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OK - Spill the Beans Farang

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so you and your mate biker have never taken a lady out here or at home for a meal and paid the bill hoping to get in her nickers,,,,

if the answer is no, i just dont believe you,,

If I buy a woman dinner or a drink, it's because I enjoy her company. She'll probably buy me one back, because its the 21st century now.

If she enjoys my company too, we might end up in bed.

Not everything in life is a transaction.

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so you and your mate biker have never taken a lady out here or at home for a meal and paid the bill hoping to get in her nickers,,,,

if the answer is no, i just dont believe you,,

If I buy a woman dinner or a drink, it's because I enjoy her company. She'll probably buy me one back, because its the 21st century now.

If she enjoys my company too, we might end up in bed.

Not everything in life is a transaction.

When I take a lady I meet in Walking street, I give her money because her family is poor and I care about people, but she probably never gives me the money back because her family is poor.

If she goes to bed with me, she does that because I've good heart, as I just took care of her family.

You see, also not a transaction.

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so you and your mate biker have never taken a lady out here or at home for a meal and paid the bill hoping to get in her nickers,,,,

if the answer is no, i just dont believe you,,

If I buy a woman dinner or a drink, it's because I enjoy her company. She'll probably buy me one back, because its the 21st century now.

If she enjoys my company too, we might end up in bed.

Not everything in life is a transaction.

When I take a lady I meet in Walking street, I give her money because her family is poor and I care about people, but she probably never gives me the money back because her family is poor.

If she goes to bed with me, she does that because I've good heart, as I just took care of her family.

You see, also not a transaction.

You keep telling yourself that, sport.

I'll stick to women who want to be with me, not my wallet.

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so you and your mate biker have never taken a lady out here or at home for a meal and paid the bill hoping to get in her nickers,,,,

if the answer is no, i just dont believe you,,

If I buy a woman dinner or a drink, it's because I enjoy her company. She'll probably buy me one back, because its the 21st century now.

If she enjoys my company too, we might end up in bed.

Not everything in life is a transaction.

When I take a lady I meet in Walking street, I give her money because her family is poor and I care about people, but she probably never gives me the money back because her family is poor.

If she goes to bed with me, she does that because I've good heart, as I just took care of her family.

You see, also not a transaction.


Good heart??!!

If you're so moved by her family's plight, why don't you just give her the money instead of making it conditional upon her opening her legs?

Honestly, the things you people have to tell yourselves to make what you do sound and feel even remotely respectable are hilarious.

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trans, its far better in private chat,,,lol

at least we can have a bit of craic without all this,

mind you it takes all to make this world,,

some have women falling at there feet no matter what country they are in, we mere mortals can only dream of such things

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so you and your mate biker have never taken a lady out here or at home for a meal and paid the bill hoping to get in her nickers,,,,

if the answer is no, i just dont believe you,,

If I buy a woman dinner or a drink, it's because I enjoy her company. She'll probably buy me one back, because its the 21st century now.

If she enjoys my company too, we might end up in bed.

Not everything in life is a transaction.

When I take a lady I meet in Walking street, I give her money because her family is poor and I care about people, but she probably never gives me the money back because her family is poor.

If she goes to bed with me, she does that because I've good heart, as I just took care of her family.

You see, also not a transaction.

Total nonsense, dont believe what the prostitutes tell you. Wise up and admit it is a transaction the same as your home country.

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And another thing while I’m in the chair, I don’t live in some fantasy land,

I’ve got the balls to show my life in Thailand, to show my wife, my children and yes my face,

I’m not scared of what people think of me, I’m 54 I’ve grown out of all that,

What some on here can’t get in there tiny minds is that some of us just might be happy,

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i dont look down on any one, each to there own in my eyes,

ive helped hundreds of people on here over the years, yes mainly about animals ill admit, but ive helped all i could,

only today i was telling a chicken farmer on here to give his chickens vitimen B12,

ive never looked down on anyone rich or poor,black or white,

im an open book my friend who weres his heart on his sleave,

and cant bloody spell,,,,lol

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And another thing while I’m in the chair, I don’t live in some fantasy land,

I’ve got the balls to show my life in Thailand, to show my wife, my children and yes my face,

I’m not scared of what people think of me, I’m 54 I’ve grown out of all that,

What some on here can’t get in there tiny minds is that some of us just might be happy,

No one doubts that you're happy but your assertion that "we all pay for it one way or another" assumes that we're all like YOU and those like you who feel the need to grease the wheels with cash-money or by setting local women up in business to have a successful relationship.

We're NOT like you.


If - I repeat - IF that's what you've had to do, you can't realistically blame people for taking the mickey out of you about it.

If you don't like having the mickey taken out of you about it, don't bloody well put it out there.

This is the "farang PUB" forum - banter is expected. If you don't like it, take your ball and go home

Edited by Cypress Hill
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i dont look down on any one, each to there own in my eyes,

ive helped hundreds of people on here over the years, yes mainly about animals ill admit, but ive helped all i could,

only today i was telling a chicken farmer on here to give his chickens vitimen B12,

ive never looked down on anyone rich or poor,black or white,

im an open book my friend who weres his heart on his sleave,

and cant bloody spell,,,,lol

You seem to look down on those who eat Mama noodles...

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WHAT?! You bought her a 10,000 Baht gold ring?

I don't know how to reply to this post except: I hope for your sake you've learned your lesson.

I spent in all around 300thb for a few meals and got a few BJs. A fair and reasonable deal for me.

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sorry, never had to pay to end a relationship, anywhere.

Sometimes we pay emotionally as opposed to financially - even when we want out - because at the core we cared for the person to a point - even though we were not compatible with said particular Thai person.

They still had some decent qualities - most of them do anyway - so we don't just kick them to the curb before we move on

It's called empathy

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so you and your mate biker have never taken a lady out here or at home for a meal and paid the bill hoping to get in her nickers,,,,

if the answer is no, i just dont believe you,,

If I buy a woman dinner or a drink, it's because I enjoy her company. She'll probably buy me one back, because its the 21st century now.

If she enjoys my company too, we might end up in bed.

Not everything in life is a transaction.

When I take a lady I meet in Walking street, I give her money because her family is poor and I care about people, but she probably never gives me the money back because her family is poor.

If she goes to bed with me, she does that because I've good heart, as I just took care of her family.

You see, also not a transaction.

Yes indeed, as perception is your reality for everyone on this veil of tears

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Loving how someone who describes Thai people as 'them' is lecturing us about empathy.

Them, us, whatever..

It ain't us vs. them per se at all,

it's us and them together on this veil of tears

Hope that cleared it upcoffee1.gif

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I do like your post's red and yellow,however i see the independent 21st century Gods,who have never erred,never shelled out a cent to a woman,in fact claimed to have been payed themselves for it,[one at least],have swooped like the vultures they are on your thread,it ,i have found is better,to laugh off the poor fools,they like nothing better than blowing smoke up there own rear ends,puffing themselves up like peacocks[how apt],and hammering anyone here,that does not conform to their view of relationships,keep it up Red and yellow ,enjoy your stuff.

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