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Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty


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Vatican recognizes state of Palestine in new treaty

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty finalized Wednesday, immediately sparking Israeli ire and accusations that the move hurt peace prospects.

The treaty, which concerns the activities of the Catholic Church in Palestinian territory, is both deeply symbolic and makes explicit that the Holy See has switched its diplomatic recognition from the Palestine Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine.

The Vatican had welcomed the decision by the U.N. General Assembly in 2012 to recognize a Palestinian state and had referred to the Palestine state since. But the treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state, giving the Vatican's former signs of recognition an unambiguous confirmation in a formal, bilateral treaty.

"Yes, it's a recognition that the state exists," said the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry said it was "disappointed."

"This move does not promote the peace process and distances the Palestinian leadership from returning to direct and bilateral negotiations," the ministry said in a text message.

The United States and Israel oppose recognition, arguing that it undermines U.S.-led efforts to negotiate an Israeli-Palestinian deal on the terms of Palestinian statehood. Most countries in Western Europe have held off on recognition, but some have hinted that their position could change if peace efforts remain deadlocked.

The treaty was finalized days before Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visits Pope Francis at the Vatican. Abbas is heading to Rome to attend Francis' canonization Sunday of two new saints from the Holy Land.

"This is a very important recognition as the Vatican has a very important political status that stems from its spiritual status," said Abbas' senior aide, Nabil Shaath. "We expect more EU countries to follow."

The Vatican has been referring unofficially to the state of Palestine since 2012.

During Pope Francis' 2014 visit to the Holy Land, the Vatican's official program referred to Abbas as the president of the "state of Palestine."

The Vatican's foreign minister, Monsignor Antoine Camilleri, acknowledged the change in status, but said the shift was simply in line with the Holy See's position.

The Holy See clearly tried to underplay the development, suggesting that its 2012 press statement welcoming the U.N. vote constituted its first official recognition. Nowhere in that statement does the Vatican say it recognizes the state of Palestine, and the Holy See couldn't vote for the U.N. resolution because it doesn't have voting rights at the General Assembly.

The Vatican's efforts to downplay the move seemed justified given the swift condemnation of the development by Israeli groups: The American Jewish Committee said it was "counterproductive to all who seek true peace between Israel and the Palestinians." The Anti-Defamation League said it was "premature."

"We appreciate that the Vatican's basic intention is to promote Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation, but believe that this diplomatic recognition will be unhelpful to that end," the ADL's Abraham Foxman said.

The 2012 U.N. vote recognized Palestine as a non-member observer state, made up of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, lands Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war.

The Palestinians celebrated the vote as a milestone in their quest for international recognition. Most countries in Africa, Asia and South America have individually recognized Palestine. In Western Europe, Sweden took the step last year, while several parliaments have approved non-binding motions urging recognition.

This isn't the first time that the Vatican under Francis has taken diplomatic moves knowing that it would please some quarters and ruffle feathers elsewhere: Just last month, he referred to the slaughter of Armenians by Turkish Ottomans a century ago as a "genocide," prompting Turkey to recall its ambassador.

AP writers Ian Deitch in Jerusalem and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank contributed.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-05-14

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Wrong decision. For that matter, how did the little parcel of property near Rome get officially considered a State? Because it has some guards dressed in gowns designed by a katoy designer, along with weaponry dating from the 1300's?

If the tiny Vatican is a State, then why not Tibet? Tibet has a religious hiarchy every bit as rich and long-lived as the Vatican, and Tibet had issued its own postage stamps and currency, up until the Chinese take-over in the 1950's.

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Considering they sided with Hitler, the news isn't surprising is it?

Rubbish, the Vatican was strictly neutral throughout the war

next interesting claim will be that the Pope was a member of the SS laugh.png

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" immediately sparking Israeli ire and accusations that the move hurt peace prospects."

cheesy.gifcheesy.gif Damned hypocrites. It's so bald-facedly hypocritical and disingenuous that it's laughable.

Edging towards a people's statehood and self determination is harmful to peace, but plans for new illegal settlements on occupied land is not???

Hopefully America's Catholics will now put serious pressure on the US Administration to do the right thing and start punishing Israel severely.

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How can one recognizes a state, where there is no ' state' to recognize? the Palestinians territories has

nothing to qualify them to be a sate, everything they have and use is being sullied by Israel,

and by that measure, what about Gaza, are they a state as well?

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The Vatican should stick to their own religeous affairs and not interfere in Politics. If they can sort out their own staff (pedophile priests) Birth control matters, start paying Taxes and distributing more of their extreme wealth to the needy and recogntion of womens rights (e.g.abortion}, then people might take notice of them.

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Papa Frankie is being kind of discreet about it. I can understand their interest in serving the Palestinian Catholics. The history of the Catholic church in regards to Jews has overall been horrific though. Personally I support a two state solution but conditions aren't even close to that really happening in reality yet and a big part of that is the political divide between Gaza - West Bank and also that Israel can't yet go there with a state who won't give up the demand of right of return for Arabs into Israel ... as that would definitely mean the end of Israel. Among other issues of course. If these international recognitions actually did speed up the day when there are two separate states accepting each other and living in peace, I would say bravo, but guess what, the future is unpredictable. Well mostly anyway. It is fully predictable that there will be another Gaza -- Israel war when Gaza feels rearmed enough.

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oh well...there goes another Pope

- now awaiting for Mossad and the Iluminati to eliminate another one who won't tow-the-line

The tin foil hats are getting warmed up again ...

Duck and Cover... cowboy.gif

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Considering they sided with Hitler, the news isn't surprising is it?

