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Thai police to prosecute abandoned migrants


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Thai police to prosecute abandoned migrants

SATUN: -- Nearly 200 migrants detained since Thailand launched its recent crackdown against human trafficking in the country's deep south will be prosecuted for entering the country illegally, police said Thursday.

In the last fortnight Thai police have rounded up more than 250 Myanmar Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants following the discovery of dozens of graves in secret jungle camps run by people smugglers.

Many were abandoned in desperate conditions in the remote southern jungle bordering Malaysia after smugglers fled following the crackdown.

"Police have already indicted 187 on illegal entry charges... so those cases are being processed now," deputy national police chief Aek Angsananont told AFP from southern Thailand.

He added that a committee of officials and police were scrutinising whether 63 others are victims of human trafficking.

Rights groups have long urged Thailand to offer asylum to Rohingya migrants fleeing persecution in western Myanmar, something Bangkok has so far resisted.

Those caught being smuggled through Thailand are usually arrested as illegal immigrants and taken to detention centres where they languish, sometimes for years.

Some have been deported back to the Myanmar border where rights groups say they routinely fall again into the hands of traffickers.

In recent months Thailand has said genuine victims of human trafficking -- as opposed to economic migrants -- will not be prosecuted.

But the authorities have not yet made clear whether asylum or permanent sanctuary will be offered.

The country's junta chief, Prayut Chan-O-Cha, has mooted the idea of temporary camps for migrants.

But any camps would likely be immensely unpopular with many Thais who fear the country becoming more of a magnet for migrants from poorer neighbouring countries.

Authorities have been at pains to show Thailand is serious about tackling people smuggling after years of accusations that they turn a blind eye to -- and are even complicit in -- the trade.

Tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims have braved the dangerous sea crossing to southern Thailand from Myanmar in recent years, with many headed for Malaysia and beyond.

Many die at sea, but large numbers have ended up in remote camps across southern Thailand where traffickers demand up to $3,000 from relatives and friends for their release.

Thailand's crackdown appears to have disrupted that trade, with smugglers abandoning migrant-filled vessels at sea, some of which have washed up on the shores of Malaysia and Indonesia in recent days.

-- (c) Copyright AFP 2015-05-14

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Now I understand why they want to put convicts on fishing boats. This kills two birds with one stone. Put the migrants in jail, and then let them work out the remainder of their sentences on a fishing boat. No more slavery issues...

Finally free time to solve the lottery crisis.

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They may have entered Thailand illegally, but there is a small matter of compassion that could be applied in this situation.

Doubtless they will be returned to their home countries, and I expect few of them will be dreaming of a return to 'the good life' in Thailand.

So probably a moot exercise.

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Appalling, you can jail somebody who is suspected of being trafficked into Thailand and abused at pretty much every step of the way... But in the same week the same justice system tries to justify not jailing an illegal driver who killed 9 people via reckless driving. Farcical, contemptable and utterly utterly shameful... I feel dreadfully sorry for the Rohingya people

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Lads, prosecuting these desperate, destitute unfortunates is a Really Really Bad Idea unless you want further friction between yourselves and a good deal of the rest of the world. Take my word for it...

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...these people handed over their fortunes...to locals....that became rich off of them....

...and they are the ones being prosecuted.....???

...I guess it's better than ending up in a grave.....but still.......

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So first of all a number of military, police and officials kidnap these people and hold them to ransom and then the Gov announced they want their slice of the pie so they'll prosecute them and no doubt seek them to pay a fine or rather another form of extortion / ransom.

When will the UN see Thailand for the despicable country that it truly is and pile on the sanctions. It's time this country was taught a painful lesson in humanity.

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I hear that they like it when you jump up and down on their heads as well, way to go compassionate Thailand. Why not just send them to an inactive post like you do with all your corrupt policemen and officials.

Edited by soalbundy
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5 months into 2015---& More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year -

I would like to know what country most of the contributors that are having another, Lets all kick Thailand actually come from.

Somtamnication ---is proud enough to show us his English flag while telling us just how Buddha would react from his grave ....maybe he would like to reflect on his countries statements & actions over the last week-

Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants, NO, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.--sun newspaper-Today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/suncolumnists/katiehopkins/6414865/Katie-Hopkins-I-would-use-gunships-to-stop-migrants.html Theresa May says NO to taking 60,000 economic migrant boat people from north Africa--BRITAIN will fight European Union plans to accept tens of thousands more refugees from North Africa. Daily Express today

Of course there is slight difference between the immigrants dying at sea to escape their country--& the ones driven out by persecution in Myanmar,

Somtamnication counrty, --"Britain"as the poodle of the USA -helped cause the situation in the former. Thailand didn't have a hand in the latter.

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Holy cr*p.......Does Thailand even have the slightest clue how this act will

play out in the world media ???

