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Not purple prose but just long sentences, and a not unreasonable point judging by the english teachers I have met in the past (mostly more interested in getting in their students' knickers than teaching English). Sure, plenty of good guys around who work for a relative pittance BUT they tend to already be in the system and not affected by visa runs.

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I did not say : leave it as it is, I say GO CATCH ILLEGAL WORKERS AND CRIMINALS ON THE FIELD !

whats your anwser to many of us who like to live here, have enough money to support themselves and spend here and do not have to work ?

Who mayby leaved there job and sold everything in homecountry who have many friends here and a loveone here ? Who respect thaiculture and are peacefull, Why are they catalogued under "scum ?"

It extractly same which happen with lots of peoples from my country(ukraine) for example. Little group of citizens from my country stay at EU like nelegal immigrants, but it not too much peoples. But everybody other (smart and honest peoples, who never have idea like it) - have trouble with visas from it. Same thing is related Thais and another nationalities.

Visas things based on nationality only, it not recognize your social status (like own business with good income, lot of travelling without troubles, etc, etc, etc).

Goverments preffer to not fight with nelegal immigrants/etc, it preffer only make more hard rules and make it more tighter. It common at this world.


Libya & co

I rest my brief case, I could fill this forum in a week with similar stories.

Courtesy of Pattaya city news:

How not to conduct yourself when you are behind bars here in Pattaya.

A bizarre story now from the Police Cells at the main Pattaya Police Station located on the corner of Soi 9 off of Pattaya Beach Road. The story begins at the Tops Supermarket in Central Pattaya when Mr. Barrett aged 50 from England was accused of assaulting somebody inside the Supermarket. He was arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where he remained in a calm state until he was sent to the first floor prison cell which is when he became extremely agitated, he began to shout profanities at other prisoners and tried to break out of the cell. He was also seen throwing things out of the cell. Police Sergeant Major Somsee who is responsible for inmates had enough and entered the cell block and attempted to calm Mr. Barrett down. The Sergeant Major decided to handcuff Mr. Barrett even though he was safely behind bars and this did the trick. He was later released after paying a small fine. We suggest to you that if you ever find yourself in a similar situation; remain calm as this sort of crazed behavior could hamper your chances of a quick release.

Libya why don't you ask me where I live!!

Maybe I know more about Pattaya than you'll ever know.

Troll Troll what a baby it's my opion that I truly believe is the case or your maybe part of the scum problem Pattaya has developed.

Now repeat after me at 6pm during the Thai national anthem....England England England...2 world wars and 1 world cup, 10 German bomber do da do da.

Open your eyes old fella

and, in general, the people who feel entitled to be here coz you spend money?? get over yourselves. please. fair don't mean diddly, their country-their right, that don't mean diddly either. doesn't matter if they have the 'right' to, the fact is they CAN.

and to the shrill tosspots crowing about law and order, get the proper visa, etc??

all it takes is some TRT hopeful deciding foreigners working here are the problem, or married farrangs, or retiring farrangs... and you could easily be bent over and done without benefit of reacharound. if you're stupid enough to think you're immune to the vicissitudes of thai politics, or that this is a normal and sane rule change (it may well be but that ain't the motive) then there'd be some justice in you lot being made prison-wives of the thai goverment. and you lot have a lot more to lose, don't you?

Well, some are crying that it is their right to stay here... but fact of the matter is that most countries don't offer a VOA at all.

However, if Thailand really wants to step out of its 3rd world status then this kind of policy is just backward and shortsighted. If Thailand wanted to increase the amount of money coming in it would let people from richer nations have essentially free access to stay as long as they want. financially speaking.

[unavoidable rant]

Of course, it sounds great to kick out those dirty-smelly-peepee-touching-drug-using-cigarette-smoking-alcoholic farang. They are, afterall, making it harder for Thais to buy houses at a fair price (by improving the economy no less, making everyone richer!)

And, we all also know that anyone without any money in this life was obviously a horrible person in their last life, and their same same permeates their current body, so they are not to be trusted and should be treated badly.

