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Are you returning to US with wife? What are your plans? Jobs? City?

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Rocketsurgeon: we only go to Kissimmee to go to Thai temple. Heard it is economically depressed but which also means great real estate deals. We wanted to be closer to work and the action in Orlando. The I-4 traffic is bad during rush hour so I avoid it. I chose to live off SR. 429 which is usually lite traffic. Now one negative about Orlando is the amount of tolls you have to pay. The increase in my salary more than offset that expense.

The wife hasn't had to work for the past 25 years.

We originally considered moving to Tampa and currently visit their temple. Good luck in making your decision.

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Thanks to everyone for their input. LV does make lots of sense, but I'm reading the economy is still weak, unemployment high. I'm thinking there must be some ez jobs to pick up but then I read about the need for these cards and those cards...Many posts on other forums stating its still difficult for jobs - but who knows the quality of those people?

Its not out of the question.


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I feel your plight. As others have mentioned, Criagslist is good place to get a feel for local economies and you can narrow your focus a bit. From there expand your search about the locale a bit. I'd also suggest that you go there alone and set-up shop because there's nothing that'll can kill a relationship faster than TWO stressed-out individuals. Good luck. Remember, Thailand's only a day's ride away.

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Easy to get a job in the US now. But the pay will be lousy. I recently came back to my home in rustbelt Ohio and scored a $700/week job at an auto plant assembly line. No job experience required. Apartments here are about $450 a month which is a lot more than I was paying in Thailand. Winters are bleak in the midwest so ideally we'd come just for visits and to eat some American foodwink.png . I really miss the food and don't want to leave just yet. I'm staying to save up some money for us to buy a nice condo when I return to Thailand. My wife could work in the US but no reason for that. Our basic living expenses are paid for.

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Thanks for the upbeat posts. Just a matter of committing - amd doing my back taxes this week ☺

I still have a ton of piss and vinegar and you couldn't find someone more punctual. Not only timely, but I don't think I've ever called in sick to work in my life. Now, I'm sure I have, just not in memory.

NeverSure, thx for the positive vibe as well as AaronLV and esp your personal insights.

I might* go out and try getting something going first, but surely if we are going to do this, we are in it fully and will go back together. Don't see any financial incentive in me going first, leaving her in Thailand. She won't cost much if anything taghing along and if anything, our lives are about little adventures. I could leave her at my folks perhaps another few extra months but truth to tell, I think she will be working before me. My

My wife is nearly 40, was often carded on our last trip (bought me a beer, 3x in liquor stores). She's cute (no rockin beauty) and charming, genuine. Its me that will be the problem. 55 and not worked in US for 15 yrs. I look perhaps 5-7 yrs younger, present well enough if I can snag the interview.

But the idea of scouting ahead, concerns not unfounded... It would allow me some weeks to focus without needing to worry abt her job as well. In fact, I should think abt that more...☺

Thing is sleeping on couch of meth heads apt is 400, apts are 625. So, she can come along, cook, let her walk the strip mid day, gather applications...?

Our marriage is pretty solid, as good as anyones. She really loves my family and flash and money aren't going to win her over in a moment of weakness. She and her family have never pressured me for anything. I give to her parents willingly when need arises (such as her granny dying and pop left work for a month to care for her). They are a great, tight, loving family.

Wife is kinda iffy of LV. I see it neutral to slighty negative due to desert and crappy weather in summer, winter. She us smart enough though to state, anywhere we can fall into jobs easier is the best place for us.

Thx for the tips on LV although a job on a assy line I could grind out ten years for 700 a week!

I know a lot abt LV its been on the radar awhile for us. Another plus might be, close enough to shoot resumes off to SLC and pop up there for interviews.

Tamoa...the crime and lack of public transport...

We really only need to meet a few milestones before we could toss it in and come back if all fails. Best of situations, stay ten years until wife has paid in min SS. Get an RV for US and winter in Thailand or move back here.

Mickeyrex, thx not worried about Thailand detox. Happy to go, we need a new chapter in our lives. I will miss many things and we will be back but what I miss most will be the food - wife can cook. The bulk of our trips anymore are not even in Thailand. Everywhere we want to go is not Thailand at this juncture. It can be a base one day again, but I'm happy to move on. I've only been back two weeks and already bored. Andaman is closed, wife cant take off till like, August. Going to Hue in Dec.

Again, thx to everyone.

