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I had been gradually getting more depressed recently and went to see a shrink at the local hospital. They seemed very concerned that I was going to kill myself which I repeatedly told them was never on my mind. I think it's my age 60 and my kids now at university in Bangkok and abroad. My wife is now very overweight and sex doesn't happen much. My other symptom was insomnia

Anyways I was put on Nortriptyline 10mg once a day plus folic acid.

Is anyone else on this drug? After searching the net, 10 mg seems like nothing. I have to see the doc next week and will ask him. bur I feel much better, not depressed and more confident and increased energy. So, should I ask for more or just be happy I'm happy!?

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Rather mixed messages here. A heavier dosage of Nortriptyline will not make you proportionately happier so I suggest you follow your doctor's orders and complete the course of treatment. Be content to be content, but recognise that this medication is palliative and almost certainly does not address underlying causes, which may require some contemplation and possibly help to understand and act upon.


I'd be happy I'm happy and call it good.

Let the doc know the situation and let him/her recommend any changes. There may be unintended consequences they don't mention on the interweb.

I'm not acquainted with Nortriptyline specifically, but some of the (older model) anti-depressants I've tried over the years had horrible side effects if the dosage was too high.

If you are happy with the doc, please post a name and which hospital. Always good to get feedback from actual patients just in case I need it. Benroon's right. If you have one that treats you effectively, knock on wood and keep going back.


Depression is a serious condition. It is serious because we are ever more isolated from the world, people cannot or do not know how to interact with us, and this feeds the loop. When depressed, and sometimes from the medicine itself, bad ideas actually do not seem bad. There is like a grey fog that descends reducing the world to a shady blah. No appetite, no reason to race from bed, no sex drive, perhaps no sex drive for you, loneliness, aloneness, and each enables the other to magnify its impact on us. It is true that much of this is a choice we make consciously or not in how we choose to see the world but it is equally true that andropause and other chemical/hormonal changes in the body significantly change our views of the world, and life.

It is important for you to realize that the thoughts and feelings you have can be influenced in these ways, thus intervention can be from counseling but perhaps also medical assistance. I would recommend initially you consult with another professional. The tryptilines (nor amyl) are very old medicines and I feel they have been far outclassed by other, newer, better medications. They are cheap but have not been first line drugs for a long time, except perhaps in mixed depressive pain syndromes. Remember, these will alter your brain chemistry and without a functional diagnosis it is hit and miss.

The changes you have in your life are real. They are valid and it is ok that you feel lose, neglect, lovelessness, or isolation. But this does not mean they are true, or are not being magnified by how you feed their impact. How we choose to see the world impacts greatly how we see the world, and the world sees us. Great, but I would recommend seeing a doctor for a second opinion and perhaps a general medical workup with lab tests as well. Remember, ever single idea or thought generated does not require a response or reaction from you emotionally. Do not let a grey film descend over your life. Choose instead the tools to empower you and inform you. I wish you good health and good love.


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.


Sawan Chan 7, you can always try some natural forms of anti depressants. They are more gentle on your body but can help greatly with depression, anxiety, insomnia etc. Google Camu Camu, Mucuna, Noni, Acai Berry and Cordyceps. Also look at your diet, our stomach is our other brain and if you don't feed it right, it doesn't make the right things we need and it doesn't send the right signals to our brain. It can affect our whole body and our moods etc....I have some depression and insomnia, well I did until I got some supplements from Good Karma Thailand, now I feel great and have lots of energy and sleep if greatly improved. It makes life so much better.


Sawan Chan 7, you can always try some natural forms of anti depressants. They are more gentle on your body but can help greatly with depression, anxiety, insomnia etc. Google Camu Camu, Mucuna, Noni, Acai Berry and Cordyceps. Also look at your diet, our stomach is our other brain and if you don't feed it right, it doesn't make the right things we need and it doesn't send the right signals to our brain. It can affect our whole body and our moods etc....I have some depression and insomnia, well I did until I got some supplements from Good Karma Thailand, now I feel great and have lots of energy and sleep if greatly improved. It makes life so much better.

. What were the Supplements???

Do not change the formula if it's working for you. Some people experiment for decades before they get the relief you're describing- if they ever do.

Don't do anything different until you have discussed it with your doctor.

Even a seemingly innocent change can throw the chemical balance off and screw it up.


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.

It's pretty obvious then that you've never actually had 'depression' .


When ever Im feeling a bit down I go to Soi 6 Pattaya with a pocket full of money.

Within an hour or so Im back on track.

Suggest you should try it.


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.

I have suffered from depression for many years and know how debilitating it can be.

Neernams suggestion to exercise etc is extremely good advice but there have been times that I could not elevate off the couch never mind do an exercise regime.