I have a deep respect for Buddhist thinking. I truly do - I often go off on rants where I am raving about this aspect or that aspect of Buddhism. In short, it works. However, this particular aspect, often misapplied by the Thais, is philosophically abhorrent to me. It leads to misunderstanding and mistreatment. for example - darker Thai student are mistreated in school and not given the same opportunity as lighter students because if they were better people their skin would be lighter. This is a total misapplication of Buddhist teachings, but widespead in Thailand. I'm sick of it, and it certainly applies to the current situation.

[/unavoidable rant]

What does this mean for those of us who go to Penang for a triple entry tourist visa twice a year?
The tourist visa is not mentioned in this announcement. Therefore, this announcement means nothing for you.

However, if you are working illegally in Thailand you should nevertheless do whatever is necessary to get legal. The basic policy seems to be the removal of foreigners working illegally in Thailand and if this new rule does not stop them the government may have other ways to do so.



Personally I do not understand the excitement of several members this forum caused by the new tourist visa on arrival regulations.

The typical tourist will come to Thailand most probably twice a year in maximum.

“Tourists” who are seeking other activities than normal tourists normally are looking for, should apply that visa type suiting their activities.

In Europe you have to play by the law, why not here in Thailand?

You are guest of this country - behave accordingly and you will have no problems at all.

By the way, the “new“ rules are just a consequent follow up of the spirit of old rules and visa regulation. Unfortunately the applicants over stretched old conditions too much.


will be interesting to see if you stoic law-and-order types are still stoic law-and-order types when they make a change that affects *you*.

hopefully you lot will not descend into pissing and moaning like jilted schoolgirls, that would be an utterly tedious follow-up to this sort of lecture.

... and i want to know what about if all Thai people want to live & work in your home country. Maybe there won't be a first entry because all of them were refused? So what we're really talking about is the difference between immigration in any kind and visits for tourist purposes only. Think yourself if possible :o

hey boys

i just found at the website of Royal Thai Police

Flyers to use for officers.

in thai & english ....

mainly for fast-exploaining if someone try to negociate ;-))

however: they dated in NOV 2004 (!!!)

look here ... http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/2notice/newpro.html

Seems to say that the officers at the Operational level will have direct discretion. It will be interesting to see who exactly it is that they kick out.


The biggest problem however is, that I doubt they will issue a tourist visa to someone who just had three exempt stamps. Of course that remais to be seen, but if they are issuing tourist visas in this way, what is the point of limiting exempt stamps.

Of course that remains to be seen.

Paying for a visa and generating revenue would be my best guess. I think this is more about dosh than eliminating supposed undesirables.

Interesting post on Stickman - lad was chatting to Immigration and the real targets of this were indians/burmese - westerners shant worry. Food for thought?? :o

This would make a lot of sense, really....

I'm surprised no one .. in all the posts .. has mentioned the difference between the 30 day entry and the 60 day Tourist Visa. People indefinately renewing the 30 day stamps pay no MONEY! .... Thats the big word everyone is missing .. and the Thai Govt. is missing out on it too.

I think they would be happier if people were indefinately renewing PAID visas...... I know I would be if I was them. And I'm sure that is a contributing factor to them putting and end to endless back to back FREE stamps. It may even be the MAIN factor and the spin about getting rid of illegal workers and what not is just to "pretty it up so they don't look like money grubbers. But anyway .. they should be paid anyway .. I don't believe it took them so long to wake up.

good point. they have said all along that 30 day stamp people could renew in thailand--not make visa run at all--presumably, with fee attached. the longer run may just be about collecting money via actual visas, short run is some TRT flag waving trashy farrang bashing to get cheers from the cheap seats, where they know f*** all about what actually goes on anyway.

