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Weekend Market in Chiang Mai


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Buffalo Market at San Patong every Saturday morning 8am to mid-day.

Get a yellow songtaw from Chiang Mai gate, 20bht.

Past the airport, past hang dong, past San Patong, stop when you see the hundreds of people and police all over the road.

(It's where all the yellow songtaws using the Hang Dong road turn around)

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Dear WinnieTheWaterbuffolo,

you answered the question for Chatuchack more or less cryptic but most Thais, Farangs and Expats know what they can expect, the big questions is always, will I find it or find it again.

When I look for a fighting cock, I am certainly different to a tourist looking for fake Northface jacket or some uptight expat looking for dirty cds.

I mentioned Chatuchack with its variety so I could be rather safe not get some farmers veggie market or a tourist trap market as an answer.

To be more specific, I look for a market which is mainly used by Thais and not tourists.

But to satisfy your curiosity, I might go there and look for dog shirts!!!

You are surprised?

Nevertheless thank you for your reply, even it did not answer my question.

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There is a nice market every Sat.and Sun.next to the Princess school.So coming from Thapae gate side cross the Navarrat bridge and hang a left at the first major intersection and proceed straight ahead until you run into the market-you will see two Volkswagen vans blocking the road selling coffee and behind them in that blocked off street is the Antique market which is quite large and quite fun and shaded from the sun in most parts.

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gopis108 not sure if this is the market you are writing about and I live in the area [ I think ] that you are indicating. But to the OP I have to tell you that right at my corner [ Charoenrat Rd and Doi Saket Rd ] starting from the Rama IX Bridge, and going East for the better part of a kilometer there is , every Saturday and Sunday, what is now a huge 2nd hand market. It even runs onto some of the side streets. Some of my guests have found treasures there. They go about 8 - 9 AM and proceed to get lost for most of the day. In the west we know this as a "Flea Market" except over here they have different "fleas". OP if this is more of what you are looking for stop by The Pun Pun and I can give you further details. One thing you need to practice before you start...... and that is practice saying ....." WAIT TIL YOU SEE WHAT I FOUND " Happy hunting.


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bermannor, I'd be curious if there is a good place in Chiang Mai to get pet clothing, since (if I read your post #6 correctly) you're looking for doggie shirts. I haven't found such a place and, in fact, go to Chatuchak market in Bangkok for exactly that reason. The big orange cat likes a comfy kitty tee shirt on a cool morning. The kitten hasn't been thru winter yet, but she always wants whatever the big guy has (like his big basket in my avatar photo)

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gopis108 not sure if this is the market you are writing about and I live in the area [ I think ] that you are indicating. But to the OP I have to tell you that right at my corner [ Charoenrat Rd and Doi Saket Rd ] starting from the Rama IX Bridge, and going East for the better part of a kilometer there is , every Saturday and Sunday, what is now a huge 2nd hand market. It even runs onto some of the side streets. Some of my guests have found treasures there. They go about 8 - 9 AM and proceed to get lost for most of the day. In the west we know this as a "Flea Market" except over here they have different "fleas". OP if this is more of what you are looking for stop by The Pun Pun and I can give you further details. One thing you need to practice before you start...... and that is practice saying ....." WAIT TIL YOU SEE WHAT I FOUND " Happy hunting.


Or 'Can you believe that someone would actually try to sell that?' facepalm.gif

I like going and having a poke around that street market every now and again. I haven't found anything I want to buy so far other than some chicken kebabs, but I'm sure if I go often enough I will.

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Nancyl, thank you very much for your valuable input.

I asked the question which should have better been formulated as "the most popular market with Thais" as you might have read that a few contributors simple waist time of a reader.

A friend of mine runs a doggie shirt business at Chatuchak and showed me a photo of one of herself made doggie shirts. But I thought that it might be too warm for Bangkok, even in winter. So, I came up with the idea "why not Chiang Mai?"

And that resulted in my original question.


