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libya and co. open your eyes

I've lived in Thailand since 1984 and hold a Thai ID card.

My father was Embassy staff, trust me all the things I mention are the things Thai's hate the most about the farang who come as tourists but a really immigrating.

Next time you correct a typo look at the message "not an attack" behind it.

Change of company land ownership followed my tourist visa restirctions and more to come in reforms.

Make your next attack on a post be a factual debate.

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This is a clear example of the Thai government finally cleaning the rubbish up that has come here and makes you shake your head with embarasment every time you see them.

Look at the white trash in Pattaya for examlpe, I look forward to the removal of gangsters, criminals, con men, kid fiddles, junkies and thugs.

I hope all the real expats get legal and this place will great once again.

You are joking, right?

Gangsters - real gangsters - have the connections to get legal easily. I met a real gangster with residency, signed by the head of Immigration. Get real.

Kid Fiddles? - Peepee Touchers tend to do what it takes to get themselves in a position to touch peepees. A great many of them have a decent income and stable jobs. Do you think Gary Glitter could have managed to get himself a tourist visa? Sure. Do you think that whats-his-name - the Ramsey guy could have gotten himself a work permit if the ESL program at his school wasn't shoddy? Sure.

Junkies? My experience with junkies is that either they are stable or they aren't. hey often hold down jobs. Just go to Sarasin Rd. to see many many HiSos snorting coke. You don't even have to go inside- you can see them through the club windows sometimes. Of course, once someone falls, they really fall and can't do anything. They lose their house,wife,car, etc etc. do you think making them go for tourist visas would really help?

Thugs? given the definition of thug as a stupid criminal, usually working for someone else.... well, stupid criminals, maybe. depends on who their boss is.

Con Men? con men usually have their shit together. If they didn't they wouldn't be very good conmen, and would likely be in jail.

Your generalization is broad and largely unfounded, sir. And Pattaya is not the rest of the country. I'm most certain Thais hang their own heads in shame at the Thais who live in Pattaya. I do and I'm not Thai. The way to clean up Pattaya is to deal dircetly with Pattaya. Most of the criminals in Pattaya come to feed on the farang, not the other way around. Granted, crime breeds crime - the city thrives on it. Bad people beget bad people. But that is entirely unrelated to long term stayers. (except insofar as those long term stayers provide an income source)


It is apparent that the vast majority of people who have previously utilized the 'visa run' option are not working in Thailand, and the Thai government is no doubt well aware of this. After all how many farangs would consider working in a country with the low wages prevailing in Thailand?

The real purpose of this regulation is to eliminate the long-stay expats who are living here on money from their homeland. In almost every case the purpose of this is to enjoy the female companionship on offer in Thailand (I should know). This is what the moralistic Thai Rak Thai government is attacking. The claim that this crackdown is about illegal employment is the usual Thai sidestepping of the real intent.


Can someone recomend a good visa for me to apply for, I am not here working or anything basically just hanging out with my girlfriend enjoying my time. What is the best way now to stay in this country????

Get a job?

That why they are doing the 3 stamps and out dimwit to stop people working illegally. Unless he gets a work permit its no go. Do you work for Social Security anyways, telling pople get a job, maybe he a is a rich son of an Arab or even a lottery winner?


just another dimwitted response from rishi

I gather a couple of guys got hit, there? Frankly, a guy like me, who works 14 hours a day 7 days a week to make ends meet here in Thailand, doesn't have much a respect for someone, who can't figure out how to solve this situation: "I am not here working or anything basically just hanging out with my girlfriend enjoying my time". Even if he did win the lottery or was born with a golden spoon in his mouth - I'd suggest the same. (By the way, I only suggested a job, not work illegally).

Well, I sort of hastily assumed the poster was a young and healthy guy. If he is retired or have serious health problems, I apologyze for that hasty conclusion


Can someone recomend a good visa for me to apply for, I am not here working or anything basically just hanging out with my girlfriend enjoying my time. What is the best way now to stay in this country????

