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It's easy for me to understand the concept- Thailand wants genuine 2/3 week holiday makers once/twice/three times a year similar to Spain, France etc etc. Otherwise your not welcome!

Not that difficult to grasp is it?


As a passport holder of a European country I am entitled to move to Spain, France etc (live, work, buy land and house etc) withouth any embassy/visa/paperwork hassles.

Maybe I should jsut do that. Thank you. :o

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Well, well, well who is that scum that make the bom blasts, that for sure are not falangs that spend every month 40.000Bath.

Belief me the land of smile change in the land off tears.


LOS is so last year.

I prefer instead the Hub of Crackdowns. Or HOC for short. Patent pending. Check for details at www.thailand-hubofcrackdowns.com (another fine Shinawatra Media Enterprise)


You are guest of this country - behave accordingly and you will have no problems at all.


"Guest", "Guest"? Guests are invited and do not pay. We are not guests; we have chosen to visit Thailand, or to live in Thailand, for which we pay through the nose.

"We (in bold letters!) have chosen to .... live in Thailand." That's definitely one of the best I've ever read. Well, maybe unfortunately for you that Thailand is chosing whether they want you to live here or not.


It's easy for me to understand the concept- Thailand wants genuine 2/3 week holiday makers once/twice/three times a year similar to Spain, France etc etc. Otherwise your not welcome!

Not that difficult to grasp is it?


As a passport holder of a European country I am entitled to move to Spain, France etc (live, work, buy land and house etc) withouth any embassy/visa/paperwork hassles.

Maybe I should jsut do that. Thank you. :o

Maybe in 100 years or so there will be an Asian Union and you can freely move around between China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam without any embassy/visa/paperwork hassles, work wherever you want, buy house and land.


It's easy for me to understand the concept- Thailand wants genuine 2/3 week holiday makers once/twice/three times a year similar to Spain, France etc etc. Otherwise your not welcome!

Not that difficult to grasp is it?


As a passport holder of a European country I am entitled to move to Spain, France etc (live, work, buy land and house etc) withouth any embassy/visa/paperwork hassles.

Maybe I should jsut do that. Thank you. :o

Maybe in 100 years or so there will be an Asian Union and you can freely move around between China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam without any embassy/visa/paperwork hassles, work wherever you want, buy house and land.

Yeah that'd sure be alot nicer than it is now.


Comparing with Western countries where any long stay permission means government medical insurance, un-employment benefits, emergency social help and so forth, all paid by the tax payers, is just plain silly. Cheers!


You are guest of this country - behave accordingly and you will have no problems at all.


"Guest", "Guest"? Guests are invited and do not pay. We are not guests; we have chosen to visit Thailand, or to live in Thailand, for which we pay through the nose.

"We (in bold letters!) have chosen to .... live in Thailand." That's definitely one of the best I've ever read. Well, maybe unfortunately for you that Thailand is chosing whether they want you to live here or not.

Sorry it is our human right where whe what to live but every country think that thy can do every thing Thailand to. But thy do nothing about real problems like the moslim problem, the drug, and dont forget nearby every Thai run around whit a gun this are the real problems but not people that want live in a nice country.

Greetings billshot64

Comparing with Western countries where any long stay permission means government medical insurance, un-employment benefits, emergency social help and so forth, all paid by the tax payers, is just plain silly. Cheers!

Exactly. Thailand is not a western country.

People keep saying that Thailand is now a rich country and can act like a rich country.

Sorry, I don't see it.

Just look at average salaries.

Acting like a rich country is basically just putting on airs, puffery not based on reality.

Talk to us in 50 years after you have invested in upgrading your education system ...


"Guest", "Guest"? Guests are invited and do not pay. We are not guests; we have chosen to visit Thailand, or to live in Thailand, for which we pay through the nose.

"We (in bold letters!) have chosen to .... live in Thailand." That's definitely one of the best I've ever read. Well, maybe unfortunately for you that Thailand is choosing whether they want you to live here or not.

Thank you and you're most welcome. :o

Unless you, I or anyone else has had a personal invitation to visit or stay here, we have made the choice. Have you had the privilege of a personal invitation bestowed upon you?...I think not.