Edited by Rocketsurgeon
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Couple of other things to add. There are quite a few temples in LV also, and my wife met lots of good people while she was there, she always had people over to cook, and hang out. All the ingredients she needed to make any thai food she could get 4 Thai markets, plus lots of Asian markets.

Vegas is a bit odd when it comes to bad areas, there is not one general area, they seem to be small patches all over the city. Live one place go a block down the street and you don't want to be out after dark. It is strange.

SLC is a nice city, but if you are not a member of the church you will be somewhat of an outcast. I have several friends that live there and they are not part of the church and they are definitely discriminated against at work and looked down upon. They stick it out because of the money they currently make, but they do get the short end of the stick quite a bit. Not sure if getting Thai ingredients will be easy.

Going back firs definitely not an option, as you want to file the DCF, and if you are in the US you cannot file in Thailand. So keep that in mind before making decisions. Also you will want to make sure she gets her citizenship if she plans on getting her SS credits there are restrictions on drawing from it for Permanent residents vs citizens, but that is another discussion.

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Florida would be a god place for your wife, plenty of work, in the right venue, and the weather close to the weather in Thailand

Depending on the area crime is not a problem,

We live in the north east of Florida,

Daytona, Ormond beach, Saint Augustine, Palm coast

all good areas

Easy getting a drivers licence, if she reads a little English, same questions over and over for learners permit, eventual she will memories all of them

Driving test easy and at the same place all the time, after fail the first time, go back after hours and practice the course, Next drive test she will be familiar with the course and tasks and will pass easily

Plenty of Asian markets where your wife can get any Thai food imaginable

I suggest she initially get's a job at the local Thai restaurant, it will give her a chance to get acclimated,while being in a familiar environment,

and meet many other Thaui people in the area

Nail Technicians make very good money in Florida, Most Nail salons are owned by Vietnamese people and you will find many Thais employed thee

PM me for more info if desired

Good Luck

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Florida would be a god place for your wife, plenty of work, in the right venue, and the weather close to the weather in Thailand

Depending on the area crime is not a problem,

We live in the north east of Florida,

Daytona, Ormond beach, Saint Augustine, Palm coast

all good areas

Easy getting a drivers licence, if she reads a little English, same questions over and over for learners permit, eventual she will memories all of them

Driving test easy and at the same place all the time, after fail the first time, go back after hours and practice the course, Next drive test she will be familiar with the course and tasks and will pass easily

Plenty of Asian markets where your wife can get any Thai food imaginable

I suggest she initially get's a job at the local Thai restaurant, it will give her a chance to get acclimated,while being in a familiar environment,

and meet many other Thaui people in the area

Nail Technicians make very good money in Florida, Most Nail salons are owned by Vietnamese people and you will find many Thais employed thee

PM me for more info if desired

Good Luck

I would go to Reno, Las Vegas or Orlando. Orlando has the best weather and there has to be a lot of money pumped into the local economy by Disney world. The best pay might be in Reno or Vegas due to finding a job with tips. I'd find a job and then go to bar tending school. At 55 I'd be more interested in actual pay than career path and IT help desk would pay less than bar tending.

As mentioned earlier many people make as much or more in tips than salary. That's true of a waitress in a coffee shop. With earnings and not career being both the short and long term goals but the term not being that long...

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Moved back to Canada last year with wife and child. But came back with a job offer, 10 years younger than you, and not looking to rely on minimum wage jobs till my government assistance kicks in or couch surfing with my parents.

I am sorry but you do not seem to be the most ambitious of persons. This is not to be snobbish as one poster eluded to, but moving back to a minimum wage job hoping for the wife to get the same until your government assistance cheque arrives sounds like pretty crummy lifestyle for the next 5 years or so.

How about finding something you like, take some on line courses, do some upgrading, anything to show any future employers your worth more than minimum wage.

I have been working as an HR consultant as well as organizing work camps for a small oil and gas company. Good money, okay lifestyle as I work from home based office most of the time. Took me nearly 6 months of searching and applying for work but waited until I found the right job.

But to your point, Washington would be my state of choice. Pacific rim, lots of work, bit expensive though.

Good luck.

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Couple of other things to add. There are quite a few temples in LV also, and my wife met lots of good people while she was there, she always had people over to cook, and hang out. All the ingredients she needed to make any thai food she could get 4 Thai markets, plus lots of Asian markets.

Vegas is a bit odd when it comes to bad areas, there is not one general area, they seem to be small patches all over the city. Live one place go a block down the street and you don't want to be out after dark. It is strange.