Rubbish, the Vatican was strictly neutral throughout the war

The anti Jewish lore and practices that developed into the sharia of the muslim world came from post Constantine Catholic documents. Catholicism has long walked with feet in two worlds- (from their perspective) requiring jews to betray Jesus in order to have access to atonement for original sin and indicting jews for betraying Jesus. Early Christianity had no foundation in indicting Romans, else wise the nascent Christianity would not have survived. It was in fact to the jews their ire was focused- fact!

Thus there is in fact a long tradition of contradictory behavior regarding jews.

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The Pope has simply done the right thing. I hope that more European countries will soon follow suit.

Of course if USA would not lobby against Palestinian statehood as it did last time, or even do the right thing and at least abstain, then Palestine can become a full member state and ask the UN to intervene in getting Israel out of its territory.I doubt the UN will be sending troops, but it may eventually give legitimacy to economic boycotts against Israel if they continue their illegal occupation and intransigence.

You would have thought Israeli apologists would be applauding this non violent course of action to achieve peace. The 1993 Oslo Accords are dead..22 years is a long time to negotiate with Israel constantly stalling while they build new colonies and the Palestinians with absolutely nothing to show for direct negotiations.

Time for a different strategy

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The Pope has simply done the right thing. I hope that more European countries will soon follow suit.

It's not a country, come on. If the Vatican is a country, then I'm Grand Vizar of the Mekong River Delta.

Of course if USA would not lobby against Palestinian statehood as it did last time, or even do the right thing and at least abstain, then Palestine can become a full member state and ask the UN to intervene in getting Israel out of its territory.I doubt the UN will be sending troops, but it may eventually give legitimacy to economic boycotts against Israel if they continue their illegal occupation and intransigence.

That would be peachy. Palestinians get their own sovereign state. Their first order of biz: Get the UN to send in troops to take Israeli territory. 200,000 blue helmets go in with heavy armor. Palestine takes over Israel territory, everybody whistles a happy tune.

....and Sudanese build a spaceship out of reeds and travel to the moon, and start planting tomatoes for export to Mars.

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Considering they sided with Hitler, the news isn't surprising is it?

Rubbish, the Vatican was strictly neutral throughout the war
next interesting claim will be that the Pope was a member of the SS

They did call him Hitler's Pope.

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The Pope has simply done the right thing. I hope that more European countries will soon follow suit.

It's not a country, come on. If the Vatican is a country, then I'm Grand Vizar of the Mekong River Delta.

Of course if USA would not lobby against Palestinian statehood as it did last time, or even do the right thing and at least abstain, then Palestine can become a full member state and ask the UN to intervene in getting Israel out of its territory.I doubt the UN will be sending troops, but it may eventually give legitimacy to economic boycotts against Israel if they continue their illegal occupation and intransigence.

That would be peachy. Palestinians get their own sovereign state. Their first order of biz: Get the UN to send in troops to take Israeli territory. 200,000 blue helmets go in with heavy armor. Palestine takes over Israel territory, everybody whistles a happy tune.

....and Sudanese build a spaceship out of reeds and travel to the moon, and start planting tomatoes for export to Mars.

"On 17 December 2012, UN Chief of Protocol Yeocheol Yoon declared that "the designation of 'State of Palestine' shall be used by the Secretariat in all official United Nations documents",thus recognising the title 'State of Palestine' as the state's official name for all UN purposes. As of 30 October 2014, 135 (69.9%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine.|
I wrote
I doubt the UN will be sending troops
...it appears you have reached the same conclusion.
But those 135 states who have already recognised the State of Palestine are unlikely without very good reason to reverse their recognition. The wheels are in motion for more to follow. Eventually it may well be that perhaps 80-90% of the world's nations recognize Palestine while the USA is embarrassingly saying we approve of a 2 state solution yet veto that very possibility.
It all adds to peaceful pressure and momentum. At that point either USA will cave in to reality, or individual countries or blocs of countries such as the EU, Israel's largest trading partner, will use economic pressure to force Israel to face the truth...they have been occupying 4.5 million Palestinians for the last 48 years, and they now deserve the right to self determintion or equal israeli citizenship.
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I guess the recognition of the Palestinian state was given due to the equal rights and recognition given to Christians in the occupied territories, where the Christians of Nazareth and Bethlehem have declined by about three quarters since 1948.

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I guess the recognition of the Palestinian state was given due to the equal rights and recognition given to Christians in the occupied territories, where the Christians of Nazareth and Bethlehem have declined by about three quarters since 1948.

Hmmm, you could be right. The occupied territories are, after all, under the control of a regime that is aiming for a Jewish state.

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Well i am glad they are recognized.

May be soon, world will no longer need to keep on pouring cash and they will be able to support themselves.

Oh... wait, i spoke logically, they are not interested in self support, so maybe Vatican will start to "donate" on daily yearly basis, since Arab Brothers always fall short by a few hundred million dollars

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If there wasn't a Jewish Israel, the Arab/Muslim world would have to invent one. Perfect scapegoat to blame all their own failings on, and those failings are massive.

Consider the high percentage of people in the Arab and Muslim who actually believe the 9-11 attack on the USA was done by Israel.

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If there wasn't a Jewish Israel, the Arab/Muslim world would have to invent one. Perfect scapegoat to blame all their own failings on, and those failings are massive.

Couched so carefully that your tame apologists on this forum could argue that your post is not racist....but it is.

A bizarre and silly post nonetheless.

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Another stepping stone towards justice. smile.png After a few more EU states do the right thing, the EU itself will too. wink.png

The writing is on the wall, and it is clear to nearly everyone the direction this is heading. But some (especially some here) either have their heads buried so deep in the sand or like petulant children, they simply refuse to admit it. passifier.gif

Bravo, Pope Francis!


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