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Should I Get Married?

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Although it doesn't seem to be of high priority in your circumstance I recommend u pop the question. As you know it is not a Thai custom for a woman to pop the question and "up to you" fits the bill here nicely. You will be seen as a man of honor to her family and friends "the Thai save face thingy". A married woman is more respected than one just living with a man. She seems a nice catch (no relationship is ever perfect) and u would pop the question. It will be fun and will spice up you relationship even more. Do u have any idea how much satisfaction she will get from showing her ring and sharing the wedding photos with friends? Being envied is what Thai women live for! [emoji12]

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I think $30k baht a month is reasonable. $3k baht a month is like $90 US. That wouldn't put gas in tbe car


I'm going to have to erase my internet history again, it seems. Wouldn't want the gf seeing posts like yours.

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