SLC is a nice city, but if you are not a member of the church you will be somewhat of an outcast. I have several friends that live there and they are not part of the church and they are definitely discriminated against at work and looked down upon. They stick it out because of the money they currently make, but they do get the short end of the stick quite a bit. Not sure if getting Thai ingredients will be easy.

Going back firs definitely not an option, as you want to file the DCF, and if you are in the US you cannot file in Thailand. So keep that in mind before making decisions. Also you will want to make sure she gets her citizenship if she plans on getting her SS credits there are restrictions on drawing from it for Permanent residents vs citizens, but that is another discussion.


SLC is a nice city, but if you are not a member of the church you will be somewhat of an outcast. I have several friends that live there and they are not part of the church and they are definitely discriminated against at work and looked down upon. They stick it out because of the money they currently make, but they do get the short end of the stick quite a bit. Not sure if getting Thai ingredients will be easy.

I'm not advocating SLC. I'm here for the short term, having been offered excellent work. But I would correct some of your statements, ones that I am surprised are coming from a poster I have always considered well-spoken.

Outcast? No. Nowadays it is the Mormons who are borderline outcasts. The hold onto their power by a thread.

The church has influence in government, yes, but SLC has become quite cosmopolitan. Mormons account for a distinct minority of residents in the city, but this increases in the bedroom communities like Bountiful. I have never seen so many coffee shops (Mormons don't drink coffee) and brewpubs in a few square miles. It's as if these people were at war with the Mormons. And the coffee shops and brewpubs have been around for decades now, and do a strong, strong business. The OP's wife could go to work at Squatters, nary a future god or goddess in sight, and make good money.

Where I work there are over a hundred employees. If any are Mormon, I don't who they are -- except one guy who is a jack-Mormon and cusses like a sailor. Certainly not the owners or managers, judging by there propensity for blue language and Jack Daniels every day at 5pm.

I've never heard of anyone here getting the "short end of the stick" because they weren't Mormon. I guess it might happen at the executive level of someplace like City Creek Mall (Mormon owned), but I've never seen nor heard of it. How could the Mormons discriminate against you at Starbucks, or Publik Coffee House, or Redrock Brewery?

As for Thai ingredients, with over 30,000 Asians in the state, there are no less than eight major stores here for Asian foods, both imported and fresh. Two of these stores are massive. Nothing is lacking, and much is actually cheaper here than in LOS. I buy the same fish sauce and shrimp paste here as I did in Thailand.

The OP's wife will be able to duplicate any meal here that she cooked in Thailand, in some cases for less money.

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Moved back to Canada last year with wife and child. But came back with a job offer, 10 years younger than you, and not looking to rely on minimum wage jobs till my government assistance kicks in or couch surfing with my parents.

I am sorry but you do not seem to be the most ambitious of persons. This is not to be snobbish as one poster eluded to, but moving back to a minimum wage job hoping for the wife to get the same until your government assistance cheque arrives sounds like pretty crummy lifestyle for the next 5 years or so.

How about finding something you like, take some on line courses, do some upgrading, anything to show any future employers your worth more than minimum wage.

I have been working as an HR consultant as well as organizing work camps for a small oil and gas company. Good money, okay lifestyle as I work from home based office most of the time. Took me nearly 6 months of searching and applying for work but waited until I found the right job.

But to your point, Washington would be my state of choice. Pacific rim, lots of work, bit expensive though.

Good luck.

I think you're off base. He's 55 and has no recent job, rental or credit history. His wife doesn't either. He doesn't need a career path but rather needs to make some money.

Any good steady job with a known employer where there are tips involved will do just fine for the both of them. As someone said the tips can be more than the wage. If they could both make just $15 an hour with tips, or $30 an hour that's $5000+ per month or $60,000+ per year and one of them will probably find benefits such as health insurance. With tips they'll probably make more than that.

Being practical, if I was him I'd find any job and go to bartender's school and finish up tending bar. The casinos also have schools for bartending and cocktail waiting.

In that environment what would be the bottom of the ladder would be cleaning hotel rooms and that's where to set the sights higher.

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Couple of other things to add. There are quite a few temples in LV also, and my wife met lots of good people while she was there, she always had people over to cook, and hang out. All the ingredients she needed to make any thai food she could get 4 Thai markets, plus lots of Asian markets.

Vegas is a bit odd when it comes to bad areas, there is not one general area, they seem to be small patches all over the city. Live one place go a block down the street and you don't want to be out after dark. It is strange.

