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Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.


Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

so why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

surely 30 or 60 days is enough for a holiday - and thats what these tourist visa's are for.

if you are working or staying in thailand why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

so what do such people ( multiple tourist visa ) do for a living? how do they get money? one assumes its all illegal?

I can't believe how some +50yo are stupid and selfish ! :o

Did you read the previous messages ? No. Certainly no.

- Who are these guys ?

Exactly same guys as most of you, except one point : not yet 50yo...

- How do they get money?

Some are early retired. (40, 45 or 49yo :-( )

Some live from "big money" or "good investemnts" they have made before.

Most have lot of more money that the minimum riquirement for retirement visa.

- Why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

Not working, not 50yo and not married

- What these guys do in Thailand ?

Exactly the same things as you (retired guys) do.

We just want live here, in respect of thai laws et thailand people.

- Why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

We are NOT working and then do not want create a company for a working visa.

Tourist visa is the ONLY one we can use to stay in Thailand if not married and not 50yo.

Do you now understand (even if you are +50yo) what is the problem

with these new regulations ?

You are lucky because you are "old" and so not concerned by these changes,

but be carefull, you may probably be concerned by the next one... or the next one... or...


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You know what ? I think that some thai officials must really have a GOOD TIME by reading ThaiVisa since sunday.

What a sweet cake for them !

Seing all of us, for multiple reasons, be worried, following any rumors, bit of infos, any leads... in a desesperate attempt to understand.

Oh yes, they must feel pleasure.

In most cases, first time applicants. However as they have gotten reports of girls marrying guys who they have no clue is the husband. They may still check, until in a report, it states Immigration had visited the couple’s house.

My last extention for Non Imm 'O' the local immigration came to my house to check my situation. That was 3 months ago so I guess this has been in the pipeline for a while!


hi guys..

but i guess that most can't.

I can

hi all...

i am actually interested in what all these "multiple visa" applicants actually do in thailand... i mean for a living/money.

surely they can all be "retired"? If they were retired they would have a Retirment visa not the multiple one you mention. :o

amarka :D

When you have a retirement visa you do NOT need a multiple visa only a re entry visa unless you think you will come in and out more than one time then you will need a multy re entry visa :D

You can not have a Retirement visa and work in Thailand at the same time


can you get a retirement visa at 50?

amarka :D


Sunbelt: Your 5th point in your opening post said: "If you have a visa on arrival more than three times in six months... "

Some countries, like China and India, have a Visa on Arrival, and others, like USA and UK, have a Tourist Visa Exemption (i.e. stamp in their passport in lieu of a visa.) Do *both* of these situations, i.e. VOA and visa-less passport stamps, fall into the no-more-than-three-times-in-six-months category, or is it strictly VOA?

Also, at some point in these discussions (very hard to keep track of what I read where!) it was said that this "crackdown" on "excessive" use of 30-day entries would only be enforced at border crossings, and not at airport immigration points. In your latest discussions with the Immigrations officials which led to your opening post, was it stated that airport immigration points would NOT check for no-more-than-three-times-in-six-months?

Many, many thanks for not only sponsoring this forum, but being active and clarifying so many points.


Have requirements for non-immigrant O changed?

I know many people who dont have 800k in a Thai bank and get a new non-imm O every 3 months..

Is this still possible?

Seems to have gone up quickly, from 200k, then 400k, and now 800k

Still possible at 800K in the bank or 65K income per month.

OK, looks like things haven't changed, a freind just got back today from laos with a 3 month non-immigrant O, they told him the only time he needed to show the 800k was if he wanted to extend it to the full year at immigration in bkk.

Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.


Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

so why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

surely 30 or 60 days is enough for a holiday - and thats what these tourist visa's are for.

if you are working or staying in thailand why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

so what do such people ( multiple tourist visa ) do for a living? how do they get money? one assumes its all illegal?

I can't believe how some +50yo are stupid and selfish ! :o

Did you read the previous messages ? No. Certainly no.

- Who are these guys ?

Exactly same guys as most of you, except one point : not yet 50yo...

- How do they get money?

Some are early retired. (40, 45 or 49yo :-( )

Some live from "big money" or "good investemnts" they have made before.

Most have lot of more money that the minimum riquirement for retirement visa.

- Why dont you get a work or retirement or dependants visa?

Not working, not 50yo and not married

- What these guys do in Thailand ?

