own land they can naff off back home.

Denying foreign ownership of Thai land is one of the best things they do here, along with restricting work to certain occupations for foreigners.

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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

Disagree 100% about letting overseas rich people buy Thai land. It's caused nothing but trouble for local people in every country that allows foreign ownership of land.

If people want to own land they can naff off back home.

Denying foreign ownership of Thai land is one of the best things they do here, along with restricting work to certain occupations for foreigners.

Yup them darn foreigners keep putting that land in a suitcase and taking it home wid em.



But I gotta say that Australia is afraid that China is gonna put all that dirt on a boat and take it home. Australia is tightening scrutiny of foreign ownership in agriculture and real estate to combat public fears that Chinese investment is forcing up house prices and could potentially undermine the country’s food security.

If you agree with the economic policy genius that is doing Australia's agri business policy then go ahead and support no land ownership for foreigners.

Edited by lostoday
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here some example of changes that would make it better for us..

Would like them to bring up to date their property and land owning laws.(max one rai for farang)

equal business structure laws so no more 49% 51% scam.

Hassle free year visas for 12.000 bht for people under 50 years who do not want to go to school 20 hours a week and get tested at an immigration office.

Banning of all jet skies..

No more double pricing especially in hospitals..hospitals need print out their prices on printed paper..in eng thai

fixed rates for all the traffic fines on a clearly printed government on piece of paper. in eng thai

Better follow up of crimes of thais against foreigners.(example close down karaoke joints that extort tipsy farangs...)etc etc

change the laws that give opportunity of thais to scam foreigners.Now most their laws always benefit their own kind.

Anyway i did not see any changes like this so in my opinion nothing got better here for us..

Disagree 100% about letting overseas rich people buy Thai land. It's caused nothing but trouble for local people in every country that allows foreign ownership of land.

If people want to own land they can naff off back home.

Denying foreign ownership of Thai land is one of the best things they do here, along with restricting work to certain occupations for foreigners.

Yup them darn foreigners keep putting that land in a suitcase and taking it home wid em.



But I gotta say that Australia is afraid that China is gonna put all that dirt on a boat and take it home. Australia is tightening scrutiny of foreign ownership in agriculture and real estate to combat public fears that Chinese investment is forcing up house prices and could potentially undermine the country’s food security.

If you agree with the economic policy genius that is doing Australia's agri business policy then go ahead and support no land ownership for foreigners.

forcing up house prices

Said it yourself.

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