Get a job?

That why they are doing the 3 stamps and out dimwit to stop people working illegally. Unless he gets a work permit its no go. Do you work for Social Security anyways, telling pople get a job, maybe he a is a rich son of an Arab or even a lottery winner?


just another dimwitted response from rishi

I gather a couple of guys got hit, there? Frankly, a guy like me, who works 14 hours a day 7 days a week to make ends meet here in Thailand, doesn't have much a respect for someone, who can't figure out how to solve this situation: "I am not here working or anything basically just hanging out with my girlfriend enjoying my time". Even if he did win the lottery or was born with a golden spoon in his mouth - I'd suggest the same. (By the way, I only suggested a job, not work illegally).

Well, I sort of hastily assumed the poster was a young and healthy guy. If he is retired or have serious health problems, I apologyze for that hasty conclusion

On the Martyr train Rishi? I mean we are all sorry that you work 98 hours a week to make ends meet ...... but at a guess ..... Thai Immigration would rather have a guy that spends $$ here than some guy that struggles ...

Your generalization is broad and largely unfounded, sir. And Pattaya is not the rest of the country. I'm most certain Thais hang their own heads in shame at the Thais who live in Pattaya. :o I do and I'm not Thai. :D :D The way to clean up Pattaya is to deal dircetly with Pattaya. Most of the criminals in Pattaya come to feed on the farang, not the other way around. Granted, crime breeds crime - the city thrives on it. Bad people beget bad people. But that is entirely unrelated to long term stayers. (except insofar as those long term stayers provide an income source)

Well your just as bad as Tycoon, nothing wrong with Patters apart from people like you. Get a grip on reality Pattaya is no worse than any other spot in Thailand. :D

I've done some calculations and I estimate the damage to be about 8 Billion baht yearly to the Thai economy. I feel for you gloaters who think all this stuff is so great. If you have your cash in Thai baht and other Thai investments, I would not want to be you. It won't be long before George Soros is back shorting the shit out of the Thai baht once again. Looks like it'll be a 10th anniversary thing. I can assure that I have no investments here and will just pack up and leave. I'll be back when the dust clears and clean up with an 80 baht to the dollar exchange rate and a crashed housing market. All the gloaters will be living in abject poverty. Sorry to see it come to this but you heard it here 1st. I recommend anyone with cash in thai baht to convert to a western currency asap

This one really made me laugh, you and the guy that guy that thinks 7-11 is going to have problems now that Thailand wants to kick out a couple foreign 30-day visa runners.

Truely classic!!!

The Thai economy relies on things like monetary policy, export growth rate, inflation, and a lot of other macro economic factors.

A couple of 1,000 foreigners that can't be bothered to make pick up 60 day tourist visas is not even a microeconomic factor, it is a non existent factor.

All you people making comments about how you think you should get to come to Thailand on your own terms because you spend some money here.

You are the people I am guessing Thailand is specifically wanting to rid itself of, you people think because you spend a lousy 5 or 10 thousand baht a day, you can act and due whatever you want because you are so so special in supporting the Thai economy.

I saw a Thai girl at Central Citlom yesterday drop 500,000 baht on a watch.

Get the picture you people are not important, and yes you can take your almighty spending power over to Cambodia, because you will not be missed in Thailand.


A lot of people here getting very up tight and upset, as they seem to think this whole thing is directed at them. This and all the other recent "crackdowns" is part of a process that happens in every country on the planet prior to an election. Find someone or something to blame for the peoples problems and look like you are the ones to solve it.

So lets attack the criminal gangs, the multi-nationals and big business. Immigration though, is always a great ticket in this respect. You can always get the electorate to go along with a bit of foreigner bashing. In this case I think the real targets are from other parts of Asia - Chinese, Burmese, India etc. The Farang are a side show, but good to put in their place anyway. This is probably playing well to a good proportion of the population, most of whom have no connections with farangs and no idea what they really do here. Don't take it personally - it's just politics! :o


My neighbor just returned from Penang this evening.