I seemed to suffer more from medicine when I was persuaded to medicate and so because of maybe an adverse reaction to medication I never took it. (Thank God )

With me in the beginning the depression came in cycles and because I now have knowledge that this mood will eventually go away (until the next time) I just sit back and wait (whilst maintaining my exercise regime)

I really started exercising in between bouts of depression or when the depression was not as deep and in this way managed to start a daily exercise regime that I could do or manage when I was in a depression.

I was also lucky that I had a friend who literally pulled me off the couch and forced me into long walks which started me not onto a path of recovery but an ability to live with and deal with this terrible illness and carry on a semi normal life. ( anyone who reads my posts knows I am certainly not carrying on a normal life 555)

Yes it is hard doing exercises when you only wish to lay on the bed or couch but exercise does work as the best antidepressant for me and usually after ten minutes awake in the early morning I am something akin to normal.

I am now in my 71st year and broke my leg in Feb in 5 places, during the recovery and without recourse to my exercise regime I fell into a deeper depression than I had experienced for many years, proving to me that exercise as a means of minimising depression is a fact of my life

It could have had something to do with the pain and inability to move as well.

I realised when laying on the bed with so many broken bones that if I did not get to do some exercises I would go mentally downhill very quickly.

I badgered the Doctor/Surgeon about how soon I could weight on my leg He said two months but no direct weight , only sort of balancing.

Exactly on the day at the end of two months I had devised a way of getting out of the wheelchair and into the pool (and out of it) so I could start some pool exercise using the weight of the water in the pool to create resistance to the exercises I could manage with both my legs and arms.

Thank God my tenacity has paid off, within the first day in the pool my mood had lightened and I could see some light at the end of the tunnel.

To the OP

No one on this forum can say to what extent your depression is doing to you in your daily life and maybe exercise is not the answer for you personally but drugs could never be my answer.

Just the fact that you have started a thread on here shows me at least that you are prepared to make an effort to maybe not beat your depression but at least minimize it like I do

I dont know where you are but if you are in Pattaya then contact me

I cycle every other day around the beautiful lake mabrachan just up Soi Siam Country club road, together with my Ozzie mate Rob.. Before my accident I was doing maybe 40Ks and on a couple of occasions up to 60 Ks a ride, now I am recuperating the leg and this morning managed 35K which is a mood lightener in itself.

For you and anyone who is in the area having similar problems or just the overweight and unstimulated who feels that he can get on an MTB then pm me and come and have a ride.

We set off at 6 0 am from the crocodile and SSCC cross roads

I know 6 0 am is early for some but for those who want to get their health and vitality back it is a cheap price to pay and better than any Doctor prescription

Its also very quiet around that area and the air is cool and fresh

I may add that we only go as fast as the slowest rider


Time to put your wife on notice. Of course you'll feel depressed if she's become a fat slug and there's no sex. Either she shapes up or you ship out.

The doctor has prescribed nortryptyline to deal with the insomnia. Your mind is racing and going around in circles, otherwise known as sleep disorder. More is not necessarily better. If you are having a good response so far, don't try for more.

Good luck. I've had the same type of problem and got through it. It is important you understand yourself.


As a Clinical Psychologist, I am not allowed to prescribe medication but can make recommendations to a physician about the type of drugs needed. Nortriptyline has many possible side effects including making a person begin to experience suicidal tendencies. Far better to become active and keep busy so that the thought of being depressed is not an over riding/major factor in your daily thoughts, have regular interaction with others and stay off of the beverages. There are many myths surrounding this condition and while it may go away by itself it could, and probably will, return sometime in the future.

Churchill called it "his black dog," and more famous people than you can imagine suffer or suffered from depression. Strangely enough many comedians do, including Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean), Jim Carrey, Princess Diana, Beethoven, Judy Collins, Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton, Vincent van Gogh, Leo Tolstoy, Charles Dickens,Robert E. Lee, amongst a host of others.

'nuf sed


Have you been in Northern Europe recently?

Many people there suffer from winter depression, a lack of sun and light.

Good point.

I remember reading an article about alcoholism in Scandinavian countries caused by 'depression' due to really short days and lack of sunlight in the winter months.

I hope the OP gets back on track. I'm 73, live alone here but do not get depression, although of course, like everyone else, I do have the occasional 'downers' usually caused by stomach bugs or something short term.

I know that's not the same as the illness of depression.

Good luck, you're still a young man at 60 and you don't have to prove yourself (too yourself) by being a 20 year old.

My only advice is to follow my fathers slogan "Grow old gracefully" rolleyes.gif


As a Clinical Psychologist, I am not allowed to prescribe medication but can make recommendations to a physician about the type of drugs needed. Nortriptyline has many possible side effects including making a person begin to experience suicidal tendencies. Far better to become active and keep busy so that the thought of being depressed is not an over riding/major factor in your daily thoughts, have regular interaction with others and stay off of the beverages. There are many myths surrounding this condition and while it may go away by itself it could, and probably will, return sometime in the future.