Not purple prose but just long sentences, and a not unreasonable point judging by the english teachers I have met in the past (mostly more interested in getting in their students' knickers than teaching English). Sure, plenty of good guys around who work for a relative pittance BUT they tend to already be in the system and not affected by visa runs.

exhibit a:

I recognise that some contributors are not native English speakers, and those I do not condemn, but most others, as can be deduced from the content of their diatribes, clearly are.

charles dickens? is that you, baby?

sorry, either that sentence was written in about 1850 or it's as purple as prince's panties.

do agree with the poster/you that while there are some talented english teachers out there, many, um... aren't. and would be no great loss.

biggest pompem with thaiglish though is pronounciation, and you do need to listen to a native speaker so you can hear what english sounds like (more or less). i've been lazy about learning thai but i got far enough that it pains my ears when visitors from overseas "pronounce" thai words. better recruiting would help more than off-the-books, visa run "english teachers," many of whom seem to be inventing a language somewhere between hip-hop english and martian.

also, as a tourist, who cares if ppl at your destination don't speak english? anyone who can't travel anywhere in the world with a bilingual map of the city or town and grunt-point-pantomime is a SISSY.


I'm surprised no one .. in all the posts .. has mentioned the difference between the 30 day entry and the 60 day Tourist Visa. People indefinately renewing the 30 day stamps pay no MONEY! .... Thats the big word everyone is missing .. and the Thai Govt. is missing out on it too.

I think they would be happier if people were indefinately renewing PAID visas...... I know I would be if I was them. And I'm sure that is a contributing factor to them putting and end to endless back to back FREE stamps. It may even be the MAIN factor and the spin about getting rid of illegal workers and what not is just to "pretty it up so they don't look like money grubbers. But anyway .. they should be paid anyway .. I don't believe it took them so long to wake up.

good point. they have said all along that 30 day stamp people could renew in thailand--not make visa run at all--presumably, with fee attached. the longer run may just be about collecting money via actual visas, short run is some TRT flag waving trashy farrang bashing to get cheers from the cheap seats, where they know f*** all about what actually goes on anyway.

I hope you guys are right, but why has Penang stopped with multiple entry tourist visas ? They cost a certain amount per entry, so why not issue a triple entry tourist visa, instead of three times a single one. Saves costs at the consulate/embassy.

Maybe they really don't want people to stay on tourist visa / exempt stamps, year round. Time will tell, we will all know soon I guess.


In the past I have support my Thai GF I have send her two time to school now she have papers to can give you a real Thai massage. And she have papers to can give you a hear cut now she have a beauty shop. I can’t marry whit here because the Netherlands cut 300eu from my retirement money. I don’t have 800.000Bath on a Thai bank also I don’t have 400.000Bath but I’m already 9 years in Thailand. I don’t want leave Thailand what can I do. For now I can walk and I’m 65 years and I don’t know if I can walk when I’m 75 so why have the Thai emigration not a little feelings for elderly people. I know I’m not the only one to have not on a bank 800.000Bath, 40.000Bath every month is for my enough and it is more what the working class have I do more whit that little money than people that have a lot more.

Greetings billshot64


For those of us who visit Thailand ofthen, this isn't a good thing. Not the end of the world, but the removal of a very convienient option.

So, I find it odd that so many of the posters seem to get off at laughing and gloating at those of us who point this out.

For those of us who visit Thailand ofthen, this isn't a good thing. Not the end of the world, but the removal of a very convienient option.

So, I find it odd that so many of the posters seem to get off at laughing and gloating at those of us who point this out.

FarangYY, I am sure that those who currently feel safe (a situation that may change) are not laughing and gloating at the likes of you who visit periodically, from real work in other nearby Countries, to be able to spend some prime time with girlfirends, wives and families. Everyone understands that scenario and hopes that you or the immigration authorities can find a way round it. The targets of most of the "laughing and gloating" are the free-loaders, those that appear to think they have a god-given RIGHT to reside here in the LOS indefinitely on the basis of repetitive renewals of free 30 day entry stamps, but without making any real contribution to Thailand. The attitudes of many of these free-loaders embarrass those of us who are here to make a genuine contribution to Thailand, so we shall not be sorry if Thailand manages to clear out such dross.


For those of us who visit Thailand ofthen, this isn't a good thing. Not the end of the world, but the removal of a very convienient option.