The TRIPLE ENTRY TOURIST VISA is no more. They will only issue one entry of 30 days now.

60 Days .. or this another change?


h5n1: You love Thailand only due for easy visa entry for long-stay tourist?

Just real tourists is not affected in any way with this new regulation.

Of course "real" tourist are going to be affected by this, even if it was because of the limitation of three entries, which means that going to Laos, Myranmar and Cambodia in one trip using Thailand as hub, will not be possilbe anymore without getting a tourist visa in advance.

Crap! .. Don't be a spin doctor. 3 entries is plenty to visit those 3 countries using Thailand as a hub.

1. Your Country to Thailand .. 1 entry

2. Thailand to Myanmar and back .. 2 entries.

3. Thailand to Laos and then on to Cambodia and back to Thailand .. 3 entries. So you miss out using Thailand for One "Hub" trip .. big deal.



h5n1: You love Thailand only due for easy visa entry for long-stay tourist?

Just real tourists is not affected in any way with this new regulation.

Of course "real" tourist are going to be affected by this, even if it was because of the limitation of three entries, which means that going to Laos, Myranmar and Cambodia in one trip using Thailand as hub, will not be possilbe anymore without getting a tourist visa in advance.

Crap! .. Don't be a spin doctor. 3 re-entries is plenty to visit those 3 countries using Thailand as a hub. Or are my math skills as bad as your's?

Thailand to Myanmar and back .. 1 re-entry.

Thailand to Laos and back .. 2 re-entries.

Thailand to Cambodia and back 3 re-entries.

Now` .. can we see some intelligent posts amongst all this sh*t?


Vietnam? :D

So, a tourist comes here on a long haul flight to Bangkok for 30days. After a few days in Bangkok he decides to take a trip to Ankor Wat using Thailand as his home base. He then takes a trip to Burma for a few days then returns. He then takes a trip to Laos and returns.

He then decides to go to See Singapore of Kuala Lumpur.... On his return to Bangkok he is refused entry as that means a 4th Visa on Arrival. He cannot continue his holiday with a final week in Phuket and has to spend a week in the Airport Lounge waiting to catch his flight home.

As a business man I always used Bangkok as a base for covering the Far East, returning there at weekends and between meetings in different nearby Countries, as do many others becuase it is cheaper and the food is great. We rely on tourist Visas on arrival as we are not doing Business in Thailand. I hope that this is just another crazy idea which similar to others in the past will not be fully implemented.

I am married to a Thai with three children, but currently rely on tourist visas, as I work 70 days in Libya and 17 days vacation in Bangkok. However, there is another twist that I need to make a side trip during my Vacation to Kuala Lumpur to collect my Libyan Visa which is already 2 VOAs in 2 weeks. I had a marriage and Own Company Visa before, but the problem is it takes too many visits to the immigration Bureau before they finally give you the stamp, and I am not here to go to the office. On top of that there is all the hassle of a reentry visa. I hope that we get a clearer picture soon.

married to a thai with three children???????? sounds like you need a non tourist or a resident visa not a tourist visa ...

problem solved....NEXT


Anyone who has lived here for any amount of time and has even had to make the odd border run knows all to well the sorts of abuses and undesirables that this appears intended to reduce.

Reading the posts on this topic there are numerous examples in the minority who will no doubt suffer from a blanket policy. However, it's the mindset that I find amazing time and time again on this site. Because it's a developing country it shoulddn't have rules and regulations which are in the interests of it's own people. Anyone with a few thousand dollars should be allowed to come and go as if it were and extention of their own western abode and if not it should be taken up in the UN as a crime against westerners!

This sort of tosh wouldn't dare be echoed by anyone from developed Europe, the states etc if the roles were reversed because any government officer there would laugh at it and you know it! So get real.

