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Swiss Man Mugged By Pimp Gang


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Swiss man mugged by pimp gang

A Swiss tourist was mugged by a gang of pimps on Beach Road, who made off with his gold necklace.

Police received a report at 3.45 a.m. on August 26 that Daniel Heest, a 45-year-old Swiss national who was staying at a hotel in South Pattaya, had been robbed when he was walking alone opposite Mike Shopping Mall.

East told officers that two Thai females had approached him offering to sell sexual services. He said that he declined and started to walk away when three youths stepped out from behind a coconut tree and proceeded to assault him, snatching the gold necklace he had bought in Switzerland for 45,000 baht. He called for help from those nearby, but nobody came to his aid. The thieves ran off.

Police could find no sign of the culprits on Beach Road. They questioned the beach girls who witnessed the attack, but none were willing to give statements.

The attackers are believed to be members of a gang going by the name of the Circle Gang. There are about 10 members and they act as pimps for the beach girls. They also get the girls to talk to foreign tourists then jump in and steal whatever valuables they can get. The gang members always manage to make their escape, as the girls do not want to say anything.

-Pattaya Mail

Boonlua Chatree

8 Sept 2006

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If you plan a stroll on Beach Road at 3.45am: take a pointed stick; because you will be attacked and robbed if you are alone. That I can guarantee 100%.

Would I take a stroll around Moss Side in Manchester at 3.45 am: No: Because it is a Carribean slum full of drug taking yardie vermin, who will beat me to death with their gym exercised biceps and fists.

Would I take a stroll along Beach Road, Pattaya at 3.45 am: No: Because it is awash with ladymen thieves and Thai male robbers and bandits who have had a part-time training in gym-style Thai boxing, and have absolutely no scruples in beating a fellow human being to death, or else stabbing him/her in the abdomen and/or shooting him/her dead witha pistol/revolver.

Time to educate these tourist fools.

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Time to educate these tourist fools.

Sadly agree.

I'm surprised that there isn't a small brochure or booklet published yet (sponsored by advertisers) with:

to DO and NOT to DO in Pattaya and put it in every hotelroom in Pattaya, for free;

print it in as many languages as possible.



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If you plan a stroll on Beach Road at 3.45am: take a pointed stick; because you will be attacked and robbed if you are alone. That I can guarantee 100%.

Would I take a stroll around Moss Side in Manchester at 3.45 am: No: Because it is a Carribean slum full of drug taking yardie vermin, who will beat me to death with their gym exercised biceps and fists.

Would I take a stroll along Beach Road, Pattaya at 3.45 am: No: Because it is awash with ladymen thieves and Thai male robbers and bandits who have had a part-time training in gym-style Thai boxing, and have absolutely no scruples in beating a fellow human being to death, or else stabbing him/her in the abdomen and/or shooting him/her dead witha pistol/revolver.

Time to educate these tourist fools.

what a tit.....a typical 'know it all'.........why dont you start the ball rolling in educating these 'fools' instead of mocking possibly inecent holiday makers....oh and he declined the pro's advance's....i expect that makes him gay as well does it.....

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Sadly, the police are too interested in nabbing motorcyclists (Thai and non-Thai) for not wearing safety helmets than focussing on this real curse that blights Pattaya at the moment.

Twice last week, I saw police "standing by" every 100 metres or so on both sides of the west carriageway of the Sukhumvit Road, from Sattahip up to North Pattaya Road where I turned left. Now all of us know why, but who was "protecting and serving" the ordinary people (residents and tourists) of Pattaya? Anyway, the BIB must have been on overtime because, when darkness falls, the Pattaya police are as rare as hens' teeth.

At 3.45 a.m. in Gotham City....sorry, Pattaya.....only Batman can save us. When you see the bat symbol in the sky over Bali Hi Pier then you will know that the Police Chief and the Mayor are thinking about us. :o

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If you plan a stroll on Beach Road at 3.45am: take a pointed stick; because you will be attacked and robbed if you are alone. That I can guarantee 100%.

Would I take a stroll around Moss Side in Manchester at 3.45 am: No: Because it is a Carribean slum full of drug taking yardie vermin, who will beat me to death with their gym exercised biceps and fists.

Would I take a stroll along Beach Road, Pattaya at 3.45 am: No: Because it is awash with ladymen thieves and Thai male robbers and bandits who have had a part-time training in gym-style Thai boxing, and have absolutely no scruples in beating a fellow human being to death, or else stabbing him/her in the abdomen and/or shooting him/her dead witha pistol/revolver.

Time to educate these tourist fools.

what a tit.....a typical 'know it all'.........why dont you start the ball rolling in educating these 'fools' instead of mocking possibly inecent holiday makers....oh and he declined the pro's advance's....i expect that makes him gay as well does it.....

Touch a raw nerve did I ben01? Have you been mugged at 0345 in the morning whilst wearing a thousand dollar gold chain on the streets of Pattaya or Bristol?