SLC is a nice city, but if you are not a member of the church you will be somewhat of an outcast. I have several friends that live there and they are not part of the church and they are definitely discriminated against at work and looked down upon. They stick it out because of the money they currently make, but they do get the short end of the stick quite a bit. Not sure if getting Thai ingredients will be easy.

Going back firs definitely not an option, as you want to file the DCF, and if you are in the US you cannot file in Thailand. So keep that in mind before making decisions. Also you will want to make sure she gets her citizenship if she plans on getting her SS credits there are restrictions on drawing from it for Permanent residents vs citizens, but that is another discussion.


SLC is a nice city, but if you are not a member of the church you will be somewhat of an outcast. I have several friends that live there and they are not part of the church and they are definitely discriminated against at work and looked down upon. They stick it out because of the money they currently make, but they do get the short end of the stick quite a bit. Not sure if getting Thai ingredients will be easy.

I'm not advocating SLC. I'm here for the short term, having been offered excellent work. But I would correct some of your statements, ones that I am surprised are coming from a poster I have always considered well-spoken.

Outcast? No. Nowadays it is the Mormons who are borderline outcasts. The hold onto their power by a thread.

The church has influence in government, yes, but SLC has become quite cosmopolitan. Mormons account for a distinct minority of residents in the city, but this increases in the bedroom communities like Bountiful. I have never seen so many coffee shops (Mormons don't drink coffee) and brewpubs in a few square miles. It's as if these people were at war with the Mormons. And the coffee shops and brewpubs have been around for decades now, and do a strong, strong business. The OP's wife could go to work at Squatters, nary a future god or goddess in sight, and make good money.

Where I work there are over a hundred employees. If any are Mormon, I don't who they are -- except one guy who is a jack-Mormon and cusses like a sailor. Certainly not the owners or managers, judging by there propensity for blue language and Jack Daniels every day at 5pm.

I've never heard of anyone here getting the "short end of the stick" because they weren't Mormon. I guess it might happen at the executive level of someplace like City Creek Mall (Mormon owned), but I've never seen nor heard of it. How could the Mormons discriminate against you at Starbucks, or Publik Coffee House, or Redrock Brewery?

As for Thai ingredients, with over 30,000 Asians in the state, there are no less than eight major stores here for Asian foods, both imported and fresh. Two of these stores are massive. Nothing is lacking, and much is actually cheaper here than in LOS. I buy the same fish sauce and shrimp paste here as I did in Thailand.

The OP's wife will be able to duplicate any meal here that she cooked in Thailand, in some cases for less money.

I wrote that in quite a haste yesterday with little thought, should have worded it better. The demographic is changing and the church is losing it's strangle hold for sure. It is definitely not the same city it was 10 years ago, lots of people leaving the church I know quite a few people that have walked in the past few years, that were part of the church for 30+ years. And one of my friends was living in the bountiful area at one point.

I have never worked in SLC, I just hear about it from friends that work there, and the companies they work for are at least 80% church members and are owned by church members. I prefer not to give specifics of what they have gone through on a public forum. Of course this is at a different level then the OP would be looking for a job.

On the ingredients I wasn't sure as I know the further you get north, and in the mid-west seems they get harder to find, but should know better SLC is quite large.

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I think that returning to your "home" country after a long period abroad, when you no longer have property or family to welcome you is a lot harder than people imagine and without a plan B, C and D to fall back on, luck and a few months of running costs in your pocket the odds are very much against you.

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Paul, I agree and not shooting myself in my own foot but its a tough call. The guy from Canada who sold his soul to a HR job in BFE, well, up to him but prudence is hardly laziness. That's why I asked only persons who had been out here a long time to comment. Some guy pops over here for a few years has no clue. He's also ten years my junior. The Internet is loaded with issues for the 55+ searching for work - let alone someone abroad for essentially 20 years.

Yes, I will do a DCF and the idea was never to file a K1 from US lol. I interpreted some comments to mean that I should try this to locate work but it's not for me. Better to go, have ALL the paperwork and if it is an utter fail, return when possible. The idea was to leave my wife at my folks place while I couchsurf and try a different city or two.

1. NYC is a possibility, temp housing 1 hr outside, but shheeesh do I want o jump into that grind, even for a few years (possible housing)

2. So Florida is also possible for temp housing maybe. No jobs I think in Boca/Palm

3. Parents are fine for interim two months. Also OK perhaps to leave wife there another 3-6? mos. I can't live with the olds, they also live in a very beautiful but rural coastal area.