It's quite clear that there are those in the administration who have at last had the courage to try and stop the sexpests and the like and be one of the few countries in the world to look at the appalling shambles we've made of the 'immigration on a mass scale' bit and think 'no thank you'!

For all the criticism and insults the Thai people get they don't seem to be far off on this one!

It's easy for me to understand the concept- Thailand wants genuine 2/3 week holiday makers once/twice/three times a year similar to Spain, France etc etc. Otherwise your not welcome!

Not that difficult to grasp is it?



Your generalization is broad and largely unfounded, sir. And Pattaya is not the rest of the country. I'm most certain Thais hang their own heads in shame at the Thais who live in Pattaya. :o I do and I'm not Thai. :D :D The way to clean up Pattaya is to deal dircetly with Pattaya. Most of the criminals in Pattaya come to feed on the farang, not the other way around. Granted, crime breeds crime - the city thrives on it. Bad people beget bad people. But that is entirely unrelated to long term stayers. (except insofar as those long term stayers provide an income source)

Well your just as bad as Tycoon, nothing wrong with Patters apart from people like you. Get a grip on reality Pattaya is no worse than any other spot in Thailand. :D

Brit, normally I agree with your posts; but you're wrong here my friend. Pattaya is known by all (except those wearing blinders) to have more crime than most places in Thailand.

Few thousand - think you are vastly underestimating how many people do the 30day visa run.

500k? Not alot for a watch actually. :D

Wow.....2 posts that are off the mark. 500k is over $13,000 USD. You are wrong that is A LOT for a watch for all but a few elite........actually. :D


This is going to be disastrous for so many people. Me personally also my friend who works off shore, for an oil exploration and maintenance company, they employee many Thais, but looks like they will be forced to land on other shores now.

My story is, I work freelance for a UK company as a computer programmer. I have just built a 6.5 million BHT house. I can't apply for a Retirement visa I am 36. I can't apply for a marriage visa because my wife disappeared 5 years ago, don't know were she is! So can't remarry until I get divorced.

I have a 2 year old son with my GF and he was born in Thailand, Maybe its possible to apply for a dependent visa? Not sure how that works?

I am not sure about applying for BS work Permit, for a BS Job on my BS Company.

I could however; and I am seriously contemplating moving, my family out to a neighboring country, where they would welcome my money. But who will buy my house now? I wouldn't consider buying a home in Thailand anymore. Really I wouldn't!

These are very in-secure times people. I would recommend that you people who feel safely "tucked up" with the correct visas’ in place to think again.. Looks whats happening in recent times..

news last week, the stoppage foreign of corporate ventures such as Tescos etc..

It was only a month or two ago that they tightened up company registrations and I`m sure most real-estate companies would agree, that house sales have been really affected. I personally know a company who hasn't sold 1 house in 3 months in Pattaya

What happens next when they really do pull the plug on all these non-trading Bull S*** companies, that we have set up to buy homes. (wish I hadn't built it now)

The question is where is my going to be? (that’s a joke)

Anyone who has lived here for any amount of time and has even had to make the odd border run knows all to well the sorts of abuses and undesirables that this appears intended to reduce.

Reading the posts on this topic there are numerous examples in the minority who will no doubt suffer from a blanket policy. However, it's the mindset that I find amazing time and time again on this site. Because it's a developing country it shoulddn't have rules and regulations which are in the interests of it's own people. Anyone with a few thousand dollars should be allowed to come and go as if it were and extention of their own western abode and if not it should be taken up in the UN as a crime against westerners!

This sort of tosh wouldn't dare be echoed by anyone from developed Europe, the states etc if the roles were reversed because any government officer there would laugh at it and you know it! So get real.

It's quite clear that there are those in the administration who have at last had the courage to try and stop the sexpests and the like and be one of the few countries in the world to look at the appalling shambles we've made of the 'immigration on a mass scale' bit and think 'no thank you'!

For all the criticism and insults the Thai people get they don't seem to be far off on this one!

