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The Kanchanaburi chief added that he was not allowed to hold a press conference to announce the arrest for fear that the case would affect tourism of Kanchanaburi and would also further hurt the victim.

The two Thai teenage boys talked to the British girl and took her away on their motorcycle. The girl was later left at a market in Mueang district after she was raped her and robbed of some valuables.

"Took her away against her will", or "kidnapped her" would be a much better wording.

What a bunch of crap. This country's hiding too many things. Why would the arrest hurt the victim? Gosshh..

Allegedly took her away from a restaurant against her will...

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"Bunch of crap", "don't give a toss", "stupid big-mouthed" police chief, etc. I think those descriptions used by posters in this thread actually apply to the authors of those posts. Did no-one notice that the police have arrested 2 alleged rapists? Of course they did but why not ignore the positive side of this incident in order to have a bash, eh?

Yes two arrested and now the girl has left the country they will be let off scott free.

And the police chief will say they had no option because the girl has left the country. Its nothing new.


I am glad that has been confirmed but it doesn't do much for tourism or is it a case of farang women are fair game whether drunk or not .


The Kanchanaburi police chief is a disgrace. A young woman was kidnapped ,gang raped and he is playing the tourist card. Thailand a country where profit trumps all social and moral codes and under the umbrella of Buddhism. ??

Major General of what, Kampong Cops. These people are truly amoral as a result of their culture ,environment,education or lack thereof.


Allegedly took her away from a restaurant against her will...

The stories I'm reading indicated she went with them willingly, thinking they would bring her to her hotel.

Which would be plausible, given the most common mode of local transport (that I use anyway) in K-Buri is motorcycle taxis, with and without side car. I'm wondering if they may have actually been motorcycle taxis. Or maybe she thought they were. Or maybe some guys put on a vest to make her think they were.

The fact they haven't released names is troubling. Could be well connected, could be minors, could be police for all we know... (Edit: could be fictitious, and they didn't really arrest anyone)


Now that I think back to when I was living there, a MINIMAL police presence would have stopped this. There's not much nightlife there, two cops cruising around on motorbikes would most likely have prevented this rape from happening.

But then that would involve the BiB DOING THEIR JOB!!!

Gawd but I grow weary of the real reason for 95% of Thailand's problems being ignored again and again and again and . . .


Kanchanaburi police chief tells entertainment venues, guides to care drunk tourists

The Nation

Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Kanchanaburi-police-chief-tells-entertainment-venu-30261319.html


-- The Nation 2015-05-31

is that so the police can have first go at them........


So how do we know she was DRUNK????...or is this just a cop-out clause a la "don't wear bikinis" attitude of this government?

Google Kanchanaburi rape and you'll have your choice of dozens of news sources. Several of them have tidbits not included in other ones. None of them seem to conflict with each other, but they are all rather sparse on detail. Some sparser than others.

If I gave you the links as they are listed right now, there will be more up to date ones before you read this.


Quite a lot of tourists in the north of Thailand, Mae Hong Son province and of course at places like Ko Panghan die overdosed. But you seldom hear what happened to them. They usually had a heart attack, committed suicide, or other nonsense.

Why do I see a similarity to the Thai educational system?

Everything that's bad for Thailand's reputation is swept under the carpet. Would they for example warn tourists that the heroin in the north of Thailand is much stronger than the stuff they get back in their home countries, it may save some peoples' lives.

But no, there's no drug abuse in Thailand, because the police and the Army have everything under control. Wait, the lottery prices might go down to the amount that's printed on them. Thumbs up. thumbsup.gif

Not too long ago we could hear a statement from the # one dude, that foreigners who wear little bikinis at beaches would basically "create" rapists.

Some people post such bizarre nonsense.

"Quite a lot of tourists in the north of Thailand, Mae Hong Son province and of course at places like Ko Panghan die overdosed. But you seldom hear what happened to them. They usually had a heart attack, committed suicide, or other nonsense."

How do you know that if the deaths are reported as you state? You're not scaremongering, are you?

" Why do I see a similarity to the Thai educational system?"

Why do you consider there to be an analogy between this rape and the education system.

"But no, there's no drug abuse in Thailand, because the police and the Army have everything under control."

The tone of your remark seems to suggest that authorities are claiming that there are no drug problems. They are not.

"Not too long ago we could hear a statement from the # one dude, that foreigners who wear little bikinis at beaches would basically "create" rapists."

I guarantee that you cannot provide a link to that or anything else that would confirm that that was what was actually said.

When I stayed in Pai the first time in 2003, three foreigners died through an overdose of heroin, bought on the way to the waterfall.