4. SF area is a tiny possibility, right place, right time.

Aaron - thanks, yes there actually is a higher % of Asians in LV than in Tampa. The thing where I am stuck with on LV though is if the casino related jobs or taxi driving doesn't work out, we are SOL. I think jobs market is pretty shallow and the Internet data bears this out. I'm thinking about maybe going out ahead of her, trying it and if I don't get any action, try Tampa. I REALLY LIKE YOUR POSITIVE ANECDOTES.

NSure - Reno has been mentioned I think by someone else as well. I just don't see jobs there. You mentioned SLC and Mormons. It's no longer an issue as HCool mentioned. Yeah, we are a mixed couple and she is much younger (maybe perfectly fine for UT lol) but...We have actualy been thru SLC and both fid it OK. Yeah, a banal suburb but it has jobs, transport, reasonable cost of living, near some great outdoor activities and a good base for looking where to settle in US long term.

Thanks for your understanding about on the job front. Yeah, the guy simply doesn't understand. No matter how clever I am or such a great school I graduated from, it's all about experience and age these days. I really don't see myself as an aging bartender but I would not mind driving a cab if I had to. I could work as a manager in a restuarant but the pay is horrible and the hours dire. I have some spotty experience there. If I could drive a cab and make 4k a month I'd e pretty happy.

HCool - Are you know living in SLC and are you married? It's really narrowed down to SLC and Tampa. Tampa is much closer by plane to my folks. Everything says Tampa save for transport and crime oh and jobs - lol.

Sirenou - Thanks for your support. The north east...Not much on Jax but St Augustine south looks OK, just don't see jobs. Yeah, there is always the restaurant thing but shes no stranger to US by now with five trips (6 months), her English is good enough to work retail I think. I'd rather not have her (us) in food and rather her not in the Thai "ghetto". Looking at the nail salon thing but must be a ton in Tampa. I bet in the end does not pay much better than retail. What I really like about the job is the long hours in the same place. Not needing to work many PT jobs. There was a strongarm robbery of a salon somewhere in FL but seems to be one off. But, it's another sort of ghetto. Thanks.

JLCrab - yeah, she does lok like that but I doubt a-cups can get a job at Hooters, not that I would want her there in the first place. Thanks for the hot tip though. Genius.

This is as much for my wife if not more. Yeah, I am totaly burned out on Thailand, there is simply no excitement or mystery to the place and that realy incls all of E Asia anymore although I really must explore Myanmar more as its opened....still, even Burma I have spent four months.

I've enough to sponsor my wife, cover expenses for a year, plus income of 350.00pm. That's without touching my ROTH and my 401K.

To the guy who thinks I'm a bit lazy...I'm a planner. I am and have taken many big leaps in life and love it, but at my age things are different. You cant gamble in stock markets and you can't take someone else down a road that might place heavy burdens upon them with little reward. I didn't set myself up to retire at 40 (37) by being lazy or bad with money. It's not about me, unfortunately it's about someone giving me a job. That is the sad state of the US these days and partiall why I left. As for your great HR job in the oil fields....well, kill me. Pac NW...rent is double elsewhere.

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To the guy who thinks I'm a bit lazy...I'm a planner. I am and have taken many big leaps in life and love it, but at my age things are different. You cant gamble in stock markets and you can't take someone else down a road that might place heavy burdens upon them with little reward. I didn't set myself up to retire at 40 (37) by being lazy or bad with money. It's not about me, unfortunately it's about someone giving me a job. That is the sad state of the US these days and partiall why I left. As for your great HR job in the oil fields....well, kill me. Pac NW...rent is double elsewhere.

Lazy wouldn't be planning a move like this. Lazy is staying in Thailand and taking the slow easy road to eventual death that most of us are on even if we don't realize it.

It sounds to me like you are going about this the right way....with an open mind and the knowledge that it won't be easy, and that is the key to succeeding. The only thing I would do differently is that I would 'settle' first on home ground. Either the last state you lived in, or where your parents/relatives are based. Then you have a tie to that state and re-establishing yourself there should be easier.

It doesn't matter if there are no opportunities there, once you have dug in, you can then look at other states but be an inter state mover rather than an arrived from nowhere mover which will surely better help you establish your next base etc.

As long as you manage your wife's expectations and ensure she understands that the first 6 months may not quite be the American dream, but things will get better after that, I think you can make it and I wish you good luck.

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Oh man I am screwed. Here I am moving back to the states with my

Thai family, and I have no job waiting for me. And at 61, a job is not likely.

