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Fresh graduates hardest hit as joblessness rises in Thailand

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whilst education says nobody fails, there is no level of education,meaning you do not know how good or bad the person is you are employing, and yes Thai`s in general are lazy they are not all the same, my wife and brothers and sisters are hard working farmers, but their children are not, Thai women would rather sell their body at a bar than do any work.university girls do it to get extra money, as they do in England, you just got to know where to look in the UK where as any bar in Thailand you will find them, look in any restaurant in popular areas and they cant get staff

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"There is no incentive to register, as in Thailand there is no unemployment benefits paid like in

other western countries,..."

The unemployment benefits here are through the Social Security system.

It's for people that have been working and become unemployed, not for new graduates.

Is there a western country that pays new graduates that haven't worked?

Yes my home country... England

If your over the age of 16 yrs & unemployed (ie employment seeker)you can apply for social/welfare/unemployment/job-seekers allowance type of benefit according to your circumstances.

Hell they even pay immigrants who go there to do sod all day except knock-out another baby & have never worked or paid a penny in tax!!

Thats why I got out of the place !!

I can imagine how much you must be missed.


Mandatory military conscription covers a lot of young, unskilled men that helps keep "unemployment" down. The military is essentially part of a welfare state.

Thailand is a "welfare state"?

The military also carries out remedial education, trade courses, and gives young men their first job, a valuable set of skills all on its own which include getting out of bed before noon, showing up every day and handling your own money.


Thai solution to the low season / low business challenges: Rise prices.
Now use this well-proven concept to tackle unemployment: Rise minimum wage.
If a service or product doesn't sell well, just rise the price for it and the problem solves itself.
/end sarcasm

It's quite safe to say, that the skill levels of many (meaning not all) people here are generally quite low, even after finishing education (One of the latest catchwords: "7/100 English skills").

Many people think that minimum wages make the lives of uneducated/illiterate people easier. What they miss, is that higher minimum wages contribute to the unemployment of the badly educated - And there are quite many, as already observed by others here, too.
In the end, employers like me, who would like to offer jobs with salaries at market levels - Meaning the salary can be paid with the increase of the product value -, are highly motivated to automatize as much as possible.

At least, with less and less jobs to offer at minimum wage level, people who demand a rise in minimum wages, can't blame me anymore for exploiting low skilled workers. But! I'm really not that sure, that all of the now unemployed appreciate the well-intentioned claims of the not affected good-doers here.
A very sad consequence as there are willing to work, reliable, respectful, low skilled workers. I still employ some of them, including illiterates.


if you study for a degree that in the west is as good as useless, than what do you expect in thailand, where you get your degree just for attending ?

"The most unemployed field is journalism and communications, with 2.77 per cent of the bachelor's degree graduates still without a job,"

well, in stead of putting their daily breakfast, shopping, meals on facebook, they can start a blog and monetize it ?

facebook is like thaivisa, you don't earn anything from your "likes" anyway


if you study for a degree that in the west is as good as useless, than what do you expect in thailand, where you get your degree just for attending ?

"The most unemployed field is journalism and communications, with 2.77 per cent of the bachelor's degree graduates still without a job,"

well, in stead of putting their daily breakfast, shopping, meals on facebook, they can start a blog and monetize it ?

facebook is like thaivisa, you don't earn anything from your "likes" anyway

Communications? Suited behind fast food counters.


As someone who interviews Thais daily trying to find staff - i can tell you 90% dont give a toss if they get work or not. they are the laziest people ive ever met in my life.

Yesterday i hired a maid - the 8th one now.

I offered her 900 baht for a days work, way above normal rates but i was desperate to find a good one.

She arrived late at 10am, she left at 4.30 pm.

All i asked was that she wash the floors twice and clean only a few rooms.

The place was dirtier than before she came.

I asked why she hadnt cleaned the floor same i wanted? her reply was she couldnt find the light switch?

Just one example of many many many...

Students granted are more excited about their first job, one of my best staff is 22 year old and these days anyone older than 28 i cant be bothered with. they have ego problems or are constantly on the take or have the inability to learn. Ive never in all my life worked with an such an incompetent race of people, and ive worked in mexico before this, its unbelievable here. utterly!

It's all those free handouts...

They are probably unemployed because they are unemployable...

Everyone who wants to work can work....there is no too silly. A silly one who knows he isn't the brightest but tries every day to do his best and to understand what he does, can easily get foreman, group leader or something like that. Most jobs don't need that much brain power. If you are stupid and lazy or unwilling you can be only unemployed or politician.

Another thing is of course these people who regularly drank home made lao kao.....there limit is carry sand or mix concrete supervised....such jobs get less....that stuff really burns a hole into your brain.


Thai solution to the low season / low business challenges: Rise prices.

Now use this well-proven concept to tackle unemployment: Rise minimum wage.

If a service or product doesn't sell well, just rise the price for it and the problem solves itself.

/end sarcasm

It's quite safe to say, that the skill levels of many (meaning not all) people here are generally quite low, even after finishing education (One of the latest catchwords: "7/100 English skills").

Many people think that minimum wages make the lives of uneducated/illiterate people easier. What they miss, is that higher minimum wages contribute to the unemployment of the badly educated - And there are quite many, as already observed by others here, too.