Exactly the same things as you (retired guys) do.

We just want live here, in respect of thai laws et thailand people.

- Why do people want multiple tourist visa's anyway?

We are NOT working and then do not want create a company for a working visa.

Tourist visa is the ONLY one we can use to stay in Thailand if not married and not 50yo.

Do you now understand (even if you are +50yo) what is the problem

with these new regulations ?

You are lucky because you are "old" and so not concerned by these changes,

but be carefull, you may probably be concerned by the next one... or the next one... or...


sorry pataya46,

did not want to annoy you...

actually i am not 50 either - and dont have a visa - because i dont need one..

do have intrests in thailand though so i could be effected by then new rules if i visit too much... in which case i will have to go and get the right visa... but not the same as if i am living there under the - 50 years old problem...

seems to me that its a real pain in the ass having to go and get a visa all the time...

thanks for the info anyway...

amarka :D

Thank you Sunbelt Asia for helping all of us who are worried.

Thanks for the kind words. Long day after doing a talk show for the Legal Eagle all day but feel strong now. Thanks. :o

How strict is the date 1 October anyway? As I understand it, the "rundown" has acctually already started. My case is as follows:

I have 3 Visa On Arrivals in my passport and planning a trip to Hong Kong this weekend. When I come back to Bangkok on 24 September, can I still do so with another VOS?

Simply: Is the policy already started or does it start on arrivals after 1 October 2006?

They say October 1st. But be prepared for questions. Why not go and get a visa at the Embassy just to be sure before Oct 1st?

First : thank you to Sun Belt to come with a very assertive explaination.

However, we have to keep in mind that : it could change again...

It could change. History has proven that over and over again. We feel though they are serious about the crackdown on people not paying tax and no work permit. This is the mantra you hear now. Unfortunately it will be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Some innocent tourist may get caught in the crosshairs so they will need to get a visa. No problem if they prove to the embassy they are not getting paid for working in Thailand.

Regarding the question of visa exemption (30 days stamps) versus proper tourist visas...

As I said before : don't think that Immigration is stupid enough to let this door open.

Otherwise, what's the point to crackdown on 30 days stamps ?

You can be sure (if of course, all this story is real, and that the last version reported by Sun Belt is the good one) that thai embassies around the world won't give tourists 90 days visas, like a machine gun.

This is what we feel as well.

By the way, I don't see how changing these VOA rules will force people to pay tax..You could have a B or O Visa and still work illegally.

But at least they get a fee from issuing 'B' or "O" visas. They don't on VOA. In our opinion, the government wants illegal foreigners to get legal and they want to make money as well on issuing visas, Thai elite card or tax on foreigners working.

My view is you should always try to do things the legal way. The rate of taxation here is very low anyway - around 10% or less. Just get legal is my advice.

Well said. The tax is from zero to 37% however.




Oh it is great to be 50+ year old male with a retirement visa living correctly in the LOS.


Most not all of us, are nothing like that, we respect the laws of this country, times are a changing for you so called young men. Do it the right way and all will be well. If not move on to where the rules are more laxed.

I can't believe how some +50yo are stupid and selfish ! :o I am not stupid but lucky in this case to be 50+ and have the required 800,000 that the law says I need to have. Selfish no I just feel sorry for some such as your self . THERE WILL BE MANY STORIES But these are the new rules.

Did you read the previous messages ? No. Certainly no. I did.

- Who are these guys ?

Exactly same guys as most of you, except one point : not yet 50yo...

I would suggest most are not like you.

-Not working, not 50yo and not married.

You are one of the few unlucky ones that have fallen through the cracks in this change. You must adust to the change as I would have to do if they changed the Retirement visa regulations in the future. No man is an Island.

- What these guys do in Thailand ?

Exactly the same things as you (retired guys) do.

We just want live here, in respect of thai laws et thailand people. I never asked this question so no answer given.

- We are NOT working and then do not want create a company for a working visa.

Tourist visa is the ONLY one we can use to stay in Thailand if not married and not 50yo.

Do you now understand (even if you are +50yo) what is the problem

with these new regulations ? For the likes of you yes.

You are lucky because you are "old" and so not concerned by these changes,

but be carefull, you may probably be concerned by the next one... or the next one... or...

I am always looking to the future likely hood of changers in the Retirement Visa. As I said before I am not stupid.

As always good luck to you all.



