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Hi, will be travelling with a 3 and 4 year old from Chiang Mai to New York for the first time.. Total time in the air will be about 20 hours!

They each will be having their own seat. Our daughter tends to get motion sickness, so we got some dramamine.

Any tips for the flight? Any advice for maybe the shock of being in a different place where everyone speaks a different language. The confusion of jet lag, etc?


I think this might be better off over in the family and children forum. A link will be left in the travel forum for replies also!

It is a long trip. And even as an adult, I HATE it! LOL


Hmm, the only thing I can think of is maybe some lolly pops for the kids to suck to help with ears popping during cabin pressurizing.


Dramamine for both, probably help them sleep or Benedryl, Plenty of snacks , puzzle books , tablets, hand wipes (mandatory), let them run around airport , tire them out, favorite pillow blankie, get them up early, so they sleep long, but u risk them getting Overtired and Cranky.


Keep them occupied with In-flight entertainment like kids' movies, cartoons and games.

Gummy sweets (vitamin C), biscuits, etc. Beware too much sugar may make them hyperactive.

Anything that they usually play with/interested in.

Make sure they do not have blocked/runny nose before flying day, or their ears gonna hurt.

Good luck and safe flight!:)


My wife and I traveled from the Northern Mariana Islands to Bangkok with a two year-old and did not have any major problems in the air - just a little bit of crying when he did not get a window seat after we transited Japan after a 10 hour wait there. the second trip a year later was completely uneventful.

I would not worry about after you arrive because Thais are very friendly to small children (unlike some curmudgeons on TVF) and even dote on them.


Well, I hate to feed the troll, but, I myself don't even vehemently disagree with what he is saying. The difference is, my kids aren't infants that cry incessantly, which is a BIG difference. There is a difference between 3.5 years old toddler, and a 6 month old baby. They are young kids, who might cry from time to time, in which case, we do what we can to cessate the crying.


Dramamine for both, probably help them sleep or Benedryl, Plenty of snacks , puzzle books , tablets, hand wipes (mandatory), let them run around airport , tire them out, favorite pillow blankie, get them up early, so they sleep long, but u risk them getting Overtired and Cranky.

Absolutely no advice from me but your post reminded me of a funny thing I heard a person say recently. Ireland has just become the first country in the world , by popular vote (Referendum) to allow Gays Lesbians Bi's and Tran-sexual to marry. The main concern of the people who voted against it was that it would allow the above mention to have a family and the issue of surrogacy arose. The question being ...."Should they be allowed to parent children?".

One man when asked, replied (obviously he was a parent himself)......."Not only should they be allowed to have children, they should be FORCED to....let them get a taste of what it's like for a change"....555.


make sure every electronic device that can show cartoons is charged.

crayons, felts activity books.

and if all else fails chocolate covered kiddy xanax.


Kids are the original fact of life. Flights dont last forever. Just asking beforehand shows the Op is concerned about others. I agree with the dramamine. and the batteries.....As far as telling the guy to stay home till the kids are grown...Really?....


Multiple posts have been removed, your view on children travelling was not asked for nor needed. Neither is your view on brining children to Thailand.

If you have no proper advice to offer the op, then don't post.

The next pointless, rude, unhelpful & rude post will result in a suspension.

I hope this is clear.


Some people swear by mild medicine for air sickness or coughs that make young kids drowsy so they sleep longer. Never needed or wanted to do this myself and not really sure it us ethical. All the advice about toys, tiring them out at the airport, is important but be prepared for plenty of walking on the plane and carrying around. They are gonna be so curious when awake. If they are not too big why not sit at the bulkhead and get a bassinet put up even though they have a seat. May be worth a try cos young kids sleep very soundly in those. Flight crews are generally very kind. Many other passengers hate the thought of flying with kids near them. Just remember we are bringing up the next wonderful generation and their scowls and discomfit will only be temporary. You wont have to be near them after the plane lands! Good luck!


My favorite replies so far involve their favorite videos and cartoons. You can load videos onto smart phones, tablets, laptops. With that in mind, the fully charged batteries comment is wise. I would try to make sure the aircraft has power outlets between your seats. Since you are flying SIN to New York, Delta ia a possibility and I know they have power outlets even in economy, but maybe not every aircraft.


Inform the airline you want special meals for the kids. This is not done by checking the 3 and 4 year old box. You have to make a special request with the airline. We have done this on several flights to the US over the years and it has always been free. Kids receive extra snacks, coloring books with crayons, more snacks, stuffed animal with blanket, and kid friendly food like hotdogs, hamburgers, spaghetti with meatballs, etc. They also get served first, so they're probably done eating by the time your food comes, so you can enjoy your airline meal.......if that is possible smile.png

Have a great trip.


If you can cover the cost then its definitely worth investing in business class seats- makes the whole experience much much more relaxing for parent and kids can fully lay down to sleep.

Don't drug your kids with cough syrup etc- that's just wrong.


I used to give mine a little bit of calpol to help with any ear pain during take off & again at landing if on long haul. Once he got to about 2 it wasn't needed as he was able to regulate himself but for babies it can cause pain & pre-empting that helped him a lot. Also a bottle of water or a dummy (if uses one) to suck helps too.

Other than that just keep them occupied, walk around the aisles, engage them, don't just eat your meal & then conk out letting the kid run riot, as happened on one flight from Bkk to London we once took.

We were agog as the parents (!) downed a few drinks then proceeded to snore through the flight. Their 6 yo was supposed to look after the toddler I think!!!

When we got off the people around us complimented my son & our parenting, well he had slept through most of it but when awake me & Mr Boo took turns in keeping him occupied. So no tears, tantrums or dirty looks from those around us.

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