In the end, employers like me, who would like to offer jobs with salaries at market levels - Meaning the salary can be paid with the increase of the product value -, are highly motivated to automatize as much as possible.

At least, with less and less jobs to offer at minimum wage level, people who demand a rise in minimum wages, can't blame me anymore for exploiting low skilled workers. But! I'm really not that sure, that all of the now unemployed appreciate the well-intentioned claims of the not affected good-doers here.

A very sad consequence as there are willing to work, reliable, respectful, low skilled workers. I still employ some of them, including illiterates.

yes with high salaries I have only the staff I really need and they must really work.

With very low salaries I drag some people with me, who are sometimes helpful but not necessary.

Now when the truck comes with new raw material, the CNC operators + office staff unload it....done in 15 min. We send everything per EMS and the motorbike taxi brings it to the post office.

Before we had 3 guys, they did the heavy work and delivered to the customer, but what you get and what you pay wasn't worth it.


I've got a file with dozens of email requests for people in Thailand (nearly all are farang) who want to get solar hook-ups. There are practically no solar experts in Thailand. Instead, the U's turn out thousands of biz-degrees - which are essentially worthless. If a young person in Thailand wants a career move with mega potential - learn about solar, including installations (not difficult). I could teach a course in it, but no Thai educational facility would be interested.

Also, I'm always looking for workers to assist with outdoor projects (gardening / basic construction). I've interviewed a slew of young Thais over the years, and guess what: they can't even do the simplest jobs. For starters, they're irresponsible about time. Always late, if they show up at all. Full of excuses. Often trying to hustle a higher wage, even though I offer twice minimum. Many types of basic work they either can't do (it's in the sun or they're fingernails might get dirty) or won't do because it's beneath their dignity.

I hire hill tribers. They're also bad about punctuality and they steal, but they're better workers than Thais. Sad but true.


I remember Mr. Dict.... ahemmm, Mr. Superman boasting about Thailand's economy being on the rise. Perhaps he mixed the words economy and joblessness up, happens usually to people who shoot first and ask questions later... I am not impressed. bah.gif


""The students who pass the training not only have knowledge about the job but also have more of an opportunity to get a [permanent] job," she said."

Did I miss something? Doesn't every student 'pass' in Thailand? I won't even touch on the ...have knowledge... topic.


Lazy would be nice...half dont even show up. I was paying double to triple the national daily rate.........Then there are the 25-28 year olds with 5 plus paged resumes.


Lazy would be nice...half dont even show up. I was paying double to triple the national daily rate.........Then there are the 25-28 year olds with 5 plus paged resumes.

The latter are probably from daily wage employments...


Compete bullshit of course. Look around in your village/town. How many people are just hanging around at the local shop/noodle stall/7-11? I guess in my village it is 3 people actually working (2 selling food, 1 has a small shop), the rest is just idling their time away, everyday... I am talking about appr. 6 to 8 people doing nothing. So over here it is 70% jobless. I know in BKK it might be different but 1% come on, who is gonna believe that?


Compete bullshit of course. Look around in your village/town. How many people are just hanging around at the local shop/noodle stall/7-11? I guess in my village it is 3 people actually working (2 selling food, 1 has a small shop), the rest is just idling their time away, everyday... I am talking about appr. 6 to 8 people doing nothing. So over here it is 70% jobless. I know in BKK it might be different but 1% come on, who is gonna believe that?

I believe the 1% is real. It is calculated from those seeking employment and not finding any.

The 6-8 people you met are not seeking employment, rather they seek handouts.


Compete bullshit of course. Look around in your village/town. How many people are just hanging around at the local shop/noodle stall/7-11? I guess in my village it is 3 people actually working (2 selling food, 1 has a small shop), the rest is just idling their time away, everyday... I am talking about appr. 6 to 8 people doing nothing. So over here it is 70% jobless. I know in BKK it might be different but 1% come on, who is gonna believe that?

Which is why Thailand desperately needs policies and actions to create: better education and create infrastructure and create support systems (tax, transport costs etc.) to encourage people to start business activities in all locations. Other countries do this and it works.

Nowadays the rural areas will never create enough jobs for all, especially full-time employment.

What have past politicians, all flavors, done about this? Nothing, zero, sweet fa!


if you study for a degree that in the west is as good as useless, than what do you expect in thailand, where you get your degree just for attending ?

"The most unemployed field is journalism and communications, with 2.77 per cent of the bachelor's degree graduates still without a job,"

well, in stead of putting their daily breakfast, shopping, meals on facebook, they can start a blog and monetize it ?

facebook is like thaivisa, you don't earn anything from your "likes" anyway

Communications? Suited behind fast food counters.

Interesting comment.

I teach Thai undergraduates in business. 90% of them I would never employ because of their laziness, poor attitudes / no commitment, arrogance, sense of entitlement, poor attendance record, poor punctuality, etc.

A few months back there was a report saying more than 40% of new business undergraduates, first job, did not pass probation.


Well it seems like LOS is not the only country with this problem.. i was reading a well known `Financial blog the other day .. saying near 44% of American graduates are in `Low paid jobs .. What a lovely feeling they must have after taking on such Big Student debt to arrive at their current position in life ..... facepalm.gif

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