Yeh I think they do, and could give a shiit really. This is a sick bunch bunch we are talking about here.




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5 months into 2015---& More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year -

I would like to know what country most of the contributors that are having another, Lets all kick Thailand actually come from.

Somtamnication ---is proud enough to show us his English flag while telling us just how Buddha would react from his grave ....maybe he would like to reflect on his countries statements & actions over the last week-

Rescue boats? Id use gunships to stop migrants, NO, I dont care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.--sun newspaper-Today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/suncolumnists/katiehopkins/6414865/Katie-Hopkins-I-would-use-gunships-to-stop-migrants.html Theresa May says NO to taking 60,000 economic migrant boat people from north Africa--BRITAIN will fight European Union plans to accept tens of thousands more refugees from North Africa. Daily Express today

Of course there is slight difference between the immigrants dying at sea to escape their country--& the ones driven out by persecution in Myanmar,

Somtamnication counrty, --"Britain"as the poodle of the USA -helped cause the situation in the former. Thailand didn't have a hand in the latter.

Are you saying that the prosecution of these migrants by the Thai authorities is the correct course of action, legally and morally?

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5 months into 2015---& More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year -

I would like to know what country most of the contributors that are having another, Lets all kick Thailand actually come from.

Somtamnication ---is proud enough to show us his English flag while telling us just how Buddha would react from his grave ....maybe he would like to reflect on his countries statements & actions over the last week-

Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants, NO, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.--sun newspaper-Today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/suncolumnists/katiehopkins/6414865/Katie-Hopkins-I-would-use-gunships-to-stop-migrants.html Theresa May says NO to taking 60,000 economic migrant boat people from north Africa--BRITAIN will fight European Union plans to accept tens of thousands more refugees from North Africa. Daily Express today

Of course there is slight difference between the immigrants dying at sea to escape their country--& the ones driven out by persecution in Myanmar,

Somtamnication counrty, --"Britain"as the poodle of the USA -helped cause the situation in the former. Thailand didn't have a hand in the latter.

21 posts in...and here we go!

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"The country's junta chief, Prayut Chan-O-Cha, has mooted the idea of temporary camps for migrants."

Only in public, folks, only in public.

How much you wanna bet they've already started clearing for migrant camp site "B?"

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Are they going to fine people who probably have no money or incarcerate them and then actually have to take care of them by feeding them etc. unless some special arrangement is to apply ?

And then recover the fine by ..... selling them to traffickers?

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5 months into 2015---& More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year -

I would like to know what country most of the contributors that are having another, Lets all kick Thailand actually come from.

Somtamnication ---is proud enough to show us his English flag while telling us just how Buddha would react from his grave ....maybe he would like to reflect on his countries statements & actions over the last week-

Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants, NO, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.--sun newspaper-Today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/suncolumnists/katiehopkins/6414865/Katie-Hopkins-I-would-use-gunships-to-stop-migrants.html Theresa May says NO to taking 60,000 economic migrant boat people from north Africa--BRITAIN will fight European Union plans to accept tens of thousands more refugees from North Africa. Daily Express today

Of course there is slight difference between the immigrants dying at sea to escape their country--& the ones driven out by persecution in Myanmar,

Somtamnication counrty, --"Britain"as the poodle of the USA -helped cause the situation in the former. Thailand didn't have a hand in the latter.

Anyone who quotes the ''Sun'' and refers to it as a newspaper has lost already.

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5 months into 2015---& More than 1,750 migrants perished in the Mediterranean since the start of the year -

I would like to know what country most of the contributors that are having another, Lets all kick Thailand actually come from.

Somtamnication ---is proud enough to show us his English flag while telling us just how Buddha would react from his grave ....maybe he would like to reflect on his countries statements & actions over the last week-

Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants, NO, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad.--sun newspaper-Today http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/suncolumnists/katiehopkins/6414865/Katie-Hopkins-I-would-use-gunships-to-stop-migrants.html Theresa May says NO to taking 60,000 economic migrant boat people from north Africa--BRITAIN will fight European Union plans to accept tens of thousands more refugees from North Africa. Daily Express today

Of course there is slight difference between the immigrants dying at sea to escape their country--& the ones driven out by persecution in Myanmar,

Somtamnication counrty, --"Britain"as the poodle of the USA -helped cause the situation in the former. Thailand didn't have a hand in the latter.

You are obviously a little bit biased in your opinion.

The truth is that if a camp like this was found in the UK then the immigrants would be treated as victims. They would receive health care and counselling which is free in the UK and there is a very strong possibility that they would not be deported.

As for Africans crossing the med to Europe. That is an issue that needs to be addressed at its root. Opening the flood gates to these poor people will not solve the root problem that caused them to flee their homeland at great risk to their lives

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