It's easy for me to understand the concept- Thailand wants genuine 2/3 week holiday makers once/twice/three times a year similar to Spain, France etc etc. Otherwise your not welcome!

Not that difficult to grasp is it?


Not that difficult to grasp, but completely false.

Thailand's visa policies are clearly open to certain kinds of skilled workers, people wanting to make large investments, people wanting to open certain kinds of legitimate businesses that employ Thais, tourists on tourist visas staying 2 to 3 monts, retired people over 50, and some other categories as well.

BTW, I don't think your term sexpests is gonna catch on, sexpats is just too perfect ...

Do you know many of that tourists? Usually if I want to go to that big trip - I buy tour or tickets like


Why me need to use Thailand like hub in this situaton? Only if visa trip.

actually, yes i know 'many of that tourists'.

i was one about 3 times (a long time before coming to bkk). my first visit to thailand was so miserable i wouldn't have come back at all if not using it as a convenient hub for other destinations in the region.

also, i have friends coming in november (all women, not sex tourists but real, bona fide legit tourists) who are only coming for 2 weeks but would LIKE to use BKK as a hub and see myanmar, vietnam, and cambodia. lemme see, arrive bkk, 1 entry. go to cambodia and return, 2 entries. go to vietnam and return, 3 entries. go to myanmar, you need a visa. absurd. incidentally, they'd still follow a similar itinerary if they were *not* visiting me, it's fairly common, given that it is MUCH cheaper to buy regional air tickets in bangkok than in, say, new york.

on one hand, if the plan is implemented as described, it could be a big boost to an airport as a SEA tourist hub... KL. on the other hand, the people backing the new airport are NOT going to be happy with that situation, and given that it is a question of POLICY not LAW, it may not be implemented at the airport as described or can change suddenly. that's speculation, true--but we've already seen things change very fast. expect that to continue, imo.


I suspect the 30 day rule will end up being more flexible for classical tourists using Bangkok as a hub to tour Asia. The Thais are going to have to get their act together in making it easier for AIRLINES for travellers coming into Thailand. The airlines cannot enforce this.



I really don't understand the sence of this new rule at all ??

Reason from gouvernment :

"we want to catch all these who work illegaly with no work-permit, so that they pay taxes".

ok, but do you have to close all the highways because some people drive to fast ?? that way you punish a lot of people who do nothing wrong ! The way to do is to go out and control, the one work illegaly will be punished than, thats the way to do it.

Cancel investment visa" "cause to easy to get for maffia" same reason : Most of the investers in Thailand are not criminal, just buy a condo here or put 3 million to proof they can support themselves. By cancelling that you punish again a lot of people who do nothing wrong and support Thalands economy. The first ones who gone find another solution for this is the maffia, not the good ones !

"they taking jobs from thais " ?? why you give so much free work permits to birma people ??? The jobs falangs mostly do is something thais not do/can and sametime GIVING thaipeople here work by their small bussiness or by spending here money.

"not interrested in small spenders " ok than change the rule : backpackers, anyone who cannot show 50.000 cash at the border, all the O visa's who don't have 3 million, kick them out.. if that is your pollicy !!??

The problem is that a lot of people can't get the right visa cause :

1) younger than 50 with a lot of money to support themselves.. have no visa

2) not easy to get work-permit

change this, go catch illegals and criminals, and don't bother the people who only help and spend money in your country and live here happily.

as anyone knows this gone do a lot of harm to the thai economy and people, andfalangs who do nothing wrong !

Finaly I don't see it possible to (starting of 1 october) putting hundreds of ( unknowing ) tourists on a plain back to their country !!??

a rule with no common sence !!!


h5n1: You love Thailand only due for easy visa entry for long-stay tourist?

Just real tourists is not affected in any way with this new regulation.

Of course "real" tourist are going to be affected by this, even if it was because of the limitation of three entries, which means that going to Laos, Myranmar and Cambodia in one trip using Thailand as hub, will not be possilbe anymore without getting a tourist visa in advance.

