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Channel 7 new anchorwoman apologizes to national police chief

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Channel 7 new anchorwoman apologizes to national police chief

BANGKOK: -- Channel 7 news anchorwoman Phanurat Promkhachasut met Police Commissioner General Pol Gen Somyot Pumpanmuang at the police headquarters Tuesday to offer an apology for having spoken his name erroneously.

During the weekend news program, Phanurat said Somyot's name wrongly by using an obscene word for the second syllable. Somyot said he forgave her because she did not mean it and no damage was done as he took it lightly.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Channel-7-new-anchorwoman-apologizes-to-national-p-30261415.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-02


News Anchor Apologizes to Police Chief for Name Slip-Up
By Khaosod English

Channel 7 anchor Panurat Promkhachasut formally apologized to police chief Pol.Gen. Somyot Pumpanmuang at the Royal Thai Police HQ in Bangkok 2 June 2015.

BANGKOK — A television news anchor formally apologized to the chief of the Royal Thai Police today for accidentally mispronouncing his name as a Thai swearword on a live program.

Speaking on a Saturday morning news show, the Channel 7 anchorwoman accidentally replaced Pol.Gen. Somyot Pumpanmuang’s first name with a similar sounding Thai swearword.

The news anchor, Panurat Promkhachasut, quickly apologized to the audience on the live show, and met with Pol.Gen. Somyot at the Royal Thai Police's headquarters for a formal apology today.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1433229613&typecate=06&section=

-- Khaosod English 2015-06-02



2ND syllable - I have a pretty good idea what that may be. gigglem.gif

But it refers only to women, yes?

Just goes to show how subtle the tones of the language can be.


No permanent damage done yet.

So did Police General Somyot whisper to her "can I yot you afterwards?"

You are correct about the syllable....it is "som yot" and it was pronounced with an "e".

I initially suspected the name was "som ee ot", ...."ee" being a nasty way to refer to a woman.

"ee" being a nasty way to refer to a woman.

Hence some people objected to the name IKEA (pronounced the Scandinavian way, ee-keea), that it should be renamed "Kun"-KEA to make it more polite... facepalm.gif


I heard the woman pronounce de name of the police chief in a wrong way. The police chief is called สมยศ Somjot, with a rising tone and a high tone. The news anchor said สมเย็ด Somjet, same tones.

เย็ด jet means 'to '. She looked shocked and put her hand on her mouth.

Be careful because 'yes' sounds in the Thai ear sometimes like 'jet'. There is no final -s- in Thai, the -s- sounds like a soft -t- . I have heard a Thai saying: Why is this man always saying' Jet, jet, , , dirty man'.

'jet' is a dirty Thai word for intercourse. The comuter does not like '<deleted>'.


All sorted. Good lesson for my own daughter and other budding TV News Presenters.

Well handled by the Police Chief, the Anchor and the TV Station.



2ND syllable - I have a pretty good idea what that may be. gigglem.gif

It's pretty easy to figure it out. Much like the english version of "that" word that rhymes with duck and luck.


I heard the woman pronounce de name of the police chief in a wrong way. The police chief is called สมยศ Somjot, with a rising tone and a high tone. The news anchor said สมเย็ด Somjet, same tones.

เย็ด jet means 'to '. She looked shocked and put her hand on her mouth.

Be careful because 'yes' sounds in the Thai ear sometimes like 'jet'. There is no final -s- in Thai, the -s- sounds like a soft -t- . I have heard a Thai saying: Why is this man always saying' Jet, jet, , , dirty man'.

'jet' is a dirty Thai word for intercourse. The comuter does not like '<deleted>'.

It's not 'jet' it's 'yet'. Christ you've even spelled it in Thai facepalm.gif

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