I shall not 'start the ball rolling' because a fool cannot be protected from his folly. If you attempt to do so, you will not only arouse his animosity but also you will be attempting to deprive him of whatever benefit he is capable of deriving from experience.

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If you plan a stroll on Beach Road at 3.45am: take a pointed stick; because you will be attacked and robbed if you are alone. That I can guarantee 100%.

Would I take a stroll around Moss Side in Manchester at 3.45 am: No: Because it is a Carribean slum full of drug taking yardie vermin, who will beat me to death with their gym exercised biceps and fists.

Would I take a stroll along Beach Road, Pattaya at 3.45 am: No: Because it is awash with ladymen thieves and Thai male robbers and bandits who have had a part-time training in gym-style Thai boxing, and have absolutely no scruples in beating a fellow human being to death, or else stabbing him/her in the abdomen and/or shooting him/her dead witha pistol/revolver.

Time to educate these tourist fools.

what a tit.....a typical 'know it all'.........why dont you start the ball rolling in educating these 'fools' instead of mocking possibly inecent holiday makers....oh and he declined the pro's advance's....i expect that makes him gay as well does it.....

Touch a raw nerve did I ben01? Have you been mugged at 0345 in the morning whilst wearing a thousand dollar gold chain on the streets of Pattaya or Bristol?

I shall not 'start the ball rolling' because a fool cannot be protected from his folly. If you attempt to do so, you will not only arouse his animosity but also you will be attempting to deprive him of whatever benefit he is capable of deriving from experience.

I think the main problem here is that beach road is an open tourist area, areas you would not go in other cities in other countries are of the beaten track, the police need to start being more proactive, go to beach road, take names and addresses of people loitering around keep doing it until these young thugs get the message and move on, do this in all high profile touristy areas, bali high pier is another one, nice place day or night ...............it will soon clean things up and ultimately lock a few up, the police will also get an idea of who is where doing what.

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It really is getting concerning now. My mrs called her friend yesterday and she got mugged a couple of days ago. Her friend (thai) owns a shop in Jomtien and went to Big "C", 2 thai males on a moped snatched her gold bracelet and also tried to snatch her bag. The bag had about 3 days takings in (which she was about to bank) and she wasn't letting go of that. So she let them "have" the bracelet. This was in the middle of the day BTW.

So these to55ers don't just pick on Farang, at stupid o'clock on beach road :o

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Key is to watch your back at all times - lil paranoia at times can keep you safe. Granted beach rd at that time in the morning isnt the smartest thing to do but give the lad benefit of the doubt prob didnt know better and was pissed.

it is nothing to do with knowing better, this is supposed to be a holiday resort it won't be for much longer if this stuff continues, I am right now considering the purchase of something to protect myself and anyone with me...........why should i be doing this in pattaya, it is getting beyond belief, the authorities need to clamp down on this now, that means preventing the crime not trying to solve it after it happens...........it is getting worse, all you nay sayers that talk about pattaya bashing need a reality check.......oh yes you are safe in your little housing estate no problem..........go out for a night and in pattaya city and see how safe you feel.

I have posted this before and since then it has just gotten worse, when you seemingly live in a holiday resort where someone is willing to shoot you dead for a cheap piece of jewellery there has to be something wrong, hardly the big attraction for tourists ..is it.

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Well that may be true what you say, but never been bothered personally. I think those that do something like this look for an easy mark and your duty is to make yourself not an easy mark and not walk around with rose tinted glasses on. I've been in a lot worse places in the world than Patters and it isnt even close. Infact feel safer in Patters than BKK any day.

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I was just wondering what would happen if a farrang were to fight a Thai mugger and ended up killing/maiming him?

How would you stand in the eyes of the law? :o

I think about this too, i remember the guy who was recently killed in Pattaya, he had a gold

chain ripped off his neck before by 2 thai guys and he chased and smashed his bike into

theirs and then wrestled down one of the bad guys til cops came.

Cops didnt say a thing and were quite impressed with him. Not sure if the thai guys were

maimed but ramming his bike into theirs and then fighting one .... looks like its ok to do

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Go around at dark places at night with gold around your neck and you ask for it.

Som nam nah.

are you for real, it's a beach front for gods sake, sorry but any other country and it's a romantic walk by the sea with the moon adding to the ambience.........well too bad someone just shot me in the head for a 100 quid neckless.............................you people need to really get real, we need to start puting pessure on the authorities to start and do something before this holiday paradise becomes a place where nobody wants to come..........................right now to me it is a shit hole and a dangerous one at that

it is the ignorance of people here with investments that don't want to believe what they are seeing every day, believe it and do something about it instead of trying to ignore it.............

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Same rules and precautions here in Pattaya as for the rest of the world, keep a low profile and don’t flash your money and Bling Bling! Certain areas are not safe after dark! When drunk stay with friends in well known places!