Crap! .. Don't be a spin doctor. 3 entries is plenty to visit those 3 countries using Thailand as a hub.

1. Your Country to Thailand .. 1 entry

2. Thailand to Myanmar and back .. 2 entries.

3. Thailand to Laos and then on to Cambodia and back to Thailand .. 3 entries. So you miss out using Thailand for One "Hub" trip .. big deal.


Right, what about going to Malaysia, Singapore or other countries ? Three entries might not be enough, I did that in two weeks last time around.

Anyway not trying to be a spin doctor, just pointing out that tourist might be affected.

I suspect the 30 day rule will end up being more flexible for classical tourists using Bangkok as a hub to tour Asia. The Thais are going to have to get their act together in making it easier for AIRLINES for travellers coming into Thailand. The airlines cannot enforce this.

yes I agree with this statement, however if they are going to not enforce this at international airports, then of course they leave a big loophole open to be exploited.

I really don't understand the sence of this new rule at all ??

Reason from gouvernment :

"we want to catch all these who work illegaly with no work-permit, so that they pay taxes".

ok, but do you have to close all the highways because some people drive to fast ?? that way you punish a lot of people who do nothing wrong ! The way to do is to go out and control, the one work illegaly will be punished than, thats the way to do it.

NO no no... Not closing the highway; to use your analogy, they are now setting up a checkpoint. Speed and you are out. If you are working and have the WP then NIL effect.

Your solution? Keep it how it is and have countless english teachers, dive instructors and whatever running around working but not paying tax, social security or visa bills? The companies employing these people should comply with the law, and so should the workers!

In australia, USA and many other countries there are major complaints against illegal immigration and round ups. Do you complain about those?

Cancel investment visa" "cause to easy to get for maffia" same reason : Most of the investers in Thailand are not criminal, just buy a condo here or put 3 million to proof they can support themselves. By cancelling that you punish again a lot of people who do nothing wrong and support Thalands economy. The first ones who gone find another solution for this is the maffia, not the good ones !

3m baht is nothing and the money is passive investment for the most part; 2m sets up a company for instance. So I think the increase to 10m is fair enough...it isn't CANCELLED it is increased. You understand the difference?

The mafia thing is bad reasoning I agree. It should be either:

- front up with a decent amount of cash in a house/etc and get an investment visa OR

- front up with a lessor amount of cash but actually do something with it and get a WP (2m or 1m if you have a spouse)


"they taking jobs from thais " ?? why you give so much free work permits to birma people ??? The jobs falangs mostly do is something thais not do/can and sametime GIVING thaipeople here work by their small bussiness or by spending here money.

NOT hard to get a work permit if you set up a business; NOT hard for most companies to get a WP for someone (try doing the same things in USA to employ someone in a basic job...yep, a lot more stringent and tougher IMHO, I know, a company tried to get me an extension of my work visa in California 10 years ago. Fair enough too; I was only working in a hotel; lots of Americans can do that; none of them wanted to do it for the money offered.

Problem is so many illegal workers and companies with no ethics have been hiring people without permits. So...solution....complete the paperwork and people can work no problem.

What is your solution? COntinue allowing illegal workers to continue working here paying no tax? how is that fair to the many registered Burmese workers (to use your example) that actually bother to go through the steps to become legal? Or to the many farang that work here legally?

If they apply legally, then there can be analysis of whether a Thai is losing a job as a result; problem is almost all the people working illegally don't even get that far; either they or their company can't be bothered applying! You feel this is an acceptable solutioN?

"not interrested in small spenders " ok than change the rule : backpackers, anyone who cannot show 50.000 cash at the border, all the O visa's who don't have 3 million, kick them out.. if that is your pollicy !!??

ANY country obviously wants tourists with the ability to support themselves. That's why many countries where you have to apply for a visa (e.g. USA, NZ, Australia) require proof of ability to support themselves for applicants. If you are from an assumed to be rich country you can go in no problem without this perhaps.