I could even show you photos of the place where they bought it. Was there anything about drug abuse in the news? Nothing.

Last time in summer 2013, a foreigner died overdosed at the waterfall, the needle still in his vein. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much information about his death only that he died after a motorcycle crash.

Please Google Ko Phangan, here’s a link and at least three pages aren’t working, big brother’s watching you….

Please try: https://www.google.co.th/search?


The similarity to the educational system is obvious.

Would all parents know what happens to their kids at school, kids who got beaten with a bamboo stick on daily basis, money from the parents, urgently needed for new computers, but used for vacations for some special educators, etc., many of them would take their kids out of that school.

But here’s the same cover up. It’s a “World Class Standard School” with the best Thai and foreign teachers. They only tell parents what they’d like to hear, but never the truth.

There’s an Indian teacher at my former school who got caught twice on the bathroom with an 11 year old girl, within a year. The first time, the director thought it was only gossip, a few months later, it happened again. I know some details, because I had to write his letter of dismissal.

Neither the cops, nor the parents were informed. Such things can’t happen at such a school, if you know what I mean and they made it in a way that nothing happened. The Indian guy then opened an orphanage in the same city.

So you’ve never heard that they made statements that the drug trade would stop within six months, or similar? Are you really living in the same country?

The # one dude made such a statement that went around the whole world, but he later changed his statement, because there’s too much international; pressure.

I could post endless links, if the Thai press wouldn’t be so generous, but please see:


The pair, pictured below, were found dead on a beach at the resort of Koh Tao on Monday.

‘There are always problems with tourist safety,’ Gen Prayuth said. ‘They think our country is beautiful and is safe so they can do whatever they want – they can wear bikinis and walk everywhere.

‘Can they be safe in bikinis… unless they are not beautiful?’

His remarks were met with outrage.

Dont mind him hes just the standard Thai apologist, dosnt like negative opinion even on negative topics.

The main problem is Thailand has wrongly for years been touted as a paradise, safe place to come and relax..... it isnt anymore than it is back home.

Everything is fine here until it isnt.............when it turns bad people often die as a result, its always been like that here and isnt going to change for the better as people get poorer.

Foreigner deaths, rapes, robbery, mysterious or otherwise are the norm in news rather than an exception. That should give a better indication of how safe the place really is, if your aware you can take steps accordingly........... if your sold a load of BS like it paradise, everything OK, sabbai sabbai, safe no problem Thai love everyone, easy going... etc etc people are much more likely wind up as a victim, maybe even dead.

Drunk or not, stupid or not no one deserves to be raped.


This will probably get some people upset, but IMO it needs to be said....

A drunk 19 year old girl walking on her own at midnight in a foreign country is an invitation for trouble. This could have happened anywhere in the world - it is not a Thailand specific problem. Why should Thailand's tourism suffer because one naive young female tourist acted stupidly.

there is no excuse for rape. none. no justification whatsoever. zero. the rapist is 100% to blame and nothing else.


The Kanchanaburi chief added that he was not allowed to hold a press conference to announce the arrest for fear that the case would affect tourism of Kanchanaburi and would also further hurt the victim.

The two Thai teenage boys talked to the British girl and took her away on their motorcycle. The girl was later left at a market in Mueang district after she was raped her and robbed of some valuables.

"Took her away against her will", or "kidnapped her" would be a much better wording.

What a bunch of crap. This country's hiding too many things. Why would the arrest hurt the victim? Gosshh..

I disagee.

It`s obvious that the victim prefers not to be named, wants no publicty and insisted on her right to anonymity.

We do not know the full curcumstances invovled except which are published in the reports, so we cannot assume anything. End of story.


Kanchanaburi police chief tells entertainment venues, guides to care drunk tourists

The Nation

Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Kanchanaburi-police-chief-tells-entertainment-venu-30261319.html


-- The Nation 2015-05-31

Quite a few years ago, I recall the case of a Hong Kong woman who was drunk, picked up by a tuk-tuk driver and then reportedly raped by him, watched by a cop on duty near government house. This caused quite a scandal, understandably, and before you knew it, the story changed and she changed from victim to criminal, reportedly making up the story which then besmirched the good name of Thailand and frightened away tourists. The fact that the woman was drunk, became the most important item to the story, and of course, drunk women are bad women, and ergo their stories cannot ever be believed and thus, she deserved any karmic punishment coming to her. I think she was jailed for several years for false rape accusations and eventually let out of prison under a royal amnesty and extradited back to HK.

