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More action on counterfeit goods urged


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Counterfeit Chinese goods are a huge problem in the US...an army of customs agents working around the clock can not keep up with the flood of cleverly packaged counterfeit goods entering the country...it is likely a worldwide problem where countries that make a living on counterfeit goods do business...

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No Thais arrested, you understand now? Thais do not do such things.

well it is hardly a serious crime to sell a look like Rolex watch for people who buy them for fun and would never buy an original....

Actually it is a serious crime because there is a well organized gang behind this, all the way from manufacturing the fakes in Chine, smuggling them wholesale into this country, distributing the items to street vendors and collecting money, paying bribes etc. This is organized crime and that is serious.

Anyone who has ever done business developing, manufacturing and distributing goods knows how much the business is suffering from pirates like loss of reputation, loss of sales etc. It's not a gentleman's felony. It is serious crime.

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No Thais arrested, you understand now? Thais do not do such things.

I believe I read in another thread that a Thai would never do something like this :) I mean copying stuff or selling copyrighted goods...

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No Thais arrested, you understand now? Thais do not do such things.

well it is hardly a serious crime to sell a look like Rolex watch for people who buy them for fun and would never buy an original....

Actually it is a serious crime because there is a well organized gang behind this, all the way from manufacturing the fakes in Chine, smuggling them wholesale into this country, distributing the items to street vendors and collecting money, paying bribes etc. This is organized crime and that is serious.

Anyone who has ever done business developing, manufacturing and distributing goods knows how much the business is suffering from pirates like loss of reputation, loss of sales etc. It's not a gentleman's felony. It is serious crime.

No killing, raping are serious crimes, selling a 100 USD iphone with Android is not right but not a serious crime. And 90% of the sales are clearly known to be fakes. Or does anyone believe the 50 USD Rolex is an Original?

Selling fake spare parts for airplanes is a serious crime. And even if some business looses money because they can't plus 1000% profit, it is just reduced profit and not killing, rape etc....

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Counterfeit Chinese goods are a huge problem in the US...an army of customs agents working around the clock can not keep up with the flood of cleverly packaged counterfeit goods entering the country...it is likely a worldwide problem where countries that make a living on counterfeit goods do business...

It isn't a huge problem, it is the taxpayer is financing the huge companies to protect their profit.

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Sitting in the bar, wearing my new 500 baht Armani jeans, and 250 baht Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, I had to glance at my 1,000 baht Rolex watch to check what time my wife said she'd collect me, and in she strolled with her Luis Vuitton Bag, her Chanel sunglasses and Christian Dior dress, looking as gorgeous as always, just as well I've seen her naked.. I don't really do fakes!! biggrin.pngcheesy.gif

I have a BMW jean with the Mercedes star as logo. Seller told me it is Original. I call it a collectors item.....

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No Thais arrested, you understand now? Thais do not do such things.

well it is hardly a serious crime to sell a look like Rolex watch for people who buy them for fun and would never buy an original....

Actually it is a serious crime because there is a well organized gang behind this, all the way from manufacturing the fakes in Chine, smuggling them wholesale into this country, distributing the items to street vendors and collecting money, paying bribes etc. This is organized crime and that is serious.

Anyone who has ever done business developing, manufacturing and distributing goods knows how much the business is suffering from pirates like loss of reputation, loss of sales etc. It's not a gentleman's felony. It is serious crime.

No killing, raping are serious crimes, selling a 100 USD iphone with Android is not right but not a serious crime. And 90% of the sales are clearly known to be fakes. Or does anyone believe the 50 USD Rolex is an Original?

Selling fake spare parts for airplanes is a serious crime. And even if some business looses money because they can't plus 1000% profit, it is just reduced profit and not killing, rape etc....

Video Piracy is a felony, and can earn you up to 20 years in a federal prison, so it keeps saying on my Korat Mall DVD's.

in all seriousness H90, piracy is a very serious crime, why do you think they have shut down pirate websites where you can download movies, and have arrested big name owners etc?

The music and entertainment industry don't share your views about this being no big deal. ;)

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I'm making a list, checking it twice, to stock up on movies/tv before the big crackdown. Wouldn't bother with copies if the manufacturers charged a REASONABLE price for their products. IMHO, 1500B for the real deal movie is OTT.

More than 2,800 posts ..

May I ask, how long have you lived in Thailand?

In what way, shape or form is this question relevant to the thread?

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Shutting down Gucci, Chanel, Louis V, counterfeiters will not lead to any extra sales of authentic

merchandise. Professional sporting teams logo wear possibly may lead to increased sales but

the prices they charge and the profits they make on that logo ware are obscene. As for DVD's

of TV shows, they are shown on TV for nothing, and as for movies I am at a bit of a loss. I

watch them for about the cost of a pirate DVD at full service theater in Thailand. Great sound.

air con, comfortable seat. So I don't buy pirate DVD's, music, Gucci bags, and insist on Official

Microsoft software, but I don't judge those that do. When the USA was a fledgling country

they ignored copyright laws. Now they want all countries to adhere to them.

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No Thais arrested, you understand now? Thais do not do such things.

I was buying a Carabao cd years ago at a stall on Patong Beach and was surprised at the price compared to surrounding western music.Stall owner told me Thai's don't rip off Thai's.Had to laugh and bought the cd,Carabao doing Santana songs.

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I'm making a list, checking it twice, to stock up on movies/tv before the big crackdown. Wouldn't bother with copies if the manufacturers charged a REASONABLE price for their products. IMHO, 1500B for the real deal movie is OTT.

Exactly.The real ripoff is the makers and sellers of legal designer goods.

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It won't be long before the Indian gentleman gets offered his stuff back, at a price. Then after negotiation on a monthly fee to prevent further arrests he will no doubt be back in business before the end of the month.

Edited by technologybytes
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I'm making a list, checking it twice, to stock up on movies/tv before the big crackdown. Wouldn't bother with copies if the manufacturers charged a REASONABLE price for their products. IMHO, 1500B for the real deal movie is OTT.

More than 2,800 posts ..

May I ask, how long have you lived in Thailand?

May i suggest you be on TVF a bit longer so you recognise irony and sarcasim when you read it.The forum is rife with it,so shouldn't take you long to pick it up.

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In every single market I've been to all over Thailand, the fake soccer shirts always catch my eye, it's a huge business, such a top back in the UK will cost you close to 50 Quid, here you can equip a whole team out for that!!

I'm off now to the Mall to see what latest movies they have.. :D ...When in Rome and all that ;)

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The products in question are not "counterfeits", but merely unauthorized copies. No one buys a knock-off Louis Vuitton bag in the belief that it is genuine unlike say, accepting a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill for which the recipient must be deceived. The fashion business has no copyright or patent protection worldwide so the manufacturers like LV stamp their logo all over their products and claim trademark protection. Sounds reasonable on the face of it, but isn't really reasonable at all. Louis Vuitton suffers no loss when a tourist buys a knock-off on the streets of Bangkok since that tourist would never pay the price of a genuine LV bag. So, no harm, no foul.

Extending the concept of ownership to things like designs, drug formulations, or genomes like jasmine or basmati rice (both of which western agribusinesses claimed to own) is a kind of colonialist land grab carried out by fully-developed economies against those that are still developing. In the 19th century when the US was still developing it charged high tariffs and refused to recognize copyrights, including the famous cases of people like Charles Dickens and Richard Wagner. Similarly for countries still developing like Thailand and India, so-called intellectual property rights are an attempt to extort monopoly payments.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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