So, I find it odd that so many of the posters seem to get off at laughing and gloating at those of us who point this out.

FarangYY, I am sure that those who currently feel safe (a situation that may change) are not laughing and gloating at the likes of you who visit periodically, from real work in other nearby Countries, to be able to spend some prime time with girlfirends, wives and families. Everyone understands that scenario and hopes that you or the immigration authorities can find a way round it. The targets of most of the "laughing and gloating" are the free-loaders, those that appear to think they have a god-given RIGHT to reside here in the LOS indefinitely on the basis of repetitive renewals of free 30 day entry stamps, but without making any real contribution to Thailand. The attitudes of many of these free-loaders embarrass those of us who are here to make a genuine contribution to Thailand, so we shall not be sorry if Thailand manages to clear out such dross.

What if you are working 28 days offshore, then spend 28 days in Thailand on a VOA, would that be OK, anyone got any ideas about that scenario ??


For those of us who visit Thailand ofthen, this isn't a good thing. Not the end of the world, but the removal of a very convienient option.

So, I find it odd that so many of the posters seem to get off at laughing and gloating at those of us who point this out.

FarangYY, I am sure that those who currently feel safe (a situation that may change) are not laughing and gloating at the likes of you who visit periodically, from real work in other nearby Countries, to be able to spend some prime time with girlfirends, wives and families. Everyone understands that scenario and hopes that you or the immigration authorities can find a way round it. The targets of most of the "laughing and gloating" are the free-loaders, those that appear to think they have a god-given RIGHT to reside here in the LOS indefinitely on the basis of repetitive renewals of free 30 day entry stamps, but without making any real contribution to Thailand. The attitudes of many of these free-loaders embarrass those of us who are here to make a genuine contribution to Thailand, so we shall not be sorry if Thailand manages to clear out such dross.

Fangdago, the only 'contribution' that any person can make to any country is the money they spend there, and these visa runners certainly do that. I'm sure on average they spend 60,000 to 100,000 baht per month, all in funds recieved from their homelands, thus obviously benefiting the Thai economy.

I fail to understand your hostile and disapproving attitude to this group of people. One can only assume you have a prudish reaction to their reason for being here, but I suggest it is no different than your own, if you were a bit more honest.



Not that difficult to grasp, but completely false.

Thailand's visa policies are clearly open to certain kinds of skilled workers, people wanting to make large investments, people wanting to open certain kinds of legitimate businesses that employ Thais, tourists on tourist visas staying 2 to 3 monts, retired people over 50, and some other categories as well.

BTW, I don't think your term sexpests is gonna catch on, sexpats is just too perfect ...


I think you'll find the topic related to the 30 day Visa not the entire available visa portfolio as you well know. Those people you mention such as skilled workers etc apply for workpermits and get the related cat B visa or whatever. Just as a Backpacker who wishes to travel around the whole country would usually apply for a 'proper' tourist visa from their own country and Thai embassy.

This crackdown (if it is actually implemented) is in regard (at a wild guess) to pedo tourists and the sexpats, those with sin bars paying no taxes or anything else that resembles a legal framework of business practice. Have no work permit or correct visas and umpteen other groups of 'undesirables' who do nothing in any positive fashion than exploit those without advanced western legal infrastructures to promote the top common denominator rather than the bottom.

If the majority of those caught in this net end up being those mentioned then well done the Thai government for a change. However, as I stated previously there are no doubt some decent folk that will suffer from the new enforcement. I just hope with perhaps advice from one or more of the legal service providers here that they will be eligible for another form of visa.



i reside here about 7-8 mos a year. i travel thru asia for about 3 mos as well. i always go home. i was made redundant in i.t. but saved good money. i live on 20k a month. i have most of what i need on this budget and will last me well till i collect social security in usa.

when my parents pass i will have more money than know how to spend - why i need to work? no wife, no kids... i do not and it is not up to some third world govt to tell me otherwise. i am happy to show my w/d statements and online accts.