Churchill called it "his black dog," and more famous people than you can imagine suffer or suffered from depression. Strangely enough many comedians do, including Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean), Jim Carrey, Princess Diana, Beethoven, Judy Collins, Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton, Vincent van Gogh, Leo Tolstoy, Charles Dickens,Robert E. Lee, amongst a host of others.

'nuf sed

Yes, this was my thought exactly regarding nortryptiline. I tried various ways to dance around it but straight to the point, you are correct. I took this drug one time for pain syndrome and I recall still the reasoning behind my desire to want to do something bad. I did not have such thoughts or problems- it was pain. It was as real and valid as any other thought I had ever had. Like a shroud wrapped around me, inside though. So, I do not like this drug and would advise that if this is best for him, confirm it with another competent doctor. Thanks for this.


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.

Good advice.. exercise.. every day... a trainer once told me that exercise and fitness are 90% mental.. 10% physical.. make the decision to take care of yourself.. don't let the demons within distract you.. make an effort to help others.. even small ways can give a sense of achievement.. pursue a hobby.. photography and woodwork are my medication.. and reading.. take charge of your own happiness.. my morning visits to the market to buy fruit & vegies and observe what is going on there is great therapy.. a few 'sawadee khaps' and a smile can make your day a bit brighter.. and for the other person as well.. this is an amazing world we are living in.. look around and enjoy.. Good luck mate.. enjoy!


Time to put your wife on notice. Of course you'll feel depressed if she's become a fat slug and there's no sex. Either she shapes up or you ship out.

The doctor has prescribed nortryptyline to deal with the insomnia. Your mind is racing and going around in circles, otherwise known as sleep disorder. More is not necessarily better. If you are having a good response so far, don't try for more.

Good luck. I've had the same type of problem and got through it. It is important you understand yourself.

Although A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live a lot longer than the men who mention it...............coffee1.gif


Sorry to hear you have been having problems with depression...

I would advise a periodic trip to a massage parlor that specializes in young ladies and happy endings would go a long way toward helping you get over your depression and help you sleep better...

PS...do not ask the wife if this is a good idea...


Time to put your wife on notice. Of course you'll feel depressed if she's become a fat slug and there's no sex. Either she shapes up or you ship out.

The doctor has prescribed nortryptyline to deal with the insomnia. Your mind is racing and going around in circles, otherwise known as sleep disorder. More is not necessarily better. If you are having a good response so far, don't try for more.

Good luck. I've had the same type of problem and got through it. It is important you understand yourself.

Although A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight live a lot longer than the men who mention it...............coffee1.gif

Congratulations - "a little extra weight"? - a masterpiece of understatement.

I understand the question " does my bum look big in this? " is unanswerable for the prudent male.


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.

It's pretty obvious then that you've never actually had 'depression' .

Not clinical depression, whatever that is. I have had many issues though with mental disorders and looking back I now believe CBT, REBT etc can cure almost anything including clinical depression. There is no need for people to take anti-depressants unless they are looking for the easy way out which doesn't get to the root of the problem so the depression will come back as soon as the drugs are stopped.

Btw swimming is a great therapy.


The research shows that cognitive therapy in addition to medication works best. I advise finding a good doctor who can help you to find ways to be happier in addition to prescribing effective medication. There are lots of books about overcoming depression online but nothing beats talking with an insightful professional who might notice things that are not obvious to you. If it were easy to overcome depression, we all would do it but the causes can be numerous and not obvious to the individual. Please get the professional help that you need and draw support from TV but be cautious about accepting various prescriptions from TV posters. Best wishes for a good recovery.


Just wondering why on earth would you ask for more if the amount you received is working perfectly., I might understand a young teenager thinking like that? That type of talk sounds to me like heading towards addiction. I would have thought you would be looking to cut back slightly in order to eventually get to the point where you could possibly feel fine without the stuff at all.


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.

10mg is a therapeutic dose for geriatric patients, doc knows more than the amateur Houses on TVF.

To the OP: don't expect any sensible advice here, just continue your treatment with the doc. I wish you the best, and hope for your speedy recovery.


Folic acid is very good for depression, and a natural supplement. I would give credit to the folic acid, maybe not so much for the scrip... If that fails, go to a bath house,

and get a massage..... Maybe wifey needs to be woken up..... thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


Placebo effect perhaps?

I have always got rid of 'depression' by first following a few suggestions - exercise everyday, get enough sleep by going to bed at the same time, good diet, trying to help those less fortunate than myself. Strangely it goes away all by itself.

That's fine if it is a behavioural condition. However, if it is organic in nature, it is not as easy as that.

Some people do suffer with chemical imbalances as they age or suffer other medical problems.

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