I am coming to Thailand on Sep 26. I have a 60 day tourist visa which I can extend for 30 days. Does that 90 days count as my quota or am I able to get 90 more days by doing 3 visa runs?

I am coming to Thailand on Sep 26. I have a 60 day tourist visa which I can extend for 30 days. Does that 90 days count as my quota or am I able to get 90 more days by doing 3 visa runs?

The way I read this, yes, after your tourist visa you can extend your stay with 3 visa runs.

How does this affect business people coming in and out of Thailand more than three times a year? I guess this means they need to get a B Visa from their local Thai Consulate - correct? Have the rules changed for these visas? I seem to recall it was pretty easy to get - but that was around five years ago..

By the way, I don't see how changing these VOA rules will force people to pay tax..You could have a B or O Visa and still work illegally.

My view is you should always try to do things the legal way. The rate of taxation here is very low anyway - around 10% or less. Just get legal is my advice.

A lot of people are asking about if any of this will affect a Class B visa. As of now, there is no change to a class B visa.

But don't be suprized if very soon you see a new policy, something like, you will be granted no more than 3 Class B visas within say a 2 year period, unless you have gotten a work permit within that time.

This is also how they are going to stop people with Class B visas from working illegally, and not paying tax.

If you have received mulitple Class B visas you will need to get a work permit, and then you will have to pay taxes. If not, you will receive the same message these current measures are broadcasting. Get a job or get out, unless you are 50+ years old.

Please don't think I am happy about these new regulations, I am only stating what I feel is the Thai governments new stance on long staying foreigners in Thailand. And that message is, if you are not paying taxes, or investing a serious amount of money in their economy, you are not welcome anymore.

Don't get upset at them about this, this is there country and they never made any promises to you, that you would always be welcomed.

We feel though they are serious about the crackdown on people not paying tax and no work permit. This is the mantra you hear now.

Yes it looks serious (due to the political situation too, which is currently very, very special).

But I don't buy the mantra they gave to you.

I really do believe that

-they want a better control of their frontiers

-and they want to reduce the total number of visible foreigners

Last stats for june : 57 000 work permit holders in BKK ! Half japanese.

If you add, all the farangs on WP/visa/retirees/husbands system, plus the real tourists, plus all the farangs who are outside the system.... well we are simply too many.

It's difficult for people coming from Europe for instance (or USA) to understand that, because our countries are litteraly washed with foreigners (legals and illegals)...

But in Asia, i strongly believe that there is a "limit" of tolerance among the local population and the government.

I believe that we have reached this limit.

Your 5th point in your opening post said: "If you have a visa on arrival more than three times in six months... "

Some countries, like China and India, have a Visa on Arrival, and others, like USA and UK, have a Tourist Visa Exemption (i.e. stamp in their passport in lieu of a visa.) Do *both* of these situations, i.e. VOA and visa-less passport stamps, fall into the no-more-than-three-times-in-six-months category, or is it strictly VOA?

It is the Tourist Visa Exemption and VOA. For convenience factor, they are being grouped together rather than say "TVE" and "VOA." If anything they are targeting more the "TVE"

Also, at some point in these discussions (very hard to keep track of what I read where!) it was said that this "crackdown" on "excessive" use of 30-day entries would only be enforced at border crossings, and not at airport immigration points. In your latest discussions with the Immigrations officials which led to your opening post, was it stated that airport immigration points would NOT check for no-more-than-three-times-in-six-months?

The regulation that we have a copy of, is quite clear, it is for all immigration points including the airport.

Many, many thanks for not only sponsoring this forum, but being active and clarifying so many points.

You are welcome. We hope the Thai government gets want they want to accomplish and foreigners are able to handle the change.



I see everyone is asking “how does this change my life?” I can say from the looks of this it will change the Thais more than it does visa holders. The implementation of this for the Thais will be a nightmare. What they want and what they get most certainly will be different things. Just a few things they will encounter listed.

Angry Thai parents wanting to know where the native speaking English teachers they paid for are.

Inability to meet teaching mandates of having native speaking teachers.

Landlords suddenly faced with huge vacancies and inability to make mortgage payments setting off foreclosures.

Sudden end to the building boom and perhaps expected revenue for big ticket projects. Too many vacancies.

(Don’t forget Thaksin spent expected income out past 2010 so there is no backup cash to cushion this.)