Best to stay sober when in Thailand on holiday, unless with a group of trustworthy friends who will take care of you to hotel or home, and avoid police contact unless absolutely unavoidable, is probably reasonable advice for female tourists.


Sorry but I've been Googling as many reports as I dan find and nowhere do I see any real evidence that she was "drunk" - A purely subjective assessment at best........had she had a "couple of drinks" or was she paralytic? the fact is it doesn't make the blindest bit of difference yet the police and others are bandying this adjective about as if it is the main significant factor.....or they are simply looking for a cop-out on yet another bungled bit of police work?.......


Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Kanchanaburi-police-chief-tells-entertainment-venu-30261319.html

The locals are such a danger, that the police feel this is needed.



As for the "gang"? - It seems that everyone assumed it was the kind of gang you might see at Waco Texas........but surely what they mean is one of those bands of Thai youths who go around on 125 stepthrus? where they "local" or a group from out of town?

everyone seems so intent on blaming the behavour of the girrl they are forgetting about the perpetrators?


Quite a lot of tourists in the north of Thailand, Mae Hong Son province and of course at places like Ko Panghan die overdosed. But you seldom hear what happened to them. They usually had a heart attack, committed suicide, or other nonsense.

Why do I see a similarity to the Thai educational system?

Everything that's bad for Thailand's reputation is swept under the carpet. Would they for example warn tourists that the heroin in the north of Thailand is much stronger than the stuff they get back in their home countries, it may save some peoples' lives.

But no, there's no drug abuse in Thailand, because the police and the Army have everything under control. Wait, the lottery prices might go down to the amount that's printed on them. Thumbs up. thumbsup.gif

Not too long ago we could hear a statement from the # one dude, that foreigners who wear little bikinis at beaches would basically "create" rapists.

Some people post such bizarre nonsense.

Blblablablabla ...

I guarantee that you cannot provide a link to that or anything else that would confirm that that was what was actually said.

Blablablabla..and again blabla...

and yet lostinisaan is right about all he is writing...

Open your eyes and your ears...it looks like you aren't living in Thailand ...

About his last phrase;

it's the "good general" who said that ( not exactly the same words..) after the murders on Koh_Tao island.



we must not forget Thailand is a third world country and its citizens are third class also and as we are living here we must although we may hate it abide by its rules and regulations like any other country it has its good points and its bad points the crime rates are just the same as any other country .


we must not forget Thailand is a third world country and its citizens are third class also and as we are living here we must although we may hate it abide by its rules and regulations like any other country it has its good points and its bad points the crime rates are just the same as any other country .

"we must not forget Thailand is a third world country and its citizens are third class" - completely meaningless and insulting twaddle!


Kanchanaburi police chief tells entertainment venues, guides to care drunk tourists

The Nation

Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Kanchanaburi-police-chief-tells-entertainment-venu-30261319.html


-- The Nation 2015-05-31

Do people not realise that the police are immune to the law? This is like the wolf looking after the sheep...


Kanchanaburi police chief tells entertainment venues, guides to care drunk tourists

The Nation

Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Kanchanaburi-police-chief-tells-entertainment-venu-30261319.html


-- The Nation 2015-05-31

Do people not realise that the police are immune to the law? This is like the wolf looking after the sheep...

Even if the edict has the best of intentions, "point out the drunk white chicks to us first" is probably not the best laid plan.


If she was drunk or not these men should be punished to the max. Bad for Thailand British tourism and the other countries that read about young Thai behavior. If you have a daughter would you bring her to Thailand? They say she was drunk but i never seen what her blood alcohol was! Poor young lady i hope you can rest in peace!


If she was drunk or not these men should be punished to the max. Bad for Thailand British tourism and the other countries that read about young Thai behavior. If you have a daughter would you bring her to Thailand? They say she was drunk but i never seen what her blood alcohol was! Poor young lady i hope you can rest in peace!

Holey moley. RIP? The story we're talking about, she's alive and back in the UK.


If she was drunk or not these men should be punished to the max. Bad for Thailand British tourism and the other countries that read about young Thai behavior. If you have a daughter would you bring her to Thailand? They say she was drunk but i never seen what her blood alcohol was! Poor young lady i hope you can rest in peace!

Give it a break! Do young, drunk Australians, Brits, Americans etc behave any better? There are good and bad people in every country, but many people who are obviously disgruntled with Thais or Thailand in general are using this thread as an excuse to let fly with their criticisms. Yes, I AM apologizing for Thailand here and make no apologies for that.smile.png

Having been around drunk Australians a lot, could Thais act any worse?

If you had a teenage daughter, would you send her out drunk, alone, at midnight to walk around the streets of your local cities and towns? She was not mature enough to travel the world and shouldn't have been let out of the house.