But, you are correct; ultimately, Thailand will have the final say.


"Talk to us in 50 years after you have invested in upgrading your education system ..."

The chance would be a fine thing, 'Thaiquila', as I am 71 years old now!!!

But there is a reasonable scenario that says that Thailand will be doing very well in 2057 (provided it doesn't let itself be swamped by incomers), but Northern Europe will be doing very badly.

Thailand will still be able to grow enough to feed all its people and have enough to export in exchange for whatever else it needs to house them comfortably. But the people in Northern Europe will be very cold in winter , when cheap gas and oil are no longer available.

Look at the UK. What will they be able to do to earn foreign credit that others, in warmer parts of the world, won't be able to do cheaper?

Those who live in cold climes desperately need fusion to be made to work, so they can have cheap energy to give them cheap electricity for keeping warm, but it doesn't look likely that the problems of harnessing fusion are going to yield.

Thaksin looks a lot at the future, and he is a business planner.

He may be seeing that it is time for Thailand to go 'upmarket' in what foreigners it caters for.

So, first improve the 'brand image' by being seen to have no truck with the 'undesirable'.

And what better way to do that than this change in the rules about giving 'permission to stay'?


I think you assume way too much rationale and long term strategy to these changes. Just look at how incredibly POORLY they have been announced and communicated, with no thought as to the real implications.

And consider another problem with Thailand's long term future: GLOBAL WARMING. That will bring famine, not riches.

Really rich people will mostly continue to be attracted to the places they have always been attracted to, and it is not Thailand.


Well, well, well again bomm blasts now at two schools in Songkhla citty the schools are now closst. And the Thai covernment can do nothing about it and stricter visa ruls also not. The bomm's come in part in Thailand after a group make the bomm a other group place the bomm again a other group detonaat the bomm.

Gr billshot64


If you have money to spend, you can also purchase "Thailand Elite Card" for 1 million baht. You bet a bunch of perks (free limo to airport, free golf, free spa for life, etc.) in addtion to the Special Visa Privilege. See below for detail about "Special visa privilege" or you can also see www.thailandelites.com.


* Special visa privileges for indefinite stay and multiple entries.

Perhaps the most important and attractive benefits attached to Thailand Elite membership are the enhanced immigration and visa privileges. Membership confers the right to stay in the Kingdom virtually indefinitely, with five year renewable multiple entry visas issued to all members - as well as renewable 90-day extendable stays without the usual need to leave the country. In addition, Elite Personal Assistant in Bangkok will be available to facilitate you when performing fast track immigration at Thai Immigration Office.

If you have 1 million baht, i think this is a good investment program. It's also transferable to anyone for another 30 years after the transfer.

What does this mean for those of us who go to Penang for a triple entry tourist visa twice a year?
The tourist visa is not mentioned in this announcement. Therefore, this announcement means nothing for you.

However, if you are working illegally in Thailand you should nevertheless do whatever is necessary to get legal. The basic policy seems to be the removal of foreigners working illegally in Thailand and if this new rule does not stop them the government may have other ways to do so.



Personally I do not understand the excitement of several members this forum caused by the new tourist visa on arrival regulations.

The typical tourist will come to Thailand most probably twice a year in maximum.

“Tourists” who are seeking other activities than normal tourists normally are looking for, should apply that visa type suiting their activities.

In Europe you have to play by the law, why not here in Thailand?

You are guest of this country - behave accordingly and you will have no problems at all.

By the way, the “new“ rules are just a consequent follow up of the spirit of old rules and visa regulation. Unfortunately the applicants over stretched old conditions too much.


These kinds of posts are really starting to annoy me. Can you please open your eyes? There are a significant number of people living in Thailand who do not seem to qualify for any of the visa options UNLESS they are going to permit endless tourist visas. What visa would you suggest a 40 year old retired American apply for who is not married to a Thai and does not wish to work or do business in Thailand?

well if it were me I would go to Malaysia or check out Cambodia I think they give 90 day visa but all in all I guess Singapore would be the best answer to your question

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