who cares how much money one has?? if we are not begging or cost the govt anything?? if i enjoy my life @ b20k a month, up to me! thailand is a third world country!!! doubt it? get your A out of bkk/pty and go to issan, far north-south.

this is targeted at a number of people, indians/burmese/bangladeshi's sure -but also kee-neow farang sure. it is truly xenophobic. thai govt dems' is haters dems is...comapring thailand to first world is LAUGHABLE.

as for their laws, i respect them. no reason ANYONE with half million (oe less) in the bank should not be allowed a year visa. all these complicated visas or even worse GETTING MARRIED or putting your savings in a DODGY thai bank....

honest to goodness tourist/backpackerss will NOT be impacted SURE. they will see their bags, lack of stamps and fresh passport and will move on by. so all those using this situation as your own does not apply.

i also think people fly in/out of airport will be given more slack

the crap wont hit the fan till after the high season (07) but there will be HUGE impact. people forget how SMALL MARGINS are made/taken as 'profit'. My guesthouse will be empty and we all do not work here and we are all good blokes.

*** TRUTH: my gh manager has MUCH WORSE TIME with 'tourists'. they are rude to him, come in raging drunk, get in fights with the sluts they drag home, get their kit stolen from their rooms and then blame him...he has to take it becasue HE NEEDS THE MONEY.

in the end... i do think it is merely a sift and govt will back off allowing multiple visa in home country -SURE.


This crackdown (if it is actually implemented) is in regard (at a wild guess) to pedo tourists and the sexpats, those with sin bars paying no taxes or anything else that resembles a legal framework of business practice.

'Sin bars'?! What are you, a born-again Christian, makakadon?

Fangdago, the only 'contribution' that any person can make to any country is the money they spend there, and these visa runners certainly do that. I'm sure on average they spend 60,000 to 100,000 baht per month, all in funds recieved from their homelands, thus obviously benefiting the Thai economy.
i live on 20k a month. i have most of what i need on this budget and will last me well till i collect social security in usa.

Seems to contradict your view opebo. Visa-runners spending 60k-100k per month should go and get a proper tourist visa.

who cares how much money one has?? if we are not begging or cost the govt anything?? if i enjoy my life @ b20k a month, up to me! thailand is a third world country!!! doubt it? get your A out of bkk/pty and go to issan, far north-south.

this is targeted at a number of people, indians/burmese/bangladeshi's sure -but also kee-neow farang sure. it is truly xenophobic. thai govt dems' is haters dems is...comapring thailand to first world is LAUGHABLE.

as for their laws, i respect them. no reason ANYONE with half million (oe less) in the bank should not be allowed a year visa. all these complicated visas or even worse GETTING MARRIED or putting your savings in a DODGY thai bank....

No doubt the Thai Authorities are mightily pleased to hear such opinions which would seem to justify the change in rules.


Fangdago, the only 'contribution' that any person can make to any country is the money they spend there, and these visa runners certainly do that. I'm sure on average they spend 60,000 to 100,000 baht per month, all in funds recieved from their homelands, thus obviously benefiting the Thai economy.

i live on 20k a month. i have most of what i need on this budget and will last me well till i collect social security in usa.

Seems to contradict your view opebo. Visa-runners spending 60k-100k per month should go and get a proper tourist visa.

Well, I never said that everyone spends 60-100K permonth, fandgo, just that the 'average' would be in that range. I know when I lived in Pattaya I spent about 80,000 baht/month, and I wasn't in the least extravagant. Presumably the above poster lives in some rural hideway where there is nothing upon which to spend money. In any case, even if he is living on 20,000/month, he's apparentely not working.


Wow, long thread. And now folks will be scrutinizing my English structure...

So let me get this straight...

Tourists visas- no change. Some tightening of the Malaysian border regulations.

Voa maximum of 90 days. 90 days must pass before readmittance with said voa.

I'll talk to the Thai consulate tomorrow, see what they can tell me.

Strange changes are afoot in Thailand...



What does this mean for those of us who go to Penang for a triple entry tourist visa twice a year?
The tourist visa is not mentioned in this announcement. Therefore, this announcement means nothing for you.

