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404 That's an error

Sawan Chan 7

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Obtain an internet connection? You seem to have posted above using a phone? Normally 404 is when no connection can be made so make sure you actually have a connection in the computer you are using.

If everything else is working perhaps your provider is updating DNS server and all will be OK soon.

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Normally 404 is when no connection can be made so make sure you actually have a connection in the computer you are using.

This is not right. A 404 is a response from the server (so a connection has been made). It means that a resource (web page, image, etc.) can't be found. In other words, the OP is trying to find something that doesn't exist. Nothing at all to do with connectivity or DNS.

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As Ayg said, this is generated server side, and as such, all you need to do is change the bookmark for google, it probably has www.google.com/page/is/not/here.html

wont make any difference changing web browser or dns resolvers, it's not the local computer (well, it is - as the URL is incorrect)....

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I have the same problem today to view an image in a Gmail message. My DNS servers are set to google.

The image shows in miniature on the right side of the mail under "recent photos", but when I click on it I get the Error 404 page.

The image in the mail is an empty frame with an icon of broken immage in the top left corner.

Gmail and Google have many issues lately.

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Try changing your DNS server to,

I tried changint to 8888 and 8844 but it didn't work at all.

Now it is working sort of - the google page opens but as soon as I type the first letter from the centre of the page, it goes to the top address bar but still searches.

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Did you read or understand anything written in this thread????

Fiddlng with network configuration is completely useless!!!

This "404 That's an error" comes from Google (!) and says: this link/site does not exist on one of our sites.

It might also appear when redirecting from a Google search to an other site (not quite sure).

CORRECT your search settings ("Google box") as described in the link of post #9.

Read the link in #9, give details.

I give up here. Bye!

Anything cares to see "404 That's an error" ?

Click here:


Edited by KhunBENQ
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Did you read post 14? Just because you don't know the answer there is no need to get all weird. Some of us are old and not used to computers.

Also I use chrome not firefox.

The problem is exactly as described in response #9. It's not Firefox specific. Your browser has saved an address for Google which is no longer valid.

If you've bookmarked Google, delete the bookmark, then go to http://www.google.com/ncr and bookmark that page.

If you have set Google as your home page, go to the same address and change your home page to that address.

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