It only took me two minutes to come up with that. All of the above translates to votes. This does not only effect Bangkok but all of Thailand including Thaksinland. The only question is who started this? Meaning who very literally just placed their life in danger with this decision. Was it in Immigration or higher up? When you know that you will get an idea of the life expectancy of this idea and perhaps the person who started it. I am quite sure money going out goes against Thai culture and beliefs.

There is a symbiotic relationship that is beneficial to both Thais and visa holders that is about to be interrupted.

I am coming to Thailand on Sep 26. I have a 60 day tourist visa which I can extend for 30 days. Does that 90 days count as my quota or am I able to get 90 more days by doing 3 visa runs?

The first 90 days do not count towards your quota. ( you had a 60 day visa plus extension)



How will this affesct anyone who.....

A Just wants to retire in Thailand, with the occasional trip home to see the kids ?

B Just wants to buy/rent a property in retirement ?

C wants to live there legaly and have the corect visa ?

D has a pension from the UK in a UK bank (HSBC)

E has no intension of working or getting a Thai bride and is married to a British wife (NOT Thai)


Subelt ! Thank you for your hard work and sponsorship.

One more question for your concerning Support of Thai wife and children.

Will the income requirement remain the same at 400,000 Baht or is it also slated to change?


Ok - so how will my situation be when I live in Laos (full 1 year visa) and just drive over to Thailand to do some shopping and building supplies etc?

Whilst were starting off building the house I might drive over there 3 times in one week! I don't want to get a long term visa (since I have no reason to want stay there!).

I'm guessing I'll just have to go to the Thai Embassy in Vientiane - and as I've got a full multi entry 1 year visa to Laos they should just dish out a visa?

Bit of a pain in the butt to have to drive back to town to then drive back out to Friendship Bridge (we own land part way between town and the bridge).

Any clues on this one?


Im sick of the attitude that some people are showing here. Its almost like they are very happy that some of us will now have problems. Rediculous

I agree, for a lot of people this is going to cause (already causing) much stress and inconvenience. Others should consider that instead of saying som nam na.

The following is copied from Wikipedia:

som nam na, can be interpreted as "you got what you deserved," "serves you right" or "I'm laughing at your bad luck."

In German it is called schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude is also referenced in the Simpsons episode "When Flanders Failed." Lisa accuses Homer of feeling schadenfreude when Homer gloats about Ned Flanders being on the verge of bankruptcy. Lisa asks Homer, "Dad, do you know what Schadenfreude is?", to which Homer replies in a sarcastic tone, "No, I do not know what Schadenfreude is. Please tell me because I'm dying to know." Lisa then explains "It's a German term for shameful joy, taking pleasure in the suffering of others." Homer responds with "Oh, come on, Lisa. I'm just glad to see him fall flat on his butt! He's usually all happy and comfortable, and surrounded by loved ones, and it makes me feel...what's the opposite of that shameful joy thing of yours?" "Sour grapes." "Boy, those Germans have a word for everything."

Taking pleasure in other suffering is so not cool. Best of luck to all types of visa holders, investors, etc.



I'm stumped. Maybe you can help clarify.

Here's my situation.....

I'm 34, have been in Thailand 8 years. I have a daughter (half thai) four years old, but am not with her mother, and we never married. Obviously I support both of them here in Thailand.

For the past four years I have had a wok permit. However 3 months ago many of us quit from the job and opted to work from home. Work is internet based and clients are mostly in the USA. At that time i did not have the money to go back to the UK to get a Non Imm B, or fly to Singapore or Malysia for a tourist Visa.

So, to cut a long story short, I now have 3 consecutive 30 day visa's in my passport (and not much cash).

Here's my questions...

1. based on the above info what visa would I legally be entitled to.... Non Imm 'B' or 'O' ?

2. Having 3 consequtive stamps in my passport, would I be able to get a tourist visa in Singapore? This would keep me going until xmas when I plan to go back to the uk and get the right visa.

Cheers for all your help.


Looks like all this won't affect those of us who have 2 passports :D

Yeah that would be the way to go :o

If I may, If I understand correctly, this new enforcement commences at october 1st, but it includes previous entries, I entered Thailand on July 22, did two more entries and left August 18, I was in the country for about 20 days. Of course since these are three entries, am I correct in assuming that I cannot return to Thailand (without a valid Tourist Visa) for 90 days ?

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