This will probably get some people upset, but IMO it needs to be said....

A drunk 19 year old girl walking on her own at midnight in a foreign country is an invitation for trouble. This could have happened anywhere in the world - it is not a Thailand specific problem. Why should Thailand's tourism suffer because one naive young female tourist acted stupidly.

All she wanted was a lift back to here hotel which was on the other side of the river by the way.

Win sad.png


Kanchanaburi police chief tells entertainment venues, guides to care drunk tourists
The Nation

Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

1155 (Tourist Police) should always have a car on this road day and night. clap2.gif

Why do they not provide one? blink.png

Is it too much to ask wai.gif Please



Kanchanaburi police chief tells entertainment venues, guides to care drunk tourists

The Nation

Kanchanaburi Pol Maj Gen Kamolsanti Klubutr Sunday told entertainment venue operators and tourist guides to take special care of tourists who appeared drunk following a report that a 19-year-old Britist tourist was raped last week while she was drunk.

Kamolsanti said anyone, who spot a drunk female tourist, can call 191 and 1155 to alert police to take the tourist to her hotel.

1155 (Tourist Police) should always have a car on this road day and night. clap2.gif

Why do they not provide one? blink.png

Is it too much to ask wai.gif Please


It happened a few years ago in Sisaket city. I had a problem with my bike and was late at the meeting point, so my wife had already started to walk back. All in a sudden a guy who wore a mask followed her.

She started to walk faster, then to run, the guy did the same. Her good luck was that she came to a gas station that was still open, two guys were at this gas station and my wife explained what happened.

But the guy's still waiting another 15 minutes, I guess hoping that she'd leave, but then took off.

My wife phoned me, using the employee's phone, because she forgot hers at home.

I tried to call the cops several times, but nobody picked up the damn phone. Then we drove to the Sisaket police station and what I saw wasn't really what I thought I'd see.

Three cops sat there, drank whiskey and ate chicken.They're all hammered and no way to disturb them with a story that there's a guy who's obviously looking for a female victim.

All I wanted was to report a guy, wearing a mask, who's obviously looking for a victim. But I could also see that they're not in the mood to do anything, so we left the station and went home.

I felt guilty when I left the station and from that time on, we do not go out at night, if we don't have to. And if so I've got something in my car that would be of help.Only for protection.

I've seen strange things at night in Sisaket. Only a few weeks ago, when having a noodle soup with my family around 9 pm. Some younger guys on motorbikes had an argument, all in a sudden we could hear a gunshot.

Two guys on bikes without lights then drove away on the 226. We're not the only ones who went down to not be victim of a stray bullet.

Neither we, nor anybody of the maybe 12 other guys watching that, were in the mood to inform the cops.

The Land of Smiles is sometimes full of Why's. I do feel very sorry for the girl and hope that young girls do not walk around at night alone.

Not too many Tourist police officers speak and understand English, I do help them out from time to time on a voluntary basis and only a few "speak some English".So how should that work, when somebody calls 1155, but there's a problem with communication........

Will the cops really act as taxi drivers for drunk foreigners? I doubt it. But it looks good when you read it.

Maybe too good to be true. But when you think logically, these cops aren't employed to watch out for drunk tourists and drive them home.

I feel very sorry what happened to the young girl, but I truly hope that people will understand, no matter where they are, that a 19 year old girl shouldn't walk around alone anywhere on this planet, at this time.

Especially not in a foreign country, where she can't even communicate with most people around her.

Would all girls and women report what men did to them, the news would be full on daily basis.

Just watch the soap operas and see the so called "soft rape" situations, where all in a sudden the girl/ woman stops to resist her rapist.

I'm afraid that such behavior isn't seen as rape for many Thais. It's like they wanted that...sad, but true..wai2.gif


1155 (Tourist Police) should always have a car on this road day and night.

Why do they not provide one?

Is it too much to ask Please


As an alternative, all the dozens of hotels would be money ahead kicking in 50 baht a night each and hire a couple of guys to wear security guard uniforms and cruise back and forth on scooters during the night time hours. Especially the hotels on the other side of the river.

They could even supplement that income if they drove well lit and marked scooters with sidecars and offered tipsy tourists a ride to their hotel for voluntary donations of 20-30 baht a head.

And along those lines, high dollar places like Felix could easily afford "courtesy scooters" with sidecars to guide their guests home after a night of fun. Or offer a reward for scooter who drop off drunk guests. Win-win-win.

I fear counting on the cops will just lead to more heartache all around. Better to count on the businesses with something gain, or lots to lose.

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