However, if you are working illegally in Thailand you should nevertheless do whatever is necessary to get legal. The basic policy seems to be the removal of foreigners working illegally in Thailand and if this new rule does not stop them the government may have other ways to do so.



Personally I do not understand the excitement of several members this forum caused by the new tourist visa on arrival regulations.

The typical tourist will come to Thailand most probably twice a year in maximum.

“Tourists” who are seeking other activities than normal tourists normally are looking for, should apply that visa type suiting their activities.

In Europe you have to play by the law, why not here in Thailand?

You are guest of this country - behave accordingly and you will have no problems at all.

By the way, the “new“ rules are just a consequent follow up of the spirit of old rules and visa regulation. Unfortunately the applicants over stretched old conditions too much.


These kinds of posts are really starting to annoy me. Can you please open your eyes? There are a significant number of people living in Thailand who do not seem to qualify for any of the visa options UNLESS they are going to permit endless tourist visas. What visa would you suggest a 40 year old retired American apply for who is not married to a Thai and does not wish to work or do business in Thailand?

If he doesn't wish to work or do business in Thailand, then he will basically not be the target of the "new" rules. He can (or has to) put 800,000 Baht on a Thai Bank account on his name and apply for a Non-Immigrant O visa making clear that he retires in Thailand. He will receive a visa for 1 year and can re-new this quite easily every year for another year. If he does not have 800,000 Baht, he is considered to be not rich enough to retire, or in other words immigration would expect that he somehow will have to get a kind of income - which would mean to work.


For those of us who visit Thailand ofthen, this isn't a good thing. Not the end of the world, but the removal of a very convienient option.

So, I find it odd that so many of the posters seem to get off at laughing and gloating at those of us who point this out.

FarangYY, I am sure that those who currently feel safe (a situation that may change) are not laughing and gloating at the likes of you who visit periodically, from real work in other nearby Countries, to be able to spend some prime time with girlfirends, wives and families. Everyone understands that scenario and hopes that you or the immigration authorities can find a way round it. The targets of most of the "laughing and gloating" are the free-loaders, those that appear to think they have a god-given RIGHT to reside here in the LOS indefinitely on the basis of repetitive renewals of free 30 day entry stamps, but without making any real contribution to Thailand. The attitudes of many of these free-loaders embarrass those of us who are here to make a genuine contribution to Thailand, so we shall not be sorry if Thailand manages to clear out such dross.

What if you are working 28 days offshore, then spend 28 days in Thailand on a VOA, would that be OK, anyone got any ideas about that scenario ??

Sounds okay to me. They don't want you to be a permanent tourist who resides here and goes out of the country for a week-end and then comes back. So if you are away for a month and here for a month, you probably won't appear as a permanent tourist. As I understand it, once you have reached the maximum possible stay (90 days) through consecutive extensions, you have to leave the country for the same amount of time. But if you leave earlier anyway, they probably won't argue when you come back earlier. That of course does not mean that you just can do a visa run every 15 days and then you are fine. I think the point is the ratio between "in the country" and "out of the country". If you land in Bangkok, stay 3 days, go to Wat Arun, come back for a week, go to Singapore and on your way home stop another 2 days in Bangkok, Immigration will sure identify you as a real tourist and not cause any problems. The "in the country 90 days" "out of the country 2 days" is what they want to stop.


just one queery I have with the rule of having 800000 baht in the bank for retirement visa do they take into consideration any payments that are made from foreign countrys eg disability or aged pensions

What does this mean for those of us who go to Penang for a triple entry tourist visa twice a year?
The tourist visa is not mentioned in this announcement. Therefore, this announcement means nothing for you.

However, if you are working illegally in Thailand you should nevertheless do whatever is necessary to get legal. The basic policy seems to be the removal of foreigners working illegally in Thailand and if this new rule does not stop them the government may have other ways to do so.



Personally I do not understand the excitement of several members this forum caused by the new tourist visa on arrival regulations.

