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Thai people will be working as maids in Phlippines and factory workers in Myanmar. Thailand is the country in South-East Asia with the bleakest prospects because of its inability to reform. The current government forced a democratically elected government out of office, in tider to "save" Thailand, but they have not shown ANY interest in serious reforms or tackling Thailand's major problems. Yes, the beach chair mafia is gone and a handful of forest encroachers have been detained. That's about it...oh, I almost forgot about the list of 100 corrupt officials, that is 100 out of 1 million, a drop in the ocean. Prayuth should stop talking and get some serious help from outside Thailand. Thailand needs ro bring in foreign experts, like singapore did, to kickstart the country. Massive reforms are needed and it looks like the current junta has already chickened out of the police reform. Not very impressive.

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"On the economic front, Prayut said the world was facing a widening inequality gap."

"The fact that 1.4 billion people today live under US$2 a day, that 1.7 billion people are lacking access to adequate healthcare and that 3 million children die before turning five has really shaken him few, the prime minister said, adding that all countries should cooperate to eradicate these problems."

A few key words I have highlighted here have really shaken me. His country has to be one of the leaders of inequality the HUB of inequality.

Give the man some credit he has nailed this right on in fact his figures could be on the low side in the second part of his comment "On the economic front, Prayut said the world was facing a widening inequality gap."

Quoting figures and talking is not helpful, as the world leaders have been sitting on their hands and are complicit (poor economic policy and not reigning in the banking industry) in allowing the gap to widen. The PM is in place for the Thai elites to make sure the gap doesn't narrow, it is their greatest fear.


He has just woken up. From a dream!

I prefer his "dreaming" than other politicians' blatant "robbing under the sun" under the pretense of "democracy" (people elected me to legitimately rob).

In Thailand, it's never black and white or right and wrong. Grey areas always dominate. At least, I prefer him over other unscrupulous politicians, even with his shortcomings!

The Germans preferred the Nazis and Adolf Hitler for a while, at the beginning. I don't really have to tell you how that turned out do I?


I thought it was some kind of weird joke when YL was elected. She had zero experience in politics, other than the 6 weeks of campaigning prior to the election. At least she had a cabinet around her that did have experience (good or bad, corrupt or not). At least she had experience in business and the "real World". The General has neither. No political experience and his experience in the "Real World" is non-existent. People give orders and others complete the orders without question. He also doesn't have the benefit of an experienced cabinet around him he has given the plum jobs to his equally inexperienced mates. His claims lack any credibility and his personal responses to questions are dire, to say the least. Unfortunately for Thailand they are stuck with him. He does seem to be away with the mixer in his thoughts, speeches and claims!


Are you aware General that there are still many people in the rural North East who do not have mains water or electricity and live very much hand to mouth. The roads are atrocious and communication systems far from good. Would it not be better to put your money where your mouth is and improve local infrastructure, address poverty on your doorstep, rather than embark on high risk railway projects and improving the lottery!

An upgrade of ALL public hospitals should come before some lucrative skimming deals building high speed railways (instead of the more cost effective upgrading the present ones) and would go a very long way to show he is serious about being concerned re the ever widening wealth gap. But of course he won't, and he isn't. Disgusting.


"Prayut said the single most important aspect of development was the quality of the people, and it was necessary for them to develop physically, morally and intellectually to boost the country's competitiveness."

But to assure correct development of the people's quality, the military must first deprive them of their rights and liberties. Then impose on the people a military handcrafted constitution to serve as the rule of law to guide their freedom of development.

No, the single most important aspect of Thai society from a Prayut-type perspective would be the preservation and protection of military POLITICAL power. Unrestrained power of the people cannot be trusted.


This isn't about who did what when, this is about an important speech made to an international audience by the man who claims to have saved us at great cost to himself. He was shocked that people were living on less than $2 (67 baht) a day! He should look closer to home! There are families in this country who scrape by on the minimum wage of 300baht per day, which for a family of 4 works out at 75baht each or $2.2 US. Perhaps if he came out of his ivory tower and toured the rural areas (and I don't mean the cities like Khon Kaen, Udon Thani, Nakhon Ratchasima, Chang Mai etc) he may begin to realise how poor some people really are. There are probably quite a few living in Bangkok too if he knew where to look!


For all the newbies and their backers here on TVF---Remember the 3 years of PTP=Shin era, what promises were delivered, and for whose benefit ???

Your opinion on here is what Forum is all about, BUT to post on here choosing a topic like this just to show your contempt for the government, well if it pleases you to forget the past regime so be it.

I know, you have to do this, because you can not help yourself, but...the OP says "PM Prayuth promises..." and that is, what we comment on!

I guess, there are 100s of politicians worldwide or even in Thailand, who said XY and also Z...but they are not subject of this article.

So how about having big sip from the cup of Shutupjuice?

Who the hell are you to tell me to drink shut up juice ?? He promises maybe the same as Shins pre election promises. Quote "WE comment on --who you mean your minority---up to you. Looks like your backing up Hey Bruce who is always doing his best to slag and ridicule the Army.

The army are not my favourite cup of tea BUT better them FOR NOW, than that miserable corrupt clan from the Thaksin group, just hoping for anything that is better------understand ?? or are you only interested in opposing the PM. ??

Butthurt, much!?

"WE" as in "the people who comment on the OP"..not some regurgitated talking point, by someone who always tries to deflect to other subjects!

And if you need to know: I am opposed to the PM, as I was opposed to the PM before him and the Pm before that and any PM as far as I take a liitle more interest in Thailands politics.

And I hope for something better for Thailand, knowing very well, that THIS is not it!


"Prayut said the single most important aspect of development was the quality of the people, and it was necessary for them to develop physically, morally and intellectually to boost the country's competitiveness."

But to assure correct development of the people's quality, the military must first deprive them of their rights and liberties. Then impose on the people a military handcrafted constitution to serve as the rule of law to guide their freedom of development.

No, the single most important aspect of Thai society from a Prayut-type perspective would be the preservation and protection of military POLITICAL power. Unrestrained power of the people cannot be trusted.

yes, because in USA, GErmany, Japan, UK, etc etc the people decided on their constitution, right?


He is looking ahead from 2015 to 2020?

Guess when elections may be!

As later as better.....To be honest it is the best government since 15 years


He has just woken up. From a dream!

I prefer his "dreaming" than other politicians' blatant "robbing under the sun" under the pretense of "democracy" (people elected me to legitimately rob).

In Thailand, it's never black and white or right and wrong. Grey areas always dominate. At least, I prefer him over other unscrupulous politicians, even with his shortcomings!

The Germans preferred the Nazis and Adolf Hitler for a while, at the beginning. I don't really have to tell you how that turned out do I?

In your parallel, I guess the Jews are the Shin Clan...

In your parallel, I guess Thailand is getting ready to invade the whole SE Asia to start things off...

Pleeeaaazzzz! don't you think you are over-dramatic?


Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.

Some other off topic posts and replies have been removed as well..


Did he end the whole performance with a rousing chorus of " The Future Belongs to Me" ?


I don't know why Thailand would want to be a member of the UN, which is a scab on the face of the earth, or have anything to do with ESCAP. The PM has a road map to a better future and would be better if Thailand had nothing to do with UN.

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