For here, you get to come here up to 90 days for a holiday out of 180and it is assumed (from the countries with VOA) that you can support yourself and won't need to resort to working illegally. However, if you want to stay longer, apply for a visa (tourist visa for instance) and then country has a chance to assess you whether you will actually work or not. Consider it a warning device EXACTLY for the same reason that USA checks Thais giong to USA - there are a few that end up working or overstaying that ruin it for the many who are perfectly legal.

If Thailand wants to maintain/increase tourism revenues, there are two major choices - increase spend per person or increase numbers of people. Almost everyone who actually does business here likes the first one; there are many things that need to be done to acheive this, but moving Thailand beyond a bargain basement destination is one. And the country can only support a finite amount of tourism which I personally feel is far beyond what is currently being maintained. Look at the eyesore that is Sukhumvit and you'll see what happens when you persue numbers, but not quality incidentally.

The new policy has nil impact on probably 99% of all genuine tourists coming here, and the other 1% are able to apply for a visa. It will have a major impact on people working here, and those people are now expected to front up and pay tax etc.

The only odd ones out are the retirees who are in a bit of a quandry; either invest 10m; go outside the country to get visas from time to time or start a business. these people should rightfully be pi$$ed off at the vast numbers of illegal workers and serial VOA people living here but using a tourist VOA to do so; like the Thais having to apply for a VIsa to visit USA it is a minority that ruin it for everyone.

change this, go catch illegals and criminals, and don't bother the people who only help and spend money in your country and live here happily.

as anyone knows this gone do a lot of harm to the thai economy and people, and falangs who do nothing wrong !

a rule with no common sence !!!

Most of the impact of the foreigners using VOA on the Thai economy is perhaps not so great overall; a blip compared to oil prices; domestic demand or political instability. The majority of serious active foreign investment is done legally and above board (with WPs which are NOT hard to get at all - let's ignore the nominee bit for a while, as that is totally unclear).

Common sense on implementation does seem to be completely missing, with changes in policy, ambiguity and confusion. I totally agree.

On the other hand, criminals and the sheer volume of illegal workers and visa runners (who while technically not illegal are certainly pushing the limits of the spirit of the tourism visa on arrival) has reached the same point in an election year as Thai illegal workers reached in NZ in 2000, prompting the govt to eliminate 90 day visa on arrival for Thai travellers, and make ALL apply in advance.

It didn't significantly reduce tuorism travel from Thailand to NZ long term, and it won't have a significant effect for the Thai economy overall either IMHO. Most tourists now have the opportunity to apply for a tourism visa if they intend to come here longer than 90 days and can show why they want to stay.

If this even marginally reduces the number of 'foreign scum' that are an easy target for media, politicians and so on (mafia types, criminals, traffickers) then almost everyone here will be happy.

There is a small minority here that are affected, and I hope you can find a solution. However, threats of ruin to the Thai economy if these measures are implemented, will, I fear, fall on deaf ears, given that the potential effect is slight since few real tourists are affected (unless you can prove otherwise with actual stats rather than personal circumstance) and that this has been threatened for 3 years already.

Numerous other policies such as war on dark forces, property ownership, increase in VISA fees, clampdown on night life have incited the same comments and many of the exact same people are still here talking about moving.

Every country has the right to choose who should be able to visit, who should be able to stay and who is desirable. Just because you don't like the answer, doesn't make it 'a rule with no common sense'.


I did not say : leave it as it is, I say GO CATCH ILLEGAL WORKERS AND CRIMINALS ON THE FIELD !

whats your anwser to many of us who like to live here, have enough money to support themselves and spend here and do not have to work ?

Who mayby leaved there job and sold everything in homecountry who have many friends here and a loveone here ? Who respect thaiculture and are peacefull, Why are they catalogued under "scum ?"