The typical tourist will come to Thailand most probably twice a year in maximum.

“Tourists” who are seeking other activities than normal tourists normally are looking for, should apply that visa type suiting their activities.

In Europe you have to play by the law, why not here in Thailand?

You are guest of this country - behave accordingly and you will have no problems at all.

By the way, the “new“ rules are just a consequent follow up of the spirit of old rules and visa regulation. Unfortunately the applicants over stretched old conditions too much.


These kinds of posts are really starting to annoy me. Can you please open your eyes? There are a significant number of people living in Thailand who do not seem to qualify for any of the visa options UNLESS they are going to permit endless tourist visas. What visa would you suggest a 40 year old retired American apply for who is not married to a Thai and does not wish to work or do business in Thailand?

If he doesn't wish to work or do business in Thailand, then he will basically not be the target of the "new" rules. He can (or has to) put 800,000 Baht on a Thai Bank account on his name and apply for a Non-Immigrant O visa making clear that he retires in Thailand. He will receive a visa for 1 year and can re-new this quite easily every year for another year. If he does not have 800,000 Baht, he is considered to be not rich enough to retire, or in other words immigration would expect that he somehow will have to get a kind of income - which would mean to work.

Bad information..

Retirees need to be >50 !!

I spend between 1.5 and 2 mil a year living here not working but being 33 I have no legal visa options (but trivial enough to have a laywer open a company and just lose money annually)..

If they were to scrap the age restriction on retirees I think that there would be no one who could complain about these new regs and still argue that they 'contribute to Thailand' thats about the only hole they have in thier new structure is the high net worth retirees who they claim to want here.

just one queery I have with the rule of having 800000 baht in the bank for retirement visa do they take into consideration any payments that are made from foreign countrys eg disability or aged pensions
The short answer: yes.

If you don't have B800,000 in a Thai bank, the "shortfall" can be in the form of verified income for the difference.

e.g. If you have only B600,000 in the Thai bank, and can verify income of B200,000/year (roughly B16,700/month) you will satisfy the B800,000 requirement.

To support your claim of income: If you are doing the visa application in Thailand you will need a letter of income-verification from you home country's embassy in Bangkok. If you are doing the visa application (O-A) in your home country, check what the income-verification procedure will be at the Thai embassy/consulate where you will be applying.


On reading the views it appears that the imposed immigration visa ACTS are having the desired affect and clearing out lots of the dross.

These scum are not community minded people and do not create any benefits for Thailand whatsoever, including the illegal business controllers, bars, pimps etc.

They can try dregging off to Thailand`s neighbouring countries, but will discover that they don`t want them either.

Hopefully this new ACT will make the legitimate Farang long stay residents, (Retired, marrieds, students, skilled workers) presents more valued in Thailand and pave the way for decent Farang communities, especially in Chiang Mai.

My advice is, if anyone is considering residing long term in Thailand, survey first prior to coming over or even better, stay here for a short time to see if Thailand is for you.

Ensure that you can comply with all the imposed immigration requirements and consider what your financial situation may be in the long term future. Can`t live up to the immigration requirements, you`re history, it`s that simple.

Dont think about living here if you have serious health problems, no NHS here and medical care can be expensive.

Thailand is by no means a multi racial society, a Farang is viewed as a glorified tourist, by the authoroties and the Thai general public, whether married to a Thai, supporting her 2 mothers, 15 children and 20 uncles, makes no difference.

Laws and policies are becoming more servere for foreigners, mostly because Thailand is facing pressure from the West to stiffen up it`s relaxed immigration polices as anti terrorist measures.

Before coming to Thailand, study the facts about living here.

No point in griping afterwards when it all goes arse about face.

For those honest long term residents on non-immigrant visas, who can fulfil Thai immigration and abide Thailand’s laws, will succeed here, receive courteous help from the immigration department and win the respect of the Thai people and their Farang peers.


Well, well, well who is that scum that make the bom blasts, that for sure are not falangs that spend every month 40.000Bath.

Belief me the land of smile change in the land off tears.


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