As for the part with “killing/maiming” muggers! If you carry a weapon you better be prepared to use it! And the same laws applies to you as the muggers, you kill them you go down for murder. It’s a lot more sensible to give up your possessions, carry as little as possible!, without a fight and to think of it as “extra tax”. As long as nobody gets hurt it’s soon forgotten.


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Go around at dark places at night with gold around your neck and you ask for it.

Som nam nah.

are you for real, it's a beach front for gods sake, sorry but any other country and it's a romantic walk by the sea with the moon adding to the ambience.........well too bad someone just shot me in the head for a 100 quid neckless.............................you people need to really get real, we need to start puting pessure on the authorities to start and do something before this holiday paradise becomes a place where nobody wants to come..........................right now to me it is a shit hole and a dangerous one at that

it is the ignorance of people here with investments that don't want to believe what they are seeing every day, believe it and do something about it instead of trying to ignore it.............

Are you for real? Have you ever been to Rio? You don't even need to show your gold there to be mugged!

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Go around at dark places at night with gold around your neck and you ask for it.

Som nam nah.

are you for real, it's a beach front for gods sake, sorry but any other country and it's a romantic walk by the sea with the moon adding to the ambience.........well too bad someone just shot me in the head for a 100 quid neckless.............................you people need to really get real, we need to start puting pessure on the authorities to start and do something before this holiday paradise becomes a place where nobody wants to come..........................right now to me it is a shit hole and a dangerous one at that

it is the ignorance of people here with investments that don't want to believe what they are seeing every day, believe it and do something about it instead of trying to ignore it.............

Are you for real? Have you ever been to Rio? You don't even need to show your gold there to be mugged!

Rio would not be a place I would want to go along with a few other places round the world................penny dropped yet

Oh and not to forget this one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=82448

Edited by gharknes
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Sadly, the police are too interested in nabbing motorcyclists (Thai and non-Thai) for not wearing safety helmets than focussing on this real curse that blights Pattaya at the moment.

Twice last week, I saw police "standing by" every 100 metres or so on both sides of the west carriageway of the Sukhumvit Road, from Sattahip up to North Pattaya Road where I turned left. Now all of us know why, ......

Actually those guys where about to ensure the road was clear of traffic for a member of the Royal Familly (normally) to pass unhindered

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Sadly, the police are too interested in nabbing motorcyclists (Thai and non-Thai) for not wearing safety helmets than focussing on this real curse that blights Pattaya at the moment.

Twice last week, I saw police "standing by" every 100 metres or so on both sides of the west carriageway of the Sukhumvit Road, from Sattahip up to North Pattaya Road where I turned left. Now all of us know why, ......

Actually those guys where about to ensure the road was clear of traffic for a member of the Royal Familly (normally) to pass unhindered

John, John, John..........I've lived in Pattaya for 13 years now and I know that, as do thousands of others, but I hesitated to say it whereas you thought it better to let everyone know. Also, I think that you might have missed the point.

Best regards.

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Swiss man mugged by pimp gang

A Swiss tourist was mugged by a gang of pimps on Beach Road, who made off with his gold necklace.

Police received a report at 3.45 a.m. on August 26 that Daniel Heest, a 45-year-old Swiss national who was staying at a hotel in South Pattaya, had been robbed when he was walking alone opposite Mike Shopping Mall.

Yep walking on the wrong side of the Beachroad a 3.45am with a 45.000 Baht Gold chain is a really good idea. What can you expect?

Why didn't he as they girls whether he could pay their services with his Visa card? :o

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If you plan a stroll on Beach Road at 3.45am: take a pointed stick; because you will be attacked and robbed if you are alone. That I can guarantee 100%.

Would I take a stroll around Moss Side in Manchester at 3.45 am: No: Because it is a Carribean slum full of drug taking yardie vermin, who will beat me to death with their gym exercised biceps and fists.

Would I take a stroll along Beach Road, Pattaya at 3.45 am: No: Because it is awash with ladymen thieves and Thai male robbers and bandits who have had a part-time training in gym-style Thai boxing, and have absolutely no scruples in beating a fellow human being to death, or else stabbing him/her in the abdomen and/or shooting him/her dead witha pistol/revolver.

Time to educate these tourist fools.

what a tit.....a typical 'know it all'.........why dont you start the ball rolling in educating these 'fools' instead of mocking possibly inecent holiday makers....oh and he declined the pro's advance's....i expect that makes him gay as well does it.....

Touch a raw nerve did I ben01? Have you been mugged at 0345 in the morning whilst wearing a thousand dollar gold chain on the streets of Pattaya or Bristol?

I shall not 'start the ball rolling' because a fool cannot be protected from his folly. If you attempt to do so, you will not only arouse his animosity but also you will be attempting to deprive him of whatever benefit he is capable of deriving from experience.

nah....no nerve touched and havent been mugged.

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