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Rapid vaccination taking place in Buriram after province declared rabies outbreak area


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Rapid vaccination taking place in Buriram after province declared rabies outbreak area

BURIRAM, 28 May 2015 (NNT) – Livestock Department officials in Buriram are rapidly vaccinating dogs and cats in areas deemed at risk of rabies, after the entire province was declared an outbreak area for the disease last week.

The local Livestock Department office is deploying vaccination teams in collaboration with local administrative organizations, in order to curb the spread of rabies.

In Ban Phae sub-district of Khu Mueang district, officials indicated monitoring against the disease was needed as there were some 4,000 dogs and cats in the locale – many of them strays.

In addition to the vaccination service, Livestock Department officials were also providing sterilization service for dogs and cats. Emphasis was being placed on strays, in an attempt to curb the number of stray animals.

Thapanaphong Monthathip, the chief Livestock Department official for Khu Mueang district, said his personnel were experiencing a shortage of budget for procuring vaccines. He urged the local administrative organizations, municipalities and businesses to help procure the required rabies shots for dogs and cats.

-- NNT 2015-05-28 footer_n.gif

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"In Ban Phae sub-district of Khu Mueang district, officials indicated monitoring against the disease was needed as there were some 4,000 dogs and cats in the locale – many of them strays."

Contact the Vietnam dog meat smugglers they will take care of the strays.

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Stray dogs and cats need to be culled. Sad but true. Those who feed them are responsible and should

take them in to be vaccinated. Collard with a dog license. When vaccinated, and neutered no further cost.

Until then they should be rounded up, held for adoption for a specified time and put down if there is no

successful adoption. Not being responsible and looking after dogs properly does not mean you love them more.

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maybe they can sterilize them at the same time ?

why not just destroy the pests ?

ah yes, buddism, they cannot

you can see everyday in the news what buddist people are doing to each other

Has anybody ever told you you have a very negative outlook on life? Do you ever contemplate anything positive?

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This is the result of not having a policy on stray dogs, why did they wait till there was a rabies outbreak to administer vaccinations?. If a number of people catch rabies then I think the non lethal option will be out of the window.

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There are 5 feral dogs that live in my neighborhood I use to feed them till I was told that doing so made them mine. I stopped that very day. I had planned to take them to the vet have there shots and get the two females spayed and the two males neutered at my cost not the Thais or the Government. Now one of the young females is coming into her first heat most likely she will get pregnant and add to an already big problem. My point is feeding does not imply onwnership it implies kindness. Had i been left alone not threatened my an American <deleted> in the neighborhood these dogs would have had there shots and have been fixed. Now the neighborhood will most likely have 4 more new mouths to feed in 65 days! And I'll be leaving the neighborhood!

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Stray dogs and cats need to be culled. Sad but true. Those who feed them are responsible and should

take them in to be vaccinated. Collard with a dog license. When vaccinated, and neutered no further cost.

Until then they should be rounded up, held for adoption for a specified time and put down if there is no

successful adoption. Not being responsible and looking after dogs properly does not mean you love them more.

Seeing as how the authorities (and I use the word "authorities" somewhat generously and with more than a little sarcasm) are unable to ensure those driving motor vehicles have a license to do so, I suspect the chances of the them enforcing dog licensing and neutering laws would be about as successful as the next Thai moon landing attempt.

As for rounding them up and getting them adopted - there are in excess of 6 million dogs in Thailand and most of them are feral. That's a lot of doggie doo-doo to have to clean up every day until they're adopted - which will never happen.

Nuh, give them all rabies shots is obviously the answer as the illustrious authorities have eminently concluded. Yeah, that'll work....facepalm.gif

On a side note - the little mutt that likes to try and bite my ankles as I ride past his territory down past Jomtien 2nd Road for the past two years got a fright last week. He learned about inertia and the difference between swerve to miss and swerve to hit.

And before the SPCA brigade come after me, it wasn't intentional. I had a choice of swerving to miss the mutt and hitting a bus full of Chinese tourists that encroached on my side of the road (as they tend to do), or hitting the mutt - I chose the latter as it was more conducive to my on going wellbeing.

No broken bones but he wasn't best pleased as he smashed at full noise into the side of the scooter after expecting me to deviate right rather than left. Ridden past him four times since and he's wisely chosen the spectator option. thumbsup.gif

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maybe they can sterilize them at the same time ?

why not just destroy the pests ?

ah yes, buddism, they cannot

you can see everyday in the news what buddist people are doing to each other

Has anybody ever told you you have a very negative outlook on life? Do you ever contemplate anything positive?

I think Maidee's comment is fair. Thailand is over-run with feral dogs; besides the obvious health hazard of dogshit, there are 70+ people killed every day on the roads - how many of these accidents have a dog contributing factor? (I have a small circle of acquaintances, 3 have had accidents caused by dogs running free.)

Turning to the Thai Buddhism comment, I would say there is an almost weekly story where a monk/Wat/Abbot is guilty of some irregularity/crime/sin. Using this religion to prolong an animal's suffering from disease/accident/birth defect is not a religion most people would like to embrace.

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maybe they can sterilize them at the same time ?

why not just destroy the pests ?

ah yes, buddism, they cannot

you can see everyday in the news what buddist people are doing to each other

Has anybody ever told you you have a very negative outlook on life? Do you ever contemplate anything positive?

seems more like an outlook without rosy glasses to me

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