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How much did your vet charge to snip your dog

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Well, I must say, Leo has his stitches out yesterday so he is fully ball-less (didn't even care no sleep aid needed), and his mentality seems to have changed slightly for the better.... he is less intense and seems happier and less concerned with whats going on outside his garden/house..... less concerned about other dogs walking by, yes he occasionally tries to hump someone who comes over but generally hardly ever now and it is not sexual it is a power thing, he will not try and hump me anymore as I am boss man to him, he is alot more chilled out (wouldn't we all if we didn't have women on the brain) but still the same funny thick as two planks Leo I know. This has also had a rebound affect on Lea my smaller golden as she seems more relaxed now knowing big Leo is not going to try and hump her and what not, they are really close now.

He has started putting on more weight it seems too and is really getting beefy now thanks to alot of daily excessive and good feeding routines, its all muscle, its only been just over a week but definitely noticeable to me as I spend alot of time with him. Before the snip he was pretty much trying to hump Lea/Friends/Mother In Law/Toys... in fact he really did like the KFC delivery guy the most but I do not think the feeling was mutual unfortunately... I even saw him trying to Hump the gate post once.

I did have an incident with him yesterday after taking him on his usual run on a empty field up here, from getting out the car and into our drive he decided to go on a wander, every-time I got within 20 meters off him he would speed up a bit to make distance... I have tried alot to train him on this but he just loves exploring too much so I spent 20 minutes chasing him around some hi so persons garden hoping they would not shoot me.

Definitely going to be buying the lot of them GPS trackers as we are moving shortly to an even more rural area and given his size he might end up in bother wondering into someones house.

Over all I would say.. if its a male dog get the snip, cannot comment on female yet.


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