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Seminar to equip young women with legal knowledge to fight social violence

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Seminar to equip young women with legal knowledge to fight social violence

BANGKOK, 2 June 2015 (NNT) - The Office of the Education Council (ONEC) is to hold a seminar to empower young women with legal knowledge so that they can use them for self-protection from social violence.

ONEC Secretary-General Suthasri Wongsamarn said the seminar will be held during 11-12 June 2015 at Phuket Primary Educational Service Area Office. It is drawn up following the fact that Thailand was ranked in several international surveys as countries with high risk of violence on young women.

“The surveys have urged us to create social immunity for young women, empower them with knowledge about laws and rights they have and how to deal with a variety of physical violence. Phuket is the pilot province of our effort before the project is expanded nationwide,” said Suthasri.

She was also confident that the seminar would help ONEC achieve its goal to push forward strategic plan for young women development in 2013-2016.

The seminar will provide participants with better understanding about relevant laws applied to women and children such as offenses against drugs, property, sexuality, liberty, rights protection and labour. They will attend physical and mental personality development trainings.

“Legal knowledge they learn at the seminar will not only save them from social threats but will also benefits others. These young women will be able to convey the lessons to other members of society and use these knowledge to help others,” Suthasri concluded.

-- NNT 2015-06-02 footer_n.gif


Shouldn't this be seen as a societal problem. How about the lawmakers actually make domestic violence (if seen to be proven and systematic) as a crime that is punishable by lengthly costodial sentences regardless of wheteher somebody presses charges or not. Also the Thai soaps don't help and seemingly just fan tha flames about domestic violence (against women mostly) being absolutely par for the course & just normal day to day business which of course it clearly isn't.


Friend of gf beat up and robbed of 50,000 by Thai bf last week. After going to hospital, went to police. Lack of interest, made report, called back next day "That officer not in today..." and did they go visit the perp? "He at work...." Bottom line is won't do anything until see money. I suggested offer cops 10 of the 50... Totally frustrating. When the 'social contract" is broken, then extra judicial measures are the appropriate response it seems....


Oh, and another thing.... "empower them with knowledge about laws and rights they have" PUH-leeze! Laws and rights mean nothing, absolutely nothing, if the lazy indifferent police do nothing! Give the police a seminar along with accountability. Get ombudsman with power to roll a few heads if response is lacking from those sworn "to protect and serve".


Blah, blah, blah ! Laws are after the fact and just once I'd like to read about " What not to do to keep your companion from rearranging your face " ! Sometimes, although I, personally, have walked away 4,836 times, men get pushed/provoked, beyond sane levels by things the females well know egg him on but..... they persist with their Yak, yaking, ( and sometimes they are right but being right usually doesn't prevent a visit to a Dentist ! ),lions and tigers, even dogs, are usually quite complacent but I wouldn't repeatedly poke one with a stick !


Speaking from the wife's experience, the police will not get involved, all they say its a family thing, sort it out yorselfs, Females get little or no protection from violent boyfriends ,


I agree with many posters above: Thai males are the problem. They are spoiled from birth by their doting families who bankrupt themselves to put them into the Monkhood until boredom sets in; then the son further impoverishes the family to pay sin sot only for the little bugger to desert his bride as soon as she gets pregnant and he moves on to sire other bastards. The son is never held accountable for child support; he is encouraged to beat his sisters then his wife/GFs. Then he becomes a policeman!


Knowledge of the laws and rights is not enough. Attitude has to be addressed. It's no good knowing your rights if your attitude is mai pen rai.

NZ has had a campaign running for a couple of years, fronted by celebrity sportsmen etc, "It's not OK". The campaign targets men, and observers of domestic violence. It encourages women to seek help, it urges witnesses to help victims by encouraging them to leave a violent situation and go to an agency that can help.

Someone, above, mentioned the soap operas....I've never watched one, but from comments on TV over the years, I gather that macho men give a slap or worse....that has to stop. When a slap is seen to be normal, youth will emulate.


Speaking from the wife's experience, the police will not get involved, all they say its a family thing, sort it out yorselfs, Females get little or no protection from violent boyfriends ,

same the world over.It should be made an educational thing at school from a young age "how to respect and treat females"....."do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Unfortunately in today's world there is less and less respect for women,any man that abuses females or children should be locked up or chemically castrated,but women in thailand particularly the mother's and grandmother's turn a blind eye to what male family member's do.

As others have said making females aware of the "law" as a means of protection is a total waste of time...they would be better off being trained in martial arts!

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