( Beat it grandpa, we don't want old grumpy guys on this job ). Oh wait

a minute, I am a building contractor with the skill set to build a complete

house by myself. So pretty sure I can find something... Guess will know

next month. :-)

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Here you go Rocket....This list was posted today, so it is current info.

These 10 cities have the highest Glassdoor Job Score*, determined by using three key factors: how easy it is to get a job (hiring opportunity), how affordable it is to live there (cost of living), and how satisfied employees are working there (job satisfaction).

Check out which cities made the top 10:


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Oh man I am screwed. Here I am moving back to the states with my

Thai family, and I have no job waiting for me. And at 61, a job is not likely.

( Beat it grandpa, we don't want old grumpy guys on this job ). Oh wait

a minute, I am a building contractor with the skill set to build a complete

house by myself. So pretty sure I can find something... Guess will know

next month. :-)

Please PM me your email address. I may be able to hook you up with some work.

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She's attractive but very lazy about her appearance. Her hair isn't that long, not model thin, not much of a glamour girl. Prefers pants and Tshirts. I have no worries her getting a job, its the 8.25 an hour that's rough.

Its always been me that's the issue, but 50 hours even at 9.00 an hour won't take care of her alone anyway. I need to make a living wage.

Thx, thoughtbabout Uber, but I think that company is not very good to its employees errr independent contractors. Reports on internet that state after taxes and costs it pays less than ten bucks an hour. You need to keep track of all your expenses for your car, tax issues Id think a little complicated for such small money. But, its still mjnor consideration.

I think Id try Vegas for two months, Tampa two months then SLC.

Until then, I decided to take a teaching job here to stave boredom and keep cash flow up. I can get these jobs all day long here, but they are largely soul crushing and without future.

I'm going to get all my prior tax years square and continue the search.

2016 should be ok year but economy is really showing weakness. Fed really screwed up with QE.

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Here you go Rocket....This list was posted today, so it is current info.

These 10 cities have the highest Glassdoor Job Score*, determined by using three key factors: how easy it is to get a job (hiring opportunity), how affordable it is to live there (cost of living), and how satisfied employees are working there (job satisfaction).

Check out which cities made the top 10:


Wow. DC, Seattle and San Jose? Expensive especially San Jose otherwise known as Silicone Valley.

The OP is starting with no current job skills or references or credit etc. and he needs a place to live inexpensively while he gets a toehold.

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2016 should be ok year but economy is really showing weakness. Fed really screwed up with QE.

Negative thinking is for ********, LOL. There are lots of jobs for people wanting work.

Cheers smile.png

Fed screwed up with QE? is that why they are now trying it in Europe?

Forbes Magazine,

"Housing Starts Jump 20.2%, Building Permits Hit Seven-Year High In April"

US unemployment rate Mar 2015 5.5%

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If I were moving back to the USA to work (I am over 60 and retired in LOS 6 years ago), I'd seek a 'fun' job with few responsibilities like 'Lester Burnham' in the movie, "American Beauty."

Seriously, when seeking employment, find out what you want to do regardless of the reported statistics as you only need one job (or two jobs in OPs case). Getting your foot in the door at entry level with your interests and diligence will eventually pay off (that's what I've told myself and my kids and it's always worked). I finished my career as an IT Director (after spending half my career less happy in Accounting and Financial Management) having hired many IT staff, supervisors, managers, etc... and to me an interviewees interests were often more important to me than their credentials as the IT field requires constant adaptation and training (expensive investment). When IT was hot, I disliked all those who majored in it just because of the job market and not because they liked it.

Another thing to consider in each of our personal equations, it's "INCOME less EXPENSES = NET."

So, if you live in a low cost area, then a lower income may still result in a larger 'net.' If the average wage in Silicon Valley is $100k, most still cannot afford to buy an average home at $800k (ex-wife's smile.png.

For people with little work experience or skills, the entry level jobs in service positions in industries like casinos, restaurants, etc... can be feasible if the cost of living such as in LV, Reno (new TESLA battery factory), etc.. is exceptionally low. Even in the rural foothills of California, the cost of living is very low and there are now large Indian casinos who are constantly short of employees. (Sorry, I am only personally familiar with California, Nevada and Hawaii).

However, as another poster mentioned, I can also see the advantages of convenience and familiarity in locating near your parents or home State. Your parents will not be here forever.

Take care and enjoy this next chapter in your life. It may be a bumpy ride, but it can also be challenging and fun.

Edited by losgrad
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