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Oh, you want to help a friend SELL doggie shirts in Chiang Mai! And while you're in town, you thought you'd check out where the locals buy their pet clothing. Got it! Answer: don't know. Unlike Bangkok, there isn't one big, gigantic market in Chiang Mai.

P.S. Can you post a better picture of that doggie shirt? It looks promising. On cold winter mornings, we have to turn the big guy out of our bed in order to make it up. Cats have smaller shoulders"than dogs, so the sizing can be a little tricky, however, when trying to fit them with dog clothing.

(we used to call the big guy Mr. Bitey, but ever since we got the kitten, she rushes in to protect me whenever Bruiser gets "in a mood", so I guess we have to come up with a new nickname for him)

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Hello Nancyl, sorry I got only this pic. Will check if I have other ones.

I also don't know if she did cat shirts but I know, she did rabbit shirts (I thought, what a nonsense, but they sold!).

The pic shows a hoodie shirts. I sent her a sample of a more sophisticated dog shirt from Germany, of course with a sophisticated price tag and good for sale at e.g. Emporium but not a market. But I know, she also does cheap simple shirts.

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Every market in Thailand is almost exactly the same as any other. You lot really are bored aren't you ?

I've never found any market in Thailand where I can buy a chainsaw, vintage BSA motorcycle or tractor, apart from the Buffalo Market at San Patong.

Plenty of other markets selling tat to tourists though.

Pet clothing,

Try the underground m/c parking area of KSK mall, start of Huay Keow road.

A whole line of doggie shops selling everything from the dogs to clothing.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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MaeJoeMTB, thanks again for your valuable contribution, I think, Nancyl will also appreciate it.

I wonder that you found chainsaws. As far as I can remember, the possession of chainsaws are not allowed by (private?) peoples north of a certain line on the Thai map. May be only with a permit you are allowed or greasing relevant peoples.

Logic: Prevention of illegal logging.

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Oh, I've already checked out the pet shops in the motorcycle parking area of Kad Suan Kaew. I know every square inch of Kad Suan Kaew. Not a very impressive collection of pet clothing. Not like Chatuchak. Where else are you going to find clothing for your pet rabbit? (That might work for the kitten; she's not going to be a very big cat.)

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bermannor, I'd be curious if there is a good place in Chiang Mai to get pet clothing, since (if I read your post #6 correctly) you're looking for doggie shirts. I haven't found such a place and, in fact, go to Chatuchak market in Bangkok for exactly that reason. The big orange cat likes a comfy kitty tee shirt on a cool morning. The kitten hasn't been thru winter yet, but she always wants whatever the big guy has (like his big basket in my avatar photo)

There is a stall at the Sunday walking street market that sells doggie and I guess pet clothing,usually on the right hand side about half way up from Thapae gate.

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Konini, thank you for your zero input to The question. Could it be that the antibiotics soaked chicken kebabs left traces with you? whistling.gif

Hmmm. Letting people know that the market in question is a junk market would be of assistance to some who read this post, but you know what? Meh.

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Hello Nancyl, sorry I got only this pic. Will check if I have other ones.

I also don't know if she did cat shirts but I know, she did rabbit shirts (I thought, what a nonsense, but they sold!).

The pic shows a hoodie shirts. I sent her a sample of a more sophisticated dog shirt from Germany, of course with a sophisticated price tag and good for sale at e.g. Emporium but not a market. But I know, she also does cheap simple shirts.

Don`t know whether or not this will be any use, only an idea that may interest you.

We have several dogs and cats, small to medium size. My wife came up with a suggestion that if we found photos of pet coats or clothes on-line, print them out, buy the material and then take them to our local tailor guy he may make them up for us. And that`s exactly what we did. He only charged 40 baht small and 50 baht medium size plus the price of the material. The quality of the material is up to you, but not expensive. You can buy the material in the many shops close by the river near the Warorot market.

Just a thought.

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If you are Interested in flea market type things then you might want to check out the international school's end of year Garage/Yard Sales. I know CDSC had one last Saturday, Lanna International School has one this coming Saturday, and I believe the others all have them coming up too...

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