Do you know many of that tourists? Usually if I want to go to that big trip - I buy tour or tickets like


Why me need to use Thailand like hub in this situaton? Only if visa trip.

actually, yes i know 'many of that tourists'.

i was one about 3 times (a long time before coming to bkk). my first visit to thailand was so miserable i wouldn't have come back at all if not using it as a convenient hub for other destinations in the region.

also, i have friends coming in november (all women, not sex tourists but real, bona fide legit tourists) who are only coming for 2 weeks but would LIKE to use BKK as a hub and see myanmar, vietnam, and cambodia. lemme see, arrive bkk, 1 entry. go to cambodia and return, 2 entries. go to vietnam and return, 3 entries. go to myanmar, you need a visa. absurd. incidentally, they'd still follow a similar itinerary if they were *not* visiting me, it's fairly common, given that it is MUCH cheaper to buy regional air tickets in bangkok than in, say, new york.

on one hand, if the plan is implemented as described, it could be a big boost to an airport as a SEA tourist hub... KL. on the other hand, the people backing the new airport are NOT going to be happy with that situation, and given that it is a question of POLICY not LAW, it may not be implemented at the airport as described or can change suddenly. that's speculation, true--but we've already seen things change very fast. expect that to continue, imo.

As far as I understand the policy is not to issue more than 3 consecutive Visa on arrival anymore. But your friends could still apply for a multiple entry visa in their homecoutry and leave / enter Thailand as they wish....I guess


Suggest people should visit www.stickmanbangkok.com for the latest info.

Someone has posted a comment about visiting soi suan plu yesterday.

Don't matter how many 30 day stamps you have, counting only starts after Oct 1.

After your 3 stamps, you do not have to leave for 90 days, unless you want to stay with the 30 day stamps.

Just before your finalstamp expires, leave and get a 60 day tourist visa at a Thai Embassy. Re enter with that. After 60 days,extend for 30 days at imm. Youv'e now had 90 /60/ 30days.

Then you go back to beginning and repeat.

No confirmation on that tho.

I did not say : leave it as it is, I say GO CATCH ILLEGAL WORKERS AND CRIMINALS ON THE FIELD !

whats your anwser to many of us who like to live here, have enough money to support themselves and spend here and do not have to work ?

Who mayby leaved there job and sold everything in homecountry who have many friends here and a loveone here ? Who respect thaiculture and are peacefull, Why are they catalogued under "scum ?"

I would have thought it is pretty obvious who foreign scum are, I spelt it out 'mafia types, criminals, traffickers'. That's a direct quote.

There are plenty of local scum here, we don't need more imports! I doubt anyone on this board even fits that description!

I already expressed my concern and will do so again:

'The only odd ones out are the retirees who are in a bit of a quandry; either invest 10m; go outside the country to get visas from time to time or start a business. these people should rightfully be pi$$ed off at the vast numbers of illegal workers and serial VOA people living here but using a tourist VOA to do so; like the Thais having to apply for a VIsa to visit USA it is a minority that ruin it for everyone.'


'There is a small minority here that are affected, and I hope you can find a solution.'

I can only reiterate:

- go and get a visa and register yourself through the VISA system with proof that you aren't working and have the means to stay (this is either an investment visa will be 10m or a tourist visa which you will have to go out and back to get or an elite card).

Good luck for that; this is not meant to sound like a told you so or rebuke; it is merely trying to explain teh reasons behind this change, perhaps how the Thai people see this move and therefore why it is probably more permanent than some other policy decisions.

It's easy for me to understand the concept- Thailand wants genuine 2/3 week holiday makers once/twice/three times a year similar to Spain, France etc etc. Otherwise your not welcome!

Two or three weeks isn't a realistic time frame for tourists coming from North America, as the flight is too long and arduous to make such a trip worthwhile.

But more to the point of your post - why should a government prefer a tourist who tours for 2 weeks to one who tours for 6 months? In either case they only do one thing - spend money.

Of course we all know that the reason is anti-sex puritanism. The 'family' tourists will come for two weeks, and probably never come back, while it is the single male tourists who are enormously more motivated to spend time in Thailand.

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